Sapphire kept close to Riley as he was introduced, and after a long moment his need to keep his manners over came the want to just ignore them completely. "Good day to you three," he said with a polite nod of his head.
To his surprise, the largest took a few steps up to the small pony and held out a very large hand. "Nice to meet you Sapphire," he said with a heavy english accent. "My name is Issic, this here is smudge," he said, nodding in the direction of the black and white paint. Smudge nodded his head but didn't say anything.
"And this here is purdy," nodding towards the grey stallion. Purdy snorted and looked him up and down. "Looks more like a filly then a work hand," he stated rather bluntly.
Sapphire took no heed of Purdy just yet and gave his hand to Issic. The Clydsdale's hand completely engulfed the small show pony's when he shook it kindly. The pony gave another polite nod to smudge, but sent a scathing glare at Purdy. "And you look as if you've just been thrown up by an ill cat, do keep your rotton tongue to yourself Purdy," he stated rather bluntly.