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Guilty Pleasure Movie?

Bride Wars or 27 dresses. I don't know why but they make me feel a bit nostalgic in a way.
What movie is your biggest guilty pleasure? Not a movie that’s good but one you like.
For me its the mid 2000’s Van Helsing. That movie’s so silly but I love it so much. You got vampire monsters, werewolves, electro-Frankenstein. I don’t think I’d say its good but I would say I love i

What movie is your biggest guilty pleasure? Not a movie that’s good but one you like.
For me its the mid 2000’s Van Helsing. That movie’s so silly but I love it so much. You got vampire monsters, werewolves, electro-Frankenstein. I don’t think I’d say its good but I would say I love it.

Twilight and I will die on this hill.
Probably Jet Li's movie The One. It was a big project for the time, but now it's an ode to edgy early 2000's movies with Papa Roach and Disturbed playing in the background of every action scene.
The Ooo ahh ahh ahh before Jet Li starts kicking ass is classic
Everyone laughs at me for this…

My guilty pleasure movie is 10 Things I Hate About You.

I enjoy the way that is artfully blends the wit of Shakespeare with the spirited heart of the 90s. It’s a rollercoaster of laughter and longing, with a side of sultry glances and sharp-witted banter. It's a classic romantic comedy that teaches us that sometimes, what we hate about someone can be exactly what draws us irresistibly closer.

Plus you have to admit that Heath Ledger was hot as hell in the movie and he sings (heart melts).
This is a guilty pleasure movie? It’s awesome. I don’t feel guilty about this one at all. It’s classic!
All the Jurassic park/Jurassic world movies ( minus the third Jurassic world) man I could watch dinosaurs hunt and eat people forever
The Dark Prince: The True Story of Vlad Tepes; By far one of the more accurate tellings, though the movie itself is underrated.
The Phantom of the Opera: 1989 Robert Englund version.

Horrible B-roll's include:
To Die For; vampyre flick from '89. Horrible acting and soundtrack, but fond memories of the period. The 2nd one is better-ish
Anything by Full Moon Features, especially the Subspecies, (1-3 are decent, go beyond that if you truly want cringe)
Hellraiser, the first two really, just for nostalgia purposes, even if some of the ew is gratuitous, Clive Barker's mind is delicious. (the books, are far better)
The Wolf of Wall Street and 300: Rise of an Empire.

They are...light entertainment at best, have some very questionable subtext if you think about it....But the music in Wolf of Wall Street is great and I can't hate a movie that includes Eva Green in a hatefuck-scene.
Alien Ressurection. No, it's not a good movie. Compared to how amazing Alien and Aliens are it has nothing on them. Just something about the tone and the cast I just really enjoy thatm makes watching it an enjoyable experience.
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