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Miami Beach University - OOC

Lol thank you. I figure I take a moment since y'all will have your football tryout moments.
Haha my apologies. Defunct characters are never truly gone. They live on in our hearts :p
Jason and Gordie just need to walk around beating up assholes. I could read that all day.

The only thing better is Irene on ice skates. That has now taken top spot as the most adorable thing to happen.
I also feel like they should wear black leather jackets while they do it....? I’m spit balling here
Agreed, black jackets would look cool

Best line in that post so far is this: His big grin was kind of adorable like a puppy proud of whatever it destroyed.
Totally down for the black leather jackets with some logo on it, like some 50s greaser crew.
I’m liking this image. Girls can pick between poodle skirts and cardigans or leather pants and crop tops?
Maybe the next big college party event could be '50's themed? Jason, Gordie, and whoever else could go as Greasers and have to tune somebody up lol.

Also, love the reference to The Warriors, Damien. I'm a big fan.
I've had people ask me about amusement park visit, and haunted house things after the sports tryouts event, too.

We could do a halloween party with a 50's theme or do something on its own. Y'all let me know what you want to do.
I'm definitely going to be the guy that carries a switchblade- that switches into a comb.

@True Grave Thanks. When I think of that era, I think of Grease & The Warriors. Although The Warriors aren't exactly set in the 50's. They're still legit !!
Yeah, The Warriors were from 1979. A tough crew from the Greaser Era was The Outsiders. That was a good book, and the movie was pretty good, too. There used to be a Youtube video that someone made of footage from those two movies set to the song "The Last of An Ancient Breed". I don't know if it's still up, but it's good stuff.
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