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How to Care for Your Human [Gambuiness x Degu]

"Oh thank god there you are." She had just started to panic when Leta finally appeared from another room, her shoulders sagging in relief at the sight of the older woman. "Right, kitchen, okay." Nodding her head as she followed along obediently, she started pacing around the kitchen nervously. "I didn't do anything to him, I swear! I didn't even touch him! He-He fixed the bruises and then the next thing I knew he was shaking and laying down and--and then he was asleep!" Throwing her hands up in the air frantically, she continued to pace.

"I swear I didn't do anything, and he told me to close the door. I didn't know if I was supposed to find a blanket to put on him, or wake him up, or what. So I came and found you. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do, but I'm not cruel. He got rid of all these damn bruises everyone left and now I feel terrible that I did--Whatever happened. What did I do to him?"
Leta finished the chocolate and placed one in front of Serenity and one in front of herself. She sipped from her cup and closed her eyes for a moment. ''Are you feeling fine?'' When she nod her head, Leta took a deep breath and started to talk.

''I guess that he offered you to heal your bruises after we left the kitchen right? You know, there are a lot of reasons, why only a very few magicians decide to learn the spell heal. Most people think, that it is about the money you can make but the truth is, that most magicians just are afraid of what the spell does to them.''
Taking another sip she continued, ''To properly heal a bruise or a wound, he has to let his own magic flow through you. We all have at least some magic inside of us. It is taking care, that your heart pumps faster when you are working hard and that you feel this tingly feeling in your stomach, when something good happens to you. Though it is just a little bit of magic that we have in us, it still is everywhere in our body. Most of it is there, where your heart is.''

Leta laid her hand on her chest and waited a moment before she continued. ''So when you had your bruises, your own magic tried to help your body to heal. Without of our own magic, this healing process would never start. The wound and the pain itself, is something that hurts you because it has been forced on your body. A negative energy has been forced into your body. Your magic is permanently working against it, to get it out of your system.''

Another sip and she continued, ''What Matt now did was, that he forced his own magic into your body, pushed your own magic aside and took care that his own magic returns to him with all the negative energy from your bruise. The bruise isn't just gone all of the sudden, he took it over and processed it through his own body with his magic. That hurts and is very exhausting. That is the reason, he is now asleep.''

She smiled at Serenity, ''I guess that you had more than just the bruise on your face right?'' When Serenity nod her head again, Leta went on. ''Did you allow him, to remove the other bruises too?'' Again she nod. ''He must really like you, the amount of people he did that for in such little time is rather small. Normally this takes at least a week, so he can process it more easily. But that is how he is, he thinks that he can do everything.''

Finishing her cup of chocolate she smiled to her, ''Your body probably feels really great right now, am I right? Still, this procedure although took its toll on you. It is always stressfull, when a foreign magic is forced into your body. You better go to bed now and sleep. Tomorrow everything will be good again, honey.'' She stood up and placed a kiss on Serenitys' head. ''You sleep well and I will cover him up with a blanket.''
"Yeah, I'm fine." She felt.. Great, really. The best she had felt in years. Listening carefully to the explanation, she held the cup tightly in her hands as the color left her face. "What?" Looking to where Leta put a hand on her own chest, Serenity touched hers with wide eyes. "But--" Her bruises had been terrible. She knew just by the way Matthew had looked at her they'd been bad. They had always hurt, but that was something she was used to and handled well enough, or so she thought. If he'd taken all of that into himself, it had to be excruciating for someone who wasn't used to that treatment.

"But--But, no, Leta, you don't understand how bad they were." Nausea twisted in her gut as she shook her head furiously. "My ribs--I had hand prints on my hip too. It took so long to get them to go away. If he did that all then I really hurt him. I can't just sleep knowing I did that!" At that moment it didn't matter to her that he'd bought her, or that he'd threatened her. Her instinct, as it had always been, was to protect someone who was hurting without good reason.

"I'll, uh.." She hesitated, staring down at her cup before finishing the drink. "I can do it. It can't be that hard to just put a blanket on someone, right? I won't hurt him or anything, I just feel bad. I didn't.. I didn't mean.. I wouldn't have let him if I knew. I'm used to it, I could have handled it." Sniffling quietly as she pushed the cup away, Serenity shook her head. "I didn't know."
Leta embraced Serenity in a tight hug and caressed her back. ''He knew that you are proud and that you would have never allowed him to do it, if you knew what it meant. That is the reason he hasn't told you anything.''
'What is it with them both, first they fight, then they are worried about each other.' thought Leta to herself. Kind of cute.

''You didn't hurt him, he knew what he was doing and how it would end. I will ask Charles, that he carries Matt into his bed. If you want, you can stay with him. There is a couch in his room where you can sleep if you want. It would help him, if we help his body to keep his temperature. He will sweat a lot in the next night. We can place a wet towel on his forehead and keep it fresh through the night. That is all we could do right now. But I want, that you go to sleep first, I can see that the exhaustion already starts to take over your body. You need to rest.''

Leta stood up and went to the door of the kitchen. ''Come, I show you where his room is.'' She went to Matthews' room and pointed to the couch in it. Aside from the couch and the bed, there was nothing else in that room. Overall the room was just as big as Serenitys' room. Leta seemed to have the biggest room though Serenity hasn't seen Charles room yet.
''You lie down on the couch and close your eyes, I will get a bucket with water and a towel, Charles will carry Matthew here. I start and will wake you up before I go to bed, ok?''

Leta left the room and returned a moment later with the bucket, a towel and Charles behind her. Charles placed Matthew on his bed. He was sweating and breathing heavy but aside from that, he seemd to be ok. Charles then left the room and Leta started to take care for Matthew.
"Stay.. With him?" In the same room? She could do that, right? There was a couch, it wasn't like she had to stay in the bed with him or touch him constantly. The guilt was already gnawing at her knowing the pain he must be in, the injuries he had pulled from her body. "I..Yeah, I can do that. I kind of owe it to him, I guess." Besides, she could always go and find Leta if she couldn't handle it, and let the woman take over for her.

"I'm fine." She wasn't, though, she was exhausted, and followed Leta without complaint. The room was large but mostly empty, and she trudged over to the couch to sprawl out. On her stomach. She could lay on her stomach without being in tears. "Okay." She nodded. "Thank you, Leta." It seemed like she had barely closed her eyes when Leta was waking her, and she nearly rolled off the couch in surprise at first.

"I'm up, I'm up. Yes, I'll get you if I need anything." Waving away the other woman sleepily, she'd set to work on wetting the towel and placing it back in its rightful spot. Losing track of how many times she'd done it throughout the hours, Serenity had finally settled down to sit on the bed beside Matthew, holding the towel against his head. He was sweating so much, and it seemed that no matter how many times she wiped his face it was always present. So many times she checked on him, so many that it left her curled up on the bed beside him at last.


"Go away," Burying her face in her arms, Serenity mumbled the complaint. "Make the light go away." It was so bright, and she tried to ignore the light until she realized she was in a bed. Why was she in a bed? Lifting her head slowly, she stared in shock at Matthew. "Oh my god." Why was she in a bed with the man who had bought her? Her ass hit the floor as she rolled over and out, landing less than gracefully with a small scream. "Holy shit."
He heard someone cursing when he woke up.

Aching muscles lay still in rebellion, ignoring his brains commanding them to move. He moaned as he tried to move his body and decided, to stay as he is. With his eyes he ckecked his room and saw Serenity at the side of his bed. The confusion on his face only remained for a moment until he felt the exhaustion return. It felt, as if he drank too much alcohol yesterday and in addition his body was covered in sweat. He remembered the last evening with Serenity and her huge dark bruises.

''Good morning.'' he said as he turned his head to her. ''How do you feel? Are the bruises all gone?'' He asked himself why she was there with him but decided to not ask her. Leta would surely tell him later how he got into his bed. Oh shit, then she would surely although tell him, how reckless it was, what he did. Something, he wasn't looking forward to.
''Could you be so kind and please bring me a water? I am so thirsty.''
"M-Morning." Staring up at Matthew from her spot on the floor with wide eyes, Serenity slowly nodded her head. "Yes, they're all gone." Touching her face gingerly to assure herself it was still pain free, she scooted back several feet before standing up. "Yeah, okay. Water." Staring at him in a bit of a daze and nodding again, she managed to stumble from the room and to the kitchen. Was it really morning already?

"Water. Just get the water." Making her way across the kitchen still half asleep and in search of a glass, it took several tries before she found one and filled it in the sink. All she had to do was take the glass back to Matthew, that was it. Just make sure he didn't pass out when he stood up, and she could let Leta and Charles handle the rest. Standing at the kitchen sink and taking a shaky breath, it was only after a long moment that she returned to Matthew's room with the glass. "Here." Only moving as close as she needed to, she stretched out her arm to hold the glass towards him. "You didn't specify, so I used the sink. I hope that's fine."
While Serenity was in the kitchen, he turned his body so that he could sit at the side of the bed. That happened with a lot of more groans than he would have ever admitted. Luckily no one was there to see that sad scene.

''Thank you, clear and cold, just what I need.'' He took a huge gulp and a drop of water went from his lips down his throat. A moment later the glass was empty and Matthew smiled. ''That felt good.''

''So since I am here and no longer on my couch, I guess you talked to Leta yesterday right? And from what I see around here I guess that you both took care of me last night.'' He looked around and his eyes returned to her. ''Thank you, really. One cold shower '' he closed his eyes for a moment and his face showed an expression of pain, that went away as fast as it came. ''and I am as good as new.''

''I would really like to see, how you walk to a shower right now.'' said Leta who just appeared at the door to his room. ''Honey, do me a favour and throw the old water from the bucket away and put some fresh cold water into it, would you do that for me?'' she asked Serenity.

After Serenity left the room she checked him up and luckily he didn't seemed to have any fever. They both didn't hear it immediately when Serenity returned.
'' ... and you although put that spell on her? Matt you are too careless, you can't give everyone you like that spell. You know that it will kill you someday.'' Leta immediately went silent when she saw Serenity back in the room, with the filled bucket.

''Thank you honey, I can manage the rest, you did great. Charles is right now at the bathroom but you can use it when he is finished. He will knock on your door to let you know that he is done.''
As she left the room, Leta let her anger take over and dropped the water from the bucket right onto Matts' head who screamed ''YOU CRAZY WOMAN, what's gotten into you?''
"You're.. Welcome." Yanking her hand back the instant he'd taken the glass, Serenity nodded at him. "I didn't do anything. I fell asleep, that's all." Protesting immediately and stepping back with a scowl, she shrieked at Leta's sudden appearance. Was she ever going to get used to people appearing? "Yup!" Already grabbing the bucket and heading toward the door, she waved lazily over her shoulder on the way out. This was insane, everyone there was insane.

"..kill you someday."

She paused outside of the room with the fresh bucket of water, nearly dropping it before going back inside. Staring between Matthew and Leta with a puzzled expression, she set the bucket down and took several steps back before leaving the room. She could worry about whatever work she would be doing once Leta was done with Matthew. Which by the sound of things, might be awhile. Jumping at the sound of screaming coming from inside the room, she fled back to her new room, slamming the door and leaning back against it.

"What.. the hell.. Just happened?"
''You wanted a shower, here please, that was your shower.'' said Leta. She took a nearby towel and threw it to his feet. ''Go on, pick it up, show me how fit you are.''

Completely soaked Matthew sat on his bed and glanced in her direction. He knew that he would only give her the satisfaction she wanted when he would try to pick it up. ''Sometimes I really regret that I can no longer sell you.'' he sad to her in a moment of anger.
''And I regret that I took your offer to stay here permanently, you way too big child.''

They were loud enough that the whole house could hear them. The door to the bathroom was slammed open and Charles hurried to Matthews' room. He saw the situation and rolled with his eyes. Picking up the towel, he threw it into Matthews' face, he then picked up Leta and carried her away. She became furious.

''Charles let me down, I am not finished with him, this boy needs a proper beating. Charles, I warn you, let me down.'' *thump* A quick noise then it all went quiet. One moment later Charles knocked on Serenitys' door to signalize to her, that the bath is free. When she replied with a yes, he opened the door and circled with one of his fingers beneath his head and rolling with his eyes. Then he shrugged with his shoulders widened his eyes and pressed his lips to one side of his mouth together.
After that he left her room and returned to his own. It finally was silent again.
It was so damn loud. Loud, and angry, and she clamped her hands over her ears to drown it out. Or, try and drown it out, anyway. This was her fault. If she hadn't let Matthew heal her bruises none of it would have happened, and now she was stuck listening to him and Leta yell at each other. The things he said in anger were frightening, but she was quickly learning Leta could be just as scary.

"Yes?" Jumping again when the knock came at her door, she slowly lowered her hands at the sight of Charles standing there signalling to her. "Yeah, that sounds about right." What exactly was she supposed to do now? With how angry Leta had been, and then how quickly she'd gone silent, that seemed a pointless route. If Leta wanted her help, she would come and get her. She didn't need another bath yet either, especially since she was still waiting on more fresh clothes.

"I'm living in a madhouse. A bloody madhouse." Spending only a moment in the bathroom before venturing back out, she peeked around before going back down to the kitchen. She could wait for food but she was thirsty, and she moved around the room filling a glass of water for herself. Just a few minutes, she would give it a few minutes before she went off in search of someone. Although that someone was likely going to be Matthew, by how angry Leta had sounded.
Charles entered the kitchen and when he saw Serenity, he smiled to her and gestured her to come to him. He showed her where the coffee beans are and how to handle the coffee machine right. There was a menu with different drinks. Under each drink was a letter written. Showing her, which glasses and cups where needed. Then he went through a couple of points through the menu until a third drink showed up at the front page. Under it was the letter S. With a few easy steps she could choose her favourite coffee drink and change it as she wanted. Add more sugar or milk than it was planned or reduce it out of a suggested drink. She could do it just as she wants.

Charles let her alone, so that she could create her drink, prepared the oven and put some buns into it. After that he put different foods on the table and returned to Serenity at the coffee machine. He put a cup under the outlet of the machine and pushed the button with the letter L. He raised one finger, looked at Serenity and smiled. The machine brew a strong coffee and added only a little milk. As soon as the coffee was finished, and the smell of coffee spreaded across the house, the door to Letas room opened up and she went to the kitchen.

She threw her arms around Charles and buried her face into his chest. ''You are the best, thank you. I don't deserve that.'' Now she was talking like a little girl, Charles on the other hand was smilling from one ear to the other. When Leta grabbed her coffee and sat down at the table, Charles put another cup under the outlet and pushed the button with the M under it. It was the same drink as Letas just with a little more milk. Then they heard a shuffling coming from the hallway. A moment later Matthew appeared in the doorframe, he looked at Charles, layed his hand on Charles shoulder and nodded to him. Then he shuffled slowly to the coffee table, sat across Leta and Charles brought him his coffee.

He placed another cup on the outlet, pushed on the button with the S beneath it and gave Serenity a warm smile. As her coffee was prepared by the machine, he took the buns out of the oven, put them into a shell and placed them on the table. The breakfast was ready. Neither Matthew or Leta looked at each other or said something but it wasn't awkward, somehow it was Charles with his smiling face, that put a positive atmosphere into the kitchen.
"Who am I making coffee for first, Charles?" Voice still laced heavy with sleep as she followed after him, Serenity inspected the coffee machine curiously. As with everything else in the house, it seemed pristine and of the highest quality; but the menu was what confused her. She had been certain that Charles was leading her to show her how to prepare Matthew's coffee, not to get herself some. "O...kay?" Staring suspiciously at the menu, she poked through the different options before realizing she had absolutely no idea how she liked coffee. She had drank it plenty over the years, of course, not not at her own luxury to where she could make it a specific way.

"That's.. Fascinating." Watching as Charles prepared Leta's drink, she hovered several feet away when the woman entered. It made her heart ache a bit to see how much love there was between them, eyes averted as she swallowed hard. The sound of feet dragging caught her attention and she took several steps back, eyes moving between their new arrival and the others.

"This is weird." Taking her cup once it was finished, she stared down at the steaming liquid and took her seat. "You look better, though." Glancing nervously at Matthew and then back down to her cup, she tapped her nails on it with no particular type of rhythm.
"Who am I making coffee for first, Charles?" Voice still laced heavy with sleep as she followed after him, Serenity inspected the coffee machine curiously. As with everything else in the house, it seemed pristine and of the highest quality; but the menu was what confused her. She had been certain that Charles was leading her to show her how to prepare Matthew's coffee, not to get herself some. "O...kay?" Staring suspiciously at the menu, she poked through the different options before realizing she had absolutely no idea how she liked coffee. She had drank it plenty over the years, of course, not not at her own luxury to where she could make it a specific way.

"That's.. Fascinating." Watching as Charles prepared Leta's drink, she hovered several feet away when the woman entered. It made her heart ache a bit to see how much love there was between them, eyes averted as she swallowed hard. The sound of feet dragging caught her attention and she took several steps back, eyes moving between their new arrival and the others.

"This is weird." Taking her cup once it was finished, she stared down at the steaming liquid and took her seat. "You look better, though." Glancing nervously at Matthew and then back down to her cup, she tapped her nails on it with no particular type of rhythm.
''Thank you, I feel better too. It is like I said, after a shower I will be as good as new.'' he said with a smile to Leta. ''You know that I haven't meant a word I said? But still, I am sorry, having you here permanently, was the best decision I ever made.''

A tear was running down Letas' face and she smiled back to him. ''I know, I just am constantly so worried with what you do. But never would I want to be somewhere else. Here is where I belong and where I want to be.''

With the peace restored the four enjoyed their breakfast until Charles pulled on Matthew's shirt and nodded to Serenity.
''If you don't mind Serenity, we are all curious who you are. We know nothing about you and you know as good as nothing about us. Would you maybe let us know, who you are? Where you are from? Do you have a family somewhere?''
''And of course, if you want to know anything about us, you can ask us anytime. We are not having too many secrets here.''
It was all so.. Wholesome, and it didn't seem real. The praise, the tears, and she sat there in what felt like ugly silence. Part of her wondered if she'd died and gone to Heaven, the other wondered if she was in Limbo just waiting to step through the gates of Hell. Neither seemed to be the case though, and she picked at the food throughout the meal. She was mid sip of her coffee when the question came and she nearly dropped it, catching it at the last second with a loud curse.

"You know my name, already." Speaking cautiously as she settled the mug back on the table, she stirred a finger in the remaining coffee. "Where I'm from?" She shrugged. "A few different places, I guess. Moved around until my mom got sick, then got stuck there. I worked for both of us." She took another sip of the coffee and shook her head. "No, I don't have anyone left. She's been gone awhile, they just wouldn't let me go. I mean, obviously. So I gave them Hell." What did she want to know about the people she was now living with?

"I don't know what I'm supposed to ask. I know you," She pointed to Charles, "And you," To Leta, "Are sharing a bed. I know Leta thinks you," She pointed to Matthew. "Are an idiot for overdoing things, and I know Charles just smiles and points me in the direction I need to go. I'm not.. Very good at socializing. I feel like I'm dreaming all of this."
Charles stood up when she mentioned the passing away from her mother, went to her and gave her a bear hug. He was surprisingly soft though his body only seemed to be made out of muscles.

Leta smiled to Serenity. ''You are not dreaming honey. You are here, with us.'' Charles smiled at her, placed her bag on her chair as if she weights nothing and nodded.
Matthew went on, ''We are not what most people would describe as normal. We are loud, we argue and sometimes we even scream at each other, except for Charles. But we although are there for each other, take care for each other and love each other. And yes, Charles and Leta share a special kind of love.''

Leta took over again. ''In this house, we are all the same. Humans with two arms, two legs and the heart at the right place. And we would be very happy, if you decide that you would like to be a part of that.''

Matthew finished. ''Right, we don't want anyone here, who not wants to be here. So think about it, I could bring you wherever you want if you want to leave. I heard there are kind of safe camps for normal humans outside of the town. We could look for them if you want to. Or you give us a chance. We are not bad people, just loud and sometimes crazy.''
"Nonono, don't do that!" Flailing when Charles wrapped her up in a hug, it took every ounce of her restraint not to start kicking and screaming. "Don't do that." Sitting stiffly in her seat once she'd been released, a single eyebrow went up slowly. "I can clearly see no one here is normal." No, Charles didn't talk, did he? Just the motions which so far, had been easy enough to read.

"Okay." She was already on her feet with her own dishes, looking visibly uncomfortable after Charles' unannounced, inescapable hug. "Don't do that again," Shaking her head as she took her dishes to the sink, Serenity rinsed them off thoroughly and stood there for what felt like eternity. The hug had been more startling than anything, the pain she'd expected never coming to be, now that her ribs were healed.

Placing a hand to her side gingerly, she probed around a bit to prove to herself it was truly better. Where could she even go, if she left? A safe camp was never a certainty, they could be raided at any moment and destroyed, sending her straight back into a captivity with far less freedom than she had now. The smart choice was to stay where she was and hope things didn't change, that it wasn't a cruel trick.

"I'll give it a chance if I don't have to start hugging and touching everyone." Hovering a distance away from the table once she finally collected her thoughts, her arms wrapped around herself as she nodded. "A chance."
''Alright, I will keep my promise and won't touch you, unless you ask me to.'' Matthew said to Serenity.
''And I will try to stop giving you kisses on your head. But Charles is Charles, when he gets emotional, there is not much we can do. But he will surely try. am I right Charles?'' said Leta and Charles nod his head.

''Great.'' Matthew smiled. ''Then let me be the first to say, we are happy that you are here and we all hope, that you will feel welcomed.'' A little too enthusiastic he raised himself from his chair and sat right back down as the pain kicked back in. ''Uuuhh, I might need another shower.'' he said with a big smile on his face, trying to cover the pain.
Leta just shook her head. ''It is your own fault but I will help you with your shower.'' she said with a evil grin.
''Oh no, I just rest for a moment and then I will go to the shower by myself.''

Turning back to Serenity he said, ''I am sorry but I will have to postpone the shopping until tomorrow. As I am right now, we won't go very far. I hope that you can deal with the clothes from Leta until tomorrow.''

''I have some good news.'' said Leta. ''It was clear, that we couldn't go shopping today so I went out very early today and bought a pair of shoes for you. I can see that my old slippers are too small for you. I placed them at the entrance, right next to the staircase. Take a look at them and if you like them and they fit, then keep them.''

Matt tried to stand up once again, but this time slowly. He shuffled to the door of the kitchen before he turned around.'' Sorry, but today I won't be able to clean the table. So Serenity, I would kindly ask you, to make yourself familiar with the house. You should know what is where when you live here with us. If you want and since you now have shoes again, you although can walk outside and make yourself familiar with the surrounding area. There are some collars at the entrance area. If you go outside, you should wear one so that no one gets the wrong idea. I mean ... you know, ... because you ain't got no tattoo until now. So that is a temporary solution. I lay down again for an hour or two.''
"Thank you." She gave Charles an awkward nod, having the decency to at least be polite. There had been so many touches since her arrival yesterday, and even though none of them had been painful, it seemed to be more overwhelming because of that. Another shower? Was there something specific about showers that helped him heal, or was it more of a way to escape from Leta's chastising him for being unwise?

"It's fine, I can't complain. As long as I have access to basic hygiene products so I'm not filthy, I can wait." Wait, he was going to be taking her shopping? It made sense, of course, but only served to make her more uncomfortable. Why couldn't Leta? Turning her attention to said woman, an expression of relief crossed her face. The slippers worked well enough but she was right, they were small and a bit uncomfortable.

"Thank you, Leta." She paused, looking at Matthew nearly limping away. "It's fine, I'll get it." She was already moving to pick up other dishes, nodding her head absently. "No." The response was immediate. "I'm not wearing a collar." She shook her head with a furious expression. "And Matthew?" On her way to the kitchen with more dishes, she paused and looked over her shoulder. "From what I understand, and what you're feeling now, you should take it easy. I think they broke some of my ribs that time, so it wasn't a small injury to take away." With that said she disappeared into the kitchen, taking care of the dishes before going in search of her new shoes. The thought of going outside was tempting, but the thought of having to wear a collar again kept her from braving it.
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Of course he knew exactly, how damaged her body was. He felt it when his magic entered her body and took care of the negative energy that was at her ribs, her muscles and her skin. But this behaviour was new, she seemed to be ... genuine worried about him. Before he could thank her she was already occupied with the dishes. He just grinned and shuffled back to his room. He felt good. Somehow. He liked this side of her.

Charles gave Leta a slap on her butt and left the kitchen towards the front door of the house. Leta grabbed some dishes and went to Serenity.
''Let me help you with these.'' She started to put water into the sink and to clean the dishes. After a few moments of silence Leta looked to Serenity. ''I am really glad that you stay here with us, you know? Sometimes it is really hard to be the only woman here, alone with two oversized kids.'' She smirked.

When she finished the cleaning and let the water out of the sink, she turned to Serenity and grinned. ''So you noticed, that Charles and I ... well you know ... are sharing a bed?''
"Not like there's anywhere else I can go." She shrugged, coming back in with the new shoes on. "If you weren't here, I wouldn't be either. I'm not living with a bunch of men." Shaking her head furiously, Serenity handed some of the dishes over for Leta to wash. "It wasn't hard to notice. I learned very quickly to spot when people are sleeping together, or when they want to sleep with someone. You guys are clearly.." She face a slight face and swallowed hard. "In love. In a way I'm not used to seeing." Stepping away and shuffling a few steps, she pointed down towards the shoes. "They fit very well, thank you."
''I am happy that you like them. As for me and Charles, I think you should get used to seeing this kind of love here. Because I don't want you to feel uncomfortable when Charles and I are around.''
Leta put the cleaning equipment back to where it belongs and reached her hand out to Serenity. ''Come, I show you the rest of the house.''

Meanwhile Matthew was back in his room and saw a couple of messages on his phone. A couple of other magicians tried to get in contact with him and left messages on his voicemail. There have been reports about a creature, that some people claimed to have seen. According to them this creature walked through portals and defended itself by throwing fireballs at the ones, who were chasing it.
The other magicians were asked to look into it and since Matthew was the leading healer of the magical commitee, he had to be present when they look into this case. And if they decide, that there would be a investigation, then he would probably be a part of it too.
"It doesn't matter if I feel uncomfortable." She shrugged. "It's not my business." Following after Leta, Serenity spent the remainder of the day exploring the house, learning where everything was. Since it would be her job, starting the next day, to help Leta with the housework, she made certain to remember the important areas. The next several days were spent learning her tasks, although she still didn't venture outside. Anytime she got close to being able to brave it, the knowledge she had to wear a collar immediately stopped her. She would have to wear it sooner or later when they went shopping, but she was trying to put it off as long as possible.

May 8

"I don't like this." Shifting uncomfortably and tugging at the collar around her neck, Serenity took a deep breath. "I hope we don't have to be out too long." She needed things of her own, but it didn't stop the panic that was steadily building as she continued to shuffle around. She had been dreading it since realizing they were actually going, and any possible excitement was countered by the near suffocating feeling of the collar. It was more a mentality than the actual physical feeling, but she continued tugging at it. "Let's just do this as quickly as possible."
The last week was crazy. He was more out of the house than at home. Together with the other members of the magical commitee he investigated the case and to all of their surprise, they found traces of remaining magic. What was special about it was, that a special investigation of the magical traces showed them, that this magic was not from a human.
Up to today, no other creature on the planet ever used magic like humans did. There had to be a certain level of intelligence, to be able to use magic and there were no other living objects on this planet, which would be capable of using magic.
At least that was what everything thought until that day.

After three days of intense searching, they lost the trail of the magic trace. Since no new reports came in about people seeing creatures, the commitee decided, to let the case rest until a new trail would be present.

Finally he would be able to keep his promise to Serenity. His guilty conscience plagued him since a couple of days but he was just not able to get enough free time, to go shopping with her. Not until today.

As he saw her, close to the entrance door, tugging at her collar he got an idea. ''Excuse me for a moment, I'll be right back.''
He went to his room, serached through his closet until he found a grey scarf. Quickly returning to Serenity he said, ''I know that it is not exactly winter outside but if you want, you could wear a scarf above the collar. That way no one would see it unless you show it to someone.'' He gave her the car and went outside.

''Charles is already at the car, so we can drive to the town as soon as you want.''
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