The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She smiled when she saw Carlos pull up. She knew his car and his home and all of his stuff came from whatever business he was running. She didn't know what it was but she was sure it wasn't legitimate. It might be drugs, guns, alcohol, whatever. She had no idea what it was but she figured the less she knew about it, the easier it would be for her to deal with. She shook her head at his double parking but didn't say anything.

"Of course you can," she said as she held out the baby gently. He was fast asleep and she was sure he wouldn't stir much by being transferred to Carlos. "You probably shouldn't be double parked though," she teased playfully.
Carlos snickered at her tease. "What? Who's gonna stop me?" he demanded to know, smiling at the idea of parking legally. He was in too good of a mood today to take any offense. "You really a goody-two-shoes now that you a mama, ain't you?" he teased back. "You not gonna make my boy no goody goody mama's boy, are you?" He held Gui in his arms for a minute, before leaning into the back of the car, and fiddling around with the car seat for a moment, trying to get his sleeping son in properly. "You better do it," he suggested, holding Gui until she could get into the back seat and get him secured. Once they were in, he hopped back in the front and started driving. "I got him all hooked up at home. He gonna be the happiest baby. We got a crib, toys, all that," he boasted, looking at Elsa, and then the baby in the rearview mirror.
"I'm sure you wouldn't accept anything less from me," she teased back, a wide smile on her face. She laughed when Carlos couldn't get the baby in the car seat. She leaned in and did it almost expertly. It wasn't hard, all you had to do was read the directions that were printed on the seat. Either Carlos was too bull-headed to read the directions, or he couldn't read them. She didn't know how good he was at English, but she guessed not very. She got into the car after he was all set and buckled herself in. "That's good," she said, thinking again about his illegitimate business. "I think he's gonna sleep for a few hours. He only just fell asleep before you came."
Carlos nodded in agreement. "That's okay. I'll make sure it stay quiet at my place," he promised as they pulled up in front of his house. The house was a big, old row house of stone, which wasn't in the best repair. The roof was caving in a little bit, and the front yard was mostly dirt, surround by a leaning chain link fence. There was a decent amount of activity on the street, a lot of the neighbors sitting out front on the stoops or porches. Not many were employed. He opened the back door, took Gui from Elsa's hands and carried him up the steps before handing him back to Elsa so he could open the rickety storm door. "This your daddy's house," he said to the baby, not quite in baby talk (that wasn't something he thought he'd ever do). Leading them it, he pointed Elsa over to a worn sofa on a beat up carpet, a musty smell filling the room. "You know, I have people come by here sometimes for my work," he explained. “But it's not like you think. They my friends. Good peoples," he explained. "But I'm tryin' to keep everything clear today for you."
She was wary of Carlos' neighborhood and the way his house looked but she decided not to say anything about it. When they went inside she wrinkled her nose. The house was in desperate need of some tender love and care. She made a note that while Carlos was at work (if he even left the house for work) and Gui was sleeping she would try to fix up the house as much as she could. She obviously couldn't do any sort of carpentry or whatever, but she could clean the place up at least.

"What do you do for work, anyway? What's your business?" she walked over to the crib that was set up and placed Gui in it gently. She patted his face and then turned around to face Carlos, unsure exactly what she should do now. Did he expect her to cook for him? To sit with him? Was he going to leave?
Carlos frowned at Elsa's question about his business. She, of all people, should know better than to pry about something like that. She had a rap sheet, after all, or at least would have had one if not for some restitutions made by the state. "You know, I dabble in a few enterprises," he told her. "Import export, I'm kind of a broker of all different things," he said, a nebulous description that he'd memorized to say when he was asked that question. "You know, I got set up for what I was in the Center for, don’t you?" he explained, realizing he'd never told her that important fact before.

After making a little loop through his house, Carlos realized that he was quickly going to get bored. When nothing was going on, he liked to hang out at a neighborhood cantina owned by one of his friends. "You seem set up nice. So I gotta run for a little bit," he said apologetically. "I'ma be back in a couple hours to check on you two."
He was set up? Somehow she didn't believe that at all. He'd gotten caught at whatever 'enterprise' he was 'dabbling' in and now he was pretty much denying it. "I don't even know what you were at the Center for," she mumbled, standing there awkwardly after the conversation had seemed to cease. Things were getting awkward quickly and that was going to be bad if they were going to live together, even for the shortest period of time.

"Oh." she said, disappointment and even a little sadness obvious there in her face. "Okay, I guess." she said, crossing her arms in front of her chest, not out of defense but mostly because she didn't know what else to do. "I, um...I don't know what to do here...I guess I'll clean?"
Carlos nodded at her, unsure why she was so disappointed. "Yeah, you can clean if you want. Don't cook anything though. I'll bring back some lunch for us when I get back. It's your first day, take it easy. Relax, watch TV if you want," he encouraged her, ignoring her comment about the Center. In his mind he was innocent of the racketeering, conspiracy, and tax evasion charges, even if others held a different opinion.

Her expression puzzled him though. They couldn't go out anywhere together. If she wanted to sit around and talk, he didn't understand why. What was there to talk about? "You know my cell, call me if you need anything for the baby, okay?" A minute later, he was out the door, on the way to his choice hangout.
"Yeah..." she murmured as he left the house. "Okay," she said to no one after he'd already left. So is this how it was going to be? She was going to bum around his house for two weeks while he went out and did God knows what? He'd probably get drunk, smoke, have sex with some stupid ghetto chicks, do some illegal business. She sighed and plopped down on the couch and flipped on the TV. She watched it for about an hour until Gui started to make noises. She went over to him, breast fed him and then burped him. She rocked him back to sleep and then laid him down again.

She laid back down on the couch and eventually fell asleep. She hadn't done any cleaning as it turned out, she didn't feel like it.
Carlos headed down to the cantina and had a few beers with some of his crew. Granted, it was early for that, but not for these guys. The talked, smoked, and watched some European soccer for a couple of hours, before Carlos excused himself, picking up some fried chicken, rice, and vegetables from the kitchen to take home. A few hours after he left, he trudged back though the door "Hey!" he called out excitedly to Elsa, despite the fact she was sleeping, along with Gui. "I'm back. You wanna come in the kitchen and eat? This isn't bad here, right?" he said with a nod, walking over and messing up her hair. "I know how to take care of my babies. You can rest and relax here all you want.”
They ate lunch easily and spent about an hour just lounging. Carlos held Gui for awhile but the baby was a newborn and he didn't do too much just yet. Carlos went out to get more cigarettes and dinner a few hours later. Elsa had been lounging on the couch again when she heard a knock at the door. She got up and went to it, opening it thinking that it was just Luis or someone. Instead she saw a skinny Puerto Rican chick standing there. She wore disgustingly huge hoop earring, jeans that were at least a size too small, a half-shirt and her hair was so greasy it could oil a machine.

"Who the fuck are you?" Elsa growled, immediately becoming angry.
Erica hadn't expected such a rude welcome at all. Carlos had told her to stay away, but he didn't say why. So this was it? He wanted to fuck some slut instead of her? That was outrageous. "What, bitch?" she shouted back just as loud at Elsa. "You'd best get out the way and let me see Carlos," she demanded, waving one long, plastic fingernail in Elsa's face as she moved her whole arm back and forth in a threatening gesture, causing even more of her tan stomach to show as her tight top pulled up.

"Carlos!" she started yelling through the storm door, trying to push it open. "Carlos! Get down here. Don't tell me you fuckin' this chubby white whore," she seethed. (Not knowing of course, that Elsa had a baby the day before.)
"Chubby white whore?" Elsa seethed, every single ounce of her ghetto insides rising up within her. She kept all of that hidden deep inside of her and never ever let it out, but this was different. Some ghetto ass bitch was at the door demanding to see Carlos. Well Carlos wasn't there. Her baby was, and this stupid bitch wasn't going to get anywhere near her child.

Elsa pushed the storm door open right in Erica's face, causing her to stumble backwards. Then she grabbed on to the girl's skinny wrist and twisted it dangerously. Elsa may have been short, and yes she was chubby due to her recent birth, but she was strong. "Carlos ain't here, punta."
Erica was knocked hard into the railing by the screen door. Yelping in pain as she grabbed her bruised teeth, she began flailing at Elsa, passionate fire in her eyes. She'd been in her share of tangles on the street, and wasn't about to take anything from some girl who wanted in her boyfriend's pants. She screamed out in pain as her wrist was painfully twisted, but used her other hand to land a glancing blow on Elsa's jaw, before she took a solid handful of brown hair and hung onto it for dear life, pulling as hard as she could. "Carlos... is.. mine," she gasped. "Let go, you bitch. He's mine," she insisted as she tried to tug Elsa's head to the side by her handful of hair and hit it against the door frame.
"Oh, really?" Elsa asked with a laugh, even as Eric tugged her head down by grabbing on to her hair. She let go of Erica's wrist and wrapped her arm around the girl's waist, tugging her down onto the ground. She maneuvered herself on top of her even with Erica pulling at her hair painfully. She put her 'chubby' leg up on her back and pushed down hard, "Then how come I just had his baby? How come he's been with me for almost eleven months, huh? You just his side slut. I'm the real thing."
Erica's thin frame was no match once Elsa used her body to its fullest effect. She quickly crumpled to the ground, smashing one of her big earrings on the cement, which tore at the flesh of her ear, causing her to shriek out in pain again. All she could do was hang onto Elsa's hair for dear life and pull. After a few seconds, she had to submit, and collapsed flat, pinned down by Elsa's strong leg. She didn't know what to say once Elsa revealed she had his baby. He was tired of Elsa, maybe? She was his latest desire? Maybe, but she didn't want to say anything else. She couldn't take any more pain, and just whimpered as her ear bled a little onto the ground.

At that moment, Carlos pulled up onto the street, dinner in the passenger seat. Jumping out of the car, he flew up the steps once he saw what was going on, prying Elsa off Erica with both hands. Once Elsa was stood up, Erica got a fresh shot of courage, leaping off the ground and diving at Elsa. She was intercepted by Carlos, though, who wrapped her in a bear hug before she could touch Elsa. "What are you doing here?" Carlos spat out angrily. Didn't I tell you to stay away? he asked, shaking her whole body.

"Who is she, Carlos? You didn't tell me about her. Did she really have your baby?" Erica responded, starting to sob. "Get out of here," Carlos said, pushing her away down the walkway with such force that she almost stumbled to the ground. "Leave."
And so Elsa was triumphant. Carlos would undoubtedly be angry at her for attacking Erica, but she didn't care right now. In Elsa's mind, which had turned disturbingly street, she had defended her territory and her child. She was triumphant. She brushed herself off and glared at Erica as she stumbled away in defeat. Then she turned to Carlos and gave him a mostly blank look, "She the slut you went to fuck that day?" she asked matter of factly, then shrugged. "Whatever. She ain't worth her weight in blood."
Carlos narrowed his eyes in anger. Why couldn't Erica have just stayed away like he told her to? "She's no one," Carlos answered Elsa. "Why you fightin' anyway?" he demanded grumpily. "You still too weak. You gotta be careful. If you strong enough to fight, you strong enough to put out, that's the way I look at it," he continued to mumble.

Erica looked back part sadly and part angrily a couple of times as she walked off defeated. Carlos gave her one last look, but then turned back to Elsa. "So you hungry?" he asked as if nothing happened. “I brought some food over here.”
"She tried to come in. I wasn't gonna let her near our baby." but then she nodded and sighed a little. She would never have admitted it in front of Erica, but that little tussle had completely exhausted her. "Yeah, I'm hungry. What'd you bring?"

She opened the storm door again and went inside while Carlos got the food out of the car. She went and checked on Gui, who was sleeping peacefully and beautifully. He was only two days old but he was a beautiful and quiet baby so far. Elsa knew she wasn't strong enough to put out yet. She might be able to handle giving head, but she didn't really want to do that.
Carlos went back to the truck and retrieved what he brought, some paella from one of his friend's wives. Heading back in, he and Elsa had a quiet enough dinner, considering the fact that she'd just been in a fight. The next two days went uneventfully enough, similar to the first. Carlos actually was around less than before, since he happened to have a big 'customer' in town who seemed to sap some of his attention. He even convinced Elsa to sleep in bed with him those three nights, the first time they'd done that in their rocky relationship. The crib was right next to the bed, of course. But except for bringing home what was needed from the outside world, Carlos didn't so very much to care for the infant. Changing diapers was woman's work, he felt.

The fourth day, he woke up gradually, looking over and seeing Elsa still in a peaceful sleep, and the baby sleeping too for once, which was completely out of the ordinary. He laid back on the pillow prodding Elsa a little with his foot as he gradually woke, waiting for her to get up. He'd been on the outs with Erica, of course, and was determined to get some today. If Elsa was going to live in his house, she could please her baby's daddy once in a while, he thought.
Gui was certainly a demanding new born, but all and all a good baby. He cried when he needed something, not just to be irritating like some babies Elsa had encountered in her life. Elsa was tired often but she never resented her child, no matter how exhausted she was when he needed something. She dutifully changed his diapers, bathed him in the sink, breast fed him every four hours, and cuddled him as often as she could when he didn't want to sleep.

Elsa had felt weird sleeping in bed with Carlos the first night, but her only other option was to be on the couch which she wasn't going to accept. After the second night she became alright with it. He didn't try anything funny with her, at least not yet, so all that was really happening was that they were sharing the same large mattress. Elsa rolled over when she felt something prodding at her foot. She was wearing one of Carlos' baggy t-shirts and panties, now that her belly was almost back to normal. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw Carlos laying there next to her, "Hi."
Carlos grinned at her a little differently than she was used to, and there was a reason. He wanted something this morning. "How you feelin?" he greeted her, reaching under the sheet and rubbing his hand up and down her back, kneading at the muscles, before venturing down to her butt, where he continued the same rubbing motion. This wasn't what Carlos did every morning. It was more or less apparent that he wanted more than their normal morning greeting. Really, he could take what he wanted from Elsa now that she was no longer with child. But, he'd become somewhat conditioned to treat her with more of a gentle touch these last few months, and habits like that tend to stick, even for a forceful man like Carlos Jara. "You lookin' hot this morning, mamita," he said in a little growl.
"I feel alright," she said as she stretched her limbs out and sucked in a deep breath of air. She knew what he wanted. He'd gone without since she came to stay at his house with the baby and it was obvious what he was looking for. He couldn't even go to Erica now, the girl probably didn't want him as it was now that she knew he had a baby mama. She thought about it for a moment. She wasn't really in the mood to mess around, but he wasn't going to take no for an answer she was sure. And the way he'd acted with her for the last six months or so she knew that rather than just push her down and take it, he'd talk her into it.

She smiled and laughed when he told her she looked hot. She rolled over closer to him, propping herself up on her elbow, facing him now. She rested her hand on his bare chest and traced the scars there lightly, "Oh yeah? I don't look like a chubby white bitch?" she asked playfully, she'd told him what Erica had called her.
Carlos puffed out his chest playfully as she rubbed him, letting his hand drag over her stomach and feel her body beneath his thin white t-shirt that she wore. "Nah, I don't think that's right," he decided with a grin. "I'd say more… a juicy white hot mama," he said, changing Erica's insult around. Sliding his hand up her chest, he let his fingers trail up the middle, through her full engorged breasts. "Let me see those nice ta-tas," he suggested with a grin as he slowly pulled her shirt up, letting it come over her breasts and show them off to him. He let both hands dive in, rubbing in a circle around the outside of her big, milky (quite literally) orbs. "Ooh, not chubby at all," he growled now that she was mostly topless, leaning in and kissing her a couple times on her breasts. "Just right."
She sat up more and pulled the shirt off once he had it up passed her breasts. There was no point in wearing it now when it was obvious that they were going to screw around. She grinned and moved over even closer to him, so close that her pale leg was pressed up against his tan one. "Juicy, huh? I thought that was reserved for the Spanish women. White girls aren't allowed to be juicy," she was sitting up fully now and partly bent over him. Elsa placed both of her hands on his chest now, running them up slowly to his shoulders, then to his neck, up the sides of his head, and into his hair. She'd always liked playing with his hair.
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