Parallel (LunarWold & GardianAngel)

Ariella was giving a startled gasp and was shuddering under him slightly in pleasure. "Master...." she whimpered, right at that brink of pure pleasure but she didn't dare go over that edge. Not yet anyways. Not until he allowed her to do that, or not until he went over the edge himself.
Ariella was arching up into him and was soon wrapping her legs around his waist, drawing him closer to her. "I will be a guinea pig for you to test your new creations on but only.... if you are the one that I am with in the end. I only belong to you." she spoke in a soft voice, although she found her voice being turned into a moan.
Ariella was gasping when he did that, and giving a cry of pleasure. A noise that she had tried to keep hidden, although that was far easier said than done. Especially when him pounding into her as he was, buried to the hilt inside of her.
A number of hours had passed since the pair had taken to having sex, and Ariella was currently passed out on the seat. His semen dripped from between her bare legs and she had various bite marks on her body from him. Not that she would really care when she did see it. Her breathing was a bit erratic, but nothing to be concerned about. They hadn't gotten any closer to their destination, although at some point in time the carriage had come to a halt once again.
Kodi looked at the door and sighed and wondered what was going on causing them to stop so frequently that he had been able to sate himself in her body several times and them having made very little progress
This time the stopping was done because they had too. They couldn't continue any farther with the carriages, or they were going to end up getting stuck. And the sight before them wasn't all that pretty. A number of dead bodies were just pinned up to the forest. Now they had finally reached the forest of the dead. "High General. We cannot go any farther in the carriages. We will have to go on foot, or on horseback." the voice spoke from outside of the carriage. Well good thing the person hadn't just opened the carriage door, or they would have definitely been in for a shock.
Kodi sighed and then looked at Ari "is it safe to rest for the night or do we need to keep moving?" Kodi didn't like the idea of leaving the carriages but if they had to they would
"Now that the sun has fallen. It would be wise for us to rest for the night. We aren't going to want to continue through this forest at night." the driver spoke. No they were in foreign territory now, not for sure what they were going to end up finding once they started going through the forest. Ariella was shifting a bit and curling up onto her side, shivering a bit in the cold but it seemed at that point she was sound asleep.
"then lest rest here for the night let the men know to make sure they all rest I don't want anyone tired in the morning" Kodi then looked at Ari and smiled it wouldn't matter if she was tired or not as she would ride with him.

while they had been traveling Aranya's clothing which had been torn beyond repair had fallen off and exposed her making it clear that where she should have scars were perfect skin as if it had never been touched
The fact that Aranya's clothing had been fallen off, had quite a few of the men just staring at her with very lustful looks. A few of them deciding that they were going to take advantage of it.
"What the fuck is that thing?!" one of the men shouted. This had Brayden coming up to see what was going on, only to see the downed Aranya laying there, but he was a bit indifferent at that current point.
Kodi came out as well dressed and then chuckled "its a guardian Demon we are close to that realm and she is part demon so it probably sensed her the only one who would have luck getting near her right now will be her master"
"I didn't know that we were going to the demon realm." one of the others were mumbling which had Brayden commenting that they were going to the demon realm. They just happened to be passing nearby it. His gaze did turn towards the forest of the dead that was in front of him, before he was ordering all the other men to go and make food and then get some rest.
Kodi looked at him "you need to take her to your carriage and then ask that little guardian demon what her species is and how to get her better when we get where we are going she is going to have to tend to you otherwise they will punish her"
"Honestly I wish I could just have left her back at the palace. All she is going to do is get in the way. Just like your slave." Brayden spoke before he was making a mental comment that he hoped that his fellow high general had had fun. There was a faint smirk on his lips and soon enough he was striding over and picking up the woman. "You attack me and I'll kill you." was all he told the demon and was taking her back to the carriage, placing her inside before going to help some of the men. No at that point, he didn't have the time to deal with her.

Ariella opened her eyes and just looked around a bit. It seemed like Kodi wasn't there anymore, and she was still naked. But at least she was covered up by something, probably why it seemed less cold. Sitting up she realized that she was rather sore and she wasn't overly keen on the dried semen feeling between her legs. But she would deal with it at that point in time.
"we have to follow orders Brayden and the king ordered us to take them with" Kodi then replied mentally that he had and that she should fuck his slave as well that it might loosen him up a little. Kodi helped those who needed it before returing to the carriage and pulled the shutters down on it while he would head what was going on outside no one would be able to hear them while they were in it
Ariella was looking towards the door when it suddenly opened which had her drawing the blanket around herself more tightly, to try and cover herself up a bit more. Although she realized that is was only Kodi, which had her relaxing a bit, but she kept the blanket wrapped around herself.
Kodi set a plate of food in before he stepped in and pulled the last shutter down and closed the door "there now no one will hear us this evening" Kodi then smiled at her and drew the blanket away from her
Ariella was just shivering when he was drawing the blanket away from her and was wrapping her arms around herself. Well he could see his marks on her as clear as day at that point in time. Her neck, chest, wherever else he had decided to mark.
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