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The Dawn Will Come (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)


Nov 28, 2017
It had been dark for so long. Longer than he remembered. He felt like he was floating in nothingness before everything started to flicker back on.
"...dian...wake up...come!" That was a voice he didn't recognize but it pulled him from the inky nothing and into the glaring sunlight. How long had it been? His memory banks were still fuzzy.
"Hey! There you are! Finally!" A little white pointed orb floated into his view with a single blue glowing eye.
"I was worried you'd never wake up, I've been looking for you everywhere. Before you ask, I'm a Ghost. What's better is I'm your Ghost! You'll be seeing a lot more of me from now on."
Levi looked around and stumbled back a bit. "What.. the hell..?" He asked. "What happened, where am I?" He asked.
"You're outside the cosmodrome in''ve been dead for a really long time. But that's ok, because you were chosen by the Traveler! You'll never die again!" It told him.
"I.. I'm dead?" He asked. His train of thought was cut by a piercing howl and the sound of metallic clanking quite a ways down the road from him.
"Oh, we gotta go. I'll explain more later!" It said and vanished, "Don't worry, I'm not gone!" He said in Levi's head, "Just follow my directions, and we'll get you to the City!"
After managing to stumble his way through the cosmodrome, Levi found himself looking out at the world from the view screens in his jumpship. The world had changed so much. How long had he been dead for?
"I know it's a lot to take in...but you've been given a huge honor." His Ghost said, "You're a Guardian of the Traveler's chosen. You have to protect those who can't protect themselves..."
He made a noise. "I see.." He said. He didn't remember.. Anything, really. He remembered that he was an Exo. But not much else.
"So...what's your name?" He asked gently, blue eye flickering, "I don't have one...kinda just called Ghost.."
"Uh.. Levi, I think.." He made a noise. He looked and felt something dangling around his neck. He took it out from under his armor and looked. Leviathan-7 was etched into it.
His Ghost moved closer and looked, "Leviathan-7..." He muttered before moving back some, "Is it alright if I call you Levi?"
"Yeah.. I only remember being called Levi, so that works.." He said and tucked the tag back into his shirt.
"Well it's nice to meet you offically." He said and moved to look out the view screen, "We're almost there, have you been to the..." He trailed off and stopped, "Sorry, you...probably don't remember..."
He made a noise. "Probably not.. I vaguely remember something called The City.. No, the last city?" He shrugged a bit.
"Yeah! Yeah, that's where we're going!" His Ghost became excited, "Good! Some things are coming back!"
When they reached the City, his Ghost transmatted him into the courtyard of the Tower. There were civilians and other Guardians just going about their business.
He made a noise and looked around. This was all so strange. People wearing all manner of strange and beautiful armor, weilding even more strange and deadly manner of weapons. His armor was tattered, his gun in disrepair, ship about falling out of the sky.
"Come on, let's go see Banshee...maybe he can get you a decent gun and some armor.." His Ghost said and slowly started to float off to guide him toward this Banshee character.
He made a noise and followed, looking around at everything. This place was packed. Soon enough he got a better gun, and some better armor, and was even able to repair his ship.
"There now, look at you! Much more like a Guardian now!" His Ghost said, "We're going to make a real good team."
His Ghost spun happily, not paying attention and bumping into someone, "Oh!" He turned and looked up at a woman with blue hair and blue skin and glowing white eyes - an Awoken, Levi remembered they were called. She looked annoyed, staring silently at the Ghost. "Sorry about that!" He said. She said nothing, looking at Levi briefly before giving a gentle shake of her head and resuming her walk. "She was scary..." His Ghost muttered, turning back to Levi.
"She was a warlock." He said, "They are a master of the elements. They can control their Light into solid elemental and void attacks. We can practice with yours sometime! There's Solar, Arc, and Void."
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