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The Dawn Will Come (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Oh hey look we're in crucible." He said, switching to his autorifle and darting to cover before popping off some shots at her.
A grenade dropped beside him and thunder clouds filled a good sized area around him, some lightning zapping at his armor and biting through.
He hissed and roared as he charged out of cover. For a big guy, he was fast. Alarmingly so. He dashed forwards and spun, summoning a flaming hammer and making a hard connection with the side of her head.
She flew into a wall and dented it, shimmering out and her Ghost catching her Light before vanishing.
"You got her!"
He smirked to himself. "She'll be back. And she'll be pissed." He said. "Thanks, Ghost. Patch me up a bit, if you please? I gotta be ready." He said as he reloaded and went in search of ammo.
He nodded and healed him up while he sat in cover. But as soon as he finished, there was a loud clap of thunder and Narissa landed with all her weight on top of Levi. Her body was crackling with lightning and she pumped all of her Stormcaller energy into Levi. It was the most intense pain he had ever felt in his life, he could feel his circuits overloading and frying as she cooked him inside his armor.
He cried out in pain and smashed his hammer into her skull again, but he faded out. The score was even, and he couldn't have that.
It stayed even the whole match, she wouldn't let him get close with her Mini Tool unless he used his Super. But then she would just come back with hers.
He was angry. Beyond angry. His rocket launcher was out of ammo, his rifle couldn't hit her from this range. All this anger was built up, but he knew what to do. He could see her up in her snipers nest, so he rammed into the nearest guardian and obliterated them to charge his super. This felt different. Stronger. He was sprinting at her, ducking behind cover after cover. He summoned his super and smirked as it appeared as a massive, flaming warhammer. He ran to her area and smashed it into the ground, and a jet of fire shot up beneath her.
She flew back and shimmered out. As she revived, the Crucible match ended. Her gut twisted and her chest tightened in shame.
"Narissa...?" Paraa asked gently. She said nothing, and Paraa transmatted her to her ship.
Levi's Ghost was spinning in his shell.
"We did it!! We showed her who's boss!!"
They went to the noodle shop and ordered the best noodles they had for sale. Levi couldn't be happier.
He smiled and laughed, finally feeling better about this whole ordeal for the first time in a while.
"That's great. You really are getting stronger...I've never seen a hammer that big before...only the small ones.."
Their rivalry continued on for a long time. Anytime they saw each other, they put each other in the ground. It was merciless. They ran into each other again on Nessus, both of them meeting in a Lost Sector. He couldn't see her face under her helmet but he could feel her rage.
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