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The Dawn Will Come (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Warlock, huh..? Interesting.." He said. "Oh! Uh.. Yeah we can try out some elemental stuff, sure.."
"Yeah! I knew from the moment I saw you. Look at you!" He circled Levi, "You're huge! And your armor is way better than a Hunter or a Warlock would wear."
"Huh.. So.. What powers.. Do I have?" He asked. He and Ghost trained and tested new powers for quite some time. His powers began to evolve, and eventually, he found his class. Sunbreaker. Solar, the blazing hot energy of the sun.
"You are, I can see it." He said. He then perked and ducked behind Levi's shoulder, "It's her...! The crabby warlock!"
His Ghost moved to nudge a little to the left, and there she was. She was talking to her own Ghost, whose shell looked like a small Fallen Servitor. She was surrounded by the bodies of Dregs and Marauders.
"I guess so..." He muttered. She felt them staring and looked over, causing his Ghost to duck down again. She had that same annoyed look on her face as she looked at Levi with her glowing eyes.
"Hello." She said, even though her tone was dull her voice made his servos fizzle. She suddenly lifted her hand cannon and pulled the trigger, popping a Dreg's head that reared up behind him.
He drew his weapon and aimed at her. "Thanks for the assist but if you pull that stunt again, I swear." He said.
She rose an eyebrow and lowered her cannon, "Your Ghost wouldn't even register you were dead if I were to pull that stunt again." She told him coolly.
"Cute." Her Servitor Ghost appeared, mocking him.
"The first Titan I've met where his brain isn't actually in his muscles." The warlock said, "But you wouldn't get a shot off first, I've been at this a lot longer than you."
Her eyes softened slightly, as if she felt bad to hear he had actually died before. But her expression didn't really change.
"No. Like I said, I've been at this a while. I know not to throw my life away like an idiot."
"She did you a favor, bolt brain, you don't have to be a dick!"
"No, it's fine, Paraa. Now we know not to help the baby walk next time."
"Narissa..." Paraa looked to her and she waved her hand.
"I will not tolerate a second threat. Point your gun at me again, and it isn't in Crucible, I will not hesitate to put you down." She told Levi.
"You will not live long enough to even realise I succeeded, Titan." She said and walked away. Paraa shifted her shell and the spikes pulsated threateningly before she followed Narissa. His Ghost suddenly got in his face.
"Why did you do that?!"
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