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Fx Any Currently Craving: The Chocolate Witch


Great White Cheddar
Jun 25, 2020
Hi there. Unlike my regular thread, this one is more of a single idea. It might be one I wanted to highlight or one I thought of after bumping the other. Either way, it's an idea I'm particularly interested in so hopefully someone else is interested too.

Let me begin by saying that I can be SLOW. Real life is always my priority. Sometimes you'll get multiple posts a day, sometimes it would be for a few days. I'll always try to reply within a week or let you know if something is holding me up. So, hopefully you're willing to be patient!

◇ The Chocolatier: My idea is that my character is a young witch who excels in culinary magic. Her specialty? Chocolate! She has a little shop where she sells the most wonderful tasting chocolates with amazing benefits. Love potions aren't exactly ethical, but she offers plenty other alternatives. Sweet treats for confidence, for lust, even some to deal with chronic pain! We can do this two was.
- The lighthearted way: maybe your character is a customer or maybe they just happen to run into each other. A nice slice of fantasy life romance.
- The way with more plot: this young witch seems happy but she's hiding secrets from her past, namely being on the run from her old coven. Maybe your character is hired to find her? Maybe your character just gets caught in the crosshairs.

I RP through PMs only and in the third person. DM if interested.
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