The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

Carlos laughed too when she laughed. He didn't know why, but it was just contagious. There he was, with his index finger up her virgin ass, both of them laughing at nothing in particular. He pushed it in a little further as she giggled, wiggling it around inside her to test the waters. After lubricating her as best he could, he removed the finger from her tight little anus, and collapsed on top of her, rolling off playfully. Leaning up to her, he kissed her on the neck and then the lips, opening his mouth to let her warm little tongue inside. "So, you ready, sugar?" he whispered gently after he pulled away. "Lay however you think you wanna lay, baby, and we gonna have some fun with this."
She was glad when he kissed her with an open mouth. She pushed her tongue inside of his mouth and played with his for a moment. That eased her even more. She was feeling more and more like she belonged with him, which she knew was bad. She needed to talk to Brendan, despite the fact that she was learning to have such a good time with Carlos. She rolled over underneath him and kissed him again, easily opening up her legs wide and sort of lifting her hips up so that her asshole was more exposed to him. "I'm still a little nervous," she whispered to him as she stroked the back of his neck.
"It's okay, mama," he whispered back, kissing her mouth lustily again, and then planting a soft peck on her nose. "I ain't gonna hurt you." With that, he slid down, and trailed his hand along her chest, in between her breasts, and down her stomach, before giving her clit ring a rub or two for good measure, even thought she’d said she didn't want any of that. Although her hips were up and her legs were spread, he had much more access to pussy than to ass. He had to slide his hands under her butt cheeks and lift up a little bit, so that her puckered bud was there for the taking. Sliding his body up to hers, he looked her in the eye as he pressed his hard cock against the tight opening, preparing to take her anal virginity. Finally, still keeping his gaze on her, he grabbed her hips and grunted as he pushed himself in that tight first inch, immediately feeling surrounded much tighter than he was used to in her pussy.
She hoped his words were true. She really really really hoped that he wasn't going to hurt her. Part of her still couldn't believe that she was agreeing to try this with him. Him, the man who'd raped her repeatedly, inseminated her, slapped her around, and slept with other women when she was close by near their son. And now she was letting him take her anal virginity. She took a deep breath as he grabbed hold of her butt cheeks and lifted her up. This was a strange position, to say the least, but it was more personal than it would have been if she'd had her ass up in the air and her face had been stuffed into the comforter. She gritted her teeth as he pushed himself in, her mind telling her pain immediately. She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut, trying not to tense too much as she knew that would make it worse.
Carlos listened closely to the sound that she made when he pushed in. He didn't know a woman alive who could take it up the ass for the first time and not make a sound. Elsa, it turned out, was no different. But her little whimpering didn't sound too bad to him. Not wanting this experience to end early, he leaned over and kissed her neck and mouth gently before proceeding any further. He thought that she probably would have been spread open to accept him more easily if she were bent over, but Elsa apparently didn't want that. So he grunted and pushed himself deeper inside. She was amazingly tight, he could tell that there was no room to spare, and his thickness was pushing out on her walls in every direction. The lubrication helped a little, though, and he soon was getting close to being halfway inside, letting out a deep pitched moan towards the ceiling as a result of the friction against his sensitive manhood that her tight accommodations were creating.
She opened her eyes when he leaned forward and kissed her neck and mouth. She whined again when he pushed in further, feeling her insides stretch in ways she'd never thought they'd stretch. He filled her to the absolute brim and she wasn't sure that her poor ass could take all of his inches anyway. Carlos was a Latino and he had a huge dick. He was at least eight inches, though he'd never actually told her how long he was. Her ass was tight and she didn't know how deep. She breathed hard, but tried to just get through it. "Do..." she began, gritting her teeth again, "Do you like it? It is good for you?"
Carlos was starting to moan as if up to heaven by the time she asked him how she was. White girls were notorious for not being able to take it up the ass, but Elsa didn't seem to be doing badly at all. He'd started to rock back and forth, taking the four inches or so of her ass that he'd already claimed as his domain, and using them to the full. "Ahh," he groaned deeply. "It feel amazing," he moaned out. "You okay, sugar?" he then asked, almost as an afterthought, his voice wavering. His cock throbbing, he clenched at her hips and pounded in as hard as he could, leaving it up to fate how much of his length sunk inside her. As he rammed against her butt, it seemed like another inch or two had forced its way inside her steamy tightness. Continuing to rock, he felt a wonderful wave of pleasure coursing through his insides, moments away from releasing inside a new part of her body.
She was trying to be okay. She really was, but it was horridly difficult for her. It got even more difficult when he began to pound in and out of her. It was obvious that he'd forgotten about being super gentle with her and was focused on giving himself pleasure from his ass. She whined again as he stuffed two more inches inside of her. She tried to wriggle, hoping that that would make her feel better, but she found that she could really barely move at all. "I'm...I'm..." she stammered, gritted her teeth again and breathing rhythmically, almost as if she was in labor again. "I'm alright." she gave him a little smile as if to try to tell him that it was okay. She'd already pretty much decided that she wasn't going to do anal with him again.
Carlos took her declaration that she was fine to be a go-ahead to keep pounding away. And so he did, digging his nails into her hips and sliding in and out, although with not even close to the ease that he was used to sliding and squishing in with her wet pussy. Finally, he threw his head back and moaned, forgetting all about the sleeping child, and released his sticky seed deep inside her intestines, feeling her anal walls convulsing all around him. Sliding out, he immediately heard the baby start crying, and collapsed onto Elsa. Looking into her eyes, he could tell she'd been in terrible pain. "Ahh, your ass is sweeeet," he gasped, a huge smile on his face, hoping that would make her feel better. "You one hot mama, mama," he gushed on, kissing her on the ear as he collapsed onto his pillow.
The second Elsa heard the baby crying, nothing else in the world mattered. It didn't matter that she felt like her anal cavity was going to explode, it didn't matter that she was in horrible pain from his pounding into her cruelly, it didn't matter that Carlos had finally succeeded in taking everything from her. All that mattered was her baby. She slapped him away as he leaned down to kiss her and shoved at him until she could maneuver herself away. He wasn't doing anything to help her get his dick out of her ass so she really had to pull to get it out, and at this point she didn't care if it hurt him or not. Once he was out she jumped off of the bed and went running into the hallway to her sweet child. She picked him up and cuddled him to her chest, cooing at him and stroking him to calm him down.
Carlos yelped in protest as his cock bent a little when Elsa jumped up and pushed him away. That wasn't what he had in mind for afterward, but the baby apparently stirred up some motherly instinct in her. He cursed the baby in his mind in that moment. Why did he always have to interrupt everything? Laying back into the pillow, he closed his eyes and waited for Elsa to rejoin him. "I think he's okay, sugar," Carlos called into the hallway. "Why don't you come here and lay with me?"
"Shhh, shhh baby," she murmured to him, rocking him back and forth against her naked body until he began to settle. After about five minutes (which probably seemed like a life time to Carlos), Gui was asleep again. She laid him gently in his crib and stroked his sweet face as he lay there. She took hold of the side of the crib and dragged it back into the bedroom, the opposite of what Carlos had done earlier. She put it back in its right place and checked on Gui one last time, still asleep. She walked back over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, groaning at the pain in her ass. She sighed and rolled over onto her side, but didn't bother to go near Carlos.
Carlos groaned impatiently when she finally dragged in the crib and got into bed. "What's the matter, sugar, your ass hurt?" he wondered aloud. "Come here and let me hold you. I told you to say stop if it hurt too much," he protested defensively. He rolled over and opened his eyes, noticing that she was doing her best to stay as far away from him as possible.
"You think I was really gonna tell you to stop when you were enjoying it so much?" she snapped at him as if what he said was blasphemy. If she had told him to stop he wouldn't have anyway. He was too far gone. He would have whined and said 'Come on baby it can't be that bad' or 'Come on sugar I'm so close', or something that would have made it impossible for her to really make him stop anyway. The only thing that got him off of her in the first place was her maternal instinct to run to her baby. She moved over a little closer to him, close enough that he could grab her and pull her to him, but she didn't snuggle against him.
Carlos didn't answer her question, it would have only led to a fight, and there was no point to that. He wouldn't have wanted to stop, but he was trying to use the fact that she didn't protest against her. Apparently, Elsa was a little too smart for that tactic. He didn't go out of his way to cuddle with her, only letting their sleeping bodies meet in the night in passing as he tossed and turned. He was satisfied, though, and slept well.

The next day, he was up early. His usual custom was that if he spent the better part of a day with Elsa, he spent the next day mostly taking care of 'business'. And the nice, sunny Sunday that followed their shopping day was no different. By the time Elsa got up, he'd already showered, shaven, and was downstairs eating some oatmeal, all ready to head out for the day. It was a football Sunday, which meant big money coming in on all the games. Not a day for Carlos to be lounging around at home, when earnings were out there for the taking.
Elsa slept okay, though she remained on her side for most of the night. When she woke up she found that Carlos wasn't in the bed, and frankly, she was okay with that. She showered and got dressed before she even bothered to find out if he was even home. She took the baby into her arms and went down the stairs, seeing him eating there. The only thing about living with Carlos that she hadn't expected was the fact that he didn't force her to cook for him like she thought he would have. She did at times, yes, but he never expected it of her (except when he was angry, then she knew she had to). She held the baby almost defensively and looked at him from across the room, "Guess you're leaving?"
Carlos looked up at Elsa and furrowed his brows. He didn't like the way she was speaking to him in the least. It was as if she thought because they screwed at night, she had the right to be snippy with him. "Yeah," he retorted. "I got a lot of work today. You sound like you got a problem or something. What's the deal?" He frowned and turned back to his oatmeal, before taking a sip of orange juice. The last thing he wanted was some argument with his moody baby-mama to ruin his day before it even started.
"I don't have a problem," she said as she walked over to the crib and laid Gui down in it. She poked his nose playfully, which elicited a grin and a giggle from her sweet baby, which made Elsa's mood sky rocket. She walked over to Carlos and brushed her hand along his back and shoulders. She leaned over and kissed his cheek gently, "When are you coming back?"
Carlos was calmed a little bit by Elsa's pleasing demeanor. She was clearly doing her best to diffuse him, and it worked. "Okay," he said in agreement, his expression changing a little. Turning his head when she kissed him, he pecked at her ear a bit before tuning back to his almost empty bowl. "I don't know, it's hard to ever say," he said truthfully. He figured he'd he out until at least the 4:00 games were over and the money collected from those. "Probably at least 'til dark," he guessed, before tossing his cup and bowl in the sink and heading for the door, giving Elsa a kiss goodbye.
"Okay," she said, kissing him gently before he left. She washed his dishes and checked on the baby again. She looked outside and Carlos' car was gone, that meant he really had left. She nearly sprinted up the stairs to her purse. There was a message from Brendan but she deleted it without even listening to it. She dialed his number and went downstairs and sat on the chair, waiting anxiously for him to pick up.
Brendan had slept late on Sunday, still feeling extremely sore from the beating two days ago. He was stirred awake in the late morning by the sound of the phone ringing. Reaching for it, he groaned at the pain that seemed to come from every muscle in his body. Looking at his phone, he saw it was Elsa, which immediately breathed some life into his tired body. "Hey," he answered, trying to sound cheerful.
"Hi Bren," she said happily, smiling brightly on her end of the phone. Talking to him just brightened her day even more. "How are you?" she asked gently, leaning back against the chair and closing her eyes for a moment. "Did he hurt you really badly?" she asked sadly, knowing that when Carlos decided to beat someone, he really beat them.
Brendan was about to lie to Elsa, when she revealed that she knew already what happened. Letting out a loud sigh, he nodded into the phone. "He made his point with me, Els," he admitted. "But it could have been a lot worse." Brendan couldn't help but smile. He'd take a thousand beatings if it meant talking to Elsa, he thought to himself. "But how are you? I have to say, I worry about you all the time. Every day," he emphasized.
She felt a small pang in her heart when he said that he made his point. She knew exactly what that meant. Carlos had made his point with her more times than she'd like to admit. "I'm...I'm okay, I guess." she said with a little sigh, "My ass really hurts," she said bluntly, figuring she should just tell Brendan what happened. It wasn't like she was ever able to hide anything from him anyway, "He finally did it, Bren. He fucked my ass. And it hurts."
Brendan's heart melted when she told him he fucked her in the ass. The very thing that two times, Brendan had sprawled out his body to barely stop. And now it happened. He tried not to ever think of Elsa and Carlos having sex, but this went way beyond that in terms of turning his stomach. "Oh, God, Elsa. I'm so sorry," he finally got out. "I wish there was something I could have done, Els." He paused, and took a deep breath, his heart racing. It was so dangerous, what he was about to suggest. "I want to see you. Today, Elsa. You know Carlos' moves better than I do. Tell me how we can do it."
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