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A Pirates life for me~me and Romantic[Dream]

"Hmmm, do you have naughty dreams too? Or do you touch yourself alot?" Kira bluntly asked, but soon enough sense Nells akwardness.

"Sorry for being so forward....." she muttered, looking back down at the floor as her cheeks grew red.
"I haven't really had to do either much." She was rather calm. Her crew deserved to know at least a few things about her. A lack of sex drive wasn't exactly harmful to her reputation.
"Guess I'm not surprised. As dead sexy as you are, you do have this dignified air about you that commands respect. I'd imagine that scares away the annoying pervs that think of trying to cop a feel or something." Kira replied, perking up a bit.
"Only the sober ones." Her voice was calm and even. "Drunks will grope whatever they want to, then bleed for it." Nell sighed softly. Her cold demeanor meant that so few men even thought that they could approach her. And there was Kira, confident enough to do so when most females weren't attracted to other females.
"Geez, that sucks. The decent ones are scared of you, and the perverts are just........perverts. I'm tempted to hunt down a few that dare grope you and kick their asses myself." Kira replied with a nod and confident hmph. A little fire in her eyes that showed she meant what she said.
"Trust me, dear. I've dealt with them quite enough already. They don't need you to come in the middle of the night and smash them." She couldn't help but inwardly chuckle though. If her whole crew was this attract to her, she'd never have to worry about getting hurt. They'd all protect her far too loyally.
"Well, if you say so. It's still unfair though. I mean, anybody would be lucky to be with you, yet noone ever tries. I hope I'm not prying, but do you ever get lonely because of that?" Kira asked, relaxing a bit. Honestly, it was quite nice just talking about this. It certainly kept her mind off more intimate ideas.
"I guess in a way it does. But I'm not looking to settle down any time soon. I still have the crew as friends, and that's all I really need." Nell hadn't really realized she was opening up to the bunny so much. But she had to admit to herself. It was nice to be on terms like this with the girl.
"Yea, that's true. Can't say I'm looking to settle either. Still, as independent as I am, I wouldn't mind having to someone to hold me. You know, in a way that just makes all my worries and fears melt away, with nothing remanining but happiness and contentment." Kira replied, sighing lightly at the rather overly romantic thought.
"That was a bit... Dramatic..." She laid back on her bed, letting go of the blanket now that it was just laying on her. "Occasionally, I guess I do really want someone, but never for that long."
"Heh, sorry." Kira replied, laughing lightly.

"I'm curious, what would your idea of the perfect guy be?" she curiously asked as she turned on the bed to face her, legs crossed, hand holding her chin up.
"Can't really say. My tastes will probably change when I really look for a man to be with. Right now, probably built like a stone wall and bent to my will..." She grinned and let out a little confident laugh.
"Ah, so you wanna wear the pants in the relationship. I could certainly see that." Kira replied, laughing lightly.

"I'd see you being just like how you run the ship. Strict but fair, with no mistakes or laziness allowed." she added, smiling.
"Things could change though. Who knows?" She sighed. Pulling her hat from the bedpost, she put it over her face. She did kind of desire to be dominated just once, to find a guy with a powerful enough presence that she just had to let him be in control.
"Yea, that's true. I imagine you must have a secret desire to be the one that gets dominated for once." Kira replied, just joking when she made the comment, having no clue she had hit the nail directly on the head.
"Of course not." She was blushing, but it was under the cover of the hat, so there wasn't really anything to tell otherwise. "I'm always in control. Can't stand it when I'm not. Because things aren't nearly as enjoyable when they think they're doing things right." She shrugged lightly.
"Eh, if you say so. Wouldn't be the first time I've seen it. Dominating people with a secret, hidden desire to be the one dominated, to have that power lost. The desire plaguing the dreams." Kira replied, shrugging her shoulders.
"And I'm sure you've seen many." Nell's voice was a bit sarcastic. Likely, the only other people Kira had gotten into relations with were other Viera. And yet she was out of their world now. Out of the forests and among Humes. Something must have gone wrong.
"Actually I have. You know, we Viera age very slowly in comparison to you humes. Heck, I bet I'm probably older than you are, despite my looks." Kira replied, smiling, taking no offense to Nells sarcastic tone.
"I'm sure you are. But you've probably only been with your Viera sisters." She replied cooly. There wasn't any reason to try and argue anything.
"No, not really. It's one of those, unwritten, everyone will be disgusted by you if you ever do it rules in the wood." Kira replied, sighing lightly. Though, it didn't really matter. Nell seemed to have a way to win anything they had a back and forth about.
"So... Then... How exactly do your kind reproduce? You're all females. And you all staying the forest mostly. So don't you all find love amongst each other usually?" Now she was curious. An all female race had to have some way of making new beings.
"Well, I won't say viera doing it with each other NEVER happens. When it does, the particpants use the utmost secrecy. Plus, that's really counting only the ones in the village. The ones that have left, they have no problem doing it, as they don't have to worry about be looked down upon because of it. As for how we reproduce, it's.........complicated. It's not the same as what you humes do." Kira explained.
"Weird." She mused over the ideas in her head. But it was just too complicated. The Viera were too secretive to share most of their culture with the world. So she simply snuggled into the bed a little, not really having anything else to say or ask.
"Well.........I guess I should return to my room." Kira replied, moving to get up.

"Wow, this bed sure is comfy." she absentmindedly said as she pushed down on it, before standing up.
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