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Mx Female NSFW - Tails Deserves Something Nice


Aug 25, 2012
United States
Greetings, programs! I am AswanFox, and today I'm looking for something I almost never participate in: fandom.

I've been a fan of the Sonic The Hedgehog games for a very, very long time, and in particular, I've always had an affinity for Tails. He's a fun character, a friendly lil' guy who does his best to help defeat Robotnik and save the world. Sonic, of course, usually gets more of the spotlight, but Tails doesn't mind, he's off working on his next invention and is really too busy to worry about his share of the glory.

What I'd like to do is help give Tails a small reward for everything he's done, as it were.

In this scenario, I would be playing Tails as an adult, as I hope would be any other characters involved. It has been a few months since the last attempt by Eggman to take over the world, and for once in his life, Tails finds himself at loose ends. He finds himself puttering around his workshop with little to do; his old inventions don't really need tinkering with, and the muse has not struck for anything new. Tails' plight, however, has not gone unnoticed. Although he has never been good at exploring such things on his own, he has attracted a number of admirers over the years, people who care about him as more than a friend, and who think that at long last he ought to know it.

The long and short of it is, Tails gets a visit from someone special, or perhaps even a group of someones, as in the image on the left. The characters represented need not be the ones you pick, necessarily, nor do they need to be canon; OCs are fine too! Also, the setting for this would not be tied to any one comic or game continuity, so any character is fair game.

This would be largely cuddly and romantic, although as you can tell from the image, Tails might go a little harder than perhaps his partners expect. Kinks and such can be discussed! The best way to contact me is via PM.
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Male Dragon RT
[IMG align="left" width="332px"][/img]Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

That, specifically, is for me to play this here dragon against whatever human or anthro characters you care to throw at him. Some basics on the character: his name is Ciym, he is anywhere between a few hundred and a few thousand years old (his kind lives practically forever, unless they are killed), he stands about 6 feet tall at the shoulder, and he can in fact breathe fire, although he tends not to. He does all the normal dragon things; he has a hoard of treasure, a mental ledger of perceived slights, an inflated sense of his own superiority, and mostly good manners for a creature that finds most other crunchy and good with ketchup. He does have a few other aspects to him that may not be so common; he is a voracious reader, and his hoard contains almost as many books as other treasures; he wears a pair of reading glasses, mostly because the text of most other species is very small and otherwise hard to focus on. He has an interest in science (and/or thalmaturgy, depending on the setting), engineering and architecture, as well as history, a side effect of having witnessed a great deal of it.

[IMG align="right" width="332px"][/img]Ciym is [i]not[/i] the sort of dragon that is all monstrous and scaly only when he has to be, and then turns into an improbably handsome human man the rest of the time. Ciym very seldom [i]hides[/i] what he is, unless doing so is advantageous for some reason, and then only temporarily. When doing the things that matter, such as fighting, intimidating one's enemies, settling down on a hill of gold, or especially [i]mating[/i], Ciym is most assuredly in his draconic form. This is a point he tends not to budge on.

Paradoxically perhaps, although Ciym has enjoyed the company of beings of his own shape, he has an affinity for the bipedal forms, and most especially their women. Humans, elves, beastkin, even the occasional halfling or especially comely goblin has felt the force of his masculinity. How he acquires these partners can vary; sometimes - especially when he is traveling away from his den - he applies his powers of seduction. At other times - especially in the case of thieves and wold-be dragon slayers who invade his home - he takes what he wants by force. Often, his conquest find a place among his other treasures...

In acts of passion, Ciym's nature is to dominate and shape his partners to his will, an activity he greatly enjoys. Upon finding a partner with a mental will and personality to match his own, however, a more mutual experience may unfold.

Ciym's home is an ancient castle, an impressive mountain hold in which Ciym keeps his treasures, and in which he spends a good deal of his time. The castle is huge, well furnished, and contains many traps for the unwary. Ciym makes a habit of clearing out the traps when he returns from a long trip, as one never knows what potential additions to his collection he might find.

If Ciym seems like the sort of partner you would like to throw a character at, I would love to see what you come up with! I have an [URL='']F-List[/URL] you can peruse, and the best way to contact me is via PM. Hope to hear from you soon!

Male Rat RT
[IMG align="left" width="332px"][/img]Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

That, specifically, is for me to play this here ratman against whatever human characters and scenarios you care to throw at him. Some basics on the character: his name is Akren, and he is a ratfolk male (if that wasn't obvious), a member of a species which is mostly regarded as the sort of basic monster that newbie adventurers first notch their swords on. Like nearly all ratfolk, Akren is dismissed by most humans as an unthinking, spear-wielding beast, however that is not the case.

Akren has depths unguessed by most humans. Far from a slavering beast, he is keenly intelligent, curious, and can be quite friendly if someone isn't trying to kill him. He has some latent magical talent, although he has no training or knowledge of its use. He is fairly skilled with a [url=]short spear[/url], although he does not enjoy using it on intelligent creatures. To friends and lovers, he can be kind and affectionate, although he does have a vindictive side as well when wronged. Akren speaks the common human language, but is not necessarily fluent.

In general, Akren is his species' equivalent of an adventurer. He craves a life beyond the tunnels of his colony, and thus there are options for where and how YC would meet him. It could be in a dungeon, it could be on the road, it could be in a tavern or in the streets of a city. He seeks excitement and new experiences.

As a lover, Akren carries ratfolk sensibilities regarding pleasure and mating. Males of his kind are potent, and mate often; Akren may adore a single woman in particular, but has no hangups about bedding multiple women, or whether or not his partners enjoy the company of other men. More, his concept of "a time and a place" for such things is a bit more general than most humans; privacy is something he understands, but ducking into some bushes with the hostess at a garden party... well, the other guests can't [i]see[/i] him, right?

If Akren seems like the sort of partner you would like to throw a character at, I would love to see what you come up with! I have an [URL='']F-List[/URL] you can peruse, and the best way to contact me is via PM. Hope to hear from you soon!

[IMG align="left" width="332px"][/img]Greetings, ladies and those willing to play ladies! I'm AswanFox, and I'm hoping to find someone who will indulge a craving of mine.

The premise I have in mind is this:

It is the far, space-faring future. In its expansion across the stars, humanity found very little in the way of alien life, and even less in the way of [i]intelligent[/i] life, with those sapient species they did discover being extraordinarily far away, and less than inclined to talk. While reasonably successful, humanity always regretted that they had not friends among the stars.

And so, they made some.

Using genetic engineering and high-level terraforming, ancient humanity seeded the stars with life. Although they built their own colonies, and many great civilizations of their own kind rose and fell over the aeons, it was the many races they sired that are perhaps their greatest achievement. Using the template of their own evolutionary history, humanity seeded genetic information to developing worlds, coded to guide the development of specific forms that they desired. Millions of worlds were seeded, and most did not bear fruit, but thousands did; within a billion years, the friends humans had sought since before even achieving spaceflight had arisen. Their forms were familiar; as a basis for their work, humanity had used creatures they knew from their own home-world. Furred, feathered and scaled, they rose to build their own societies, and sought to join their near-mythological progenitors among the stars by their own efforts.

By the time most made it, however, it was too late.

Humanity had planned for the long term, but in the end, they mostly did not meet the friends they had yearned to see. Human civilization - for by this time, there was but one - had endured, but it had also declined. A billion years had taken its toll; the human species was barely genetically viable to continue itself, let alone maintain a large population. The scattered colonies were small, and mostly gone. Everywhere was evidence of past human achievements, but the collective "anthro" races would mostly never encounter their builders.

Over time, the anthros did encounter one-another, and a pan-galactic community began to form. The remnants of humanity - mostly confined to their redoubts - were happy to see their creations flourish, but had little involvement in their affairs. They were all mostly content to surrender the future to a new generation of sapients, and ease into their inevitable extinction.

All, except one.[IMG align="right" width="332px"][/img]

Milo Tyranne is a young human. In the colony where he was born and raised, this is a rare thing; the human birthrate is low, and every new addition is generally planned.
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