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The hunter and the hunted

Nikkola made a faint soft mewling sound as she trembled beneath him. When she felt his hot seed filling her she gasped and felt her cheeks redden a little befor slowly opening her eyes to look up at him. The woman was gasping for breath and her body was flushed as she basked in the after glow of their release, a look of pure pleasure and completion upon her face. "Thank you." she whispered, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair.
Lucas breahed heavily, panting gently as he felt himself finish releasing. His boy felt lighter now then ever, a small sense of deep fear over him for doing what he did, but also a sense of pure bliss and satisfaction. "My pleasure," he said softly to her as she ran her fingers through his hir. He gently leaned forward to kiss her once again gently.
Nikkola chuckles lightly and smiles up at him before sighing into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back and she closed her eyes. She hadn't been as happy as she was in that moment since before her family died. After a moment, she pulled back and opened her eyes again to gaze up into his eyes then kissed him on the jaw. It was in that moment while laying there with him that she suddenly realized that she was in love with Lucas but she didn't know how to tell him.
Lucas smiled looking at her as they broke the kiss. He never thought he'd be with a girl like this before. He never thought he would have the chance to knowing he was what he was. He was happy though, but he felt it wouldn't last, how could it? He had feeling for her, feelings he hadn;t felt since before he was turned.
Nikkola was silent as she laid beneath Lucas with her arms lightly wrapped around his neck and her long legs still around his waist. "Lucas..." she whispered. "Could you... Would you spend the night?" she asked softly. "I would really like it if you did. You don't have to be here in the morning.... just-just stay until after I fall asleep." She blushed brightly and looked away from him with a slighty embarassed look on her face.
Lucas normally would have vanished by now, they had never stayed together for much longer. However he didn't see the harm in it, the moon wasn't full yet. "I will..." he said softly. When she moved a bit he could still feel just how much they had done, her thighs where drenched in fluids, and he was sure that bedsheet would need washing. "I'll stay with you tonight Nikkola," he said softly to her, gently kissing her collar bone.
Nikkola's small smile grew wider and she nuzzled his jaw lightly with a happy sigh. As she moved, she too could feel how drenched her inner thighs had become as well as other parts of her lower body which made her blush deeply. "Thank you." she murmured, closing her eyes once more as he kissed her collar bone and she tilted her head back.
They stayed cinnected for a bit, eventually though he slowly slid out of her. As he did a bit of their juices leaked out of her and off the tip of his member. He was sure neither could go fo another go, but that didn't mean he wouldn't kiss and cuddle with her until they both fell asleep.
A shiver ran down her back when he slid out of her and she closed her eyes for a moment then opened her eyes again to look up at him once again. With a roll of her hips, she rolled them both over so that they weren't laying in the mess they had made since the bed was large enough for them to lay on one side and have enough room in the bed.
Lucas held her close, he could feel her heart beating against his chest as he did. He gently would caress her body and at times even tease, but he never tried to go any further then that. Soon it grew late though "Good night..." he said sotly to her.
She laid her head down onto his chest and cuddled close to him as he held her. When he did, she enjoyed his caresses and teases and she returned the touches. "Good night." she whispered before yawning softly. With a small sleepy smile, she curled up close to him and closed her eyes, soon falling fast asleep.
Shame and fear fell upon Lucas once she fell asleep. Was she going to become pegnant for what he did? She'd find out what he was if she gave birth to like him. There was a small chance nothing would happen, and an even smaller chance if it did happen it would be full human.
That night, Niccola slept peacefully and quietly for the first time in many years. It seemed that his pressence and him being there for her kept her bad dreams at bay. In the morning, the sun shone through the window and bathed them in its golden light which made her start to wake up. She groaned and turned her head, burying her face into his chest.
Lucas woke up gently as she buried into his chhest. "Sleep well?" he asked her before yawning.
Lucas smiled, gently running a hand through her hair and down her backas far as it could go wihout him sitting up. "Suns so bright.." he said a bit sleepy still.
Nikkola sighed as his hand ran through her long black hair and down her back. "I know." she grumbled. "I want it to go away for a little while. I wanna sleep a little longer."
"Then who will open the store?" he asked her gently. He wasn't sure what day it was, but luckily it was still just daytime and not night yet.
"Danny, the head cook will." she replied. "I told him I wasn't going to be in today and gave him the keys." She yawned and looked up at him with a sleepy grin before softly kissing him.
"Well well...if I didn't know better, I'd think you planned all of this," he said softly to her in a teasing sort of way.
Nikkola blushed and grinned sheepishly. "You caught me. Though I wasn't exactly planning on us going as far as we did." she said to him. "I just thought that I'd have you stay the night. But I don't regret it and I hope you don't either." She stretched on the bed with a sigh and a happy smile on her lips.
Lucas put on a fake, but very convincing smile "No..not at all Nikkola," he lied. In truth he was purely afraid of a negative outcome.
Nikkola smiled widely when he replied and she snuggled close to him. "Good. I'm happy you don't regret it either." she said softly. "I haven't been this happy in a long time Lucas. You're one of the best things that's happened to me." She closed her eyes and laid her head down onto his shoulder while wrapping an arm around his waist.
Lucas could almost feel it, like thw twisting of a knife that had only seconds ago been plunged into his side. She was so happy being with him, but she had no idea what he really was. She would find out though, eventually she would and it would ruin everything. "Like wise Nikkola,"he said gently to her as he held her a bit closer.
Nikkola relaxed completely in his arms as he held her close and she closed her eyes. She never wanted that moment to end but she knew it would. Even though she was completely relaxed physically, mentally she was worried. That night she would have to go out and protect the town again against the lycans that plagued the streets once every full moon.
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