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Band Girls (Kira&LunarDysis)

She only blushed more as they said, 'I'm Sorry' in unison and she stepped out with Amina and saw Naomi and Kira grinning towards them. She looked towards Amina and watched her and she swallowed, she was embarrassed though she enjoyed the warmth of Anima's skin on hers. Made her feel calm and warm inside and her eyes traveled down from the bathroom door and towards Kira. Though seeing both Kira and Naomi looking at her in her nightwear. Just a tank top and a pair of panties still. Her hands rested on her thighs and she swallowed before she opened up one of her bags and pulled out a pair of girl boxers which hug to her thighs and hips. Pulling them on over her panties and she moved, grabbing herself some food.

Her eyes traveled up, locking with Amina's for a moment and her blush crept back up and she looked down.

Naomi glanced up and smiled, finishing up her food and taking it to the sink. Cleaning out the bowl and setting it into the small dishwasher. "Well for a few years now." She nodded her head and looked over towards Kate. "Kate got me liking you guys." She nodded her head and Kate swallowed. "I actually had to do a project in a class and find a song that I liked. I couldn't think of one, randomly typed in some words and up popped your band. And after listening to a few songs, I fell in love." Kate said with a nod and poured herself some cereal. "And then she made me listen to it." Naomi chuckled and sat back down.
"That's really cool" Kira said, listening to their story and offering a friendly smile. She noticed the added color in Kate's cheeks when Amina came back. She was able to tell that Amina was blushing a little herself, but then again she was used to be on display so she was able to hide it better. Kira and Naomi were taking up one couch leaving Kate and Amina to share the other. It was big enough for the two of them, but still small enough that their legs would touch on occasion.

Kira enjoyed watching the two try and casually avoid each other even as their bodies seemed to instinctively want to touch. "So what is on the schedule for today?" she asked looking over at Amina. "We'll have to ask Janth" she said with a sigh. Leaning forward and dialed a number into the phone on the coffee table. After a few rings a little screen popped up revealing their manager with his usual smile. "Hello angels" he said making Amina roll her eyes.

"How many times do I have to tell you Janth, We're too young to get that reference." Kira said. "Come on i'm not that old" he replied "How did you girls enjoy your first night on the road?" he asked obviously addressing Naomi and Kate. "If you need anything special just have Amina or Kira call me." "What's the plan for today Janth?" Amina asked. "Well you should be here in about two hours. You will have a few hours of down time to do what you want around town before you need to begin preparations for the concert. Just make sure that you are all there on time and in one piece, and that means no joy rides Kira." he said making her put on a fake pout. "I have to take care of some more business though" he said blushing. As he hung up it almost sounded like a female was giggling but it was hard to tell.
She moved to sit but saw that there was no more room on the couch with Naomi and Kira. She glanced up and then down before she moved and sat down onto the free couch and criss-crossed her legs a bit and she began to eat her food. Though watching Amina, almost not able to take her eyes off of her. Though finally she was able to tug them away and focus on eating her food though soon she saw their manager answer and she took another bite and she nodded her head with a smile. "It was good." Kate said and Naomi grinned, "Oh it was very wonderful." She said, snickering a bit and Kate choked on her cereal a bit and she sighed softly.

Naomi glanced up after he hung up and she hugged her knees to her chest. "Maybe once we get there we can go swimming. I think there's beach there." She nodded her head slowly and gave a light grin towards Kate. Kate sat in the corner, allowing room for Amina to sit down next to her if she would like to.
"That would be great. We haven't been swimming in a long time." Kira said perking up a little. Amina walked over and sat down on the couch with Kate. "We'll need to go shopping first. I don't think I have a swim suit along" she said. They usually didn't have a whole lot of free time while on tour so they didn't always pack much.

"I could definitely go for a shopping trip. You girls interested?" Kira pipped up looking from Naomi to Kate. "I know there are a ton of great shops near where we will be playing." Amina added. "We should change though before we get there." Kira said standing up and walking to the back.
"Great." Kate said and stood up, feeling her arms brush Amina's along with her legs and she smiled towards her before moving over to the sink. She rinsed her bowl out and put the dishes into the dishwasher and stretched. She watched Kira stand up and moved to the room, Naomi following suit to get her bag and get changed. Kate turned and opened her bag which was by the couch that they were sitting on. She knelt down in front and dug through her bag. "Hey, Sorry about earlier. I am..quite the cuddler when it comes to someone sleeping next to me."

She smiled and moved a bit to the side, waiting for the coast to be clear so they could get dressed. Undressing though she opened her bag and pulled out her white string bikini and pulled it on. Tying the strings around her waist and the top around her neck and bag. Pulling on a pair of blue jean shorts and she sighed, digging around to find her tank top.
"Don't worry about it" Amina said offering her a smile. "It's not like I didn't do my share of cuddling as well." Amina felt a slight blush color her cheeks as she watched Kate begin to undress. Living on the road and changing around Kira all the time she had never felt weird being around a naked woman, but catching glimpses of Kate sent her pulse pounding. Standing up she walked to the back and took off her shorts and shirt.

Digging around in her clothes she came up with a matching skirt and blouse. Slipping on a blue pair of panties and matching bra she put on the skirt and blouse. She smoothed the cloth of the skirt over her hips before grabbing her brush and starting to work out the knots that had developed over night.

Kira soon emerged wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans. She smiled noticing what Amina was wearing. She didn't even realize how much last night had affected her. Kira hadn't seen her friend wear a skirt in some time. She was trying to draw attention to herself without thinking. Picking up her own brush she began to work at her own hair.
She managed to find her tank top and she held it in her hand and she moved to the back as she opened the door after knocking. "What stores are you most wanting to go to?" She asked, only in her bikini top and shorts. It didn't really bother her as it felt like her bikini top was more of a shirt but she'd have to put a shirt on if they went to a store. "I think there is a small mall there. So there would be a few stores with some swimming suits." She said and looked over to see Amina in a skirt and blouse and she smiled. "You look good, Amina." She said and turned to move back to her bag.

Naomi giggled, having already changed into her black and pink polka dot bikini and was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a top. She looked to Amina and then over to Kira with a silly grin. She could tell how the two felt and she pulled her shoes on before leaving the room slowly to see Kate pulling her top along with her shoes.
Amina blushed at the compliment although she couldn't understand why. People all over the country thought she looked good and she heard it constantly. "Yeah somewhere to get a suit would be great. Is there anywhere that the two of you would like to go shopping at while we're there?" she asked walking into the main area.

Kira shared the grin with Naomi. It was fun watching the usually unflappable Amina fumbling around. "I know there are some good restaurants around town. We can grab something to eat after we go swimming" Kira offered.
"Okay." Kate nodded her head slowly and looked over to them, "I'm not sure. I guess we'll see when we get there." Kate shrugged and Naomi smiled before she nodded as well. "I can't think of anything else. So once we get there and get your things first. We can see." Naomi said and pulled her shoes off. Flopping down onto the couch and looked up to Amina and she grinned softly. She couldn't get over how the two were acting, it was way too cute.

Though she kind of wished that her and Kira were that way. But if that ever happened she knew that she would be acting the same way as Kate. Flushing and turning and running away embarrassed. But she pushed the though aside and bit her bottom lip.
"That works for me" Amina said flopping down on the couch. Kira sat on the other one with Naomi again. It wasn't long before the bus pulled up to the venue for the evenings concert. Standing up, Amina lead the way off. Before she stood up Kira leaded over and whispered to Naomi. "Let's have a little fun with them." she said winking at her as she stood up to follow Amina.

Amina stepped off the bus stretching out and sighing happily as the sun warmed her skin. "So much better to be off that bus" she said. As she waited for the others to get off she looked around. Hearing her phone ring she picked it up. "Amina it's Janth. I had a rental car hired for you guys so you can get around. The service should have dropped it off." he said before quickly hanging up. Amina looked around fearing that they would be driving around in some beat up old rental. Her mouth dropped when she saw it.

The care was perfect. A pristine white convertible shining in the sun. She couldn't hide the smile from her face as she walked over to it. She made a mental note to thank Janth for picking this out. "Kira look what Janth rented for us" she called out to her friend as she stepped off the bus. Kira's face immediately lit up when she saw the vehicle. "Call shotgun" she whispered to Naomi before calling out "I get to drive!"
Stepping out of the bus she glanced around before spotting the car and she gasped, "Oh wow.." She said and touched her cheek though she was brought back to reality as Kira yelled out she was going to drive and then Naomi yelled out secondly. "Shot gun!" And she watched her run over to the car and getting into the passenger seat.

Kate peered over to Amina and she blushed before she turned and moved over to the car as she climbed in behind Naomi and scooted over so Amina could get in behind her. She glanced around and brushed her hair to the side. "I can't believe he got this for you guys to use for today." Kate said with a smile and began to look the car over and shaking her her head.

"Hope you two are comfortable back there,"Naomi said. The back seat was a little scrunched together but all the better for Kate and Amina to sit closer to one another and she bit her bottom lip.
Kira quickly ran over and commandeered the driver seat before Amina could think about stopping her. Amina meanwhile crawled into the back unable hide the occasional peek of her blue panties from underneath her skirt. "Everybody comfortable" Kira said looking back at the two forced to sit touching each other in the back seat. She turned the key in the ignition bringing the engine to life with a roar.

Amina knew that Kira liked to drive a little wild, but she seemed to be making up for lost time. Every turn seemed to be made sharper than necessary causing her to press up against Kate or the other way around. Kira meanwhile was thoroughly enjoying herself. It wasn't often that she got to drive something with this much power.

"Here we are" she called out as they pulled into the parking lot for a strip mall near the beach. "That was fun" she said, turning off the engine. Looking over at Naomi she gave her a conspiratorial wink before climbing out. Amina followed doing her best to straighten her now wind blown hair.
Naomi was giggling with each sharp turn that Kira was making, holding onto the side of the car. Though Kate was only grunting and blushing with each turn she made. Causing Kate to practically lay on top of Amina or Amina on top of her. Though they stopped finally and she breathed in and ran her fingers through her hair and she smiled, getting out of the car and glanced down to the side as they moved to the small strip mall and she could see people staring and some gasping.

Which Kate could deal with, but when she saw a few fans gasp out and go 'Oh My God!' and rush over to Kira and Amina. Shoving both Naomi and Kate out of the way. "Move it!" One girl yelled and shoved Kate, almost knocking the wind out of her. She glared and the girls giggled, "We're such big fans. Oh I have the biggest crush on you, Kira. Me too Amina!" The girls cried out and grinned.

Naomi and Kate glared towards the girls. A ping of jealousy, but why get jealous? Naomi and Kate as well were just fans. One girl grabbed Aminas hand for a moment, "Are you single?" She asked with a soft giggle and Automatically Kate sat up with a glare, though her face flushed and she peered to the side, waiting to hear what Amina would say.
Both Amina and Kira stood their ground as the girls rushed towards them. They were used to dealing with things like this. "Sorry but i'm not on the market." Amina said taking her hand back politely from the girl. "See I told you this would work." she said giving Kira a playful punch. "We look just like them, we even were able to fool some of their fans" she added knowing that Kira would play along. They had done this act many times when the wanted to have free time.

"Yeah yeah you were right" Kira said offering her a smile. "Sorry to disappoint you two" she said turning to the girls. "We're not who you think we are." "We're just here to go swimming." Amina pipped up. "It was a pleasure to meet you two though" she said before turning to Kate and Naomi. "You alright they bumped you kinda hard?" she said softly putting a hand on Kate's shoulder.
She heard the words, 'I'm not on the market' she cocked her brow. Of course she was on the market, she was single. That confused her a bit though she stood up and the two girls gave a slight huff and both glared at Naomi and Kate. She glanced up and shrugged, "Yeah. I'm fine." She said and turned around, rubbing her gut a bit which the girl had roughly shoved into . "Lets go get your swimming suits." She said and stepped forward and she moved with them towards the stores.

Naomi stood beside Kira and Kate walked along side Amina. Her hands shoved into her short pockets and she glanced around with a small smile as she breathed in, wanting to hurry and get their things so she could go run into the ocean water.

(Short..bleck. Sorry.)
"Sometimes I can't stand some of our fans" Amina said tossing a concerned look at Kate. She felt bad about her getting manhandled that way. "Fortunately though that should take care of the worst of them for the day." Kira pipped up. "I saw how they bumped into you guys, you alright?" she asked so only Naomi could overhear.

"What do you think?" Amina said looking at the multiple clothing stores. "Might as well start with the closest" she said walking up to one. Immediately she was able to locate the racks of swimming suits. She and Kira started browsing through them trying to find something that they liked. "What do you think?" Amina said holding up a simple two piece suit. "I think you'd look better in this" Kira said with a grin holding up a tiny suit that could very likely get her arrested for indecent exposure.

Amina finally settled on something closer to what Kate wore under her clothes, only slightly smaller and pink. Kira on the other hand went with a red thong and matching top almost as skimpy as the one she had held up earlier. Paying for their purchases they went to the dressing rooms and put them on under their clothes. "Ready to go have some fun?" Amina said grinning at the other two.
Waiting for them they grinned as they were finally done, Kate cocked her brow at Kiras choice and chuckled softly. Though Naomi couldn't help but grin and had to stop herself from drooling as they nodded and left the store. "Lets goo." Kate said and skipped a bit happily out of the store with them and moved over to a changing room where Kira and Amina changed and nodded. "Yep." Kate said with a soft chuckle and moved over to the car and she stopped with Naomi and the two girls.

Both Naomi and Kate slipped out of their clothes, Kate tossing her shorts and shirt into the back of the car, with only her flip flops on and she smiled, wearing her white bikini and turned. Naomi wearing a two piece as well but not a string bikini and fully black. "Ready?" Kate asked and turned. Though moving onto the sand a bit to find a place to put their towels down onto she waited for the girls to at least get out of their top clothes before she cried out a bit. "Race you!" She said and turned, giving herself a head start and Naomi gasped. She cocked her brow and turned before running as well.

Though Kate gave a light scream as she reached the water and it rolled in, the freezing cold water splashing up onto her.
Amina and Kira both wore smiles as they walked back to the car. Both of them had to catch their breath for a moment as they watched the girls undress. Amina was able to quickly pull off her skirt and top and follow the two towards the beach, with Kira only a moment behind. "Oh you think so" Amina said chasing after Kate with a giggle.

Kate's sudden stop surprised Amina. Trying to brake herself she lost her footing in the sand and fell into the cool water at Kate's feet with a splash. Kira had to stop and take a break from laughing so hard. Amina couldn't help but laugh herself as she stood up.
Though after reaching the water and crying out she glanced up and gave another cry as Amina couldn't stop and she grunted as she hit Kate a bit. Losing her balance and falling down onto the sand and into the cold water, gasping out as she landed on top of Amina. "Uh.." She laughed as she heard Kira bust out laughing and she blushed.

Naomi laughed and sat down as well, "Oh wow, that was perfect." She giggled and stood up, moving over toward Kira. Kate stood up and blushed, taking Amina's hand and pulled her up. Though both soaked now and she laughed though bent down and splashed Amina playfully. "Come on!" Naomi said, grabbing Kira's hand and pulling her to the water.
Amina was blushing a little herself as Kate helped her up. She let out a growl as Kate splashed her "Don't start something you can't finish" she said before splashing her back. As Naomi gripped Kira's hand their eyes met, and for a second Kira gripped her hand a little tighter before letting herself be led off laughing.

When they showed up Amina was busy throwing more water at Kate and laughing. As Kira and Naomi showed up she splashed them for good measure. It wasn't often that they got out and were able to act like this so they wanted to make the most of it.
Though Kate cried out as Amina slpashed her and then soon Naomi and Kira as well. She turned and grasped Amina, tackling her into the water a bit. Though she surfaced and gasped out before moving so Amina could surfaced and splashing her a bit with a giggle. Naomi turned and grinned looking towards Kira. "Come on.." Naomi said before grasping Kira around the waist and tossing her into the water.

Naomi laughed softly and stepped back incase Kira was to come after her and she moved up onto the shore, giggling at the fun that they were all having with one another.
Amina let out a gasp at Kate's surprise move. Resurfacing she gave laughed and gave her a mock growl. Reaching over she took hold of Kate's ankle and pulled toppling her into the water. Kira meanwhile let out a surprised squeak as Naomi tossed her into the water. Surfacing with a gasp she looked over to Amina and Kate nodding to Naomi. Amina nodded and moved with Kira to grab onto Naomi's arms and pull her towards the water.

(little shorter than usual)
Kate gasped out and caught her breath just before she pulled her under by her ankles. She surfaced and breathed out, laughing as she splashed towards Amina again. Though she turned and looked towards Kira and then back over to Amina with a grin.

Kate looked to them and grinned before nodding and Naomi stepped back. "No!" She yelled and laughed as she stepped back. First kate moved out of the water and ran over to Naomi. Naomi let out a scream and giggled. Kate grabbed her and tackled her onto the sand with a grunt, getting sand all over her and holding her down til Amina and Kira got there.
Giggling the two girls took hold of her arms and legs picking her up and carrying her to the water where she was promptly deposited. Amina looked over at Kate now covered in sand. "Looks like you need to get cleaned up" she said with a grin before tackling her into the water to join Naomi. Kira looked at the three already in the water and shrugged before dropping in and splashing the rest of them.

Amina soon surfaced still holding on to Kate. "There all clean now" she said with a smile. Her eyes locked with Kate's for a second and she couldn't help but start leaning into the girl a little more when Kira's entry stopped her. With a slight blush she let Kate go and turned to splash her friend.
"No!" Naomi cried out and laughed before she was tossed into the water and caught her breath before surfacing with a gasp. She laughed and wiped her eyes and brushed her hair back before looking over to Kira and sticking her tongue out to her.

Kate glanced over as she was covered in sand and she gasped as Amina grabbed and she laughed out as she hit the water with her. She surfaced and breathed in softly, coughing and laughing. She looked as Amina's arms were still wrapped around her. She watched her lean in and she blushed, feeling herself leaning in slowly though she glanced over as Amina let go. She grinned and laughed as Naomi splashed them all.

If someone saw them it would be four girls, screaming and laughing in a splashing fest.
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