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House of Taboo (Lordhack and Lynisedel)

Kai felt odd as he walked over to a desk, his legs brushing together in a way that felt... odd some how. He wasn't sure what though. The papers he was reading didn't seem to be anything interesting, and he discarded them, looking up at the stair case, but not wanting to go up to the next floor without Kate, who was still searching the other room.
"Ugh this is all crap!" She almost knocked over the book case in anger. This whole trip annoyed her, having sex in an old musty room was one thing, not enjoying it made it worse and left her frustrated sexually. She angrily stomped out the room and into the kitchen there being no other doors. "So is the upstairs what's left then?" She asked coming from behind.
He almost jumped as she stormed in behind him, nodding slowly. "Yeah, house like this probably has a lot of bedrooms to search through. You find anything in the kitchen?" he asked as they headed to the stairs. He was certain that they'd find something here... they seemed to be almost a magic to the house, though she didn't seem to think it was anything but a frusterating house sitting abandoned in the middle of nowhere.
"Just old books, about druids or mages or some crap, like the discount bin at a used book store." She looks up the stairs from behind him. "You don't suppose we'd find anything there do you? It's a long shot." She sighed, knowing they'd go up anyways.
"If we're going to find something, it'd either be in a library, or a private room where there's easy access to it. If we're going to find anything, it'll be in this house. Come on, it won't take that long, you're not scared are you?" he teased, not sure if it was wise to do that to her yet, but unable to help himself, as the stairs creeked beneath them.
"I'm not scared, I'm just agitated at this whole waste of time." She flinched as the stairs creaked again beneath her. "Is this really safe?" She clutched onto him out of a fear she might fall through to the floor.
He felt comfortable when she grabbed him, and he grabbed a railing, going up the rest of the stairs. "Look, you wanted to come with me remember? Just a few bedrooms, if we're going to find anything, it'll be in one of them, then we can get out of here, alright?" he asked, uncomfortable with looking at her for too long after what had happened.
"Alright then I'll go first." She pushes ahead of him. "I won't get distracted like you will, I swear I don't know why you like this stuff." She looks at the dusty walls in disgust before reaching the end of the stairway and looking around.
"What do you mean get distracted?" he called after her, walking after her and looking around as she did. There were six doors, four clearly bedrooms, a bathroom they could probably safely skip, and a storeage closet.
"I'll take the closet door alright?" She rushes down the hall the closet probably having interesting junk the last resident left behind. Nifty trinkets and gadgets. She opens the door sneezing as she stirs dust up around her.
"Alright." he said, opening the door to one of the bedrooms. As the dust circled around her and she breathed it in, a few pieces of hunk, brooms and the like would fall over on her. She'd feel suddenly lighter, though she didn't seem to get any shorter, and feathers would be on her arms, as though they'd fallen out of the closet and stuck to her somehow.
Kate struggled to lift the junk that had fallen on her, as if her arms were lighter and couldn't take as much weight. She grunted as she uncovered herself from the rubble, brown feathers now stuck to her arm. "What the hell is this a costume room?" She pulls at one of the feathers feeling a deep pain. "Damn I must have got glue on me too."
"Find anything interesting?" Kai called from inside what he was sure was the master bedroom, a large kingsized bed covered in dust lying in the center. There was another large desk, covered in papers and books, and he sat down at a slowly decaying chair, took out his flashlight, and tried to see what it was used for.
The papers on the desk were full of strange symbols and circles, pictures of harpies, lamias, werewolves, and pixies dotted the sheets, strange words in foreign languages were scrawled on the old parchment.

Kate continued looking around, finding nothing interesting except an old doll set. A tiny ceramic doll of a little girl, a set of puppet strings and other child's toys.
Kai grabbed the papers, and put them in his bag. It might just be folklore, but he wanted to find out what language the writing was in, and if the markings meant anything. He didn't get an answer, and after he put all the papers in his bag, he walked out to check on her.
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