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Guilty Pleasure Movie?


Dragon Admirer
Aug 18, 2020
US CST (Chicago)
What movie is your biggest guilty pleasure? Not a movie that’s good but one you like.
For me its the mid 2000’s Van Helsing. That movie’s so silly but I love it so much. You got vampire monsters, werewolves, electro-Frankenstein. I don’t think I’d say its good but I would say I love it.
I am a big sucker for cheap, bad monster or horror movies. Movies with so incredibly bad effects, when you watch it with friends you can't but chuckle the whole time.
Probably Jet Li's movie The One. It was a big project for the time, but now it's an ode to edgy early 2000's movies with Papa Roach and Disturbed playing in the background of every action scene.
This one may be quite old but I have been spoiled for choice by the massive DVD collection at the house where I have been living. I watched the DVD of Easy Rider a few weels back and loved it... and I watched it a few times now. Not sure if it is a phase movie or a guilty pleasure though. I will have to say mine is Pretty Woman. I can always watch that, and yes, it is in this DVD collection!
My guilty pleasure movies are any Disney live-action musicals. Descendants, High School Musical, Teen Beach Movie, etc.
The Mummy (1999) 😋 it doesn't take it-self seriously, its full of fun and adventure and romance and so much cheeeeese :ROFLMAO:

Probably Jet Li's movie The One. It was a big project for the time, but now it's an ode to edgy early 2000's movies with Papa Roach and Disturbed playing in the background of every action scene.

This. Great movie. Thank you for the nostalgia reminder, definitely going to rewatch this soon.
Predator 2.

The first is a well designed action-horror-sci fi classic with a simple plot that just works. Big Macho 80s commandos with seemingly unending ammo just getting hunted and picked off by something way badder than them. It's iconic.

The second predator film, by comparison, is a hot mess. The characters are wack, the dialogue is screwy, and the two gangs fighting for territory in LA are hideously racist caricatures. The jamaican drug lord is standing in an alley throwing tiny animal bones on a trash can. Like, why though.

But its hilarious. Gary Busey is in this film, being Gary Busey. Bill Paxton is his typical loudmouth frat boy self. The drug gangs, while terrible and problematic, are so over the top and stupidly portrayed that it's hard not to glean some ironic enjoyment out of it.
Speed Racer by the Wachowski brothers. It really feels, looks, and moves like a live action cartoon. It's fantastically cheesy and over the top and revels in being silly.
My guilty pleasure movies are any Disney live-action musicals. Descendants, High School Musical, Teen Beach Movie, etc.

Badley made movies that you might see on Mysterye science Theater. Bad Horror movies. And also *points to quote above* also Disney Live action musicals and even non musical movies.
There are a couple of those, but I'd have to go with This is the End or Napoleon Dynamite

Those movies are a total way for me to disconnect and just enjoy some slapstick humor
Girl with the pearl earring (includes stuff I generally don't like, but I don't know)
Coup de grace (depressive mood)
Haven't watched that in forever, but watching Bridget Jones really hits the spot. Makes me all calmer and happier and fuzzy inside (maybe I should re-watch it soon actually).
Hotel Transylvania series. But I think it's because what I REALLY want is a new Addams Family series, and it's the closest we can get right now.
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