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Secrets (AllThingsCuddly/Gumdrop)

Oliver looked away only to hear a gunshot, he instantly moved closer to Jeremiah, "Jeremiah!" he looked over toward the window, "What the fuck Lucien! That was uncalled for!" he screamed after the man before looking at the blood that was gushing from his gut, "He shot you in the fucking stomach, Jeremiah! We need a hospital!" he said and did his best to shove the keys into the ignition and turn them. "Jesus, I-" he started, but he wasn't sure if he could manage to get Jeremiah into the back seat on his own. "Fuck," he said and grabbed the torn clothes that had been dumped into Jeremiah's lap and pressed against the wound in hopes that he could stop the bleeding somewhat. He looked around trying to find his cell to at least call an ambulance. He had never had to deal with this before so he wasn't really sure what he needed to do, "I-I'll call..." he looked around and still couldn't find his phone, he probably dropped it outside. He looked down at Jeremiah's stomach, "fuck..."
It was sweet that Oliver was trying so hard. He watched as the man pressed the torn clothes against his wound. "No... No hospital." He managed to say before shaking his head. Fumbling a bit, he opened the door and practically fell out before dragging himself towards the back seat. Instead he collapsed on the ground and stared up at the car. Oliver was kneeling over him. There were three of him. "I just need... To sleep." Using what strength he had left, he forced himself to shift back into wolf form. He jumped back up into the car and crawled into the back seat, curling up on the leather seat. The last thought to cross his mind before unconsciousness overtook him was that the seats of his car would be ruined by his blood.
Oliver did his best to follow Jeremiah out of the car, "You need a- don't tell me you just need rest, Jeremiah! Jer-Jeremiah! You fucking- don't think I won't take you to a goddamn vet!" he shouted at the wolf getting into the back of the car and rather quickly passing out. He stood up and paced next to the car for a moment and quickly looked for his cell phone when he didn't find it in a few seconds he decided to fuck it, slammed the back door shut, and got back into the car. He slammed the door shut and did his best to drive off. He made his way back towards the city, automatically heading towards his apartment as he did he looked around for a vet's office and just got more and more annoyed when he couldn't see one. Once he got home though he paused. He recognized a few of the cars, "fuck..." he murmured to himself and stopped to think about what he could do.

He looked in the back seat, Jeremiah did look a little better than from before...He needed to find them a safe place to stay until Jeremiah could heal, but where was that? Who was that with. His mind flashed to an old friend. "Fuck," he hissed again and drove off once more heading towards said old friend's last known place. He really, really didn't want to be here. It was a complete suburb type of location. He looked around for a moment and checked on Jeremiah. He bit his lip and sighed, "I swear to god..." he muttered to himself before he got out of the car and quickly went to the front door, ringing the bell and waiting.

"Oliver?" came a voice through the door before it opened to reveal a man.

"Hey, need some help," Oliver said, glancing back towards the parked car.

The man sighed, "what the fuck did you do now? Or should I ask who?"

"Ummm, a bit of both actually, please. It's just for a couple of nights at the max. I kind of have a with me though..." Oliver said, wincing a bit.

"A've got to be fucking- whatever, it just better be fucking trained," Haru said and left the door open as he headed back inside to get the guest room ready for Oliver. "You owe me!" he called back.

Oliver gave a small smile, "Anything you want! -er...well, almost anything!" he called back, wincing, he technically was still in debt to Jeremiah...He hurried back over to the car and opened the back door, "Jeremiah, can you walk just a little bit? I found a safe space for us to just be in while you rest. I still think I should get you to a doctor..." he said.
Jeremiah slipped in and out of consciousness. He could feel the car bumping along and had no idea where Oliver was taking him but he trusted him. Should he trust him? In the end the man had tried to defend him against Lucien's fury.

When her heard Oliver calling his name again, he opened his heavy eyelids and whimpered. He let out a huff then tried to stand but then whimpered again and collapsed back. "No, no doctor." He whimpered, not thinking clearly enough to remember that the man couldn't understand him.

He attempted to stand again and jumped down out of the car. It was a lot easier to force himself to walk, or would it be crawling? In wolf form. Though the pain got to him again and he fell onto the ground before curling up and licking at his wound.
Oliver kneeled down, "God...damnit, Jeremiah..." he looked back to the door "Haru!" he called and waited for the man, "Please, I- it's a long story but I can't go to the Please, just, can you please help me get him inside."

Haru came out of the house only to see a rather massive dog lying on his driveway. He saw the wound and his eyes went wide, "Oliver it needs a vet!"

"I know, I know, but- I just...I can't. It's a long story, please Haru."

Haru sighed and did his best to help carry Jeremiah into the house and into the guest house where he had laid down a spare blanket and pillow for the dog as well. "You've got until tomorrow, you understand. After tonight I want an explanation," Haru said and looked at the dog before sighing for what felt like the 100th time "I swear Oliver, you give me such a headache," he said and kissed Oliver forehead, "But for some reason, I keep you around. I'll be in the back working if you need anything you know where to find it or me," he said and headed out of the room.

Oliver nodded and smiled at the kiss to his forehead before he followed Haru to the door and shut it as soon as he left and moved over to sit down next to Jeremiah. He was constantly biting his lip watching Jeremiah's wound. He was terrified after all of this Jeremiah was going to die. It was the exact thing he wanted to avoid, now he had to come up with an explanation for Haru. Both in what the fuck happened and explaining Haru to Jeremiah.
The smell of a stranger drew near and Jeremiah lifted his head and was about to snap at the stranger before Oliver acted like he knew the man. He whimpered as they carried him. His leg was still wounded but it wasn't really bothering him. It was his gut that hurt the most. No sooner had he been sat back down again than he lifted his leg to lick at the bite marks there.

That's when Haru kissed Oliver on the forehead and he let out a low growl. Thankfully Haru left and Jeremiah snorted. Shaking himself a bit, he returned to licking at his stomach. The bullet was still in there, wasn't it? He began chewing at the wound, trying to find it. He could smell the metal, where was it...
He watched Jeremiah start to bite at the wound "Stop! You're...Jesus, this is why I said we should go to a doctor or a vet since you want to be a stubborn asshole," he said, getting up he headed to the attached bathroom and rummaged through until he found the first aid kit. He went back to Jeremiah and showed him the kit, "At least let me fish the bullet out or do you want to do it, biting at it is only going to cause more issues," he said, frowning at the other. He opened up the kit and found some alcohol and a pair of tweezers, he pushed the tweezers in the alcohol for a moment and pushed Jeremiah's head out of the way and frowned when he saw it was mostly just a bloody mess. He sighed and got up again, going to grab a washcloth and wet it with some lukewarm water. He moved back over to Jeremiah. He looked over to the door and quickly locked it. He had never had to fish a bullet out of someone before, but he had seen it done on TV, hopefully, it wasn't all that much different, or maybe Jeremiah would actually have some sense and use the tools that Oliver had gathered.
He looked up at Oliver and if he wasn't in wolf form, he'd have filled his eyes. But he stopped chewing at the wound. After seeing Oliver lock the door, he shifted into human form. "Here, give it to me." He muttered and took the tweezers. Closing his eyes and heading himself, he pressed the tweezers into the hole. The sting of the alcohol was harsh and made him grit his teeth.

The white hot pain was nearly enough to make him pass out again. He persevered though and managed to pull out the dented bullet and dropped it onto the ground. "Fuck..." He collapsed to the floor, laying there panting with tears streaming from his eyes. He was so still it seemed as though he had passed out but then he spoke. "Who was that man?"
Oliver handed over the tweezers and flinched every time he saw the tweezers fiddle with something though he was glad when the bullet was finally out. He moved over to the man, taking the washcloth and wiping the wound down a bit. Just trying to clean it up before he placed a bandage over it. He had figured he had passed out until he spoke. Oliver jumped a bit and looked up at Jeremiah. "He's a friend, Haru," he said, "He's gotten me out of a lot of tight spots..." he explained, "He'll keep quiet about us being here, well, me being here. Though I have no idea how I'm going to explain how I suddenly have a dog...I suppose I could give him a variation of the truth, he always knows when I'm lying," he groaned, "maybe this was a bad idea."

Once Oliver seemed satisfied with his bandage job on the other he started to clean up and put the things back in the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror and then glanced over to the door to the other room. He closed his eyes before taking a deep breath and moving back into the room, "'re a for real."
He listened to the half-hearted explanation of who Haru is and he sighed. Well, it was more than he deserved. He hardly knew this man and he had just thrown everything away. His entire life. Lucien, the pack... For a man he didn't know. "If you trust him, you can tell him the truth. I don't see any point in hiding anymore." He said and tears were once more streaming from his closed eyes, only this time it wasn't the pain.

"Yeah..." He admitted when the other asked about him being a werewolf. "Have been since Lucien turned me two hundred and fifty years ago." He admitted for the first time in two hundred years.
"Yeah, let's go with I don't think the whole truth is exactly believable...and I rather him not think I'm on drugs...again..." he said, shaking his head. He was about to move over to comfort Jeremiah when he laid the bombshell on him about being at least 250 years old. "I'm sorry...h-how long ago?" he asked, finding himself sitting next to Jeremiah. "Though...that is starting to explain Marcus being his son..." he said.

He hesitated before kissing Jeremiah's cheek, "I'm sorry...this is all my fault. I should have ditched when you-" his hand flew to his neck, where he had been bitten. The conversation that Jeremiah and Lucien had come flying to the forefront of his brain, "P-please tell me that I'm not going to be turning into a werewolf..." He was understandably concerned. He had so many other questions running through his head he wasn't even sure where to start. Where did you start in a situation like this? " that why you don't want to come inside?" he asked, wondering if he needed to worry about that as well, though Jeremiah had definitely been far more concerned with the bite than anything else that night. "So is what the gang thought was a gang...actually a pack?" he asked, "Oh! That's why you all were freaking out about my knife right? Silver hurts...kills...I'm so sorry, I didn't realize, honestly I didn't even know the thing was silver..."
He glanced over at the other when he commented on not wanting Haru to think he was on drugs again. He raised an eye brow but didn't ask. "Marcus was turned by Luc a hundred and twenty five years ago." He nodded.

Then the other started to bombard him with questions. He chuckled but then winced and grabbed his side. "I can explain everything when I'm a little more healed. I just... Need to rest. A gunshot won't kill me. But I can assure you, you won't become a werewolf... Well I'm 99 percent sure. Won't know for sure until next full moon but... That's why I was so aggressive about how I cleaned the wound. As for cumming, it won't effect you, it's more of... A really old school notion of not cumming inside someone." He smiled. "I guess I should shift back to a wolf. If you don't want to tell Haru the truth, he shouldn't come in to see a naked man laying on your floor." He chuckled again, followed by another since. Though he didn't actually shift yet.
Oliver winced when he saw the eyebrow raised, "I'll explain later," he said answering the unasked question.

He sighed but nodded as he listened. He supposed it was only fair, the man had got shot. "Yes, could have explained things then, don't you think? It would have been a bit better than what you did..." he explained, touching his neck again. He looked over to the door, "Normally, I would say it wouldn't matter, it's not like this is the first time I've had a naked man on my floor in Haru's house but given that you came in as a er...well I told him dog, yeah, he might get a bit suspicious," he said, chuckling a little bit. "Get some rest, I'll get Haru to give me some extra food for you when he makes dinner," he said, "Um...I think I remember you joking about eating raw that what you want?" he asked, tilting his head, just so he knew. He wasn't really sure when the other was going to shit back but at the knock on his door he jumped, "Y-yeah, just a second," he called and looked over to Jeremiah to make sure he had shifted back before opening the door.

"So...we might run into a bit of a problem," Haru said, glancing over to the dog.

"Haru, please, I promise we'll be quiet, you won't even know-"

"Your parents are supposed to come over for dinner tonight."

Oliver felt his heart drop. Okay, now he really was going to throw up. And with that, he headed to the bathroom.

Haru sighed and looked down to the dog before heading into the bathroom with Oliver, "Hey, I could always call and cancel, but they might already be on their way here, I just felt like I should warn you," he said.

Oliver thew up in the toilet and nodded, waving Haru away as he moved to sit down on the floor, with his back on the counters.

Haru frowned but turned and started to head back out of the room, pulling out his cell phone to try and call when he heard the doorbell ring, "shit. Stay in here, don't make a sound," he said and headed out of the room, shutting the door, though it was slightly ajar. Not seeing Oliver wave his arm in an 'okay' type of manner.

Oliver sat in the bathroom, not moving he didn't even go to check on Jeremiah. Then he heard it, his parents' voices, his body tensed as he listened to them. They were slightly muffled by the door, but he could still hear them pretty quickly. Then a much younger voice could be heard, his sister. He closed his eyes and prayed they would go away soon.
"Food would be good." He commented and then grinned. "Yeah. Raw meat... Well actually fresh meat is the best, the taste of hot blood gushing through my-" He made himself stop. "Sorry, it comes from spending half my life as a wolf. A lot of those instincts start to bleed through." He said, though when there was a knock on the door he grudgingly shifted back into wolf form.

In truth, Jeremiah's natural healing had him feeling a lot better already. His fur was still coated in blood but there was no longer any internal bleeding. If he really needed to, he could get up and move but the impact of losing his pack had him not wanting to move an inch. That is, until he heard the tenseness of Oliver's voice at the mention of his parents.

Oliver hadn't opened up much about his fAmily but he had admitted to them disowning him when they learned he was gay. He could hear Oliver in the bathroom getting sick and he wanted desperately to do something to make him feel better. Standing, he shook himself a little. He knew he must still look a mess, with all the blood coating his fur. Though shifting back into human form wouldn't be much better, seeing as how he had no clothes to wear.

He nodded open the door and looked out, setting eyes on the man, woman and girl that were entering the house. He watched them for a moment then moved to the bathroom and pushed his way inside. Once in the bathroom he shifted back and closed and locked the bathroom door. He didn't say anything, just leaned against the bathroom door and fixed his gaze on Oliver.
Oliver stared at the floor as Jeremiah shifted back and watched him, "They kicked me out when I was 16," he murmured, "In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have slept with the preacher's son or the quarterback," he sighed, "I should have gone to Haru as soon as they kicked me out, but I guess I was kind of ashamed. So I did what I could to make it on my own, got caught by the cops a few times for pickpocketing. It's a lot harder to not get caught when you don't have suburbia to escape too," he explained, slowly, quietly. "I think it was the second time that I got caught that Haru picked me up from the station. He took me home and we talked about how things were gonna go down. Haru was much more of a friend than a parent though," he said, chuckling a bit. "So, I wasn't exactly one for listening to the rules of the house. Granted, those rules were literally 'don't do drugs' and 'always wear a condom.' So it wasn't like I was breaking a lot of house rules when I stayed out late and hung out with people who I probably shouldn't have been hanging out with. Though I most definitely broke the condom rule...a lot," he said, giving a huffing laugh.

He sighed and finally looked up to Jeremiah only to look away when he had made eye contact. "I made a mistake one night when I was 18, I didn't realize that he was a cop...I also was much more focused on the idea of having sex rather than the money he was offering me and I got arrested for prostitution. I was too ashamed to call Haru and I met this guy who knew a guy while I was in holding...turns out that guy was Tony," he explained, "and you pretty much know all the rest. There are plenty of more stories and details in there, but I really rather not get into them right now."

He jumped at the knock on the bathroom door, "Oliver? You okay? I got them to leave, but they wanted to reschedule for next week, so... Anyway, I'm gonna make some dinner, come out when you're ready..." Haru called through the door and left.

Oliver bit his lip hoping that Haru hadn't heard him talking to 'no one.'
Jeremiah listened to the man's story and then nodded his head. The story was much what he expected. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "Back when I was a man... A human, I was what your generation would consider a straight edge. I followed all the laws, I minded my own business and I never put so much as a toe it if line... Until one day my employer decided he fancied me. You see, I was a stable hand." He grinned, "I know, I'm just full of surprises. He, on the other hand, was a high ranking noble in the court."

"Well, when the townfolk learned it our relationship they decided I had to be possessed by the devil or conspiring with demons because there was no other reason a man as highly esteemed as him would be enticed by a lowly stable hand. Never mind the fact that he came onto me and forced me into his bed. No, I was the one at fault and so they judged that I was to meet the hangman's noose. On the morning of the execution the town was attacked by a pack of wolves. No one was left alive, except for me. Lucien turned me and... Well I actually resented him for a long time because I was convinced that I had been in the wrong somehow. I thought there must have been something wrong with me, some sort of taint. I hated Lucien for saving my life. I hated him because I found myself unimaginably attracted to him. I hated him because his appearance was the end of my normal life and I would never get into heaven." He sighed. Thinking about Lucien right now was tough.

Thankfully that's when the knock came. He grinned at the sheepish look on Oliver's face. "People talk to their dogs all the time. Of course they don't usually talk back." He winked. "By the way, it's going to eventually occur to you how many secrets you confided in me when you thought I was Fido."

"Oh, don't leave yet. I want to shower and if he hears someone showering in his bathroom after you go out there he'll probably be suspicious."
Oliver listened to the other man's story and nodded, "So...basically we have the same story, mine's just less death-filled," he said, chuckling a little bit. "And before you ask, yes, I've fucked Haru. You could say he's my Lucien," he explained it that way, looking a bit saddened by saying that after everything that had just happened. He got up from the floor of the bathroom as the other managed to get him to blush on how many secrets he told Fido. He did have a habit to ramble to that dog...which he now understood was actually Jeremiah. "And you do realize that I'm going to be calling you Jer-bear every single time you become that wolf thing you attempted to pass off as a dog," he said, "And if you tell any one of those secrets to anyone else, I swear I will call you FiFi to every fucking person that asks if we are out and about with you like that," he threatened, frowning at the other.

When he heard that Jeremiah wanted a shower he moved over to it and turned it on, "which means we might as both get one...Haru is really observant, he'll notice I'm not wet if I don't get one too," he explained. He stripped out of the suit and set it aside before he looked at Jeremiah. "No need to waste water," he said, stepping into the shower and waiting for Jeremiah to get in before he pulled the curtain. "It's pretty creepy how you heal like that," he said, nodding to the wound, "it's so fast..."
When Oliver said that Haru was his Lucien, it actually released a lot of tension that Jeremiah hadn't realized he'd been holding. It explained their relationship better than anything else the other had said before and put him at ease. He still wasn't sure how Oliver felt about him, but he had just left his entire life for the boy and he was at least glad he hadn't chased him into the arms of an ex-lover that might entice him away. He chuckled at the other's threat. "Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. By the way, I'm sorry for everything. Trying to put you in a dress... Honestly I only made that part of the bargain because I knew you were there to spy on me and I wanted to see how far I could push you. When you confided in me how much you didn't like that though... Well that's why I got you a suit instead of a dress." He explained, showing that it had been a good thing that the boy had confided in the large over-sized dog. "And thank you for that night. I would have healed on my own but the fact that you would take such good care of me without even knowing me, it's what attracted me to you in the first place."

He watched as his companion turned on the shower then stepped in with him. "We'll have to get that suit to the dry cleaners as soon as possible." He said casually as he began to rinse the blood from his body. "My blood has already set into it but I know a guy that can get it out and won't ask any questions. And, you do realize that Haru is going to ask why you're wearing a $10,000 suit and driving a $200,000 car, which I'm sure was also fun for him to explain the blood-stained luxury car to your parents...." He trailed off and his eyes went wide. "Oh, my baby! The blood will never come out!" He exclaimed, but made sure to keep his voice low so that the other man in the house wouldn't hear them. As the blood washed away it became more apparent how well his side had healed. "The healing is mostly superficial right now. I could tear myself back open with too much exertion. Which means no rough sex for at least a few days. Although, I could just sit in the corner as Fido and watch you and Haru go at it while I pleasure myself." He said and winked as he teased the other. "All joking aside, we need to come up with what you're going to say to Haru. Even if he hadn't noticed the much deeper man's voice in here with you, he will notice that the dog you brought in with you that looked like it was going to bleed out on his floor, is suddenly feeling much better. Along with everything else..."
Oliver chuckled a bit when he mentioned the things that he had confided to the wolf, "Hey, you've already thanked me for that night. Plus, I did kind of think you were a dog, so sue me if I've got a soft spot for animals," he said shaking his head.

"With what money?" he asked, "I don't exactly have the funds to take anything to a dry cleaner. Do you still?" he asked, unsure of how the money situation worked after 250 years. Though, Jeremiah was probably set for life. Well, a human life anyway. His face dropped when Jeremiah mentioned how he was going to have to explain to Haru about the suit and the car and let his head fall onto Jeremiah's chest as he groaned. "He's gonna tie me to a fucking machine...that is going to be the only god damn way it's gonna be worth it to him. Oh god..." he mumbled. However, when Jeremiah joked about the two going at it he looked up, "You jest...if he seriously had to explain the car having blood in it, I will be tied to a literal fucking machine..." he said, "Probably with you in the room too...sick fuck," he said under his breath has an afterthought. He sighed, "I mean...I can explain just about everything but that. Granted it won't look great on me, but I can deal with that Haru knows I seem to always have a horrible sense in judgment when it comes to men," he said, looking up to Jeremiah, "not sure how you slid through that horrible sense of judgment. Though, arguably...since slightly horrible as you turned out to be a fucking werewolf."

"I trust him, I do...with my life, but I'm not really sure how he's gonna react to you being a werewolf. I'm still kind of reeling on that information. Like I'm kind of waiting for me to wake up at any moment..that or the devil coming in through the door and telling me I'm in hell."
"Oh, I still have access to all my funds. Lucien tossed me out of the pack, but there was always an unspoken rule that whatever money we earned was ours to keep. He doesn't even have access to my bank accounts and even if he did he wouldn't cut me off. Besides, with my degrees I can walk into just about any investment banker community and pick myself up a job that pays enough to buy that car of mine once or twice a year. I wasn't lying about the investment banking thing. It takes a lot of money to keep a pack of nearly thirty wolves living in luxury like that. Not to mention the fact that we were relocating about once every ten years..." He trailed off and grew sad again. "Lucien is probably already getting things in motion to move the pack again. That's the only reason I can see for him to shoot me like he did. It keeps me from trying to return with my tail tucked between my legs before they can disappear and then I'll never see any of them again."

At the mention of a fucking machine, he was all ears. "Oh, now that I would love to see." He said and wrapped his arms around Oliver. "I know we had an agreement, but things have gone so far out of what both of us could possibly have imagined. I don't expect you to hold to that agreement. It really was never about the money." Leaning down, he kissed the other sweetly on the cheek then pulled back and looked down at him. "I'll let you decide what you want to tell him, but if you need me to shift back into human form for him to believe you, then I will."
Oliver moved so he could hug the man gently. He did feel bad that because of everything Jeremiah had lost everything. He still was keeping the words of Jeremiah loving him out of everything. He was not ready to talk about that yet. "I'm sorry," he whispered, "I get him being angry with me...but he never should have been that angry with you, none of this was your fault," he said.

He rolled his eyes when Jeremiah seemed to approve of the idea of him getting fucked by a machine. He had to chuckle though, "I get the feeling you and Haru will get along quite nicely," he said, smiling at the kiss to his cheek before he stepped out of the shower and dried off the best he could with one of the towels. "Too bad I have to have you here as a dog...I'm pretty sure you'd just love to talk to him about his profession. Not to mention he did say that I owed him, which as much as you say we don't have an agreement, I intend to keep it. I'm a man of my word. So you have me until the end of the month to do with as you please. Which means I'm not having sex with Haru unless you want me to, but I'm pretty sure I know how I'm going to have to owe him..." he said, giving a small smirk. "But as you're a dog, guess you won't be joining in on the fun," he said, winking at Jeremiah as he wrapped the towel around his waist. "Come out when you want food," he said as he slipped out of the bathroom and headed out towards the kitchen that he knew Haru would be in.

"Smells wonderful," he said, smiling at Haru as he moved to sit down.

Haru looked over to the man and let his eyes look him over. "You doing okay?"

Oliver nodded, "yeah, it's been a long day," he said.

"I know I said I don't need an explanation until tomorrow...but I'm more than happy to hear it early."

"I'd really prefer to wait until tomorrow."

"Okay, though, had a fun time explaining the new car in my driveway to your parents..."

Oliver tensed, silently pleading that Haru didn't have to explain the blood. "Oh?" he asked.

"Yeah, they know I can't afford a car like that one...honestly, neither can you. Nor that suit you were wearing..."

"Haru, you said you'd wait until tomorrow..." Oliver groaned.

"Yes, yes, I'm just owe me...a lot."

Oliver groaned again and let his head hit the table with a soft thud, "Is it the old one or..."

Haru chuckled, "Oh no, I made a new one, I'll even set it up in your room. I need the self release latch tested along with a few other things."
Jeremiah let Oliver pull away and watched him dry off before he turned off the water. He got out and dried himself off a bit before shifting into dog form. He was still a bit wet, like a dog that had been towel-dried. With a smile on his face, he walked out into the kitchen and made sure to stand close by the two men when he shook himself off, droplets of water splashing Haru's back. It was obvious that Oliver had just gotten out of the shower and now it was also obvious that his new 'dog' just did too. He let Haru think what he would, though being the pervert that he was he knew that if he had seen someone come out of the shower with a dog he'd be wondering what kind of kinky shit had happened between them. Walking around the table, he walked over to Oliver and set his head in the man's towel-clad lap. He whimpered, looking up at the other with his big yellow eyes.
Haru felt the water splashing on him and looked back and down at the dog, "I also have a few new clothing items I need to try out..." he said, making sure it was very clear the dog was the one that made him remember these clothing items.

Oliver looked down at Jeremiah, "Oh and now you want food after pulling a stunt like that?" he said and flicked Jeremiah on the nose, "do you have any meat leftover? Anything is fine...preferably raw..."

Haru nodded and pointed to the fridge, "should have some on the bottom drawer, dinner's almost ready."

Oliver got up and grabbed a plate and the meat Haru had mentioned before setting it all on the floor. "Here, now behave," he said and went to sit down at the table.

Haru chuckled a bit, "decided to give him a shower too?" he asked, plating the pork chops he had made for both Oliver and himself. He set it down and grabbed the other frying pan that had assorted veggies in it and poured that into a bowl and set everything down at the table before he sat down.

"Uh...yeah, I uh...I needed to clean the wound he had, check to make sure it wasn't bad as it seemed. Turns out it wasn't. Lucky ass dog he is. Sometimes I swear he's a cat," he said, looking over to Jeremiah.

Haru chuckled, "does he have a name?"

"Jer-bear," Oliver said, smirking, "though he on occasion will respond to Fido," he snickered. "Hey, you have any of my old clothes? I kind of only came with the suit and I'd rather not wear that all the time while I'm here."

"Sure, not to mention it has blood on it like the car...but yes, I think they should be in the guest room, check the closet."

Oliver winced, "so you noticed that, huh?"

"You're lucky your parents didn't. Or else you'd owe me a lot more than you already do..." Haru said and started to eat. Oliver gave a weak smile before eating as well. They moved to eat in mostly silence, just talking a bit about old times or catching up on everything that had happened since the last time they had seen each other. Oliver carefully avoiding what had happened that day. Oliver seemed to relax as dinner went on, smiling a little bit more and joking around.
When Oliver flicked him on the nose, Jeremiah pulled his head back a little and sneezed. Damnit, why did he insist on doing that? Didn't he know how much more sensitive his nose was in this form? Probably. It's why he had done it. Asshole. Though he followed after the other to where he set the raw meat on a plate and sniffed at it. Bone in porkchops. It was cold but he couldn't very well tell the other he liked it to be heated to body temperature but left raw in the middle. He was accustomed to cold meat anyway. Plus this one had a bone to chew on! He eagerly plopped himself down on the floor, giving a low growl when Oliver said that he sometimes responded to Fido. Great.

His sharp fangs made quick work of the meat between his paws and he lay there, listening to the conversation. When the meat was gone he was only to happy to crunch and chew on the bone. It was a good bone and he could feel his teeth scraping layers off.

Haru didn't seem overly concerned with the fact that Oliver had taken his dog into the shower with him so when he was tired of chewing on the bone, he stood and stretched before walking over under the table. He began to sniff Haru. Leaning in closer to him, he pressed his face into the man's crotch, looking up at him. This put his tail brushing over Oliver's lap and he let out a low noise that sounded oddly like laughter. He loved fucking with people in wolf form and the fact that Oliver knew he was a werewolf only made it so much more fun to fuck with him.
Haru didn't seem to mind the dog until his face was pressed into his crotch. He pulled back some and looked at the dog, arching his eyebrow, "I assure you that's not for eating," he said, looking over to Oliver.

Oliver already was feeling the tail on his lap and he quickly grabbed it and tugged slightly. Not enough to hurt, but sure as hell enough to give a warning to the wolf under the table. "Perverted dog," he muttered and shook his head, his eyes widening slightly when he remembered how Jeremiah had shoved his face into his crotch when they first met as well. He moved to look under the table, "Get your face out of his crotch or I swear I'm gonna take you to the vet and have them do that fun snip snip action," he said. He sat back up straight and sighed, "sorry, he's a bit of a handful at times. Really need to get him into some obedience classes," he said, letting Jeremiah's tail go. Though the more he thought about it...the more he realized two could play at this game. "So, Haru...about the things you want me to test out? Surely you'll want to watch and we probably shouldn't have Jer-bear in the room when you strap me down and use your new machine on me..." he said, smirking a bit more.

Haru hummed a bit, thinking about it. "I mean, yes, I would like to watch, just in case you know anything I do love watching you. As for the dog though," he shrugged, "it's not a huge deal. I mean, if you feel awkward about it or anything we can just put him outside, my backyard is fenced in. Honestly, it's just a few clothes and the machine I need you to test out. Though, as you know I never mind bringing in other toys for you to play with," he said, chuckling. "I've got a new gag you haven't used before...keeps a person pretty muffled. Want to see if you can test the limits of it?" he asked.

Oliver nodded, "I don't really mind him watching, he's just a dog after all, but if he keeps up this misbehavior it might just be better to have him outside," he said. Though when the gag was mentioned he blushed a bit. He could only imagine how that would go down.
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