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How to Care for Your Human [Gambuiness x Degu]

He looked at her for a moment too long and had to bring himself back from his daydreams as he saw her sitting down on the blanket, next to her. The whole scenerie seemed to only be there, to emphasize her beauty.
''Yeah, that would be nice. I am not often enough here.'' He sipped on his coffee and prepared himself for what would come next.

''Alright, let me tell you what I know.'' He told her about the car crash, how he vaguely remembered to try to heal Charles and to get him out of the car before he collapsed. How there were these creatures, when he woke up, that called themself Santfei. He told her everything they told him and about the organisation, that tried to kill him. The moment when they tried to break into his room and the Santfei disappeared through a portal.

''I was confused and didn't know what to do or where to go. Then a feeling started to spread across my body, I felt that you were in danger and knew what I would have to do. You know what happened from there, I created a portal, jumped through it to our house and saw you on the floor, threatened by the guy.''

What had happened to you during this day?
"We'll talk about it at some point, then." Falling into silence for a moment, she didn't speak as he started to explain the events. The car crash she knew about, just not the extent of it. It made her hopeful that Charles was still alive, and the fact that he hadn't been found at the scene pointed to it. It was a positive in a world of current negatives. She didn't understand too much about the Santfei he was describing, but the mention of the organization made her flinch.

"You felt that?" That was confusing, but it made her remember how she'd suddenly woken the night before. "I.. I think I felt it when you woke up last night." She gave him a strange look and drank more of the coffee. "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up for coffee and found Leta's note. Then everything else happened, and the next thing I knew you were there." Was it possible they were both feeling things about each other, even with a large distance between them? "It doesn't make sense to me. How is that possible?"
''I can't really describe the feeling that overcame me but yes, I felt that you were in danger and I knew, that I had to do something.'' he answered her honestly.

''For me neither. but since yesterday, a lot of things are not making a lot of sense to me. Have I mentioned, that the Santfei said to me, that they have Charles and are taking care of him?'' Charles, Leta, hopefully they are still alive and doing ok.
''I just hope, that they are trustworthy. That would be enough for me right now.''

He started to grin when he thought back to some memories with Leta. ''You know, I knew Leta since I was a child. She worked as a young girl at a house of a friendly couple of my foster parents. From the moment I met her, I adored her. Unlike most other people, she didn't acted strange or different towards me because of my eyes. She always just saw the kid I was.'' This memories brought joy and pain at the same time to him.

He never really had the time to think about, that the Santfei have told him the truth and that he is only half human. ''According to the Santfei, this organization wants to get rid of me, because they found out, that I can use a second spell.'' In a short version, he explained to Serenity that magicians normally only can use one spell, and that there was no known magician, who was able to use two. He told her, how he found out, that he can create and use portals and that this was, how he landed at the auction house by accident, where he met her.

A thought came to his mind, which he kept to himself. If a portal always brings the user to the place, he wants to go... What if it was no accident, that he landed at the auction house? What if something inside of him wanted to be close to Serenity, before he even knew her. Was that even possible?
He stopped thinking about this, he wouldn't find an answer to that right now.

One moment went by before he started to talk again. ''You really surprised me when you threw a fireball at that guy yesterday. You probably saved our lifes. Thank you. Have you ever done something like this before? How did the flames feel? Were they hot ot burning?'' He had so many questions and felt, that he asked her too much, so he stopped, drank a bit more of his coffee and gave her some time.
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She was sitting on her bed, thinking about the situation she was in, when she heard a shy knocking on her door. ''Is it important? Has Trevor already returned from his trip?'' Spitting his name out when she replied, she thought about the coarse face of the boss from this place. She was in no mood to get in contact with anyone else or to get accustomed to this hell hole again, all she wanted was the info and get away from here as quick as possible.
The door opened a bit and two shy eyes were looking through the gap of the door to her. ''What is it?'' asked Leta starting to get impatient. The door opened further and a young girl, not older than twenty years entered her room. It took her a moment but Leta recognised the young girl. She stood up and opened her arms, the girl immediately ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

Of course she remembered the little girl, that she found beaten and scared, lying on the street. That all was eight years ago, when the girl was still little. She took the little girl with her, took care of her and protected her. But she didn't needed much protection since she quickly won over the hearts of even the toughest guys here due to her carefree attitude, she developed over time at this place.
When Leta made her decision, to go to the auction house, hoping to find a new owner, she asked the girl to come with her. But in the two years the girl was living there, she thought of this place as her family, she didn't thought of this place like Leta did and didn't saw, what Leta saw. So she declined Letas offer and remained at the place.

The little girl had tears of joy in her face when she started to talk to Leta. ''I missed you so much. Did you come back to stay with us?''
''It is good to see you have grown to become such a beautiful girl, Sophie. I thought a lot about you and always was hoping, that you are doing fine.'' Leta didn't answer her question, she didn't wanted the girl to know, that she will be gone as soon as she could.
''I am doing fine, I live with Rick.'' In a quiet voice that still had a lot of pride in it she continued. ''We are together you know. He wants me to be his wife.''
It warmed Letas heart to see her little girl being so cute and happy. She couldn't have asked for more. ''I am so happy for you, So you and Rick are a thing?'' she replied with a grin.
''Yes, we are so happy. Why don't you come to us this evening and eat with us. I want to introduce you to him.'' she answered Leta.
Leta thought for a moment about her invitation. Since she would have to wait either way, she could although get to know this guy and see, how Sophie was living. ''Alright, come and get me when it is time. I can't wait to meet your future husband.''
Sophie got red at her remark about her future husband. ''OK, than I will come over this evening and show you where I live.'' With a big smile on her face, she gave Leta another hug and left Letas room.

Leta sat back down on her bed. 'Time really flies by. My little girl is a woman now. At least she seemed to be happy, that is good.'

Though Matthew took care of his worst injuries, right after the accident, he still had a lot of bruises and wounds all over his body. His arm and leg was bandaged, in addition he was still weak and dozed off from time to time. Due to the darkness in his room, he lost track of time and didn't knew, how many days had passed since the accident.

Sometimes he was able to hear voices in front of his door but he rarely understood what they said. What he knew was, that a guard was constantly in front of his door. He once heard them talking about him and understood the words, near death and that they had to keep him alive, no matter what. At least something.
He was sweating a lot and was sure, that he had a fever, probably from an infected wound. For the first time, he wished that he had allowed to store a bit of Matthews magic inside of him. It could take care of this infection. But his hate for magicians was the reason, why he declined Matthews offer. Sometimes the pain became so strong, that he would have given his right hand to have Matthew near him and heal him up.

Once again he felt the pain becoming stronger and he laid down on the floor, knowing that his pain would only become worse if he falls to the side when he became unconcious. A moment later, the pain grew too strong and Charles once again became unconcious.
"They have Charles?" Her head whipped around in surprise, her eyes going wide with a mixture of suspicion and relief. That meant that he was alive, but past that she wasn't sure. Matthew's uncertainty if the Santfei were trustworthy only made her worry increase some, but the fact that they had aided Matthew and kept Charles alive was good.. Right? Unless they wanted to use Charles against him, and that was their reasoning. She hadn't even known about the existence of the creatures, and his explanations had made her head spin. Seeing people with animal features was frightening enough to her, how would she react to see someone who was naturally an inhuman creature? It had taken some getting used to just with Matthew's eyes, and she caught herself staring at them for far longer than she had meant to.

"I can't say that I'm surprised Leta didn't judge. I would apologize for my judgment, but it was fully justified considering everything I've gone through." She shrugged. If anyone wanted to blame her for her fear of inhuman features, they could go to Hell. "But why would they want me? Until yesterday, I had no idea I could do.. Anything like that." She cringed, holding up a hand at the memory of fire forming in her palm.

"You don't need to thank me." She averted her eyes and finished off her coffee, cradling the cup in her hands. "No, I've never done anything like that." She shook her head. "If I had, I wouldn't have been subjected to the years of treatment that I was. I would have turned them into ash and run away once my mother died." When her mother had died, there was no reasoning for her to force herself to stay. There was no one to take care of but herself, yet she had remained trapped in the world of servitude.

"It didn't hurt. I don't know how hot it was, if it was, I wasn't thinking." Her first instinct had been to get the fire off of her hand, and she had been surprised when it had landed on the intruder. She was incredibly glad, though, as it had saved her from a fate that, to her, would have been worse than death. "I don't know what's going on. The fact that I can do that is.. Frightening." She shifted uncomfortably. "My entire life has been turned upside down. Just when I thought it was getting better, last night happened."
''I don't think, that they want you. They probably didn't even knew that you existed until yesterday. They want to get rid of me, because I can use two spells now. They probably are afraid, at least that would be my guess.''

Her words about, what she would have done in the past if she would have been able to cast a fireball already then, made him sad. There really wasn't much beauty in her life. At least until now.
''I know that this probably means nothing to you, coming from one who always lived a good life but I am truly sorry for the way life treated you. If I could, I would break up the structures of this fucked up society and give everyone a fair chance to reach his goals and the freedom, to do whatever they want. But sadly I can't do that.'' He looked towards the lake and thought about, how disgusting the society they are living in, is as he sipped on his nearly empty cup of coffee.

''What I can do is to ask you, if you still want to stay with us after everything that happened yesterday. The next days will probably get tough, I can't even promise you that it all will end good but I won't rest until I have Charles and Leta by my side again. And I would be happy if you stay with us too. But that will probably mean, that you have to meet the Santfei at one point too. Though I can tell you, that they didn't seemed like someone with bad intentions, quite the opposite. They seemed calm and very friendly.'' Remembering his encounter with the Santfei, he was sure, that they were not their opponent and right now, maybe even their only ally.

The image of Serenity throwing the fireball at the invader popped up in his head and the feeling he felt, when she drained the magic out of him. Or was it his magic, that wanted to be with her?
''Say, could you try to cast another fireball? I mean, of course only if you want to.''
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"So what, they came after me to get at you?" Was that how life was going to be now? "That life is over." She shrugged. "Or, at least, I hope it is." At least now she had the chance to hurt anyone that came after her, if she could figure out exactly how she had done it. "I'm staying." She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before opening them slowly. "Even if I didn't want to, where else would I go? I.. Like it. Not the way it currently is, but I was starting to get comfortable. It's nice to not be yelled at for small things." Another shrug.

"I guess we'll see if they're good people or not. You would know better than me, at this point." Meeting them was going to be nerve wracking, whenever it happened. "Could I..?" She set the cup down, giving him a strange look before lifting up her hands. "I don't know, it just happened. I was angry, and scared." Both things she was currently feeling, even if it wasn't as strong.

"Guess I could just think of something that makes me angry. Plenty of that." She thought back to her life before Matthew, of all the different things she had endured. But none made her angrier than losing her mother, than the neglect their owners had shown that had caused her death. "I hope each and every person that caused me loss rots in Hell." Spitting the words as she stared at her hands, she caught just a hint of flames. Not enough to do much of anything, but they started dancing at her fingertips the more she thought of it. It was only a brief moment though, that it grew, extinguishing quickly as she heaved a sigh of disappointment. "I don't know how I did it."
When she told him, that she will stay with them, he was happy at first but her remark about not having any other options left a bitter note. He knew that she was right, she had not too many other options. Right now he really hated the society they were living in even more.
''I hope, that one day, you stay at a place only because you want to be there and for no other reason Serenity. Be that with us or somewhere else.'' He meant what he said but he knew, that it would hurt him to see her happy at a different place. Still, as long as she finds what brings her to stay at a place, where she wants to be, than he would accept it.

When he saw the flames on her hand, he couldn't believe his eyes. From the academy he knew, that most magicians needed years to be able to even spark a little flame on one of their fingers. It was as if she just skipped the first ten years at the academy.
''Wow, that was impressive. Ehm, I have a theory but am not sure if it works. Would you lay your hand in mine and try it again?'' She looked at him skeptical and hesitated for a moment. He laid his open hand between them and a moment later she laid her hand in his.

The feeling that he was longing for so much immediately flowed through him again and he felt, how he relaxed his whole body. ''OK, do what you did a moment ago again. Think of that something, you thought about a moment ago and try again.''
When she looked at her hand and closed her eyes, he stopped her. ''Wait wait, better aim with the palm of your hand away from us. Aim for the forest for example.''

Her look told him, that she didn't like to be corrected but she did what he asked for.
She reached out with her hand towards the trees and started to concentrate. At first nothing happened, not even tiny flames but after a second, he once again felt a pull on his magic. This time it felt more, like she asked him to share his magic, not like yesterday when she demanded it and just took it. His own magic wanted to be with her but remained in him, waiting for him to share it with her.
He started to concentrate on his magic and allowed it to flow into her. Once he shared his magic with her, a huge amount of it went through his body, to his hand and over to her.

He heard a crackle from far away that became more and more intense. A moment later a lightning bolt rushed from the sky down through a tree into the earth. A short wave of heat washed over them that disappeared as quickly as it came. The tree was split in half and had a black burning mark in between the split up wood. It fell down to earth, one part to the left, the other half to the right.

He looked to the sky but there was no single cloud, it was a clear blue sky.
''What ... wow... That is not possible.'' He looked at her with an astonished look on his face, asking himself if he was still sleeping.
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"Why?" Her question was immediate as she stared hesitantly at his hand, torn between what to do before finally settling her own there. "Think about it again?" She'd been lost in a haze of calm for just a brief second, snapping back to reality as she huffed quietly. "About what they did to my mother while she was still alive? They can burn." She had barely closed her eyes when he was directing her, and she gave him an irritated look but complied nonetheless.

Her entire body felt warm, a tickling sensation that didn't come from any type of specific touch. The breath she took was shaky as she concentrated, eyes fixed on the trees until she saw the lightning. Shrieking at the suddenness of it, Serenity yanked away as her heart rate increased. The tree was half destroyed, thudding to the ground as she scrambled several feet back across the ground to stare at her hands.

"Did--Did I just do that?" She looked horrified, still staring at her hands before finally dropping them to her lap. "Did I.. Just split that tree? That's not possible, no. I'm sleeping, or I'm dead. I can't have done that."
Before the lightning bolt
When she told him, what she had remembered when she tried it at first, he felt her anger and her pain. He didn't wanted to ask her the questions that came to his mind, thinking it would only make her more angry. But has she ever experienced something good or nice in her life? Matt was hoping for her, that she although had some nice memories. Not just because of the idea he had in his mind but mainly because, he couldn't imagine a life without of anything good happening.
When this all is over and the gang would be together again, he would make it to his mission, that she experiences the beauty, life can offer.

Still shocked, he heard her voice and saw, that she was a few inches away from the blanket, sitting in the grass. He pinched himself in his arm, just to be sure. Definetly awake.

''Yes that was you.'' Seeing the shock on her face he realised how frightening this experience must have been for her. In addition her thoughts now probably remained at memories, she didn't wanted to visit too often.
He went over to her, sat down behind her and laid his arms around her. Not in a way, to hold her in place, just to show her that he was there. ''Yes that was you, you don't need to be afraid of it, you are now the one in control. Always remember that, this magic can't hurt you, unless you want it to. You decide, what it does. Flames don't just burn things and hurt people, they although can spend warmth and hope.''

''I am here and if you want to explore this new side of you, then I will be there and help you.''

Matthew had absolutely no idea, of what just had happened. Never before, at least for all he knew, was someone able to shoot a lightning bolt from the sky, a normal magician with lots of experience was only able to cast a fireball, like the one Serenity cast yesterday. This was something completely new.
During the time, when he had healed her, he felt that the amount of magic, she carried inside of her was not more than it was with most humans. Which is the reason, why she shouldn't be able to cast spells, especially not big fireballs or a lightning bolt. But she still did it, probably with his magic.

What although wondered him, was that he didn't felt exhausted. Normally the amount of magic, that flowed over to her was enough to leave him exhausted for the rest of the day but right now, he felt the same amount of magic inside of him as there was before she cast the lightning bolt. He understood nothing of what was currently going on here but somehow he wasn't afraid.
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"I just split a fuckin' tree in half." She made no effort to move away when he approached her, nor when he sat behind her. Even when she felt the arms wrapping around her she only sighed, leaning back against him and nodding. "I can't go around accidentally lighting things on fire, after all. One of these days it might be my hair." She managed a weak laugh, her hands settling on the arms wrapped around her. "And god forbid lightning comes again, I don't think I want to know the damage that could do." Keeping a firm hold on him but not squeezing, she sat there for nearly a full minute before letting her hands fall away. Still, she didn't move from her lean back on him, if anything, she situated herself to be pressed closer.

"So we can't go home," The term still sounded strange to her. "And it's just the two of us, right now. On top of that, I shot a fireball, and split a tree in half. At least it's not boring, I suppose." Not that life had often been boring, although she almost missed the times it had been. "I'm glad it's at least you that's here." She paused, eyes going wide as her hands waved wildly in the air. "I mean--I wouldn't be against Charles, or Leta, or both, but you're the best person for this, and I.." She hesitated, glad to be faced away for the moment. "I enjoy your company. Life doesn't scare me so much when you hold me." Her face went bright red and she cleared her throat. "So anyway, what do we do?"
Matt tried to suppress the smile that build on his face when she waved her hands through the air but he stood no chance. This was the first time that she said, that she was glad that he was with her. It didn't matter to him if it was, because Leta and Charles currently were not available, because he could help her with her new found abilities or mabe even just because it was him. ''I know what you mean, I feel the same.''
He remembered the confession he did last night and how it nearly backfired, so he decided to not delve further into it and tell her, that he couldn't remember the last time, he felt so happy and content. Instead he just enjoyed holding her so close and closed his eyes. ''Give me a moment, I need to think about, what we do next.''

He already knew what he wanted to try but wanted to enjoy this moment a little longer. Hearing the water in a distance, feeling the soft warm breeze surrounding them and holding her in his arms, from now on, this was his defintion of perfection.
''We will return to our home, together with Charles and Leta. Maybe it will take some time but we will.''

After a short while he opened his eyes again, Serenity too seemed to be lost in her own thought. ''Don't worry, together we will make sure, that your hair doesn't suddenly catches fire.'' he said to her with a grin on his face. ''I would like to try something else with you later on but right now, I think we should remain on what we did so far and try it again. Though this time, with a little different approach. I am ready when you are.''

This time it was her, who offered her hand and laid it open to the side of her on the grass. He reached out for her hand and started to talk to her in a calm voice when she started to concentrate. ''This time, I want you to not think of something, that fills your heart with hate and anger. Try to think of something nice or sweet. Something, that fills your heart with joy. Control the magic and combine it with something good. Don't think of the people you want to hurt, think about the people you want to protect. Allow the magic to help you, to leave your past behind, allow the magic to give you hope. ... Allow me to give you hope.'' When he said the last part, he allowed his magic to flow over to her, this time even before she asked for it. It was on her this time, to accept the magic he offered her.

She did just that and he felt his own magic flowing over to her.

It was different this time, the air around them warmed up and embraced them. It felt like a hug that covered up the whole body and protected them. As she raised her hand, he heard the crackle from far away and a moment later, another lightning bolt rushed down to earth near a bush at the edge of the forest. The lightning bolt wasn't loud and frightening like the last time, it rather was precise and directed to an exact spot.
At first he couldn't understand why the lightning bolt came down where it did but a moment later, he saw a scared huge bear coming out from behind the bush. He was probably looking for prey and saw the deers near the lake. Now he was running away from the lake, back into the forest.
"We'll get them back." Her voice had more conviction in it than she actually felt, but she stood by her words. If she had to go to Hell and back more than once, she was going to get back what was becoming her family. The thing she had yearned for, for so long, that had been taken away from her so quickly. Her hand went out at his words, settling into his own as she took a deep breath. The calm that started working its way through her body took a huge burden away, her shoulders visibly sagging in relief as she nodded. Eyes closed, she started to sort slowly through memories for anything positive, latching onto the first one she could find.

While there was a bittersweet note in the fact it would never happen again, she let herself drift into the light and warmth of the memory. It was like being cocooned, both in the peaceful moment and Matthew's embrace, a sigh of contentment leaving her lips. Her hand went in the air before she heard the noise, eyes opening as she spotted the bright light coming down from the sky.

"Oh, it's just a bear." As large as it was, the fear was obvious and her heart sank a bit. "It doesn't look like I hit it, though." Tilting her head slightly, she didn't let go of Matthew's hand even as she settled down. "That was.. Interesting. How many people can do that with lightning?"
This time she didn't flinch, there hands still innertwined he felt, that she remained calm. He always thought, that he was the exceptional mage but compared to what she just did, twice, it was like she is one with the magic. In addition, this time he concentrated more on the magic, that left his body and has been used by Serenity. It was definetly a huge amount but just like before, he didn't felt exhausted. The magic she took, seemed to be instantly replenished.

''No, it wasn't just a bear. Look where he was and where he was looking before you scared him away.'' With his free hand he pointed to the lake, where the deer stood. ''I think, you just saved a life.'' he said to her with a smile on his face.

Before he really knew what he did, he took his free arm back and laid it around her, giving her a hug. As soon as he realized, what he was doing, he retreated his arm, laid it back to the side and let it rest on his leg. ''Sorry, I didn't mean to ... well, I was ... you did that really good. I can't believe what you just did.''

Before the silence between them became awkward, due to his action, he continued.

''Well, that is the thing, there are only a handfull of people who are experienced enough, to throw a fireball, like the one you cast last night. But lightning, as far as I know, there has never been anyone who was able to cast lightning, let alone two in a row. How do you feel? Are you exhausted?''

Another thought crossed his mind and he thought about, to try it out right away. But in the end he decided against it, having Serenity so close just felt too good and he wanted to prolong this moment as long as possible. In addition, they had all the time they wanted today. As he thought about their current situation, he remembered her remark regarding her clothes. It would be too dangerous, to return to their home and get some clothes. Those people, that came after them, might still be observing the house and wait for their return. An idea came to his mind and it would possibly be their best chance to get some new clothes without of beeing seen by anyone. But they couldn't do that before late evening.
So they had plenty of time.
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"I suppose. It's just an endless cycle, anyway." Before she could even fully shrug there was an arm around her, a startled look crossing her face as she froze. Considering how much they'd touched the last day she shouldn't have been surprised, but her cheeks were turning pink nonetheless. "Thanks." It was the only response she could manage, letting her hands lay idly in her lap as she yawned. It was hard to believe she'd done any of that, either, it still seemed impossible. Yet there they were, there she was.

"That can't be right." She shook her head. There was no way she was the only person to cast lightning, hell, she shouldn't have been able to cast anything, but clearly something about being around Matthew made it possible. Was she somehow sucking up his magic and using it herself? It was the only thing that made even a bit of sense, and she shook her head again. "No more tired than I was from last night. I don't feel worse, or anything." Leaning gently against him, she held her head in her hands and closed her eyes. "It's all so much to take in. I don't understand how you're being so calm about all this."
''Magic is nothing new to me, it is what you do that baffles me.'' When he thought about, what options and possibilities she would have received, if she was an actual magician led him to more questions. Where would she be, what kind of person would she be. Those thoughts led to more thoughts and he realised once again, how little he knew about her. He never checked the papers he received about her, on the day when he bought her. Knowing how other owners treat their people was enough for him, to not give a shit about what they say about their slaves.

Luckily his hug didn't backfire and they both still sat on the grass, next to the blanket. '' In addition, I trust you. I know that you wouldn't start to fire lightning bolts at me. You control this all, so why should I be afraid?''

As he enjoyed her, leaning against him and he felt this immense connection between them, his desire to know more about her became too much and he started to speak. ''I remember what you told us, when I asked you to tell us something about yourself. The world as it is right now, doesn't give much room for a lot of people to dream about things, I know that. But still, everyone has their dreams and hopes. What would you like to do if you had the choice Serenity? Where would you be, who would you be if you could do whatever you wanted to?''
"It baffles me, too." Serenity chuckled quietly, relaxing now that the adrenaline of sudden elemental control had worn off. It was going to take some getting used to, if that was something she could do on a regular basis. Especially if she needed better control to be able to protect herself--and the others--then she would need to work on both her control and her emotions.

"I'm not sure trusting me is a good idea. Maybe it's not bad, either, but I don't know about good. Trust is a.. Strange thing. I understand it, but not in the way free people do, I guess." She shrugged and then froze. "What.. Would I do?" Shifting on the ground, she settled her hands down behind her and stared up at the sky. "I don't know where I would be, I didn't really get to travel a lot, at least never by myself." Another shrug. "As for who I would be.. Well, I imagine a happier person. That's what I'm trying to be now, but with everything going on, I'll settle for calmer. Less angry is a good start, it's just so exhausting being angry and defensive all the time." Picking up her mug and standing, she stretched out with a quiet yawn.

"I think for the moment, I'm just grateful to be alive, and that I'm with you," She flushed red for a moment before clearing her throat. "Rather than someone cruel. My situation could have ended badly, but I'm glad to have met you, Charles, and Leta. I look forward to us all being together again."
''I trust you nonetheless. The future will show, if that is a good thing, though I am already sure of it.''

He was sure now, that she enjoyed his presence, at least for now and of course she had to correct herself immediately by adding Charles and Leta to the picture. Still he couldn't deny how immensly happy her remark, about being with him made him.

''Me too, I can't wait to be with them again, it feels like a part of me went missing.'' His thoughts returned to Leta and Charles and once again he was hoping for their well being.

Matt knew, that they should go on with the day and not spend all day together on the grass but when she stood up, he was already looking forward to their next time so close together. Standing in front of him and holding her mug with the healthy wrist, it became clear to him once again, that she still wasn't healed up properly. Something he intended to change.
''We could start with the part of you being a bit more happy by trying to heal your wounds. I although promise you, that I won't overdo it this time, like I did the last time.'' he grinned at ther before he continued. ''But first let us make something to eat before we go on. There should still be some noodles and snacks in the kitchen, we could make use of.''

He although stood up and together they went to the kitchen. After something, that could not even be described as breakfast, maybe as something that eased the hunger on them, Matt stood up and cleared the table. ''So, should we get started? I would suggest, that we start with your wrist and take it from there. You could lie down on the couch or we go outside again. Whatever you prefer.''
"I would hope you don't overdo it, or we'll both be in trouble. I wouldn't suggest leaving me in charge of defending us, I may very well set the house on fire accidentally." Giving him a slightly amused smile, her eyes dropped to her wrist for only a brief second. "It will all heal." Of course it would hurt in the meantime, but it would heal.
"But it wouldn't be a bad idea to fix it up just a little. Doesn't need to be perfect." Following Matthew back inside, she moved around inspecting things casually as he put together a meal. Or at least the closest thing they had to a meal. It was enough to take away the gnawing in her belly, and by the time they'd finished she felt a little more comfortable.

"If we go outside again, I might actually fall asleep on the ground." Not that it would be the worst thing in the world, but probably embarrassing. "The couch will be fine." Rotating her wrist slowly to test it out, she then probed gingerly at her ribs and back. "Nothing's broken, just sore." Wandering over to the couch with a sigh, she stretched out with a small noise and looked up at him. "It won't hurt you this time? Promise?"
As she went to the couch and asked him to promise her what she asked for, he debatted for a short moment to lie to her, just to be able to heal her but decided against it. ''I won't lie to you Serenity, taking over the bad energy will not be pleasant or something I could just shrug off. It will hurt a bit but be gone as soon as my own magic took care of it. It will just be a moment, so all I could promise you, would be, that I don't overdo it.''

He although went to the couch and kneeled down on the floor, so that he could easily reach every part of her with his hands. Right now she didn't needed to know, that he additionally wanted to test a theory he had, if he is right, then he could heal her up completely without of feeling too much pain or losing big amounts of his magic. Maybe even none. Hoping that he was right, he looked her in the eyes.
Often times in the past week, she avoided his glance and he always thought, that she just didn't liked his eyes or felt uncomfortable seeing them. But right now, she looked him directlly in the eyes as he began to speak.

''If that all is ok for you, then please lay your hand down to your side and I will start.''
"Oh." Frowning at his answer, she averted her eyes for only a brief second before locking back on boldly. "Then don't overdo it." A large part of her wanted to deny his aid, to let him rest up after his ordeal. The other, more logical one, argued that he would be fine shortly after healing her, and she needed to be in her best shape as well. That side won out and she nodded, settling her hands at her sides and taking a deep breath.

"Alright, let's do this." Taking another deep breath, she closed her eyes and willed her body to relax. She knew the feeling that would soon spread through her body, and she centered herself by listening to the idle sounds of nature outside, feeling the warmth of Matthew's nearby presence. His presence, as it was, had steadily become a comforting thing, and she nearly reached for him once before reigning in her control and internally groaning.
She wouldn't allow him, to use extra magic to make the treatment more comfortable for her, like he did last time. So he decided, to not let her know, that he intended to do that.

Placing his right hand above her wrist, he started to concentrate on his magic and soon felt, that it left him and entered her body. For a brief moment he did nothing and just waited for the moment, that his magic would start to desire to be with her. But to his surprise, nothing happened. His magic remained in place and he felt no desire from the magic inside of him. Probably because he wasn't touching her directly.

As he started to send his magic to her, he concentrate on his magic, that it would feel pleasnt and nice to her and not like a needle that enters her skin. It took a bit more of his magic but he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Going through her bad energy, his magic removed it and transferred a part of it over to his own body, it felt as it always did. It drowned his own magic and he felt the pain of her wrist. After five minutes he stopped. The wrist wasn't healed completely but now he wanted to test his theory.

''Good, that went well and as you can see, I am doing fine.'' Though he knew, that she could see, that he was a bit exhausted, he was sure, that he would be able to go on. ''Before I continue, would you lay your other hand into mine? I would like to try something out.'' He held his hand above her body, making it easier for her to place her healthy hand into his.
Feeling the slight tingle that was the telltale sign of Matthew's magic working, she forced herself to hold still as the pain gradually faded away. Just like before, it wasn't instant, but the relief grew with each second until she felt the magic disappearing from her body again. She wasn't sure how long he'd been working on her wrist, and although it wasn't completely healed up, it felt good enough she could carefully rotate it.

"You're tired," Opening her eyes and speaking softly, a look of guilt crossed her face even as she remained still. He wasn't sweating a ton, or breathing harshly, so at the moment it just seemed like some fatigue. "I--Okay?" Giving him a strange look, she raised her other hand and placed it in his. "What do you want to try?" A soft sigh left her mouth unbidden, a sense of calm washing over her even as she shivered from the full contact.
The direct contact with her relaxed him right away and the little exhaustion became easier to handle. ''I came up with an idea. The amount of magic, a magician puts into a spell, defines how effective a spell can become. Young magicians, who learned the portal spell for example, are only able to travel the distance of a few feet. They simply have not enough magic inside of them, to travel further. The amount of magic, a magician carrys inside of him grows when he trains his skills.'' While he started to explaint to her the relation between magic and the power of a spell, he although concentrated on his own magic and if it felt different since they started to hold hands.

''The fireball you cast last night, would even leave the most experienced magician with no or nearly no magic left inside of him. That is the reason, why it should not be possible to cast lightning. The amount of magic to cast something so incredible, could never come from a magician.'' Still concentrating on his magic, he realised that it felt a little different. While it normally felt like a calm sea inside of him, now it started to feel as if waves started to create on the calm see. Waves that traveled into the direction of Serenitys hand.

''When you cast the lightning spells today and when you threw the fireball yesterday, I felt my own magic being drawn over to you. As if you would use my magic for your spells. If that would be true, then I should be out for weeks after you cast the lightning bolt, but to my surprise, I felt even better after you cast your spells. I can't explain how or why but I have the theory, that my pool of magic can't get empty, when we two are touching.'' as he mentioned them touching, he felt his cheeks becoming red.
''I just tried it out a moment before, while I healed you without of touching you and it felt like it always did, my magic started to fade away the more I healed you. Now I want to try it once again, while we are ...'' Matthew looked at their hands intertwined and felt stupid that he wanted to say, that they are holding hands. As if they are teenager who are doing something but don't want to talk about it. Clearing his throat he continued ''... well, while we are in direct contact.''
Great choice of neutral words Mr. magician. he thought to himself.

Again he closed his eyes and held his hand above her wrist. This time his magic rushed to his hand above her wrist instead of directly to the hand, that was holding hers. Before he even concentrated on his intention to heal her, a big amount of his magic left his hand and took care of her sprained wrist. But he felt, that his magic did even more, it wasn't just inside of her wrist and healing her, he felt that his magic was all around her wrist, making sure that she only felt a pleasant touch. As if his desire to be kind and gentle to her, that he just wasn't able to show her properly, now was the way how his magic treated her whole wrist.

And just as expected, his own magic inside of him didn't became empty. It was just as much as it was a moment before and in addition, he didn't really felt any pain coming from the negative energy. As if his own magic didn't just brought the negative energy from her, but although an intention. The intention to be close and the desire, to bring the family back together. Was that her intention?

When he opened his eyes again, he felt better than before and even was no longer exhausted, quite the opposite. ''Wow, but how is that possible?'' he said to himself.
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She didn't feel any more tired than a person normally would have, after the last day. Her hand hadn't felt singed, or sore even, not past her injured wrist. Yet here Matthew was saying flicking a fireball at someone should have nearly wiped her out, and then she'd turned around and cast lightning? Then on top of everything, she was channeling his magic into herself? It was almost too much to handle, her head swimming as her brain tried to work through the different concepts and understand. The understanding itself was achieved only because of Matthew's explanations, and even then it was still difficult.

"That... Doesn't make sense." Her head tilted slightly in confusion, the feeling clearly displayed on her face. Was he blushing? Glancing down at their joined hands, she slowly nodded her head as he closed his eyes. "Yeah, in direct contact." That was technically what they were doing, after all, no reason to feel embarrassed about it, but they'd been doing so much damn touching the last day.

"Oh." Her lips parted in surprise, eyes going back to her freshly healed wrist now. "That feels.. A lot better." It felt like she had never been hurt at all, and she stared down in awe. Every time she thought life, or Matthew, was done surprising her, something else came and tossed itself right in front of her face. "It doesn't hurt anymore." Flexing her now pain free wrist, she gave him a strange look before beginning to laugh. "You are literal magic, Matthew."
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