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~Havoc~ A fathers old Trophy ~D.E.666~ A sons new Toy

Jewel grunted as she was turned over onto her back, a look of pain passing over her face as her hands were twisted beneath her and pain shot up her arm. She blushed as he squeezed her tits, causing more milk to trickle from her nipples and she gritted her teeth in anger and embarassment. The womans ass and her lower back hurt from Ryans rough fucking and abuse. When he kissed her on her cheek, she closed her eyes and felt tears prick the corners of her eyes again. Taking a deep breath, she forced the tears away before looking up at Ryan.

Her blue eyes were bloodshot and her face had tear tracks running down her pale cheeks, her long black hair fanned out in a tangled mess around her shoulders and head after. The young woman looked an absolute mess from everything the two men had done to her so far.

Hearing Ryan's fathers words, she frowned and glared up at him. She was not dumb and he knew it. She had been able to start her own business and build it into a famous clothing line. She was tempted to kick one of them in the groin. The woman clenched her jaw, locking her jaw shut and she refused to open it for them.
Ryan looked at her with a small smile and then grabbed her leash and untied her hands he forced her to the floor, "Father you said I have a knew house right? I want to bring my bitch there and see if she might behave better when we are alone." He said as he looked at his step-mother on the ground wondering if she'd try and attack him. He knew that she had to be invincible if she could take that much punishment and somehow still seem to not faulter. Or even give in, in the slightest. He looked at her with a small smile and then sighed as he looked at her ass that was beaten to a pulp and also stretched.

Ryan's father nodded, "I will grab the keys, also tie her in the car so she doesn't try anything stupid." He said firmly as he went and got the key and a gps that would guide him to the new house. He came back wondering what the step-mother would have done by this point if she would have gotten up or not.
Jewel landed on the floor with a thud and she bit back the groan of pain that threatened to escape her lips as she knelt there on the floor before them. She trembled gently in pain as her backside seemed to scream with pain and she forced back the tears that wished to fall. The woman refused to cry again until she had some kind of privacy. When Ryan looked at her, she looked away and glared at the floor while wrapping her arms around her body and she hid her breasts from his view, her now messy black hair falling in her face like an inky curtain.

At the mention of being tied into the car, she scowled at Ryan's father and continued to glare at him as he left the room. After he left the room, she moved as far from Ryan as she possibly could. Jewel didn't stand because the pain of her back, ass and thighs hurt too much to move more then crawling at the moment.
Ryan saw her try and stray away. He shook his head and walked over to her quickly, he grabbed her leash and pulled her back with him over to the table. He shook his finger at her, "Don't be a bad bitch you're going to have to learn to get close to me and enjoy it because I am going to keep you for a long time." He said as he grabbed her chin afterwords and stared deep into her eyes, Ryan's father came back into the room and smiled hearing what his son had to say.

Ryan's father nodded, "Carry her to the car, it's dark now so no one will hear her." He said as he watched Ryan lift his ex-wife into his arms. Ryan smiled as he held onto his slave and carried her towards the car that she bought him, he let his father open the door for him. He then watched as his father bound her ankles together with zip ties and her hands. Ryan's father made sure that her arms were stretched behind her back. Ryan smiled and grabbed one of her tits once hard and smirked seeing the milk come out and then nodded as he sat her in the passenger seat and put a seatbelt on her. He shut the door and gave his father a hug getting into the car.
Jewel remained silent as Ryan pulled her close to him again and she stared up into his eyes as he held onto her chin and stared into her eyes. After a moment she yanked her chin from his hand and she looked away from him, her blue eyes bloodshot from crying. She heard her ex-husband enter the room and she closed her eyes with a sigh. When she was lifted up, she softly grunted in pain and laid her head against Ryans shoulder as he carried her.

As her arms were forced behind her back and tied together with zip ties, she whimpered softly, her shoulders already hurting from being forced to lay on her bound arms earlier. When she tried to move her arms into a more comfortable position, she groaned as the ties bit into her skin and she glared at Ryans father as she was put into the car. After she was buckled in and the door shut, she turned her body the best she could and laid her head against the window, staring out of it as Ryan got into the car with her.
Ryan smiled, he hit a button and the convertible roof closed. He looked at her and smirked, "Aren't you glad you got the tinted windows." He said as he moved her so the seat belt was under her tits and forcing them up slightly. "I promise I won't be as mean as my father." He said as he started the car and backed out. He looked at his father one last time before beginning to drive, he pulled the gps from his pocket that his father had handed him before getting in the car and he began to follow it's orders as he drives he looks over at his slave from time to time wondering if she'd ever behave. He had no idea how she could take so much punishment and not be hurt or break even in the slightest.
Jewel rolled her eyes while staring out the window. "I'm sure you won't." she muttered sarcasticly. As he moved her so the seatbelt was under her breasts, she made a soft sound of discomfort. "You know, that hurts." she said flatly as she looked at him. "The least you could do is fold the seat belt so the rough edges aren't cutting into my skin." Shaking her head, Jewel looked away from him again.

After she spoke, she fell silent again as she watched the scenery rush by and she sighed. She was wondering what was going to happen to the rest of the things in her life now that she was a.... slave. She thought the word bitterly and narrowed her eyes in anger. Jewel had fought hard to build up her career in the fashion world and she refused to let it be torn from her hands by some teenage prat and his bastard father.
Ryan looked at her and he shook his head, he grabbed the seat belt and moved it so it was over one of her perky nipples. He kissed her cheek softly, "There whore." He said firmly, he was not in the mood to hear her whine and bitch so he had fixed the seatbelt. He looked at her for a moment then back to the road, "I know you enjoyed being fucked, you just have to learn to admit you're a whore. It's not that hard and I will make it pleasureful for you if you just learn to listen and learn to love my cock. I know you love cock you just need to learn to love my cock." He said as he looked at her. He was incredibly happy to see that she was not being whinny and aggression at that moment.
Hearing him tell her what he knew what she liked irked her and she slowly turned to look at him. The expression in her eyes was cold and hateful at the moment. "You know nothing about me. So stop assuming you know what I like." she said flatly. With a sigh, she turned away from him and looked out the window. "Where are we going?" she finally asked after several minutes. Jewel was tired, mentally, emotionally and physically and she just wanted to take a warm bath and sleep.
Ryan looked at her with a big smile as she spoke, "Mouthy cunt aren't you? Wait till I get you to where we are going then you will see what you like." He said firmly, he really hated her attitude he didn't get why she was acting this way it really pissed him off. He was not happy with how things were going, he soon saw that the gps had the destination just a head. They were fairly far out of town and it seemed like there was no one around for miles. He drove into the driveway, it was fairly long and when they arrived at the house he was really surprised. He looked at her, "Pretty nice house eh?" He said softly.
Jewel looked up at the house in silence. She had seen the house before. Several weeks ago she had asked Ryans father about looking at a couple of places out in the country for when they got tired of being in the city. Her and his father had looked at a couple of places online before coming to see the house that she was now looking up at. The woman could still remember going around looking at it. Pushing the memories from her mind, she sighed and looked down at her lap. "Yeah. It's great." she murmured. "Can we go in now? I'm beginning to get cold and I can't feel my arms any more."
Ryan shrugged, "Ya ya, quit your bitching." He said as he looked at her. He opened his car door and shut the door he opened her door and grabbed her and picked her up moving her over one shoulder giving one of her thighs a firm slap, he walked towards the door unlocking it with the key he was given.
Jewel yelped when she was pulled out of the car and put over his shoulder. 'I had no idea he was a neaderthal.' she thought before hissing when he slapped one of her thighs. She just laid there over his shoulder, her body limp since there was nothing else she could do in her position.
Ryan looked around the house and headed up the stairs, he looked in a few rooms and found the one that was to be their bedroom. He set down his slave on the bed and headed into the closet. He had missed the note on the bed that talked about the house and how he was now a man. He looked around surprised to see clothing in the closet, there was a man's side which was for him and a women's side the but the one side which was the women's side was all slutty lingerie and clothing. He walked back out of the closet, "What's your problem?" He said as he walked over to her. He was thinking of untying her hands. "Why don't you just accept your fate. It will be easier on both of us. I am not that bad after all." He said softly.
Jewel grunted softly when she was sat down and she looked up at him, forcing herself to sit up on the bed as she watched him look around the room. She noticed the note near her on the bed and she watched him enter the closet before scooting closer to the note. Leaning closer to it, she quickly read it before looking up to see him still in the closet before she sat up all the way just before he exited the closet and she looked up at him as he approached her.

"What's my problem?" she asked, looking at him in disbelief. She couldn't believe that he didn't know. "I fought my entire life to be an indepedant woman and to have a career. I lived most of my life being controlled by an over bearing father and I fought to get away from a life like that." She sighed and shook her head. "And now I'm forced back into that kind of life. But instead of just being a daughter being forced to do something, I'm a slave."
Ryan looked at her and shook his head, "You were dumb enough to let my father sell slaves so you really deserve this." He said as he walked over to her and grabbed her chin, he couldn't believe that she was such an arrogant twat he then suddenly had an idea. Maybe he could force her back to him sort of. He walked into the closet grabbing a short skirt a pink thong and bra and walked back into the room. He tossed the things onto the bed, he went back into the closet grabbing a tight bra that would force her tits up much like she had worn before and a shirt that showed her off.

Ryan then undid her hands and feet, "Get dressed." He said firmly, he could overpower her if she tried anything stupid. He waited for her to begin to dress, he was going to teach her the other option she would have if she didn't accept her fate as his personal possession.
"Let him?" she echoed. "I didn't know! Your father never told me anything about what he did for a job so I never asked. And even if I did know, I would of never been able to stop him. I mean look at me Ryan! Look at me. I'm more then half his size." She stared up into his eyes when he grabbed her chin and she sighed. Then he went back into the closet. When he returned with the clothing, she arched an eyebrow at the clothes before gasping when her arms were freed.

Gritting her teeth, she slowly moved her hands back infront of her and rubbed her wrists. There were red marks on her wrists from the zipties and they were sore. "Why?" she asked softly, looking up at him from under her long eyelashes. She was trying to get the blood flowing into her arms again, both limbs numb from being forced behind her back.
Ryan shook his head when he came back with a blindfold and a gag. "Because I said so." He said placing the gag in her mouth, "Take that out and you will regret it." He said firmly, he was really not happy with how things were going. He waited for her to dress, "And fucking get dressed." He said firmly, he really was not happy with what she was doing. He knew that this would probably fix her. If not he'd be confused. He figured she'd be unbreakable and he'd let his father sell her.
Jewel was beginning to get nervous when she heard the tone of Ryans voice and she began chewing on her bottom lip. She was about to say something when he placed the gag into her mouth and her eyes widened. Swallowing softly, she whimpered before finally beginning to change from the clothing his father had forced her into and she pulled on the other clothes he had pulled out. After she was dressed, she sat down on the edge of the bed gazing up at him fearfully. He had said that he wouldn't be as mean as his father but he was already acting like the older man.
Ryan grabbed her by the collar and forced her to stand, he lifted the small skirt and gave a hard firm smack to her large ass. "Listen to your owner." He said firmly and he grabbed the blindfold he blindfolded her. "Don't take either of these off bitch." He said as he carried her out of the room and down the stairs and out to the car again. He set her down in the car and shut the door, he then got into the car waiting to see what she'd do he figured she would act out and try adn be a bitch. He made sure to mark the house so he could get his way back, he then began to drive. He headed into town looking over at her periodically to see what she was going to do.
Jewel yelped softly, the sound muffled by the gag in her mouth and she nodded slightly but when he blindfolded her, she tensed as she whimpered again but this time in fear. When he picked her up, she grabbed onto him and clung to Ryan a little as he carried her down stairs and out to the car. After she was put into the car and the door shut, she reached out and nervously felt around before shifting a little and she shifted in her seat until she heard Ryan get into the car with her. "P-please Ryan... where are we going?" she asked softly, almost pleading with him. "What did I do to upset you?"
((talking around a gag :O)) Ryan smirked, "Well you see you didn't listen. You bitch and complain, you don't love my cock." He said as he readjusted the ball gag into her mouth seeing that it had fallen out. He smiled, "Keep that gag in you fucking whore." He said as he looked at her and finally reached the city, he drove into a rough part of town there were many bums on the side of the road, he was sure he was going to have lots of fun with this. He figured that if she learned to listen and just love his cock he wouldn't have to let this happen over and over again. He figured thsi one time would be fine.
(Sorry. >.< I forgot for a moment. I got distracted by a conversation I was having with my pa about weight lifters. Lol )

She made a soft sound of confusion after he readjusted the ball gag and she sighed. As they reached the rough part of town, she could hear and feel the difference in the road because the roads in this part of town had cracks and the ride became more bumpy. As theygot further into the less savory side of town, her breathing began to quicken and she trembled just a little out of fear and nervousness.
Ryan slowly pulled into a parking lot. He got out of the car and got her out. He smirked as people began to look he shut the door and he stared deep into her eyes. He smirked and locked the door and he looked at her. He then began to walk her along the street he walked her into a sort of back street and he smirked, he let go of her. "Stay here don't move." He said firmly, he then walked over to a group of men who were extremely dirty and were probably homeless. "Have fun with her, none of you fuck her mouth though." He said to teh men the men looked at and then looked at the woman, they didn't need to be told twice they quickly headed over to her and began to grope here. There was 3 men and they began to fondle and play with her large tits and her pussy.
She became alert as the car pulled a halt and she made a soft sound in the back of her throat, wishing that the blindfold that was covering her eyes was gone so she could see. Hearing him get out, she began trembling a little with nervousness as her son got out of the car before she felt him pulling her out of the car. Whimpering, she shivered when the night air hit her skin before stumbling along next to him before he released her and she beathed heavily as she held out her hands. The woman was too scared to move and she made a distressed sound as he walked away. A moment later, she heard footsteps and began to relax, thinking that it was Ryan but when she felt three sets of hands on her, Jewel tensed and whimpered while shaking her head as they began touching her.
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