The Center (Houdini and Nurse_K)

She narrowed her eyes, her anger flaring up when he insulted Brendan. What right did he have to insult Brendan? He was only jealous, she was sure. "He's waiting outside for me. He wanted to give me privacy while I endured this stupid phone call," she hissed at him, being mean and cruel to Carlos on purpose. She wanted him to feel at least a little of what he always made her feel. "And I'm not coming to visit you."
Carlos let a pause pass that was every bit as pregnant as Elsa, once she flared up at him. It was clear he'd pushed a button here. He hadn't been aware that she was still attached to Brendan, and wasn't at all used to her pushing back at him. "Well what kinda man is he then, not having you stay wit' him?" Carlos stopped and just laughed. "When I get out, you and my boy gonna stay with me. Don't try to deny it. You are. And we gonna fuck all the time, too. Even up that pretty ass of yours."
She got every angrier at his words, so angry that she clenched her fist and her face grew a deep scarlet color. For the first time she remembered that she was pregnant and that stress was not good for pregnancies. She put her hand on her barely swollen belly and gritted her teeth hard. "He respects me, Carlos. I wanted to stay by myself and he said it was okay," she lied, but she didn't care if she lied to him or not. "We're going to get a place together sometime. My child is never going to set foot in any place of yours. And you are never touching me again," that was the first time she'd ever taken ownership of the child too. Her voice stayed calm the whole time but her anger was evident. He was going to have to say a lot to bring her back under his control.
Carlos had thought he'd reel her back in with his last comment, but he was starting to get upset, grasping the prison phone tighter, his fingers turning slightly white as Elsa continued to defy him. "You gonna come see me. That's for damn sure," he insisted, his voice rising in tone. "'sides, I know how to reason with hombres who try to get with my women," he said in a veiled threat. "Admit it, he don't make you moan and scream like I do, do he? I dare you to tell me he do."
"I am not your woman. And I am not coming to see you." she spoke slowly and clearly, her voice dripping venom. She too was gripping the phone so tightly that her knuckles were pale. She was furious at him. Just as he was daring her, she was daring him to have something to catch her with, she really didn't think he did. "He does make me moan and scream. And I beg him too. I beg him to screw me, I beg him to lick me, I even beg him to suck his dick. You don't have an ounce on him, Carlos."
If there was one thing Carlos couldn't take, it was insults against his manhood. Once Elsa had dared to put down his ability in bed, he violently slammed the phone down against the desk five times, causing a deafening noise to reverberate through the line. Once he'd let some of his rage out, he put the phone back up to his ear, a vein popping out of his forehead as he sneered into the phone. "Well, I'd hate to see anything happen to your lover boy on account of you. It'd be a bad shame." He breathed heavily into the phone, so she could hear each exhalation. "And then I'll be the one you beggin' You gonna be beggin' me to pound your cunt and fuck another baby into you. And to rip that tight asshole to shreds. It's gonna happen." With that, he slammed the phone down, and called the guard to take him back to his cell.
She knew she'd really pissed him off when he banged the phone against the desk. She held her own phone away from her ear until she heard his voice again. Her throat tightened when he threatened Brendan and she thought maybe she'd gone too far. Maybe insulting Carlos' manhood was something she should never do, he hadn't reacted this badly to anything else she'd said to him. Once Carlos hung up the phone she set hers down as well and stared at the door for a moment. Then she rose and flew out the door, down the stairs, and out of her building. She ran the blocks to where Brendan was still waiting with the thugs and grabbed his hand, heaving for breath. She glared at the two men and tugged Brendan along back towards her apartment building.

"Let's go, babe." she said, using the affectionate word purposely.
Brendan was concerned when he saw Elsa return so upset, although he didn't know what other effect a conversation with Carlos could have. The goons seem satisfied that she'd been gone long enough to have a conversation with their leader. "You in trouble if we find out you playin' with us," Alex shouted halfheartedly as they took off hand in hand.

Brendan was, however, also glad to be released from the status of a hostage to two guys with a gun. "What happened, babe. Are you okay?" he asked, quite a bit of concern in his voice. Once they were a block away or so, he leaned over and kissed the top of Elsa's head. "You can tell me."
Once they were far enough away Elsa's eyes welled up with tears. She clung to his hand so tightly that her knuckles stayed as white as they'd been when she was on the phone. She shook her head a little and wiped her eyes with her other hand. She inhaled deeply and tried to calm herself down, aware that she made no sense when she tried to talk and cry at the same time.

"I have to go see him, Brendan. I...I have to. He...he threatened you. The only way to stop him is to go see him. By myself. Soon."
Brendan knew something was seriously wrong when Elsa became emotional. She was a tough girl, and it look a lot to make her cry. His heart skipped a beat when he heard that he'd been threatened, but that news was topped only by the revelation that she wanted to see Carlos. "No, Elsa," he said firmly. "I don't think it's a good idea to see him. I'll be fine, I can take care of myself. You shouldn't put yourself in jeopardy," he pleaded with her as they got up to her building.

"Carlos can never be underestimated. He could bribe a guard to give him some privacy with you so he can rape you again. There's no telling what he might do. Why don't we go away for the weekend instead? I was saving for something like that before. We'll get away to the beach, and forget all about this. Nobody will know where we are, and we'll think of a plan by the time we get back."
She stopped walking when they got to her building and she turned to him. She lifted her free hand up to his face and stroked his cheek gently. Her eyes were glimmering with wet tears and she squeezed his hand with hers. "I have to, Brendan. He wants to see me. That's all he ever tells me, that he wants to see me. I keep saying no, but maybe if I go...then he'll leave you alone. He already got what he really wants from me. If I go see him it will solidify his sense of ownership over me and he won't be worried about you anymore. You have to let me go. I love you,"
Brendan could see that she was completely resolute in her determination to do this. He stared at her, finally relenting by giving her a small nod. He leaned in and hugged her, holding her body tight, his cheek against hers, absorbing some of her tears. "Fine. But I'm starting to worry about your safety. So I want to stay here with you tonight. I'll sleep on the couch. And I'm going with you tomorrow. I'll just wait outside." He pulled back a little out of the hug, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "I'm insisting on this because I love you too, baby."
She smiled brightly when he said he would stay the tight. She hugged him tightly and then took his hand and led him up the stairs and into the building. When they got up to her apartment she scurried about making them dinner. They had a fairly pleasant one, the conversation was completely void of Carlos. When they were done she set up the couch for him, as he wouldn't join her in the bed no matter how much she pleaded.

They woke in the morning and took the train up to the Center stop. Then they took a bus to the actual Center. Her heart was pounding wildly. She kissed Brendan goodbye at the waiting room and then signed herself in. She asked for a private room with Carlos, saying he was her significant other. She knew she was taking a huge risk here, but she felt that she had to. She was wearing a black blouse and a pale pink bra, black yoga-style pants and grey boyshort panties. To the rest of the world she looked a little plump, not pregnant, but she knew Carlos would immediately see the difference.

She was escorted to the private room and sat down in one of the two chairs in the small room. There was a table too, and an intercom to buzz to be let out. The room was videotaped too, just in case violence occurred. She dreaded what they might catch on tape as she waited for him to arrive.
Brendan tried to talk Elsa out of the visit at the last minute, which was one of the reason he'd wanted to stay over, but it was to no avail. He gave Elsa a kiss before she went in to see Carlos, then sat down in a chair and wrung his hands nervously while he waited.

Carlos, meanwhile, was surprised to hear that he had a visitor. He wasn't expecting everyone. To say he was shocked to see Elsa was an understatement as he was led into the room by a guard, who removed his handcuffs and closed the door, leaving Elsa and Carlos alone. "Aha," he shouted in triumph. "So you realized I'm the man for you." He walked over to her, quite pleased with the way she was dressed. He loomed above her chair, letting his hand run down, feeling the slight bump on her stomach, rubbing it almost tenderly. "So you come here to make me prove I can make you moan and scream like a whore?" he suggested quietly in his deep accented voice. "You just forgot, didn't you? You just need some reminding, right?"
Her heart was beating at a million miles a minute when she saw Carlos enter the room, his handcuffs removed and then the door shut behind him. There was no going back now. She gritted her teeth when his hand brushed over her stomach, the bump that wasn't visible to anyone else clear between the two of them. The fact that he rubbed it almost tenderly made her feel sick. He actually cared about what he was making her carry. She wasn't sure what to say to him. "Y-yes, Carlos." she said softly, knowing that she wasn't going to get away without him touching her. She just hoped she could convince him to be kind.
Carlos was human after all, and a million feelings were running through his body. Pride in what he'd fertilized in Elsa was the foremost of these, but desire to prove his dominance over her again was close behind. He wasn't stupid, however. He knew that she'd been piss mad with him yesterday, and to think that she wanted him all of a sudden was a little strange, even to someone with his ego. So he needed to explore the limits of what she'd agree to.

"So you came to do what I said?" he continued in a deep, slow voice. "You came to finish what we started and get that tight ass torn up, right?"
She winced when he mentioned the anal sex. Why did he always bring that up? You'd think being in prison he'd be anxious for pussy, not ass. She shook her head but couldn't look at him. The way his eyes captivated her was still terrifying to her. "No. N-not that. I came to make sure you're not going to hurt Brendan. I'm...I'm willing you now. If you swear to me that you won't hurt him."
Carlos had known, of course, that she didn't want anal sex. But he though he might uncover her true motives with that threat, which he had. So she wanted to secure the safety of her lover. "What kind of man is he, anyway?" he taunted, throwing his head back and laughing, staying on his feet above her, but moving to face Elsa. "Sending his girlfriend in to fuck another man so he doesn't get hurt. Ha! What a pussy!" Carlos taunted.

"So what you offering?" he asked next, his tone becoming a little serious as he was put in the position of negotiating sexual favors. These didn't come easily at the Center, and he didn't take the opportunity lightly. "You gonna come here every week and see me if I keep that pussy of a fired guard safe?"
She was getting angry again and was thinking about just getting up and leaving. She didn't want to deal with Carlos' shit. And if he was going to be like this every time she wasn't going to come. "It was my idea, Carlos. He didn't know about it until this morning," she mini-lied again, but it was better for her purposes that she lie and tell him this morning rather than last night. Last night meant he had more time to stop her, as she was sure Carlos would have done if she was trying to go see some other man.

"Every other week. Opposite of the phone call," she sighed in exasperation, "You get me every week then. One by phone and person."
Carlos stared into her eyes at she spoke, and just chuckled as she tried to defend her man, nodding in agreement at her offer. He walked up to her seat, leaned over, and resting his hands on her knees, traced his fingertips across one cheek. "I'ma hold you to that, sugar," he said, slightly teasingly, but with the clear implication that he meant he'd hold her to the agreement. He reached down next, and pulled up firmly on her hips. "Stand up," he told her.

Once she'd done so, he slowly backed her up against the wall of the room, one agonizing step at a time, never losing eye contact. Once he'd backed her up against the wall, he pressed down on her shoulders. He reached down, and started to tug at the elastic on his jumpsuit pants, before pausing. "Get down on your knees, pull down my pants, and get to work," he ordered calmly. "And take a good look at what you see, mamita. So when you get home, you can tell that boy what a real dick looks like. You gonna tell him when you get home, right?"
Her skin went cold when he leaned over and put his hands on her knees and stroked her face. She was going to have to give herself to him. She was going to have to be willing. She had to, for Brendan. She would do anything for him, including please the man she hated most. She rose when he tugged her by the hips, her body being pulled into his. And then he walked her back slowly until she bumped into the wall. She swallowed uneasily but allowed him to push her down slowly onto her knees.

She gritted her teeth as she raised her hands and grabbed hold of his prison pants. She pulled them down along with the white boxers they provided male inmates with, revealing his thick large manhood to her. She had to actively try not to grimace. It was the worst cock in history, at least to her. She took hold of it with her hands and began to stroke him, trying to harden him the rest of the way (although he seemed pretty hard already).

She nodded yes that she would tell him but didn't look at him. She didn't want him to see the resentment and fear in her eyes.
Carlos smiled when she obliged him, tugging down his pants. He was already on the hook for the rape he’d been caught at in the supply room, and if anyone were watching, it would help his case that Elsa was the one undressing him. He was feeling a variety of emotions; most of the anger and resentment that gnawed at him was directed at Brendan from a distance. He could tell from the way Elsa reacted that she loved Brendan, and being here with him was only a means to an end. As for Elsa, he felt an instinctual need to protect her as his; she was now carrying his offspring. Of course, he had his desires to quench with her, but he probably couldn’t bring himself to injure her.

Although he was mostly erect already, at the feel of Elsa’s soft hand, his cock sprang to a full ninety degree angle with his body, long, thick, and bulging, with the familiar scar evident along the top. He reached down and touched his own cock, as if testing to ensure it was ready to plunge deep into Elsa’s warm mouth. “Wait, this picture ain’t right,” he said with a toothy smile, looking down and picturing Elsa’s lush, ripe body that hid underneath her outfit. He reached down to the middle of Elsa’s black blouse and started tugging up, bunching the bottom up towards his hands. “Take this off, sugar. And do it real sexy. I know you hungry for some cock, but you gotta get yourself right first.”
She did cringe a little when his cock suddenly sprang out so erectly, nearly hitting her in the face. She could hardly believe that she was about to do this. She'd sucked him off once before, and then she'd been locked in a tiny room with him too. But that time she'd been forced there, she hadn't had a choice. But she didn't really have a choice now either. She was saving Brendan from potential danger by doing this -- she couldn't not do it. She looked up at him when he began to tug up her shirt. It was a reflex, she hadn't really meant to, and seeing his smug face only just made her feel worse about being here.

But she obliged him once again and sat back on her haunches and tugged the shirt up slowly so that first it revealed part of her stomach (the rest covered by the purposely high yoga-like pants) and then the underside of her bra. She shimmied a little bit to get it over her breasts, hoping that he would take that as sexy. Then she pulled it over her head and set it down next to her. She was still wearing her bra, and she wasn't going to take it off unless he told her to.
Carlos looked down and smiled as Elsa obediently took her top off, revealing her cute pink bra and some cleavage underneath. She hadn't exactly given him a striptease, but after spending hard time in prison, her little wriggle was good enough to get him going. Once she squatted back down, he looked down at her with a grin. "Good girl," he commended her. "Now I'll give you some nourishment for yourself and my little boy." He held his stiff member out, and pushed it against her lips, prodding her with it as encouragement to open her mouth and take him in.

"You know, you oughta come stay with me when I get sprung," he told her. He loved the idea of making conversation with her while he was degrading her. It assured him that she couldn't just tune him out and go through the motions mechanically. And if he wasn't going to be rough with her, talking to her while he was fucking her was the next best thing. It gave him just as much of the sense of ownership he needed. "I'll give you a good place to stay, 'stead of making you stay by yourself," he offered as he brought his hips closer to her face, moving his hands to her jaws. "And I sure as hell can protect myself. I don't need to pimp your sweet ass out to no other man to take care of myself."
Her face flushed a little when he called her a good girl. It sounded so horrible coming out of his mouth, while when it came out of Brendan's mouth it made her hot. When he pushed himself against her lips she opened her mouth and let her lips wrap around his warm length. She took a deep breath and then just went for it, rather than going slowly and painstakingly. She pushed her mouth down on him and rubbed her tongue along his underside gently. She sucked on him moderately, taking about half of him in before she paused.

His talking to her was irking her. He was saying things that she couldn't refute, and he might take that as an agreement. A good place to stay? Yeah fucking right. They'd probably live in a ghetto shack somewhere. The only sort of comfort she got out of what he said was that he wouldn't pimp her out. Most ghetto men did that even if they did truly love their women. They all needed the money. She cringed when his hands touched her jaws but she kept going, slowly taking him even deeper into her mouth.
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