With Hulara home for a time, she was enjoying having him around. She hated being in Proudspire all on her own, so waking up next to him was a blessing. He got to enjoy his own little hobbies while she was at the temple or just home cleaning. She was tidying up their bedroom when she found the polished moonstone necklace she had given him as her marriage proposal. She smiled affectionately and sat back to run her fingers over the smooth surface. She remembered fondly when they first met and how they fell in love. She glanced at her wedding band, watching the amethysts glitter in the light and reminiscing.
They had been dating for a few seasons now, and Satlyn was ready to ask him to marry. Sure, he was an Argonian, but she had hoped he would still accept. They loved each other, after all. So, she sent him a moonstone necklace she had polished and crafted herself and waited for a reply. Nothing. Not a word. Maybe he was too busy to reply?