The EMT was glad to have Jeffrey's help with Candy, who continued to fuss slightly, but finally took a deep breath, and nodded.
Kara didn't notice Noel doing anything as for the cuddling, but finally did focus on Brinker as she was asked questions regarding what she saw and how she felt. Even Lenard, who had thought it, was startled by Kara's admission that she wanted to knock the person who sent that into the middle of next YEAR.
Brinker nodded and talked soothing to both for another half hour or so, before reminding Noel she was just a phone call away.
The way Candy snuggled into Jeffrey, it would be clear that they'd probably share the bed that night; she clearly didn't want to be alone that night, meanwhile, the Zorels would be able to reclaim their bedrooms for the first time since Saturday.
At the precinct, Christine Anderson and Penny Brown got back to the precinct and immediately Christine was on the phone to Jeffrey, who seemed to be made out of stronger stuff than even Lenard, and read the note to Jeffrey, before asking if anyone of Noel's older brothers or her dad, or any other member of the family would play a cruel joke like that. She wanted to see if he could come down to the precinct for about an hour and look over the "clothing" to see if the stitching looked familiar. Family wasn't the only suspects, Christine still felt the doctor should be questioned as well, considering the information Allison Brinker brought back from the hospital where the papers were, and his attitude towards pretty much everyone at the Seattle hospital, and lack of empathy towards Noel herself. There was also the escaped ex Steve, who was also still at large.