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Mx Female NSFW - Tails Deserves Something Nice


Aug 25, 2012
United States
Greetings, programs! I am AswanFox, and today I'm looking for something I almost never participate in: fandom.

I've been a fan of the Sonic The Hedgehog games for a very, very long time, and in particular, I've always had an affinity for Tails. He's a fun character, a friendly lil' guy who does his best to help defeat Robotnik and save the world. Sonic, of course, usually gets more of the spotlight, but Tails doesn't mind, he's off working on his next invention and is really too busy to worry about his share of the glory.

What I'd like to do is help give Tails a small reward for everything he's done, as it were.

In this scenario, I would be playing Tails as an adult, as I hope would be any other characters involved. It has been a few months since the last attempt by Eggman to take over the world, and for once in his life, Tails finds himself at loose ends. He finds himself puttering around his workshop with little to do; his old inventions don't really need tinkering with, and the muse has not struck for anything new. Tails' plight, however, has not gone unnoticed. Although he has never been good at exploring such things on his own, he has attracted a number of admirers over the years, people who care about him as more than a friend, and who think that at long last he ought to know it.

The long and short of it is, Tails gets a visit from someone special, or perhaps even a group of someones, as in the image on the left. The characters represented need not be the ones you pick, necessarily, nor do they need to be canon; OCs are fine too! Also, the setting for this would not be tied to any one comic or game continuity, so any character is fair game.

This would be largely cuddly and romantic, although as you can tell from the image, Tails might go a little harder than perhaps his partners expect. Kinks and such can be discussed! The best way to contact me is via PM.
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Hello, ladies and folks who want to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I'm looking for something a little more [I]extreme[/I] than normal.


I'm looking to do scenarios involving either Anthro Male on Human Female (AMoHF) or Human Male on Anthro Female (HMoAF). Would include slavery, bondage and more extreme kinks, depending on what you're comfortable with, although you can take a look at my [URL='']F-List[/URL] to see how far I'm willing to go. My character, however, would always be the dominant, either from jump or after a satisfying turnabout. The exact setting and characterization can be worked out between us; I tend to like the backdrop of my smutty fantasies to be, well, [I]fantastic[/I] though, so priority will be given to scenarios involving high fantasy, science-fantasy, hard sci-fi, cyberpunk, dieselpunk, etc. Brainstorming is expected and much encouraged!

I of course have a few possible images for what MC would look like! If there's one you'd prefer, be sure to let me know!
[URL='']1[/URL], [URL='']2[/URL], [URL='']3[/URL], [URL='']4[/URL], [URL='']5[/URL], [URL='']6[/URL].

I of course also have some images for anthro women that have really gotten my interest lately. If you need a faceclaim and don't have any of your own, feel free to take your pick! Bear in mind, if you have one of your own you'd like to use, I'd love to see it!
[URL='']1 ([COLOR=red]CRAVING[/COLOR])[/URL], [URL='']2[/URL], [URL='']3[/URL], [URL='']4[/URL], [URL='']5[/URL], [URL='']6[/URL], [URL='']7[/URL], [URL='']8[/URL], [URL='']9[/URL], [URL='']10[/URL], [URL='']11[/URL], [URL='']12[/URL], [URL='']13[/URL], [URL='']14[/URL], [URL='']15[/URL], [URL='']16[/URL].

I do have some suggestions, of course, which can be adapted to various settings. One would be that YC is looking to explore her submissive urges. To this end, she answers a personal ad by MC, who would audition her as his newest plaything. When she passes, her training as his slave begins, becoming more and more involved and objectifying over time. Another is that MC is being hunted by YC, but is captured by him after an unsuccessful ambush, after which MC decides to have some fun breaking her. Yet another might be that YC is lured somewhere by MC under false or understated pretenses, only to fall utterly under his power, loosely inspired by [URL='']this fun little story[/URL]. I will add more to this section as I think of things!

Though not strictly necessary, I would very much like to incorporate a "bad end" into a scenario. This might be YC being sold off on the black market when MC grows bored of her, maybe turning her into a piece of permanent bondage art, or even something worse, if you're so inclined. Another bonus would be if you were willing to play multiple girls, either at once or in succession; maybe other slaves, maybe a new slave after MC disposes of the first one. It might also be interesting to switch things up if we go for successive girls; maybe if the first girl was recruited, the next one is kidnapped, which would change the dynamic.

That's all for now! Although I suppose I should state that I can and consistently do produce multi-paragraph posts of what I'm assured are good quality, and can do so at least once a day. The best way to contact me is via PM; tell me what sort of character you want to play, and what kinks you want to include, and we'll brainstorm a bit before we dive in! Looking forward to hearing from you!

Hello, ladies and folks who want to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I am here today to tell you the story of Terex.

[[url=]Appropriate Theme Music[/url]][/center]

Sit and listen, mortals, to the stories of Terex. Terex was an adventurer in the age of myth; a beastman, the last of his tribe, who all perished on the march from the Plain of Dagg, after that land was swallowed by the angry sea. From youth to old age he made his way in the world; at times he was a lowly sellsword, at others a merchant, a meter of justice, a slaver, a thief, a scholar, a craftsman, a pirate upon the sea, a bandit upon the land, a soldier, a sailor, a general, an admiral, a rebel, a king. All these he was, and through all, he sought adventure and fortune. Sometimes he gained these, at others they were lost to him.

And so, the stories of Terex are many. I could tell you tales of the treasures and kingdoms he won, and the enemies he slew... but ah, I know my audience. Terex, for whatever else he was, can also be called a [i]lover[/i]. There are [i]many[/i] tales of the tails he knew in the course of his adventures; from barmaids to priestesses, queens and goddesses! Some loved him, some hated him, but none, I can tell you, ever complained about his performance.

Yes, [i]that[/i] got your attention! Well alright, let us see, where shall I begin...


So, for those who haven't guessed, Terex of Dagg is heavily inspired by the character of Conan the Barbarian. Swashbuckling adventurer in a fantasy world, seeking treasure, fighting monsters and rescuing fair damsels. For all that, of course, Conan was no hero; he was a bandit as often as a defender, and was more or less in it for the gold and women, even if he did have a soft side that occasionally showed through. Terex, of course, is no different. He'll take and sell slaves as easily as free them, for example, which may come up in our stories! 

Terex, specifically, is the last member of a foxfolk tribe which inhabited the Plain of Dagg, a lowland region of the world roughly analogues to the real-life ancient [url=]Doggerland[/url]. Like Doggerland, the Plain of Dagg was flooded and has disappeared, although unlike Doggerland, this was due to a ground subsidence caused by the spells of a powerful sorcerer, rather than sea level rise. This forced a migration of Terex' people, who subsequently died out while trying to find a new place to settle, leaving the young Terex as the only survivor; note: he is not the only foxfolk in this world, just the last one from his tribe. 

Since then, Terex has survived mainly as a mercenary, although he has dabbled in other professions as well. Due to a stint in the employ of a scholar, he can read and write in several languages, and speak nearly as many, giving him an advantage in dealings where the other party assumes he is only a simple barbarian. He is brave, but also cunning, and expertly wields a sword of [url=]orichalcum[/url] which has been handed down through his family since before the present age. He enjoys the finer things in life, and is not especially scrupulous about how he gets them, although deep down he does retain a sense of honor that can work its way to the surface on occasion. He can also be vengeful at times, especially when denied something he was promised.

The world Terex inhabits is large and diverse. Humans are the dominant species, found almost everywhere, but there are other races as well. The fantasy staples, mostly; elves, dwarves, goblins and the like, and also the "beastfolk" races, such as Terex' people. There are also monsters such as dragons and the like. As for the world in general, the level of technology and culture is mostly late Bronze Age, but with certain anachronisms of technology and culture thrown in for flavor, and of course the odd artifact of more advanced elder civilizations thrown in. Finally, there is magic; difficult and dangerous to wield, and not commonly used where other means will suffice, but extremely powerful. Sorcerers are akin to minor deities in this setting, although gods and goddesses are also very much a thing.

Obviously, this being BlueMoon, I'm looking to get Terex some action. At present, I don't really have a specific plot in mind, but I'm hoping the character will inspire some interest! Brainstorming and world-building is very much welcome, even if you don't have something right off! The best way to contact me is via PM.

I have an [url=]F-List[/url], as well, but in general I'll default to my partner's limits. I'm excited to hear from people!

Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a character and a scenario I've come up with.

The red-haired floppy disk aficionado there is named Milo Tyranne. Milo is a human from the planet Earth; what he is and where he comes from are important distinctions to make in the situation he now finds himself, but first some specifics about the man himself. Milo is from modern-day North America - the northeastern United States, specifically - and is 23 years of age. He's a little short - about 5' 5" - but is in reasonable shape. He graduated college with a degree in history, and like most people his age is working off a mountain of student debt.

Or, well, he would be, if certain events had not conspired to put him well beyond the reach of any earthly collection agency.

Milo is lost in space. How did he get there? Well, it turns out that aliens have indeed been visiting our world for a long, long time, such visitations often taking the form of raids to take human slaves, a rare and exotic good on the Galactic black market. Milo was chosen at random by alien slavers, and by the time he woke up on an alien auction block, he was in a completely different spiral arm from where he believes he started. Luckily for him, Milo was purchased by a mostly incompetent first-time buyer, upon whom he quickly turned the tables after the initial shock wore off; as it turns out, human pheromones - consciously undetectable by most humans - have a somewhat disarming effect on many aliens.

And so, Milo finds himself in possession of a ship and a merchant license. With these, he must survive and make his way in life, far from home, but not wanting for company...

Milo is a freighter pilot, the proud captain of the Bolide, a converted Intractable-class torpedo boat which was rescued from a scrapyard by its original owner. The Bolide - unified spacecraft registry number SSX-1128-242 - serves as Milo's personal conveyance, primary source of income and home. 90 meters long, it can carry roughly 1,000 standard tons of cargo and has a theoretical crew of 12, although Milo has modified the ship to be flown by only himself. The Bolide is armed with a single forward-firing particle blaster, all of her military-spec torpedo launchers and their magazines having been removed in favor of cargo space, as well as conforming with interstellar laws against high-power weapon systems on civilian craft. The ship does retain her military-spec drive systems and inertial dampers, not to mention a host of modifications made by the original owner, which put the Bolide closer to the level of a heavy starfighter than a freight hauler in terms of speed and handling.

Essentially, Milo would be playing the part of a reluctant Han Solo type, crossed with a bit of Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy, although his cultural references would be a lot more up to date. He isn't necessarily a bad person, although he can be a bit vindictive at times. He's also not at all badly endowed, as his partners will discover.

For those of you who don't have any anthro images of your own in mind, I made some galleries/character concepts! Have a look!
1, 2, 3.

Concept 1 - The Bard
YC is a traveling avian bard, an entertainer specializing in song, dance and stories who books passage on Milo's ship, either as part of her normal travel arrangements or after losing her own ship in some way, possibly involving gambling debts or space pirates. She and Milo hit it off, but may have to escape pursuing enemies, or simply work around YC's touring schedule.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Concept 1 - The Dancer
YC is a petite fennec vixen of indeterminate profession; we can brainstorm on that. After booking passage on Milo's ship, it transpires that she doesn't actually have money to pay her passage. In lieu of this, she promises to be Milo's personal in-flight entertainment, starting with a sultry dance from her home-world, a strip-tease, and much more as she finds that the human libido is not something to be roused lightly.

Concept 2 - The Spirit
As it turns out, Milo is not the only creature from his home-world plying the star-lanes. In a chance encounter, he meets a fellow pilot at a spaceport bar, a vulpine with multiple tails who is extremely excited to hear he is from Earth. YC is nothing less than a Kitsune, a supernatural creature who was taken from Earth many hundreds of years ago while in a human disguise, and who has found her natural form to blend in better among the Galaxy's other species. Meeting anyone from Earth after so long, even if Milo is just a lowly human, is cause for celebration, and Kitsune are very passionate about celebrations...

Concept 3 - The Revolutionary
Even in space - especially in space - people fight for causes. Some are misguided, some are righteous... some, well, some are unlucky. YC falls into the last category; a revolutionary fighting for some flavor of space communism on her home-world, she tried to take over Milo's ship in the name of the Revolution, but like so many, underestimated the resourceful human. Now, Milo has an angry, struggling vixen bound at his convenience. What will he do with her? Simply spacing her as a pirate seems a bit cold blooded... on the other hand, there are other uses for her. Depending on how we want things to go, perhaps Milo gives YC the "human experience" against her will, or perhaps her natural heat picks just the wrong time to kick on... either way, though she might start out cursing him and promising retribution after the revolution, by the time he's finished with her she'll be humming a different hymn...
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Concept 1 - The "Primitive"
Milo is contracted to move materiel for a project to "elevate" a "primitive" felinoid species on a backwater planet. The locals - just about bronze age at time of first contact - have been importing infrastructure and technology to achieve parity with the wider Galaxy. Just because they lack technology, however, does not mean they are not sophisticated in other ways, something Milo discovers when a local princess decides to show her appreciation for his work...
1, 2, 3.

Concept 1 - Rock Filly
Milo has made a stop at a remote asteroid belt, delivering equipment to an independent mining claim. While there, he meets YC, the mine owner, who has been trying to claw valuable fissionables and precious metals out of her claim, a valuable chunk of a destroyed proto-planet. He winds up helping to defend the mine from corporate claim jumpers, after which YC wishes to show her gratitude...
1, 2, 3, 4.

Concept 1 - The New Buck
A small group of female rodentoids are rescued by Milo from a derelict freighter. The accident which stranded them also killed off the two bucks who were part of what amounted to a "polycule", a common arrangement for their species. However, as the group's collective heat sets in, Milo finds himself forced to step up and take over as the new buck for the group...

Concept 2 - The Mechanic
Milo hires a rodentoid female to act as his ship's engineer. Little does he know, away from the spaceport, YC has some eccentricities... such as a lack of regard for personal space, and the habit of working in the nude.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
1, 2.
1, 2, 3.

As the title suggests, I'm looking to give Milo some close encounters, primarily with anthro characters - most life in the Galaxy seems to resemble anthropomorphic animal forms of some kind - who find they just can't keep their hands off him for one reason or another. I would be quite happy to brainstorm aspects with you, either based on some of the things linked above or completely original!

I have an F-List you can peruse, and the best way to contact me is via PM. Hope to hear from you soon!
[IMG align="left" width="332px"][/img]Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a character and a scenario I've come up with.

The red-haired floppy disk aficionado there is named Milo Tyranne. Milo is a human from the planet Earth; what he is and where he comes from are important distinctions to make in the situation he now finds himself, but first some specifics about the man himself. Milo is from modern-day North America - the northeastern United States, specifically - and is 23 years of age. He's a little short - about 5' 5" - but is in reasonable shape. He graduated college with a degree in history, and like most people his age is working off a mountain of student debt.

Or, well, he would be, if certain events had not conspired to put him well beyond the reach of any earthly collection agency.

Milo is lost in space. How did he get there? Well, it turns out that aliens have indeed been visiting our world for a long, long time, such visitations often taking the form of raids to take human slaves, a rare and exotic good on the Galactic black market. Milo was chosen at random by alien slavers, and by the time he woke up on an alien auction block, he was in a completely different spiral arm from where he believes he started. Luckily for him, Milo was purchased by a mostly incompetent first-time buyer, upon whom he quickly turned the tables after the initial shock wore off; as it turns out, human pheromones - consciously undetectable by most humans - have a somewhat disarming effect on many aliens.

And so, Milo finds himself in possession of a ship and a merchant license. With these, he must survive and make his way in life, far from home, but not wanting for company...

[IMG align="right" width="450px"][/img]Milo is a freighter pilot, the proud captain of the [i]Bolide[/i], a converted [i]Intractable[/i]-class torpedo boat which was rescued from a scrapyard by its original owner. The [i]Bolide[/i] - unified spacecraft registry number SSX-1128-242 - serves as Milo's personal conveyance, primary source of income and home. 90 meters long, it can carry roughly 1,000 standard tons of cargo and has a theoretical crew of 12, although Milo has modified the ship to be flown by only himself. The [i]Bolide[/i] is armed with a single forward-firing particle blaster, all of her military-spec torpedo launchers and their magazines having been removed in favor of cargo space, as well as conforming with interstellar laws against high-power weapon systems on civilian craft. The ship does retain her military-spec drive systems and inertial dampers, not to mention a host of modifications made by the original owner, which put the [i]Bolide[/i] closer to the level of a heavy starfighter than a freight hauler in terms of speed and handling.

Essentially, Milo would be playing the part of a reluctant Han Solo type, crossed with a bit of Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy, although his cultural references would be a lot more up to date. He isn't necessarily a bad person, although he can be a bit vindictive at times. He's also not at all badly endowed, as his partners will discover.

For those of you who don't have any anthro images of your own in mind, I made some galleries/character concepts! Have a look!
[spoiler=Species & Characters (NSFW)][spoiler=Avians][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url].

Concept 1 - [url=]The Bard[/url]
YC is a traveling avian bard, an entertainer specializing in song, dance and stories who books passage on Milo's ship, either as part of her normal travel arrangements or after losing her own ship in some way, possibly involving gambling debts or space pirates. She and Milo hit it off, but may have to escape pursuing enemies, or simply work around YC's touring schedule.
[spoiler=Vulpines][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url], [url=]6[/url].

Concept 1 - [url=]The Dancer[/url]
YC is a petite fennec vixen of indeterminate profession; we can brainstorm on that. After booking passage on Milo's ship, it transpires that she doesn't actually have money to pay her passage. In lieu of this, she promises to be Milo's personal in-flight entertainment, starting with a sultry dance from her home-world, a strip-tease, and much more as she finds that the human libido is not something to be roused lightly.

Concept 2 - [url=]The Spirit[/url]
As it turns out, Milo is not the only creature from his home-world plying the star-lanes. In a chance encounter, he meets a fellow pilot at a spaceport bar, a vulpine with multiple tails who is extremely excited to hear he is from Earth. YC is nothing less than a Kitsune, a supernatural creature who was taken from Earth many hundreds of years ago while in a human disguise, and who has found her natural form to blend in better among the Galaxy's other species. Meeting anyone from Earth after so long, even if Milo is just a lowly human, is cause for celebration, and Kitsune are very [i]passionate[/i] about celebrations...

Concept 3 - [url=]The Revolutionary[/url]
Even in space - [i]especially[/i] in space - people fight for causes. Some are misguided, some are righteous... some, well, some are unlucky. YC falls into the last category; a revolutionary fighting for some flavor of space communism on her home-world, she tried to take over Milo's ship in the name of the Revolution, but like so many, underestimated the resourceful human. Now, Milo has an angry, struggling vixen bound at his convenience. What will he do with her? Simply spacing her as a pirate seems a bit cold blooded... on the other hand, there are other uses for her. Depending on how we want things to go, perhaps Milo gives YC the "human experience" against her will, or perhaps her natural heat picks just the wrong time to kick on... either way, though she might start out cursing him and promising retribution after the revolution, by the time he's finished with her she'll be humming a different hymn...
[spoiler=Lupines][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url].
[spoiler=Felines][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url], [url=]6[/url], [url=]7[/url].

Concept 1 - [url=]The "Primitive"[/url]
Milo is contracted to move materiel for a project to "elevate" a "primitive" felinoid species on a backwater planet. The locals - just about bronze age at time of first contact - have been importing infrastructure and technology to achieve parity with the wider Galaxy. Just because they lack technology, however, does not mean they are not sophisticated in other ways, something Milo discovers when a local princess decides to show her appreciation for his work...
[spoiler=Equines][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url].

Concept 1 - [url=]Rock Filly[/url]
Milo has made a stop at a remote asteroid belt, delivering equipment to an independent mining claim. While there, he meets YC, the mine owner, who has been trying to claw valuable fissionables and precious metals out of her claim, a valuable chunk of a destroyed proto-planet. He winds up helping to defend the mine from corporate claim jumpers, after which YC wishes to show her gratitude...
[spoiler=Rodents][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url].

Concept 1 - [url=]The New Buck[/url]
A small group of female rodentoids are rescued by Milo from a derelict freighter. The accident which stranded them also killed off the two bucks who were part of what amounted to a "polycule", a common arrangement for their species. However, as the group's collective heat sets in, Milo finds himself forced to step up and take over as the new buck for the group...

Concept 2 - [url=]The Mechanic[/url]
Milo hires a rodentoid female to act as his ship's engineer. Little does he know, away from the spaceport, YC has some eccentricities... such as a lack of regard for personal space, and the habit of working in the nude.
[spoiler=Lagomorphs][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url].
[spoiler=Procyonidae][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url].
[spoiler=Other][url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url].

As the title suggests, I'm looking to give Milo some close encounters, primarily with anthro characters - most life in the Galaxy seems to resemble anthropomorphic animal forms of some kind - who find they just can't keep their hands off him for one reason or another. I would be quite happy to brainstorm aspects with you, either based on some of the things linked above or completely original!

I have an [URL='']F-List[/URL] you can peruse, and the best way to contact me is via PM. Hope to hear from you soon!

[IMG align="left" width="332px"][/img][IMG align="right" width="332px"][/img]Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

Specifically, I'm looking for someone to play the fennec vixen in the image to the left. The scenario is up for brainstorming - sci-fi and fantasy both work - but the gist of it is that YC would wind up teasing the wrong human - the one on the right, specifically - and her four foot six ass winds up getting scooped up, taken somewhere and wrecked by six foot something of homo sapiens masculinity. 

This would at least initially be non-con, or at least dub-con. YC might be secretly into it, or might be horrified at first; in the end, though, she would become YC's petite anthro plaything, at least in private. It could be a short-term story with a bad end, or perhaps MC and YC will end up having further adventures together. Would be very happy to discuss the dynamic! Normally I'm not into scenarios this rapey, but I was in a very dominant mood, and I figure maybe there's someone who'd be into that.

If this general setup seems like something you would be interested in, I would love to hear from you via PM! I have an [URL='']F-List[/URL] you can peruse, in the meantime.

Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

The substance of my interest is very simple. I want to play a hunky and/or attractively cute anthropomorphic animal man, preferably against humans and human-adjacent women, although all things are negotiable. I do not currently have any specific scenarios in mind, although I tend to steer away from modern, slice-of-life settings; if you're looking to get railed by a 6-foot-7 lion man, a high fantasy or sci-fi environment seems most appropriate, doesn't it? 

Kinks are variable; for limits I tend to default to those of my partner. I have an [URL='']F-List[/URL] you can peruse, of course, to see how we might match up! There are a few things I would like to mention in particular, though; I tend to be the dominant sort, although if you can give me a compelling enough scenario I'll at least consider anything. I do like the idea of role reversals; say, MC starting out as a slave to YC, and then dramatically turning the tables on her. Size difference is fun; while I won't say no to MC being taller than YC, I really do enjoy the opposite! Short men teaching tall women not to judge a book by its stature, as it were. Really odd couples are also fun; YC unexpectedly falling for the dire rat she met in a dungeon, for example!

I do tend to prefer a high level of smut. Story is obviously good, but we both know why we're on this site in the first place.

I am am of course open to seeing any face-claims you might have in mind for me to play. However! For the convenience of those who may not have any on hand, or who might find themselves inspired by fresh material, I have assembled a few galleries, sorted by species! Enjoy!


I am, of course, completely open to brainstorming; if you have an idea of how such an encounter could be set up, or even if you don't and would just like to whip up something from nothing, don't be afraid to contact me! The best way to contact me is via PM.
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

The substance of my interest is very simple. I want to play a hunky and/or attractively cute anthropomorphic animal man, preferably against humans and human-adjacent women, although all things are negotiable. I do not currently have any specific scenarios in mind, although I tend to steer away from modern, slice-of-life settings; if you're looking to get railed by a 6-foot-7 lion man, a high fantasy or sci-fi environment seems most appropriate, doesn't it?

Kinks are variable; for limits I tend to default to those of my partner. I have an F-List you can peruse, of course, to see how we might match up! There are a few things I would like to mention in particular, though; I tend to be the dominant sort, although if you can give me a compelling enough scenario I'll at least consider anything. I do like the idea of role reversals; say, MC starting out as a slave to YC, and then dramatically turning the tables on her. Size difference is fun; while I won't say no to MC being taller than YC, I really do enjoy the opposite! Short men teaching tall women not to judge a book by its stature, as it were. Really odd couples are also fun; YC unexpectedly falling for the dire rat she met in a dungeon, for example!

I do tend to prefer a high level of smut. Story is obviously good, but we both know why we're on this site in the first place.

I am am of course open to seeing any face-claims you might have in mind for me to play. However! For the convenience of those who may not have any on hand, or who might find themselves inspired by fresh material, I have assembled a few galleries, sorted by species! Enjoy!









I am, of course, completely open to brainstorming; if you have an idea of how such an encounter could be set up, or even if you don't and would just like to whip up something from nothing, don't be afraid to contact me! The best way to contact me is via PM.
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Hello, ladies and folks who want to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I'm looking for something a little more extreme than normal.


I'm looking to do scenarios involving either Anthro Male on Human Female (AMoHF) or Human Male on Anthro Female (HMoAF). Would include slavery, bondage and more extreme kinks, depending on what you're comfortable with, although you can take a look at my F-List to see how far I'm willing to go. My character, however, would always be the dominant, either from jump or after a satisfying turnabout. The exact setting and characterization can be worked out between us; I tend to like the backdrop of my smutty fantasies to be, well, fantastic though, so priority will be given to scenarios involving high fantasy, science-fantasy, hard sci-fi, cyberpunk, dieselpunk, etc. Brainstorming is expected and much encouraged!

I of course have a few possible images for what MC would look like! If there's one you'd prefer, be sure to let me know!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

I of course also have some images for anthro women that have really gotten my interest lately. If you need a faceclaim and don't have any of your own, feel free to take your pick! Bear in mind, if you have one of your own you'd like to use, I'd love to see it!
1 (CRAVING), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

I do have some suggestions, of course, which can be adapted to various settings. One would be that YC is looking to explore her submissive urges. To this end, she answers a personal ad by MC, who would audition her as his newest plaything. When she passes, her training as his slave begins, becoming more and more involved and objectifying over time. Another is that MC is being hunted by YC, but is captured by him after an unsuccessful ambush, after which MC decides to have some fun breaking her. Yet another might be that YC is lured somewhere by MC under false or understated pretenses, only to fall utterly under his power, loosely inspired by this fun little story. I will add more to this section as I think of things!

Though not strictly necessary, I would very much like to incorporate a "bad end" into a scenario. This might be YC being sold off on the black market when MC grows bored of her, maybe turning her into a piece of permanent bondage art, or even something worse, if you're so inclined. Another bonus would be if you were willing to play multiple girls, either at once or in succession; maybe other slaves, maybe a new slave after MC disposes of the first one. It might also be interesting to switch things up if we go for successive girls; maybe if the first girl was recruited, the next one is kidnapped, which would change the dynamic.

That's all for now! Although I suppose I should state that I can and consistently do produce multi-paragraph posts of what I'm assured are good quality, and can do so at least once a day. The best way to contact me is via PM; tell me what sort of character you want to play, and what kinks you want to include, and we'll brainstorm a bit before we dive in! Looking forward to hearing from you!

[IMG align="left" width="332px"][/img]Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

This time, I'm looking to focus my interest on something a little more niche than I'm guessing most of you are looking for. That said, I'm hoping that for some of you, this will be [i]just[/i] what you've been trying to find for awhile now, with any luck. If so, I would love to hear from you! The best way to contact me is via PM, and I have an [URL='']F-List[/URL] you can peruse as well.

For those who haven't guessed, I'm looking to play as anthro men who are on the shortstack side of things; that is to say, shorter than the average female. This is not to say they won't be fun in bed; indeed, one of the things I'm looking to set up is the idea that their "endowments" are even larger than what their partners are used to, as is their level of skill, which would come as a surprise. Other than that, of course, they are generally friendly, cuddly partners, the sort of creature who might have been a team mascot in an old cartoon, but infinitely more fun on those lonely nights.

As for the type of role-play such characters would be involved in, sci-fi or fantasy are always my preferred options. Regular, modern-day settings do not interest me; I figure if you're going to play out a human or an elf or whatever getting railed by a 4-foot talking fox, it may as well happen somewhere less mundane than, say, the office, or a suburban house. Although if you can find a way to make those interesting, I would love to hear it!

For the convenience of those who might be interested, I have a few galleries of prospective characters! Please feel free to have a look, and if one catches your eye, let me know! They are, of course, mostly NSFW. Also, if you have your own face-claims you'd be interested in having me use, feel free to send me those, too! [b]NOTE:[/b] contrary to some of these images, I am generally [i]not[/i] looking to play submissive characters. Having them start [i]out[/i] in such a role and gain the upper hand - even if just in private - might be fun, though!


Hope some of these catch your interest, and looking forward to hearing from folks!
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

This time, I'm looking to focus my interest on something a little more niche than I'm guessing most of you are looking for. That said, I'm hoping that for some of you, this will be just what you've been trying to find for awhile now, with any luck. If so, I would love to hear from you! The best way to contact me is via PM, and I have an F-List you can peruse as well.

For those who haven't guessed, I'm looking to play as anthro men who are on the shortstack side of things; that is to say, shorter than the average female. This is not to say they won't be fun in bed; indeed, one of the things I'm looking to set up is the idea that their "endowments" are even larger than what their partners are used to, as is their level of skill, which would come as a surprise. Other than that, of course, they are generally friendly, cuddly partners, the sort of creature who might have been a team mascot in an old cartoon, but infinitely more fun on those lonely nights.

As for the type of role-play such characters would be involved in, sci-fi or fantasy are always my preferred options. Regular, modern-day settings do not interest me; I figure if you're going to play out a human or an elf or whatever getting railed by a 4-foot talking fox, it may as well happen somewhere less mundane than, say, the office, or a suburban house. Although if you can find a way to make those interesting, I would love to hear it!

For the convenience of those who might be interested, I have a few galleries of prospective characters! Please feel free to have a look, and if one catches your eye, let me know! They are, of course, mostly NSFW. Also, if you have your own face-claims you'd be interested in having me use, feel free to send me those, too! NOTE: contrary to some of these images, I am generally not looking to play submissive characters. Having them start out in such a role and gain the upper hand - even if just in private - might be fun, though!





Hope some of these catch your interest, and looking forward to hearing from folks!

Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

So, this time around, I'm looking for partners willing to play two women at once against my single male. It may seem a little selfish, and... well, it might be. That said, I have some experience, and I like to think I can make it interesting for anyone willing to indulge me. And if it makes any difference, I have [i]no[/i] intention of playing strictly conventional characters! I have a few to choose from, those being:

[spoiler=Drast][IMG align="left" width="400px"][/img]Drast is a gryphon, a quadrupedal creature about the same size as an adult tiger. Combining feline and avian characteristics, he actually [i]can[/i] fly using the wings on his back, but isn't partial to riders, that is unless they are willing to reward him for his trouble in particular ways. Although he seems bestial, and can be in many ways, he is keenly intelligent and entirely capable of speech.

Drast has a particular fondness for comely bipeds. Humans are his favorite, along with elves, but anthros will also do. He is highly charismatic and charming, and up close he has a natural scent that seems to break down the inhibitions of many species. Being not even close to human himself, most of his partners would not expect any lasting consequences for dallying with Drast; however, gryphons are supernaturally potent...

[spoiler=On Vore (Optional) (Warning!)]Optionally, Drast's appetites may extend beyond the merely carnal. This gryphon has few qualms about swallowing his partners whole, if the mood strikes him, and riding one female while another softens in his gut is one of his favorite things. If, indeed, this sort of extreme kink is something you would consider, let me know![/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dintil][IMG align="left" width="400px"][/img]Dintil here is a lowly ratman, a creature of dark tunnels and abandoned places. He isn't a bad fellow, however; his Common is a little broken, he doesn't get a chance to practice it very often, but he does enjoy making visitors welcome, especially those of the female persuasion. Satisfying their need to mate, for example, after they get an inadvertent dose of the pheromones his kind produces that make them so fecund; it's just the neighborly thing to do!

Dintil is a clever male, but not a manipulative one, not is he especially worldly. Among ratfolk, mating really [i]is[/i] the best way to relieve the "heatstruck" condition, and being ignorant of the niceties of surface culture he isn't likely to understand why casually suggesting sex would have his guest so flustered/angry. Should he leave his home with his new partners, there would be many things he would need to be taught... things like "yes pants [i]are[/i] required, even if they're uncomfortable" and "leaving the Queen of the Realm to raise your hybrid pups is [i]rude[/i]". He'll learn! Eventually...

Like Drast, Dintil was designed with a fantasy setting in mind, but I would be [i]very[/i] interested to see what other scenarios people might come up with for him![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Milo][IMG align="left" width="400px"][/img]Milo is human, but although he can enjoy the company of his own kind, his proclivities tend to be more exotic. Milo prefers the company of anthros; they're usually soft, always fun to explore, and though he has no trouble treating them as equals, he finds they take to training [i]very[/i] well. And shouldn't everyone have a few pets around the house?

Milo is a fairly mundane character, best suited for modern settings or sci-fi. Any type of anthro would do fine as a partner, but he is especially suited to the "big sub, small dom" kink; tigers, wolves, anything tall and female, he enjoys the challenge of putting them in one of his collars...
[spoiler=Flint][IMG align="left" width="400px"][/img]Flint is a rabbit anthro and, to put it bluntly, he does what rabbits like to do. He just enjoys women, and getting women pregnant, whether that's what they come to him for or not.[/spoiler]

Aside from these characters, I do have some face-claims intended for my partners; none of these are required, mind, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to include a few of my favorites in case it gave people ideas. Needless to say, of course, if you're interested in playing any of these ladies I'd be very happy! I don't have any specific roles/personalities for them, but I'd love to hear your takes and do some brainstorming!

[spoiler=Bring On the Girls!][b]1 (Craving).
2 (Craving).

There will be more of my characters to come, but for now I hope folks will find these four interesting. The best way to contact me is via PM, where we can discuss plots, kinks and other preferences. Even if you don't have an idea for a scenario, I'd love to hear from you! I love to brainstorm.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

Lately, I find I have a thing for stripes. Put simply, I'm looking for partners willing to play anthro tiger characters; tall, lithe, powerful creatures of exotic beauty, and who are willing - or perhaps [i]un[/i]willing, but compelled - to experience what one of these small, smooth-skinned creatures known as a "human" calls masculinity. Pleasant surprises await!

The setting and particulars of such an encounter are something I hope to brainstorm in more detail with any potential partners. However, sci-fi or fantasy make the most sense to me; perhaps YC is some alien pilot or soldier or mercenary, thrown together with a human ally or former enemy out beyond the stars. Perhaps they are a sword-swinging adventurer looking for battle and gold, but finding something equally satisfying in a human fellow traveler.

MC, in general, will be an unlikely sort. A [url=]human of little outward note[/url], perhaps a technician, or a traveling alchemist, or something of that nature. He will likely be intimidated by YC at first, but as the two inevitably become more familiar, MC will prove to have hidden depths of experience and physicality. His confidence will likewise grow as events progress.

At any rate, I have a small gallery of potential face-claims for your character, although if you have some of your own I would be curious to see them!

The best way to contact me is via PM. We can discuss plots, kinks, characterization and the like! Hope to hear from you soon!

Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have less a scenario but some characters in search of scenarios. And here they are!

[IMG width="400px"][/img]
Dijit is a ratfolk buck who is friendly and intelligent, if a bit naive about the world beyond his home colony. For example, among his kind, it is perfectly natural to suggest sex as a way to relieve tension; he's just being polite, no need to get upset! And what are these "condom" things you're talking about?

[IMG width="400px"][/img]
Suntooth is a Gnoll barbarian, 6' 8' of hyena masculinity; small for his species, actually. Partly to avoid his own kind, Suntooth has made a career of adventuring, sometimes by himself and sometimes with groups of others. He carries an axe, a sword, and a [i]sword[/i].

[IMG width="400px"][/img]
Clovis here, as you can see, is an buck rabbit. Despite his portrayal here, Clovis is not [i]overly[/i] submissive in nature, and is an entirely credulous individual. He [i]does[/i] have a talent for getting himself in trouble, which he can [i]sometimes[/i] turn to his advantage, or at least gratification. He considers himself a lover, not a fighter, although that isn't to say he can't be vindictive and aggressive in his way.

[IMG width="400px"][/img]
Slen is a gryphon. Despite his quadrupedal nature, he is keenly intelligent, and keenly appreciative of other races, especially their women.

[IMG width="400px"][/img]
Flint is a human male, closest to Clovis in temperament. He is best suited to the company of anthro women, especially those taller than himself; he has a thing for stripes, incidentally, and if you're willing to play a tigress opposite him...

[IMG width="400px"][/img]
Milo is something a little different from the above characters; he's a Miln, a species that comes up to barely chest height on most humans. He may look cuddly and harmless; he is the former, but certainly not the latter. He also has a penchant for defying expectations in bed...

If any of these characters seem interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align=left width="600px"][/img]I like mice, and more specifically, mouse anthros! They're cute, easy to pick up, and make [i]delightful[/i] noises when being railed by a well equipped human. Or, as pictured, being spanked. Or taking a [url=]s[/url][url=]e[/url][url=]a[/url][url=]t[/url]. Or a thousand [i]other[/i] things that a mouse is eminently suited for. Mice, they're nice!

But I get ahead of myself.

The scenario I have in mind is very simple in principle. MC, [url=]an human[/url], is in a living arrangement with a YC, a mouse anthro. I have, in fact, a few scenario examples for your consideration:
[spoiler=Scenarios][b]Slice of Life - Housemates.[/b]
MC and YC are housemates, pooling their meager resources to survive in the environment of late-stage capitalism. Normally they don't interact much, but recently they've both gotten jobs that allow them to work from home, something which has allowed them to really [i]notice[/i] one-another for perhaps the first time. YC, for her part, always had a [i]thing[/i] for humans, and MC likewise has an appreciation for anthros. Neither has had an opportunity to do anything about it before, but that changes when MC catches YC - who thought she was alone in the house - jilling off on the couch, with his name on her lips...

[b]Sci-Fi - In Space, No One Can Hear You...[/b]
MC and YC are pilot and copilot aboard a long-range bulk freight hauler, a lonely, often boring job. Alone together for weeks on end, this is the first time the pair has worked together; at first things go normally, that is until the options for entertainment run out, and they begin looking at one-another in a new light...

[b]Fantasy - Squealing Healing.[/b]
MC and YC are fantasy adventurers, part of a party that recently defeated the Big Bad, and have hit up the local tavern to celebrate. All the other members of the party have paired off or found local partners, leaving MC and YC together. The alcohol has lowered their inhibitions a bit, and well, they [i]have[/i] always been curious about one-another...

[b]Post Apocalypse - Sacrificial Squeak.[/b]
It is the far future, and long ago, a brace of natural disasters forced humanity to flee the Earth and settle other bodies in the Solar System. An aeon later, their descendants are ready to return, and have sent MC to scout ahead.

MC discovers that while humans are gone from the Earth, other creatures have evolved to fill their vacant niche. Near his landing sight, he discovers a primitive tribe of evolved mice or rats, who run from him in fear, although they are plainly curious as well. Everything seems harmless, MC catching the ratfolk spying on him occasionally, taking objects he discards...

...that is, until the day MC finds a ratfolk female, staked out as some kind of sacrifice to him.

Obviously, these are examples, and if you have your own ideas I would love to hear them! Brainstorming is one of my favorite activities. The possibilities are endless, and I will be very happy to discuss them at length, should you choose to message me!

So, then! What's involved here?

I my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. I am absolutely willing to discuss darker and more extreme kinks, should you be that way inclined. Generally, however, I like the idea of the petite YC becoming intimate with the comparatively physically imposing MC, with a more genuine romance blossoming alongside the other aspects...

Having a big, tall, caring human BF, who is fully capable of rendering her unable to walk for a few days, and reddening her rump on occasion, among many other things.

If any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

A View of a Vixen
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align=left width="400px"][/img]At the moment, I'm looking for someone to play a petite anthro, specifically the fennec vixen pictured to the left. We can use her for pretty much anything that comes to mind; nominally I'm looking to play a human opposite her, but that's negotiable.

At the moment, I don't have any specific plots in mind at the moment, although I'm going to try and add some when I have more time. In general, though, I like the idea of YC getting in over her head; perhaps she goes a little too far teasing some poor human, and finds out just what such a comparatively physically imposing creature is capable of, perhaps willingly and perhaps not. Maybe it's YC who gets teased beyond endurance; MC's casual flirting writing checks that YC is going to make him cash, either on principal or because her body demands it. Perhaps we could do something on a slower, more romantic burn...

For settings, I prefer sci-fi and fantasy, with slice-of-life trailing a distant third. In my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. Willing to discuss anything, and tend to defer to my partner in terms of limits. Regardless, if any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

Not a Creature Was Stirring...
Joyeux noël, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and these days I'm looking for something holiday themed!

Really hoping I can interest someone in playing this mouse, among others, but read on!
[IMG align=left width="500px"][/img]It's that time of year again, folks! A time of light, magic, goodwill, and - I very much hope - pretty anthro women trussed up in bows. Yup, I'm looking for Christmas-themed anthro-on-human OR anthro-on-anthro sexytimes; light and fun, and romantic as befits the season! I even have a few inspirational images, if you'd like to have a look.


[b]3.[/b] [color=red]Craving![/color]



The scenarios I have in mind aren't complicated, and I [I]love[/i] to brainstorm, so feel free to suggest your own stuff or take my ideas and run with them!

My setup, broadly, is that MC and YC are roommates of some description. Most of the time they don't interact much, but extreme weather conditions have spoiled their plans to visit home for the holidays, leaving them alone together without much to do over Christmas. My personal favorite idea is that YC has had some attraction toward MC for awhile - maybe a fetish for his species, maybe a deeper romanctic notion - and is finally in a position to act on it. At short notice, this comes in the form of some kinky Christmas morning display, and a bit of subsequent fun...

Obviously, we can work on this and change it as desired!

At any rate, in my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. Willing to discuss anything, and tend to defer to my partner in terms of limits. Regardless, if any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

NSFW - Gallon in a Pint Sized Package: Smol Anthros for Big Fun! - With Plots!
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align=left width="300px"][/img]Those who have encountered me before may know I have a predilection for playing anthro characters, and more specifically, for playing relatively pint-sized ones, preferably opposite normal-sized partners. That's pretty much what I'm looking for now. To this end, I have a couple of well-endowed shorties for your consideration. I am mainly curious to see just what sort of scenarios people suggest for them, although I do have some story prompts of my own as well!

At any rate, here are my characters:
[spoiler=The Characters]
[spoiler=Milo Tyranne][IMG width="300px"][/img]
Milo Tyranne is an adventurer, best suited to high fantasy or science-fantasy settings. He is a Miln, and like most of his species, he isn't exactly a beanpole by human standards, topping out at about 5 feet tall. Unlike other Miln, who tend to be shy, retiring folk famous for an almost crippling fear of outsiders, Milo is... well, forward is perhaps the best term. Not only is he bolder and more confident than many of his peers around other species, he has a genuine curiosity about them, not to mention the wider world. This eventually led him to explore, leaving his people to see the wider world for himself.

Milo's kind is not famous for its warriors, but once again, Milo his proven the exception. Armed primarily with an appropriately scaled cutlass, he is a formidable fighter, in no small part because he is so easily underestimated. He has often worked as a guard, albeit one of last resort to many of his customers, who tend to prefer taller, more blatantly intimidating sellswords.
[spoiler=Flint Hobten][IMG width="300px"][/img]
Flint is your standard sci-fi sidekick character, not quite comic relief, but small and innocuous in form. He's friendly, mechanically inclined, and would be an excellent +1 for some daring adventuress! And perhaps as an emotional/unexpectedly skilled physical support...
[spoiler=Rint][IMG width="300px"][/img]
Rint is a Kobold, and as you can see here, he can be [i]very[/i] friendly! Among his kind, sex is just one of those social niceties you do to show strangers you want to be friends; humans aren't Kobolds, but surely the same rules apply? Of course they do!
[spoiler=Dijit][IMG width="300px"][/img]
Dijit here is my exception to the general stature of my characters so far; he's a ratfolk male, and thus stands a little taller than the others, perhaps a little below human average. He's a bit like Rint in that well, he's a monster; his kind are the sort of thing adventurers tend to get hired by local lords and city councils to chase out of their catacombs and sewers. That isn't to say Dijit is terribly monstrous; on the contrary, he would prefer not to hurt anyone! He's a lover, not a fighter.

Like Kobolds, ratfolk tend to view sex as just a sociable thing you do, and Dijit is no exception there. He would be quite happy to calm down a lost, overwrought adventuress lost in the tunnels of his home colony, and perhaps even give her some pups for the road!
And some of my plots!
[Spoiler=Scenarios][Spoiler=Difficult Quarry]
This scenario is best suited to Milo, although I do have an idea for how Flint could be involved, if your curious. The setup is fairly simple; YC is an assassin, hired by an eccentric noble who is in the process of building a menagerie of exotic species; MC being the only one of his kind in the area, he wants [I]him[/I]. Thus, YC hasn't been hired to kill, but incapacitate, something that requires her to get up close and personal. Well, MC is no fool, and when YC goes to strike, well, she finds her quarry not quite unaware.

As it turns out, MC's species has an unusual quality that puts YC off balance during their fight, and leads to her swift defeat. MC is... [I]irresistible[/I]. As it turns out, his kind produces a natural pheromone that works [I]especially[/I] fast on humans; YC doesn't immediately beg him to take her, but her intrusive thoughts get very intrusive indeed, and her combat ability suffers accordingly.

After YC's defeat, MC proves merciful; this is hardly the first assassin he has bested, and there is a procedure at this point. He'll give YC what her body craves, which will clear her head, and send her on her way if she vows not to go after him again. Normally, the prospect of acceding to such a suggestion would be unthinkable, but YC [I]is[/I] finding it very hard to concentrate on anything else now that the suggestion has been made... and how bad could it be, really?
[spoiler=Rocket Rebound]This is a scenario tailored primarily for Flint. The setup is this; YC is a space adventurer, a female Buck Rogers type, or perhaps a Flash Gordon. After a particularly harrowing adventure, she has come home to find that her male Dale Arden stand-in has decided to leave her for Prince Barin, and so she finds herself alone on her ship, feeling sorry for herself and either contemplating the handle of Jet Juice she keeps in the galley, or already a good portion of the way through it.

She isn't quite alone, though.

YC is discovered by MC, her faithful alien engineer, copilot and general sidekick. He may look like the sort of thing an '80s TV exec would mandate to give their show broader appeal, but that doesn't mean he isn't a good friend; he's always been there for YC, almost from the very beginning, and here he is now with coffee and sympathy, just when he's needed most.

YC never considered MC to be anything more than a friend, and to be fair, neither did he; the species divide isn't something easily crossed in either direction. Despite this, there are things about him YC has always admired, and vice versa. More than that, the conclusion of your latest adventure has left the two of you with a great deal more in common; MC lost his alien princess to apathy and an arranged marriage upon his and your return. 

So, YC and her best friend are likely drunk, alone together, and feeling sorry for themselves. And, in being so, might also be looking at one-another in a new light...

At any rate, in my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. Willing to discuss anything, and tend to defer to my partner in terms of limits. Regardless, if any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

Here's Dijit!
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align=left width="300px"][/img]Dijit, see here, is one of my favorite characters to play. He's a rat anthro, but to be sure he's no diseased, warpstone-addled Skaven; he's a clean, kind, friendly sort; as a good a friend as your childhood Dumbo rat. Probably almost as smart, too!

As a rule, Dijit is somewhat naive; he's clever enough to learn, but he doesn't know much about the wider world, or how other species behave when it comes to, say, suggesting casual sex as a way to pass the time, or certain aspects of modesty. His kind don't tend to bother much with things beyond general consent; if it seems fun, try it! And if it went well, try something else to keep the streak up!

Another thing about Dijit's species, one that may or may not come up depending on preferences, is that they have a [I]scent[/I]. Not a [I]musk[/I], mind you; it isn't unpleasant to most other species, quite the opposite! It is a pheromone; among their own kind, it is barely noticed, but to others... well, it doesn't make women throw themselves at someone like Dijit, but it [I]does[/I] tend to make those intrusive thoughts [I]very[/I] intrusive. This sometimes gives Dijit's idle suggestions a little more weight than they would otherwise; a quick screw in those bushes [I]would[/I] clear YC's head, after all, and there's no-one around, so maybe...?

Anyway! Dijit is available for all your anthro-on-human, anthro-on-elf and anthro-on-anthro fantasies! Or whatever you can think of if the story is good. I have some ideas of my own, which I'll be happy to share if asked, but I'm very much curious to hear what ideas people come to me with!

At any rate, in my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. Willing to discuss anything, and tend to defer to my partner in terms of limits. Regardless, if any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

Transformania! Or: Altering Adventurers for Fun & Profit
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[img align=left width=400px][/img]The basic scenario I have in mind is this; MC is an alchemist, whose strange experiments and remote, mysterious laboratory has proven an easy scapegoat for the ills of some of the nearby rulers. As such, MC has a perennial adventurer problem; every so often, small parties of foolish so-called heroes journey to his tower, attempting to kill him and disrupt his work. In truth, they needn't have bothered; MC built his tower in the middle of nowhere precisely to [i]avoid[/i] effecting others with his experiments, something he had hoped the local rulers would appreciate. It is but a minor annoyance, anyway; the tower is not without defenses, and really, the constant incursions have ensured a steady supply of something he was regularly short on in these remote mountains...

Test subjects.

To be sure, the adventurers MC captures typically do not [I]want[/I] to be subjects in the alchemist's experiments, but as with everything, there's a potion for that. And anyway, they wanted to be heroes; what could be more heroic than a lasting contribution to the scope of arcane knowledge? Certainly they are [I]happy[/I] enough, afterward; at least, that's what his [URL='']slinky serving vixens[/url] tell him, and they used to be strapping barbarian men from the northern steppe! Their culture forbids them from lying, doesn't it?

Originally, MC's tower was only inhabited by boring, alchemically animated constructs in addition to himself. These days, however, he has a growing menagerie of experiments who serve various roles in his household, former adventurers who have given themselves to science and been recreated in forms more pleasing and compliant for their new master. After all, [I]someone[/I] needed to find out if such hybrids were possible, and unlike some of his colleague, MC isn't about to create [I]monsters[/I] which he cannot enjoy in a more [I]direct[/I] way...

The long and short of it, this scenario would involve MC transforming a series of adventurers into anthropomorphic creatures of various kinds, ranging from mundane creatures to monsters. Some would be used for his own gratification, forming a diverse harem to attend to his less scientific desires, while others might be used for other "tests", including breeding experiments with their naturally-occurring counterparts, augmentation, that sort of thing.

Here is a gallery of some of the transformations our unfortunate adventurers may be subjected to.
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The sort of transformations that would take place in this setting might be gradual, and it is doubtful that MC's "patients" will thank him right away. Hell, being turned into a human-animal/monster hybrid is bad enough, but throw in changes to basic instincts and perhaps even a swapping of gender... well, sometimes it takes a little work to make them come around! In the end, though, everyone learns to show their appreciation for the wonderful new forms they have been granted...

At any rate, in my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. Willing to discuss anything, and tend to defer to my partner in terms of limits. Regardless, if any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

Year of the Rabbit!
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[img align=left width=500px][/img]Lunar New Year won't be happening for another 21 days, but as we are moving into the Year of the Rabbit as such things are measured, I figured it would be fun to do something appropriately themed! To that end, I'm looking for partners interested in trying out some anthro-on-human or (though not preferred) anthro-on-anthro scenarios. Specifically, things involving rabbits!

To provide some inspiration, in addition to the pic above, I have a few images that could serve as face-claims! For male rabbits, I have the following:
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And of course, I'm quite happy to play opposite female anthro bunnies as well! Here are a few!
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Rather than having pre-made scenarios, I much prefer to brainstorm stuff out with my partners, and would love to hear about any ideas you might have! Needless to say, though, things involving the rabbit tropes - breeding, "carrots", the like - are appreciated! One very simple idea I do have, though, which is entirely optional, is an allegorical scenario involving the changing of the year; my rabbit character dominating a tigress, representing the outgoing year. 

At any rate, in my experience, kinks are an important part of choosing a partner, and I have the [url=]F-List[/url] page to prove it. Willing to discuss anything, and tend to defer to my partner in terms of limits. Regardless, if any of this seems interesting, the best way to contact me is via PMs! I hope to hear from you soon!

I Eat Chicks
That's not a euphemism.

Greetings, programs! I am AswanFox, and I'm specifically looking for something I really [I]don't[/I] see a lot of call for these days. We'll see if I actually get any interest, but I figured it couldn't hurt to put something out there and see who bites.

So, for those of you who need it put bluntly, I'm looking to do vore role-plays; I'm looking to play a predator who enjoys stalking, catching and then consuming his prey whole and squirming. I'm looking to play with my food, too; a heaping helping of smut before dinner would be just the thing. I am, of course, into all kinds of stuff; you can check out my [URL='']F-list for this RT for details[/URL], but suffice it to say I have a dirty mind with little in the way of limits, and I hope you do, too.

In general, I'm looking to play anthro preds; capable of properly dominating any willing prey, and subduing prey that is not so much. I have a small gallery of potential faceclaims, I hope you find at least one interesting!

The setup could be any number of things. Could be, YC always had a deep-seated need to give herself as food, and has finally found a predator willing to take her. Could be they were just out for some fun, and didn't expect the guy they went home with to eat her like [I]that[/I]! Could be they're a fantasy or sci-fi adventurer, and are learning the consequences of losing a fight. Non-con, dub-con, con; soft vore, even cock vore if you're interested. I don't want to do hard vore, as I'm not into gore, but digestion is fine as long as we can abstract some of it out. Regardless, I'd love to brainstorm with you on specifics!

The only other rule: there are no [I]real[/I] happy endings. YC is getting [I]eaten[/I], with all the permanence that implies.

Anyway, the best way to contact me will be through PMs; just introduce yourself, give me your idea if you have something original or just want to brainstorm, and we'll go from there. Excited to hear from you!

I Crave Smol Vixens
[img align=left width=300px][/img]Getting straight to the point with this one! Hope some of you will find it compelling.

Greetings, programs! I am AswanFox, and today I'm looking for exactly what it says in the title, typified by the image on the left-hand side. If you have a willingness to play a smol anthro fox woman against a tol human, or perhaps even something else, I would very much like to hear from you! For settings, I like fantasy, sci-fi, possibly even modern; if there's a cute vixen - or possibly more than one - involved, I'll consider it.

Unusually for my threads, I have a few basic scenarios to share; feel free to share some of your own, as well! Everything is open to brainstorming.
[spoiler=Scenarios][b]1. Cohabitant Copilots[/b]
The idea here is more fluffy and romantic. In a sci-fi setting similar to but legally distinct from Star Wars, MC and YC are space freighter pilots, and have been for awhile. Maintaining a relationship on the road is always difficult, and recently both characters have endured ugly breakups from their respective SOs back home. They fall to commiserating, and then - privately at first - contemplating things. Namely, whether the being they've been sitting beside in a cockpit for years now might be more than merely a friend and coworker... and what crossing the species barrier might be like with them. After a couple of drinks, they're just about ready to find out!

[b]2. The Pilot's Pet[/b]
A variation on the setting of the above, albeit [i]far[/i] less wholesome. In this setting, MC is a smuggler, ala Han Solo but with fewer morals. In the course of his work, he has made friends and enemies; YC is one of the latter, or was until recently. One of a team of mercenaries who were hired to bring MC in, YC was left behind when the rest of her team was dispatched/driven off, and is thus subject to MC's vindictive streak. Fitted with a behavioral inhibitor collar to prevent her from attacking MC, YC is now his plaything, who he intends to break, train and thoroughly enjoy, before selling her cheap at some Outer Rim slave auction...

[b]3. Relief at Spear-Point[/b]
This is a fantasy scenario involving YC as a pint-sized adventurer who has a habit of fighting well above her weight class. Unfortunately, there are things she has not yet found a way to defeat; these include her annual heat, which has her in its week-long grip and has made it exceedingly difficult to focus. In desperation, she seizes the first lone traveler she sees, dragging the hapless human into the woods off the road and making him disrobe and lie down before straddling him; he may not be a tod of her own kind, but he'll satisfy all the same. That he does, and more; before YC can do anything about it, she's grown addicted to just how good this human feels, and may even have let him get the upper hand...

[b]More to come![/b]

[img align=right width=300px][/img]If foxes aren't your thing and you want to play something closer to human height, I have alternatives! The first that comes to mind lately is the lovely badgeress to the right. I don't have many specific ideas for her yet, but I like to think she'd be well suited to cyberpunk or some similar genre, a consummate badass who my more unassuming character falls in with. Perhaps they have an unexpected romance? Perhaps the endorphin rush of escaping a bad situation puts her in a mood to celebrate? Perhaps she has an unexpected submissive side that my character manages to bring out? We'll see!

And of course, if you wanted to [I]combine[/I] this lovely lady with a side of vixen... well!

Regardless, my kinks are fairly straightforward; aside from gore, scat, underage and other things barred from this site, there isn't much I find off-putting, although here's my [url=]F-list[/url] if you'd like to check on your favorites. In general, I'm hoping to have plenty of smut, although a compelling story to string together said smut is never out of place.

The best way to contact me is via PM! I hope to hear from you soon!

I Crave Smol Anthros
Greetings, programs! I am AswanFox, and today I'm looking for exactly what it says in the title. At the moment I don't have any specific plots or scenarios, but in general I'm looking to play a human man opposite one or more petite anthro women, species being diverse as long as they look good in a mating press, ankles around the ears being one of the tamer things we'll be up to! For an idea of what else, have a look at my [url=]F-list[/url]; obviously there are things we don't [i]have[/i] to include, but this certainly won't be vanilla either.

As far as the sorts of anthros I'm looking for, I have a set of examples in no particular order. If you have anything you think I'd like the look of, of course, I'd love to see them too!
[url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url], [url=]6[/url], [url=]7[/url], [url=]8[/url], [url=]9[/url], [url=]10[/url], [url=]11[/url], [url=]12[/url], [url=]13[/url], [url=]14[/url], [url=]15[/url], [url=]16[/url], [url=]17[/url], [url=]18[/url], [url=]19[/url], [url=]20[/url], [url=]21[/url].
More to come!

Also! Toward the other end of the spectrum, taller anthros! These aren't as desired at the present time, but if you have an idea that would work for them, don't hesitate to send it my way! Worst I can say is no.
[url=]1[/url], [url=]2[/url], [url=]3[/url], [url=]4[/url], [url=]5[/url].
More to come!

As mentioned, I don't really have much in the way of stories right now; however, I'd love to brainstorm some things with you! Of note, my favorite genres are sci-fi and fiction; slice-of-life isn't completely off the table, but anything really mundane other than there being anthros involved probably won't get much interest. Watch this space! If and when I come up with any concrete scenarios of my own, I'll post them here.

The best way to contact me is via PM! I hope to hear from you soon!

Diverse Men for Diverse Tastes
Greetings, programs! I am AswanFox, and today I'm offering a buffet of sorts. Recently I've had ideas for a series of male characters based on some images I've found in my travels across the internet, and I'd like to share them, in the hopes that someone will find one that scratches their particular itch! In doing so, I hope you'll scratch a few of mine, too.

So! Without further ado, here are some to consider! Needless to say, these all include pictures, all of which are [I]very[/I] [COLOR=red]NSFW[/COLOR], but which will hopefully inspire some ideas!

[spoiler=Flint][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG] This fine specimen is an Afkett, a name I came up with for an anthopomorphic fennec species in a fantasy setting I used to play D&D in. The Afkett have a cultural aspect that makes them highly sought-after as bards, with an instinctive talent for storytelling and an excellent memory for tales. Flint, being this particular tod's name, is a traveling charmer with a side-line in the bardic arts; he can talk a woman of any species into nearly anything, given time and attention, and enjoys showing how good things can come in small packages, not that his package is all that small!

Flint would be good for fantasy or science-fantasy settings, and would probably be a good fling for some curious adventuress! Of course, if you want more than a short interlude, he has been known to make a fun traveling companion as well! Has your back in a fight, and your backside at other times. Alternatively, depending on what you prefer, he could be a conniving hedonist with less than the best of intentions for your character, beneath his charm.
[spoiler=Dijit][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Dijit is our happy-go-lucky ratfolk buck! Among his own kind, he's nothing much; a good-natured buck-about-colony who knows how to show a doe a good time, but so do most males in his society if they want to be taken seriously. Things change, however, when Dijit interacts with [I]other[/I] species. Ratfolk don't get out much, owing to their verminous reputation, and so it isn't often that an aspect of them is remarked upon.

Ratfolk, as it turns out, produce a distinctive pheromone. Among their own kind, this subtle scent doesn't do much; it mainly serves to identify an individual, and is not even noticeable to most species with lesser olfactory senses. Certain bucks are unique, however; their natural scent is [I]attractive[/I] to other species, a sort of aphrodisiac. The effect is not immediate; a non-ratfolk woman may not even realize anything is happening, until her thoughts begin to become more intrusive, her urges a little harder to control. All of a sudden, the lowly ratman nearby seems... [I]irresistible[/I]. Part of her may be openly disgusted by the idea, but part of her is looking for any excuse...

Dijit, meanwhile, is largely oblivious to his unique biochemistry. All of a sudden, however, he is seeing women of other species start to act like they are [I]very[/I] much in heat, as ratfolk does often are. Coming as he does from a society that pays little attention to the consequences of such things, Dijit offers the sociable and - to him - polite solution. At any other time, propositioning a non-ratfolk woman in such a way would have drawn a slap or worse, but now, well, YC is looking for [I]anything[/I] that might clear her head!

Luckily for YC, Dijit knows exactly what he's doing...
[spoiler=Tchit][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]It's Tchit! He's a sleepy lil' guy, he's had a long day doing his best. Tchit is a bit like Dijit, but whereas Dijit would be closer to a normal human in height, Tchit is - as mentioned - just a lil' guy, maybe 4' 6". Understandable, given he's a mouse rather than a rat.

Tchit is as friendly as he is friend-shaped. He is the ideal sidekick; sci-fi copilot, fantasy alchemist's assistant, what have you. He's a little shy and nervous under pressure, but he won't let you down. He also responds well to rewards for a job well done, and like Flint, his small stature belies more than your character likely bargained for. Depending on what you want out of him, as well, it might be that Tchit grows to enjoy being rewarded, and in fact, may [I]insist[/I] on such treatment...
[spoiler=Rahax][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Sometimes, friendly men with hearts of gold and dicks of iron just aren't what you want. If you mainly want the second part, and a man who will happily run you ragged and be gone the next morning, all muss no fuss, Rahax is your gnoll. He'll give you an unforgettable night, even if he might roll over to another woman directly after pumping you full of something to remember him by. Maybe you're into that? He certainly is!
[spoiler=Anubis][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Exactly what it says on the tin. This is an immortal, ebon-furred jackal man who knows exactly what he wants from lowly mortals, and that is complete submission. He will make you serve him in the most degrading ways he can think of, and think nothing of it, for what is the humiliation of a mayfly, however comely, next to the satisfaction of a god?
[spoiler=Losgeld][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Yes, he's a lizard with a gut. That said, the human on her knees doesn't seem to care; maybe he has some sort of unusual charisma, maybe he's a professional slaver who can train a girl to do whatever he wants, maybe it's some combination of the two. Whatever the case, he's happy to get the attention...

One aspect of this character that should be noted, there may be a [I]reason[/I] he has that gut. If you want a "bad end" for one or more of your characters, he might be the one to deliver it.
[spoiler=Ciym][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]The majestic dragon, Ciym the Terrible. Ciym is your typical dragon; large, powerful, unfathomably rich and arrogant. Not all dragons prefer to couple with humanoid races, but Ciym does; whenever a female arrives at his lair, other by his doing or otherwise, it usually only takes the proper application of his powerful charisma or his great strength to get under her skirt, which he almost always does. The lucky ones are "invited" to join his hoard...
[spoiler=???][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]An unusual character I don't really have a name for. While obviously draconic, he's closer in scale to a medium-sized dog, although quite a bit cleverer. He would be a stalwart companion for a druid or ranger or wizard adventurer, and a great help on those cold, lonely nights...

Please let me know what you think! I would very much like to hear what sort of ideas these characters inspire, and certainly would not mind brainstorming on them with you so we can come up with something fun! Hope to hear from you soon.

It Chrimas
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align="left" width="500px"][/IMG]As of the writing of this post, it is 6 days until Christmas! As such, I'm hoping to do a scenario that fits the season. At the moment, my craving is for something to do with the picture on the left; this cute little badger-and-mouse anthro duo, doing things under the Christmas Tree of which I'm sure Santa would not approve! Or maybe he would, I don't know his criteria.

The setup is something we can discuss! I don't really have a specific idea [I]why[/I] these two are here; possibly they're concerned friends of the POV character, here to give their favorite human a better holiday? Maybe they're actual gifts, bio-engineered toys designed to be played with? Maybe they lost a bet? The possibilities are broad, and if you've got your own ideas I'd love to hear them!

Of note, there is [URL='']another image[/URL] I've been interested in if you prefer not to play two characters, although this one has lower priority at the moment.

PMs would be the best way to get in touch, and also my preferred means of play. Kinks are something we can discuss. Hope to hear from you soon!

Seeking Anthro Ladies for BHC
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have a craving I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align="left" width="400px"][/IMG]So, not too long ago I ran across the wonderfully evocative image on the left, and figured I would share one of my recent cravings. Put simply, I would [I]love[/I] to pit my human against one or more of your anthro characters; tol, smol, busty, waifish, angry, enthusiastic, predator, prey, cis or trans, so long as they have fur, female anatomy and you'd like to see them get utterly stuffed and optionally knocked up by someone not of their species, I'd like to hear from you!

[COLOR=red]Of note[/COLOR], I recently found, and have developed a hankering for, [URL='']this mouse[/URL]! Isn't she cute?

As far as settings go, I'll consider anything, although my preference is for original fantasy or sci-fi. I might add my own plots to this later, but I'd very much like to see yours!

This thread is fairly brief, but I'd like to assure you that it is not indicative of my posting ability. I will match whatever you give me for length, potentially up to a couple times a day, so long as it's third person past tense.

PMs would be the best way to get in touch, and also my preferred means of play. Kinks are something we can discuss; feel free to approach me with anything, the worst I can say is no. Hope to hear from you soon!

Seeking Interspecies Debauchery - NSFW - Now With Cravings!
Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and today I have a few cravings I'm hoping I can find someone to indulge!

[IMG align="left" width="400px"][/IMG]As you can see by the accompanying gif, I have an interest in interspecies fun. More specifically, at the moment, I'm hoping to find someone interested in anthro-on-human scenarios, at the moment with a preference for human male on anthro female, but the opposite as well; in either case, I would be looking to play the male character.

At the moment, my preferred human faceclaim is [URL='']this gentleman here[/URL]. As you might gather from him, my preferred genre tends to be fantasy, sci-fi or some combination of the two; while slice-of-life is definitely something which could be done - I have a plot involving it, in fact - I do like some adventure with my smut. Speaking of, the proportion of smut to story tends to be pretty high in my scenarios; having a good story and character relationship outside it is definitely encouraged, but uh... our PCs are gonna bang, it's why most of us are here.

As for who I'm looking to play MC against... bring what ya got! I'd be interested in tol, smol, busty, waifish, angry, enthusiastic, predator, prey, cis or trans, so long as they have fur, female anatomy and you'd like to see them get utterly stuffed and optionally knocked up by someone not of their species, I'd like to hear from you! If you don't have any ideas of your own, or if you'd like more, I can supply plenty of images myself, but I'd still like to see what [I]you[/I] have!

I would love to hear your stories! If you have a human-on-anthro scenario that you have a hankering for, I'd like to see it. I do have some of my own, of course, and will be adding more over time; have a look!
[spoiler=Humans & Homesteads]In this scenario, MC is an adventurer who has decided that traveling the land slaying monsters and fighting evil wizards is getting a bit old. More than that, having made a small fortune off his last adventure, he has decided to spend it constructively, rather than waste it all on minor things before the next adventure rolls around. To that end, he has purchased a plot of remote land along a mountain road, and has built a place similar to where he spent a great deal of time as an adventurer... a roadside tavern.

Business isn't brisk, of course, but that's more or less how MC likes it, at least for now. An artificer by trade, he gets to work on his devices in relative peace, while still keeping a finger on the pulse of the wider world via his guests. Guests come and go, that is, until some of them don't; MC could use some help around the place, and anyone looking for a place to settle down is welcome! MC is happy to keep things professional, of course, but sometimes that just isn't possible... or even desired.

There are all sorts of possibilities for this one, but mainly, I'm looking for MC to accumulate a staff of sexy beastkin to help run his tavern, and warm his bed. Would be [I]very[/I] interested if one of the individuals who settle down with MC were some sort of thief; they heard MC had gold, and came to steal it. Of course, MC is no slouch, and YC doesn't get far. After being captured, however, it transpires that [URL='']she is in heat[/URL]...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Doing Domestication]This is a scenario loosely inspired by [URL='']this image[/URL], which, if it gives you any ideas of your own, I'd love to hear them too. Regardless, the idea I had is pretty simple. YC, for this, would be a fearsome anthro she-wolf, an adventurer or even a leader, who finds, captures and intends to enslave a human she runs across. She doesn't initially think much of her new human; his kind is weak and small, and she has no idea how they have become so [I]common[/I] throughout the lands her own people once ruled alone.

Things take a turn, however, when YC begins to experience her heat; unable to find the herbs her people use to suppress the urges she is beginning to experience, and with a proper male wolf nowhere in sight, she thinks of her captive. Surely he could never [I]measure up[/I] to her own kind, but he [I]is[/I] a male, and he [I]can't[/I] refuse her. Perhaps he will do to take the edge off...

YC, of course, is about to be in for a rather [I]intense[/I] surprise...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Cornered by the Colony]This scenario, inspired in large part [URL='']by this image[/URL], would involve MC as an adventurer, delving into caves and dungeons to discover their secrets. In one, he has gotten a little more than he bargained for; ambushed by a group of ratkin - think Skaven, but without the warpstone and plagues - he is brought back to their colony, where he discovers their situation. Savaged by a group of other adventurers who came through not long ago, the colony is badly underpopulated; all but a handful of very old or very young bucks are dead, and though the remaining does are managing to keep things going, they are staring down the barrel of a demographic collapse.

Although they initially plan terrible things for MC, in retribution for the deeds of the humans who visited them before, but things change when he helps to heal a gravely wounded pup. Though many consider ratkin little different than goblins or other "clever" dungeon beasts, MC sees them differently, and intends to try and help them survive.

For his troubles, things will get very [I]interesting[/I] for him, once the does of the colony begin going into heat with no other real males around...
[spoiler=The Exile's Respite]In this scenario, MC is an adventurer who encounters YC, a [URL='']ratkin doe[/URL] who has been exiled from her colony for crimes we can discuss. Lonely and touched-starved after months of travel trying to find a new place in the world, she and MC initially have a tense standoff, but after it becomes clear neither of them actually wish to fight, MC invites YC to share his campfire for the night. One thing leads to another, and they wind up sharing quite a bit more...
[spoiler=Gift Horses]They say you should never look [URL='']gift horses[/URL] in the mouth. Which is not to say there aren't other things you [I]can[/I] do with a couple of gift horses. And their mouths. Yes, this one isn't very specific, but I love that image.
[spoiler=Badgered to be Bound]This one, also, is pretty simplistic; it would involve [URL='']a curvy badgeress[/URL] who really doesn't enjoy the company of [I]most[/I] people, but who ends up falling in with a human who, among other things, finds he can bring out her "vulnerable" side... both with regular romance, and possibly with the application of ropes, collars and other implements. Could also substitute a [URL='']tigress[/URL] for this one, or indeed, why not both? Would actually prefer to have some sci-fi elements for this one.
[spoiler=Cab Bunnies]A pretty simple idea, and one of the few I have that involves a "modern" setting, although I expect there will be plenty of novel additions. For this, MC is a long-haul trucker, and YC is an anthro hitchhiker he picks up. Of course, there is the expected "fare" for riding any distance, but MC has some ideas to give YC a more [I]permanent[/I] set of responsibilities. This scenario would involve heavy, long-term bondage, slave/pet training and other things... and, as per usual, I'd [I]love[/I] if you were willing to play more than one character!
[spoiler=Get Bent!]For those inclined, a gender-bending scenario! MC, an alchemist or geneticist depending on the setting we choose, hires an anthro bodyguard after a rival goes after him. YC, a very tough, very [I]male[/I] security professional, initially thinks this will be a fairly standard job; as it turns out, though, the client has an aversion to [I]visible[/I] security, and so has prepared the ultimate [I]disguise[/I] for YC to dawn. MC of course assures him-now-her that the transformation is fully reversible, and she'll get a feel for being a personal assistant in no time; of course, that would be fine, if it weren't for these new [I]urges[/I] she's feeling toward her employer...
[spoiler=The Last Human]An distinctly sci-fi scenario. YC is a crewbeing on a deep-space exploration ship, the entire crew of which is composed of various species which all share a common biological signature. It is believed that all of these life-forms were seeded, possibly even [I]created[/I], by a long-extinct species which transplanted its native biosphere to a large number of planets, then vanished into history. YC's ship, in its long voyage of exploration, keeps an eye out for any artifacts which might have belonged to these ancient beings... and they have just hit pay-dirt.

The derelict ship is huge, huge and [I]old[/I]. Drifting far out in an eccentric orbit around a nameless star, it is plainly not the product of any known species, but nevertheless, its lines are eerily familiar. Further investigation reveals a trove of artifacts, well preserved by vacuum... though also a large number of [I]bodies[/I]. The remains bear the same genetic signature that most known sentients do; could they be another creation of the extinct makers? Or might they be [I]human[/I] themselves?

Such speculation is eclipsed, however, by the discovery of an [I]intact[/I] stasis capsule, complete with an occupant. Brought aboard, it is determined that the pod is stable, and the occupant is decanted for revival.

No-one can really communicate with the creature who emerges, though he seems both amazed and joyful to see the crew of the ship. YC is put in charge of establishing a rapport, and despite the initial language barrier, there is something about this strange being that is compelling...
[spoiler=Taken From the Spotlight][IMG align="left" width="350px"][/IMG]This is a scenario based [URL='']specifically on this image[/URL]. For this, YC has worked up the courage to visit a certain nightclub, and is surprised when she is allowed inside with no questions. She is talked by the staff into participating in an event the club holds; decorated with a leash and collar, she is "auctioned off," the proceeds reportedly going to charity. Sure enough, of course, someone "wins" her, and she is collected by her new owner. She has been assured that going home with her "owner" is common and "part of the fun," but she is unprepared for just how he treats her...

Of course, things are a little more real than YC was led to believe. That being said, though MC fully intends to keep his new slave, that doesn't mean he won't train her to [I]enjoy[/I] her new life...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fun Sized!][IMG align="left" width="350px"][/IMG]For this, I'm looking to have my character fall in with - and into - a horny, enthusiastic shortstack! Preferably a [URL='']fennec like this one[/URL], but I'd love to see your ideas too! My thought is that, whatever setting and particulars we decide on, YC has has a thing for humans and has decided to act on it... and quickly learns she's bitten off more than she can chew! That's okay for MC, though; he can think of plenty to do with an energetic anthro onahole who also happens to stand at a convenient crotch height...

I will say that, [I]also[/I] as in the accompanying gif, I have a hankering for harems at the moment, or at least threesomes. Having MC traveling around with a pair of devoted anthro lovers... needless to say, if you're willing to play the extra character, I'm willing to go above and beyond to make it interesting. Polycules and other unusual dynamics, apply within.

PMs would be the best way to get in touch with me, and are also my preferred means of play. Kinks aside from what is discussed above are something we can talk about; feel free to approach me with anything, the worst I can say is no. Hope to hear from you soon!

Seeking Interspecies Debauchery - NSFW - Now w/ Bunnies!
Getting straight to the point with this one! Hope some of you will find it compelling.

I am AswanFox, and today I'm looking for exactly what it says in the title, typified by the characters in the spoiler tags below. All images therein should be considered [COLOR=red]NSFW[/COLOR]. I am looking to play a human character who looks something like [URL='']this[/URL], against... well!

[spoiler=Vixen][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]If you have a willingness to play a smol anthro fox woman against a tol human, I would very much like to hear from you! For settings, I like fantasy, sci-fi, possibly even modern; if there's a cute vixen - or possibly more than one - involved, I'll consider it.
[spoiler=Tigress][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Alternate FCs: [URL='']1[/URL], [URL='']2[/URL].

Tall, strong and stripey, preferably with an untended need burning inside her that a human male might just satisfy... and then some! I'd love to tussle with a tigress; I also have alternate faceclaims, if you like the concept but not the image. I've taken to calling this character Orroa, though use of that name is up to you.
[spoiler=Badger][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Alternate FCs: [url=]1[/url], [URL='']2[/URL], [URL='']3[/URL].

Another option that comes to mind lately is the lovely badgeress to the left. I don't have many specific ideas for her yet, but I like to think she'd be well suited to cyberpunk or some similar genre, a consummate badass who my more unassuming character falls in with. Perhaps they have an unexpected romance? Perhaps the endorphin rush of escaping a bad situation puts her in a mood to celebrate? Perhaps she has an unexpected submissive side that my character manages to bring out? We'll see!

And of course, if you wanted to [I]combine[/I] this lovely lady with a side of vixen... well![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Badger(s)][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Not much to tell about these two; twin or at least nearly identical badgers, perhaps curious about the novelty of a human male. Fantasy, sci-fi, what have you; I don't expect to get many takers for these two, but I figure it's worth a shot!
[spoiler=Wolf][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]One last thing, for the really adventurous, would involve the lovely gift wolf on the left. I don't really have too many ideas for her, other than I just think she's [I]neat[/I]. If anyone is still hankering for a Christmas-themed scenario, or something of that nature, she might be a good option! I look forward to seeing what people might have in mind![/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bunny][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Alternate FCs: [URL=]1[/URL], [URL=]2[/URL].

This one is pretty simple; a cute lil' bunny, preferably with a kinky side that compels her to be "prey" for a fearsome "predator," possibly even without his expecting it! You don't often see a rabbit on a leash, of course, but it [i]does[/i] happen...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bunny (Wholesome)][IMG align="left" width="300px"][/IMG]Another version of the bunny, this one a little more suited to a lighter story. Just a rabbit and her human lover, learning the virtues of one-another in the way rabbits enable best!
I also have scenarios! These were mostly written with a specific character in mind, [I]however[/I] I do think it would be interesting to brainstorm how different ones would fit, so please, give me any ideas you've got!
[spoiler=1. Cohabitant Copilots]
The idea here is more fluffy and romantic. In a sci-fi setting similar to but legally distinct from Star Wars, MC and YC are space freighter pilots, and have been for awhile. Maintaining a relationship on the road is always difficult, and recently both characters have endured ugly breakups from their respective SOs back home. They fall to commiserating, and then - privately at first - contemplating things. Namely, whether the being they've been sitting beside in a cockpit for years now might be more than merely a friend and coworker... and what crossing the species barrier might be like with them. After a couple of drinks, they're just about ready to find out!
[spoiler=2. The Pilot's Pet]
A variation on the setting of the above, albeit [I]far[/I] less wholesome. In this setting, MC is a smuggler, ala Han Solo but with fewer morals. In the course of his work, he has made friends and enemies; YC is one of the latter, or was until recently. One of a team of mercenaries who were hired to bring MC in, YC was left behind when the rest of her team was dispatched/driven off, and is thus subject to MC's vindictive streak. Fitted with a behavioral inhibitor collar to prevent her from attacking MC, YC is now his plaything, who he intends to break, train and thoroughly enjoy, before selling her cheap at some Outer Rim slave auction...
[spoiler=3. Relief at Spear-Point]
This is a fantasy scenario involving YC as a pint-sized adventurer who has a habit of fighting well above her weight class. Unfortunately, there are things she has not yet found a way to defeat; these include her annual heat, which has her in its week-long grip and has made it exceedingly difficult to focus. In desperation, she seizes the first lone traveler she sees, dragging the hapless human into the woods off the road and making him disrobe and lie down before straddling him; he may not be a tod of her own kind, but he'll satisfy all the same. That he does, and more; before YC can do anything about it, she's grown addicted to just how good this human feels, and may even have let him get the upper hand...
[spoiler=4. Adjustments]This idea is fairly simple, and involves mind control/hypnosis, changing YC's personality over time. MC, for this, is a sorcerer, and an inexperienced one at that. Having recently come into his powers, he is quite inexperienced, and has only recently learned how to do anything [I]practical[/I] with them. His experimentation along these lines has no exactly made him [I]popular[/I], and so he has taken to the roads, thieving and grifting to survive as he travels.

In his travels, MC has fallen in with YC (possibly the Vixen), a fellow thief and occasional entertainer. For a beastkin, she is surprisingly... [I]compelling[/I], or might be if she weren't also a manipulative tease. She sees potential in MC's powers, thinking she might be able to use him to become more than just a small-time thief, but little does she know that MC's abilities are starting to go in a particular direction...

MC can influence people much more directly than YC can by conventional means, and has begun to get good at it. So far, he has tried little things; convincing a shop-keep to give him a better deal, making wild dogs leave him alone, those sorts of tricks. Small exertions of power, but MC has grown more confident. He wants to try something more ambitious, and what better place to start than "correcting" his troublesome companion into something more... agreeable?
[Spoiler=5. Managed by the Mage]One scenario I had in mind for the Tigress character is that YC is a sellsword who has fallen in with a human alchemist/artificer. Hired as his bodyguard as he crosses a particularly dangerous stretch of territory, YC has largely given him the cold shoulder, despite his repeated attempts to strike up a conversation. Things change one night when, after making camp, YC begins to feel the first stirrings of her heat, and to her consternation, is out of the potion ingredients that keep it in check!

Surely the alchemist has what she needs in his tent, yes? She'll just go borrow some, he can take it out of her pay. He'll probably have his nose in a book, won't even see her...
[B]More to come![/B]

At any rate, that's what I've got for the moment. My kinks are fairly straightforward; aside from gore, scat, underage and other things barred from this site, there isn't much I find off-putting, although here's my [URL='']F-list[/URL] if you'd like to check on your favorites. In general, I'm hoping to have plenty of smut, although a compelling story to string together said smut is never out of place.

Please don't get hung up on the scenarios I've put forward. I [I]want[/I] your original ideas, too! Or indeed, if you have your own character/faceclaims you think I would like, I'd love to see them too!

The best way to contact me is via PM! I hope to hear from you soon!
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