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First, Second, or Third Person?

Usually, it's 3rd person but I'm pretty ok with first as well. In RP though, if people all use first person then it could get confusing fast.
First person for me, I just love the intimacy of it. It helps get in character and to me at least, it feels best.
Third for RP, Second for a DM/Storytelling role, First.. I prefer not to. I write as a character, not as myself.
Third person. I like to wield multiple characters at a time, in addition to my main, and write from an "over head" view of the entire story. I like to jump around from character to character and first person, done correctly, is specifically writing from a limited POV.

Amending my earlier statements to say that I have very recently come upon scenarios where writing first person has been an enjoyable experience. A bit challenging but I can see what people mean about being in the driver's seat and feeling the sensations of the characters.
I'm really not bothered about first or third. But when a story is in third, the dialogues in said story are always in first anyway. I honestly wouldn't know how to do dialogue in third tense past. Never seen second tense used. Wouldn't know what that does.
I prefer third person, it helps separate me from the character. That being said I have done a couple first person rp that turned out well but was ended up being very personal and i found too much of myself going into it.
Third person. I know it’s only due to my personal past experiences, but unless I’m reading a story or novel, I find it odd to write with someone who insists on first person. In my past, the people who demanded I do so were very pushy, inconsiderate and downright creepy. Again, this doesn’t apply to everyone who writes in first POV, but it’s kind of ruined it for me.
I'm a bit flexible myself in regards to the 1st and 3rd person divide.

I'm quite willing to do 1st person with the right rp. But my default is 3rd person
1st person can be quite an erotic thing, as it can certainly be a lot more immersive. But you do need a good partner to do it and the rp's scope needs to be confined a bit.
3rd person however is often better for proper roleplaying as it allows you to much more easily switch between characters, describe things in the world happening about you, so you'll get a much more plot and world centric rp out of it.

2nd person is just weird to rp in if you ask me though. Unnecessarily obtuse style.
Third. Because it reads like a book and First feels too close to being .... insertive if that makes sense. And I’m not entirely sure I’ve seen Second Person writing before but again, it feels too close to First. Plus I find Third way easier to work with.
I've honestly never tried second person so I can't say but generally it will always be Third Person. I approach things from a writer's perspective, and early on I remember reading a writer's book that influenced my thought that first person is for amateurs. Can't remember if it was Steven King's book on writing or who it was, but it stuck with me. Now, obviously the statement isn't right as I've read some very interesting fiction from a first person perspective, but a lot of the crap direct market fiction is first person.

Now, in my own personal fiction, I've actually tried to write first person and I find myself constantly slipping into third person after a while so I'm not sure I'm even capable of writing first person any more because I've listened to that advice for so long. So, it's pretty much third person. for me.
First person for me. I like that walking that line of being intimate with my partner. It’s hard to find partners sometimes, but it’s worth the wait when you have that chemistry and connection.
Third. Since I prefer pretty extreme noncon RPs.. and not all kinks me myself and I would choose to experience irl, third person role play allows to enjoy best of both worlds.
I think I use a mix of all three but not exactly sure which I prefer the most likely third person. I'll use whatever style fits with the story I am working on although I haven't written in quite a while, so I'm excited to jump back into it! Should be loads of fun!
Third person, always. I tend to play multiple characters at the same time, and could you imagine the hassle of swapping between all of them in first person? Plus, I find first person really weird to read - it works well for when you listen to someone telling a story by a campfire, or on the radio, but in written form... I am me, and I'm already taken, so it's weird reading someone elses post as if it was told by me.
Third person, but mostly because it’s just what I’m used to. I see other people’s point about first person seeming a bit too personal for smutty roleplays. Second person seems odd for roleplaying in general, to the point I’d almost be interested in trying it for the fun of it, if I wasn’t sure that I’d fail spectacularly at it lol.
First or third. Unless it's a reader insert fic, I can't think of a valid use of 2nd person.

I tend to like 3rd person. past tense
Third-person. I've always written multiple characters and nothing else comes across as well as third-person when doing this.
I've always done third person for roleplaying. Same goes for my fanfiction too.
I understand why people would write in first person for roleplaying, but I prefer to not have it in my perspective since it really throws me off.
I prefer to write in third person. It feels more natural to me and makes it easier for me to distance myself from my character.
Plus, I tend to find writing in first person a little weird and very intimate, something which as a shy, introverted person I struggle with.
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