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The Cavern (LunarWolf @ GuardianAngel)

Akiza just looked towards him for a moment in time before she was commenting, "And you should know as well as I, that father doesn't often say no to me." There was a faint smile on her lips before she was going over and hoping up onto the side of the fountain, just watching him for a moment.
Akiza just looked towards him from behind her veil before she was stepping towards him on the fountain ledge. "You know... Nobody else is around. Just us. You don't need to be so stiff. You never use to be like this." she spoke, although her voice was soft.
Lo-Wen looked at her "sorry your highness but you know I can't" Lo-Wen wasn't going to test their security by calling her by her first name
Akiza just looked towards him for a moment in time before she gave a small pout, before she was twirling on her foot and was walking off along the fountain. "Then call me Aki when it is just us." she commented after a moment in time. A nickname, one that only he would know.
"Nope, I'm not going to let it drop. I may be royalty but I am also a person. I have a name, I have a nickname. I would like to be called by those now and again, or what is the point in possessing those. Most people don't even address father by those honorifics." Akiza was pointing out after a moment in time. No a majority of the soldiers called their lord by his actual name. The only time that they didn't is when the dancers were up there, or when there was a visiting noble.
Lo-Wen gave her a look that he had mastered over the years which informed both her and her father of when they were pushing their limits with him. while he was calm most of the time and often stayed out of trouble her also had an issue with his comfort zone being pushed
Akiza was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "No reason to give me that look. Forgive me for expressing myself, forgive me for speaking my mind." After that she was turning on her heel to head back towards the palace. Evidently her being seen rather than heard seemed to be the better option.
Akiza just held onto the hem of her dress as she made her way back into the palace, just flickering eyes around beneath the veil. It wasn't long before she was finding herself regretting walking into the throne room once again. She hadn't quite expected the horror that befell her. Evidently somebody had pissed off her father, and needless to say there was blood everywhere within the room. There was definitely a startled shriek from her at the blood that splattered at her from one of the people that another one of the generals happened to be killing.
Lo-Wen reacted quickly and pulled her from the room as he placed his back to them to block out the site and protect her. "lets go get you cleaned up I will have your ladies maid summoned to help you"
Akiza was just giving a small whimper when Lo-Wen was drawing her out of the room, and was just moving close to him, burying her head into his chest. This was the first time that a violent scene such as that had tainted her eyes.
"come on child lets go" Lo-wen guided her form the room and carefully walked her to her rooms so she could be cleaned and change
"breath now and forget all you saw" it wasn't the first time he had removed memories from her using this trick and he doubted it would be the last
Akiza just seemed to listen to his words, and for a brief moment in time she had a rather dull look in her eyes. Although he would have to try and explain the blood that was on her. "We were summoned?" came the voice of one of her handmaidens, which had her snapping out of her "thoughts" and she was looking towards them.
"yes the lady needs to be cleaned and changed one of the soilders becameviolently ill and spewed blood on to the princess he is of course being tended to as we speak at the princesses instructions he is being care for by the royal doctor"
The tallest of the two maidens was giving a nod before she was speaking, "Come along my lady, lets get you cleaned up." She was gently guiding Akiza away from the general, and off towards her chambers. While she did that the other remained behind and inquired, "What shall we do if she insists on going to see that soldier?" No they already knew what had more than likely happened, considering had a soldier truly become violently ill, she would have insisted on staying with them. And they had seen that dull look she had when they had walked up.
"i'll have it taken care of the doctor will say he didn't survive in time for them to save him" Lo-Wen hated taking her memories but he had to keep her safe he just hoped the king didn't find out
This had the handmaiden giving a nod before she spoke, "So if she wishes to go and visit, she can do just that." That is more so what she wanted to check before she was turning to leave. Although she did pause for a moment before she spoke "Thank you for always being there to protect her. We are always grateful. She is still a pure and gentle soul, which is needed in this day and age."
"she is but only because I have interfered" Lo-Wen then went to see that all the blood was cleaned up before she returned to the throne room
"While she has seen violence, she has never committed violence. And she has retained her virginity. General, I wouldn't trust the lord's new advisor, the man, much. Something tells me that he is up to no good, even the Lady is wary around him." the young maiden spoke before she was giving a bow then headed off towards the bed chambers to assist.
"please keep me informed and make sure the princessess chambers are sealed when she is and isn't present in them" Lo-Wen would deal with the male himself
"As you wish General." the woman spoke before she was closing the door behind her, and he would be able to feel the faint magic around the room.
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