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Epic Chat Quotes

(11:28:09) Nowfaleena: I am such a fail whale today
(11:28:18) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: FAIL WHALE
(11:28:20) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WHERE IS MM!?
(22:42:20) Corporal_Bunny: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href="http://i15">http://i15</a><!-- m -->.​photobucket.​com/albums/a​372/Meowmeow​meowmeow/010​.jpg FOR THE NON BELIEVERS
(22:43:16) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- strokes a hand up and down Bun Bun's leg.
(22:43:51) Corporal_Bunny makes moose sound.
(22:44:00) Corporal_Bunny: They like it when you touch them, Havy
(22:44:34) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: A CUTE MOOSE
(22:44:43) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: MAKE ALL THE BOY MOOSE GO "WHAAAANK"
(23:48:41) AkumaTsuki: Anyways...
(23:48:44) dramamine213 farts
(23:48:51) AkumaTsuki kisses Goaty and Dram
(23:48:57) AkumaTsuki poofs to go hallucinate
(23:48:59) dramamine213: :-*
(23:49:05) Anansi: ...
(23:49:19) Anansi: I get no love in chat...have I done something
(23:49:47) dramamine213: Anansi:favorite:
(23:49:51) Misha_Hiroki: THE S IS PART OF THE ACRONYM >8U
(23:50:00) Nowfaleena: well last time I tried to be nice too you, you got mad at me...but I don't hate you.
(23:50:14) Anansi: I didn't get mad at you
(23:50:26) Anansi: I shared my point of view on your lack of backbone at the time.
(23:51:03) Anansi: Me angry is something rare and awesome to behold
(23:51:11) Nowfaleena: ok but you said it in a rather crude way. it sounded angry to me at the time.
(23:51:15) Anansi: Like a unicorn...that rapes, pillages, and somehow sets fire to things
(00:48:24) prettylykSIN: Alright. I'm gonna go to bed.
(00:48:28) prettylykSIN: Night folks
(00:48:42) Misha_Hiroki special double tongues pretty before she leaves
(00:48:57) Anansi: Aww
(00:49:01) Anansi: everyone is going to sleep
(00:49:10) Misha_Hiroki: I'm not
(00:49:14) Misha_Hiroki: FUCK SLEEP
(00:49:23) Misha_Hiroki: at least until 4ish
(00:49:36) Misha_Hiroki: then I don't have to fuck sleep anymore
(00:50:07) Anansi: Yes but eventually it'll be you and I and we will have raging hate sex that we will vehemently deny though we will inadvertently carve our names into each other with machetes...
(00:50:29) Misha_Hiroki: mmmm...machetes.
(00:50:55) Anansi: There's blood on your shirt..and its forming Anansi's name "Nothing! I hate him, you have no proof!"
(00:51:18) Misha_Hiroki: They won't notice. I bleed all the time
(00:51:51) Misha_Hiroki: And not always from my vagina, incidentally.
(00:52:23) Misha_Hiroki 's nipple starts to bleed spontaneously. "oh geez."
(00:52:44) Anansi:
(00:54:23) Misha_Hiroki: Fetch me my red bra!
(00:54:29) Nowfaleena: lol
(00:54:43) Anansi: and her brown pants...
(17:27:16) TakodaVega: AMA D<
(17:28:08) Amaurofebris: :0
(17:28:24) TakodaVega: Gimme snugs <3
(17:28:31) Amaurofebris love son Tako.
(17:28:34) Amaurofebris: ...loves on
(17:28:41) TakodaVega: o_O
(17:28:51) TakodaVega: WE HAVE A LOVE CHILD?
(17:28:51) TakodaVega: xD
(17:29:05) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Apparently his name is Tako.
(17:29:18) TakodaVega: You named him after a Squid?
(17:29:19) TakodaVega: xD
(17:29:28) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: SQUIRT!
(17:29:46) TakodaVega: ahahah maybe your Cat's related
(17:29:55) Amaurofebris: :0
(17:29:57) Amaurofebris has a son?
(17:29:58) Amaurofebris: D:
(17:30:02) Amaurofebris runs away.
(17:30:11) TakodaVega: Lawl.
(17:30:27) TakodaVega: The thought in itself is funny since I still have my v-card.
(17:30:35) TakodaVega: Does that make me another Virgin mary? XD
(17:30:38) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Oops.
(17:30:40) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Virgin birth.
(17:30:49) Amaurofebris IMMACULATELY PROCREATES
(17:31:21) TakodaVega snickers.

(17:33:14) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: AND THE ANTI-CHRIST IS BORN
(17:33:19) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: BATHED IN THE BLOOD OF A VIRGIN WOMAN
(17:33:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Aka, Jesus.
(17:33:41) TakodaVega: Hey wait a second. Does that mean I die o_O
(17:33:51) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Yes. You hemorrage to death.
(17:33:56) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Sorry. >:
(17:34:00) Broomhandle45: That's just semantics anyway
(17:34:19) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Go back to sweeping. I like watching you work more than hearing you talk.
(17:34:20) Broomhandle45: Just walk it off, you'll be fine
(14:10:26) Bathos: I'ma smoke one more and then shower. I've been waking up so late lately that I haven't been able to shower before work.
(14:10:42) Mr_Master: Do as you need to, my dear.
(14:10:50) Bathos: Duh.
(14:10:58) Bathos: I was just telling you, out of kindness. NOT ASKING PERMISSION.
(14:10:59) Bathos kicks.
(14:11:19) Mr_Master: -->8U
(14:11:32) Bathos breaks off MM's horn.
(14:11:40) Mr_Master: ->8U
(14:11:48) Bathos finds a whetstone.
(14:11:56) Mr_Master grumbles
(14:12:00) Mr_Master: Weren't you gonna shower?
(14:12:05) Hakumei_Ryu007 watches in shock
(14:12:13) Bathos sharpens the horn.
(14:12:25) Hakumei_Ryu007 watches through fingers
(14:12:26) Bathos fastens the horn to her own forehead.
(14:12:32) Bathos charges!
(14:12:41) Hakumei_Ryu007: O_O
(14:12:55) Mr_Master charges!
(14:13:02) Bathos: YOU HAVE NO HORN!
(14:13:10) Mr_Master: I HAVE A STUMP!
(14:13:16) Mr_Master: And a thick-ass skull.
(14:13:19) Mr_Master: and blubber
(14:13:20) Bathos spears MM with his own slightly modified horn.
(14:13:21) Hakumei_Ryu007 laughs
(14:13:26) BlackOps: Does anyone know if Blistered_Blood's avatar is of himself?
(14:13:29) Mr_Master is speared!
(14:13:32) Bathos: YOU. my friend. ARE AN ASS SKULL.
(14:13:45) Mr_Master: No, that's some professional wrestler. The Undertaker?
(14:13:49) Friendly_Alien: Butthead?
(14:13:53) Bathos: HA HA HA.
(14:14:03) Friendly_Alien: Uuuuh.
(14:14:05) Bathos: lawls at The Undertaker.
(14:14:06) Friendly_Alien: huhuhuh.
(14:14:06) Mr_Master writhes in pain
(14:14:12) BlackOps: He doesn't look like a wrestler
(14:14:21) Bathos makes cosmetic products from MM's remains.
(14:14:26) Mr_Master: Then ask BB, I dunno.
(14:14:42) Mr_Master does his part to make the world beautiful.
(14:14:44) BlackOps: Good idea :)
(14:14:50) Hakumei_Ryu007: LOL
(14:15:27) Bathos draws blood red hearts with the lipstick she hand-crafted from MM's juices.
(14:16:06) Bathos: I love you THIS MUCH. *points at all the hearts*
(14:16:23) Mr_Master appreciates that posthumously
(14:17:06) Bathos: Now, if that's not epic then I need to write a letter to Webster.
(19:28:34) Anansi: ...
(19:28:39) Anansi: ....look
(19:28:49) Corporal_Bunny looks.
(19:28:54) Corporal_Bunny: What... am I looking at?
(19:29:17) Anansi: your penis is as big as you think it is...
(19:29:18) Mitsu 'splodes in a fantastic light show of piss and vomit.
(19:29:25) Anansi:'s a lie
(19:29:46) Corporal_Bunny: Yeah. cause like... today I thougth my penis was 9 inches.
(19:29:49) Corporal_Bunny: Turns out I has a vagina.
(19:29:50) Corporal_Bunny: And I'm like
(19:29:51) Corporal_Bunny: wtf?
(19:30:02) Mitsu: Yeah, for real, wtf?
(19:30:07) Amaurofebris: Huh?
(19:30:08) Mitsu: How's that happen?
(19:30:20) Amaurofebris: Did you dream and then wake up?
(19:30:21) Corporal_Bunny: I dunno. I guess I slept on it wrong and inverted my penis.
(19:30:30) Corporal_Bunny: So now it's a vagina.
(19:30:34) Corporal_Bunny: -shrugs-
(19:30:41) Mitsu: Yeah, I have a buddy that went through that.
(19:30:45) Anansi: ...from what i hear its a very ________vagina
(19:31:02) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Straight and low vagina?
(19:31:02) Corporal_Bunny: I'm okay with having a vagina.
(19:31:04) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: o.o
(19:31:09) Corporal_Bunny: It means my massive penis doesn't get shut in doors anymore.
(2009.11.29 - 19:32:50) Corporal_Bunny: I said
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:00) Ilovegoatse: WEEEEEEEE >8U
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:02) Ilovegoatse: KITTY STAIRS
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:03) Ilovegoatse: :3
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:03) Ilovegoatse: :3 :3
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:04) Ilovegoatse: :3 :3 :3
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:07) Ilovegoatse: :3 :3 :3 :3
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:08) Ilovegoatse: CLIMB
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:19) BlueMoon: TheDuchess has been logged out (Timeout).
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:20) MrPenguin hugs Bunny.
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:22) Corporal_Bunny falls down them.
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:28) Ilovegoatse COMFORTS BUNNY WITH HIS PENIS
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:30) Ilovegoatse: :3
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:37) Ilovegoatse: KEE!
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:43) Corporal_Bunny rubs the comfort all over her lips and face and tongue
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:54) Ilovegoatse: OM NOM NOM >8u
(2009.11.29 - 19:33:56) PadanFain watches
(2009.11.29 - 19:34:05) Corporal_Bunny: Oh god you comfort so good.
(2009.11.29 - 19:34:11) Corporal_Bunny: COMFORT ME HARDER!
(2009.11.29 - 19:34:40) Ilovegoatse HARDER AND HARDER
(2009.11.29 - 19:34:56) Ilovegoatse I CAME LOBSTERS
(2009.11.29 - 19:34:59) Corporal_Bunny kisses all over said comfort before rubbing it onto her chest.
(2009.11.29 - 19:35:04) Corporal_Bunny: Yes, Yes. Just what I needed
(2009.11.29 - 19:35:08) Ilovegoatse: 8D
(2009.11.29 - 19:35:25) Corporal_Bunny: Lobsters?
(2009.11.29 - 19:35:35) Ilovegoatse: lobsters
(2009.11.29 - 19:35:37) MrPenguin: >.>
(2009.11.29 - 19:35:54) Corporal_Bunny: ...]
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:01) Ilovegoatse: :3
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:03) Ilovegoatse coos them
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:04) MrPenguin sits on a random chair on the roof.
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:04) Ilovegoatse: -cooks
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:10) Ilovegoatse: NOW WE HAS LOBSTER DINNER
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:13) Ilovegoatse: EAT THE DINNER
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:17) Ilovegoatse: MOTHERFUCKING BUNNY >8UUUUU
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:22) Ilovegoatse: MANY CHINS, MANY BEATINGS
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:56) Corporal_Bunny: Fuck you.
(2009.11.29 - 19:36:59) Corporal_Bunny: I dont eat no lobster.
(2009.11.29 - 19:37:19) Ilovegoatse: OH BUT YOU DO
(2009.11.29 - 19:37:21) PadanFain eats lobster and makes grabby hands at lobster cum dinner
(2009.11.29 - 19:37:24) Ilovegoatse CAME EAGLES
(2009.11.29 - 19:37:33) Ilovegoatse COOKS THE EAGLES FOR BUNNY
(2009.11.29 - 19:37:40) Ilovegoatse MAKES PADAN EAT THE LOBSTER DIN DIN
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:02) Corporal_Bunny: I dont want eagles:<
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:04) PadanFain is forced to eat what he willingly would have eaten anyway...but is FORCED to now
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:08) Ilovegoatse: Yes you do
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:10) Ilovegoatse: EAT THEM
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:15) Ilovegoatse I CAME SHRIMP
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:18) Ilovegoatse COOKS THEM FOR BUNNY
(2009.11.29 - 19:38:58) Corporal_Bunny: I DONT EAT SEA FOOD
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:00) Corporal_Bunny: GOD
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:02) Ilovegoatse: AUGH
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:03) Corporal_Bunny slaps him
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:06) Ilovegoatse I CAME BACON
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:06) Corporal_Bunny: WHATS WRONG WITH YOU.
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:10) Ilovegoatse FEEDS BUNNY BACON
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:13) BlueMoon: Kitsune_Yurka logs into the Chat.
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:13) Kaios: Wow...
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:15) Ilovegoatse: >8U I LOVE THE PAIN
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:16) Corporal_Bunny: YOU STUPID PIECE OF WASTED SPACE
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:19) Corporal_Bunny: WTF
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:20) Ilovegoatse: D8
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:22) Corporal_Bunny: I dont even like Bacon
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:23) Ilovegoatse CUTS
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:26) Corporal_Bunny: WHY ARE YOU PICKING EVERYTHING I HATE!?
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:26) Kaios: Wasted space?
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:26) Ilovegoatse I CAME TURKEY
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:34) Ilovegoatse FEEDS HER TURKEY
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:35) Corporal_Bunny: I DONT LIKE TURKEY EITHER
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:38) Kitsune_Yurka: wut?
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:41) Ilovegoatse: wtf you like nothing
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:44) BlueMoon: Lady_Nightshade logs into the Chat.
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:46) Corporal_Bunny: Can't you cum sweet potatoes?
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:47) Kaios: So much anger here...
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:53) Ilovegoatse I CAME SWEET POTATOES
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:54) Kitsune_Yurka: you came turkry? wut?
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:55) Ilovegoatse: THERE
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:56) Ilovegoatse: EAT THEM
(2009.11.29 - 19:39:59) Ilovegoatse: EAT THE FUCKING POTATOES
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:03) Ilovegoatse: PADAN, EAT WHAT BUNNY WON'T EAT
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:08) Kaios: This is just wrong...
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:09) Ilovegoatse: THE BALD EAGLES, SHRIMP, TURKEU
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:11) Ilovegoatse: -TURKEY
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:12) Corporal_Bunny: ... I would
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:13) Ilovegoatse: EAT IT ALL >8U
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:16) Corporal_Bunny: I dont feel like it.
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:22) Corporal_Bunny: I'm more thirsty than hungry
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:23) Kaios: *Falls*
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:28) Corporal_Bunny: Cum some punch for me
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:31) PadanFain gobble turkey, shrimp and cooked eagles claw out his eyes again
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:31) Corporal_Bunny: Fruit punch
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:34) Kaios: Oh god....
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:37) Ilovegoatse I CAME PUNCH
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:40) Kitsune_Yurka came punch
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:46) Kaios: I know I can't be this high.....
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:49) Ilovegoatse: TOO LATE KITSUNE
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:52) Ilovegoatse: THIS ISN'T YOUR JOB
(2009.11.29 - 19:40:53) Kitsune_Yurka: damn
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:02) Corporal_Bunny: SO IR
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:03) Ilovegoatse WATCHES THE EAGLES EAT PADAN WITH GUSTO >8U
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:05) Corporal_Bunny: IT*
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:07) Kaios: *Sits and just watches* This is too funny.
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:27) Ilovegoatse JIZZES GUSTO
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:33) Lady_Nightshade offers pudding
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:37) Kaios: X.O
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:37) Corporal_Bunny: WHERES MY FUCKING FRUIT PUNCH, YOU NAZI PIG?!
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:38) MrPenguin: I imaged a fist coming out of Goatse's crotch.
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:55) MrPenguin: Hi Nightshade!
(2009.11.29 - 19:41:55) PadanFain: :idea:
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:02) Lady_Nightshade: hi
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:10) MrPenguin: How ya doing?
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:12) Kaios: Hello Nightshade.
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:27) Lady_Nightshade: better now
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:31) Lady_Nightshade: just hungry
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:33) Kaios: That is good to hear.
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:36) Ilovegoatse: I CAME IT EARLIER
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:36) Corporal_Bunny: GOATY
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:37) Ilovegoatse: BUNNY
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:38) Kaios: Food sounds like a lovely idea.
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:40) Ilovegoatse: I CAME IT EARLIER
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:40) Ilovegoatse: FUCKING
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:42) Ilovegoatse: I DID
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:44) Ilovegoatse DOES IT AGAIN
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:48) Corporal_Bunny: NO. I WANT FRESH FRUIT PUNCH
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:53) Ilovegoatse CAME IT FRESH
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:55) Corporal_Bunny: Fucking christ.
(2009.11.29 - 19:42:59) Corporal_Bunny licks it up.
(2009.11.29 - 19:43:00) Ilovegoatse: >8u
(2009.11.29 - 19:43:03) Ilovegoatse: gusto!
(2009.11.29 - 19:43:26) Kaios: Trygon and Bayview are playing Tower defence.
(2009.11.29 - 19:43:33) Kaios: Defense*
(2009.11.29 - 19:43:41) Ilovegoatse: GUSTO
(2009.11.29 - 19:43:49) Corporal_Bunny: Tower defense? Is that where the put up little army men around their penises and see who's falls first?
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:04) Kaios: Pretty much, it seems rather boring to me.
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:18) Ilovegoatse: That's what I do
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:31) BlueMoon: Nowfaleena has been logged out (Timeout).
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:38) Corporal_Bunny: GOATY NO ONE CARES
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:45) Corporal_Bunny: GIVE ME SOME CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE.
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:45) Kaios: <.<
(2009.11.29 - 19:44:52) Kaios: Why are you so mean to Goaty?
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:10) Corporal_Bunny: Why is it your business what I do with my bitches?
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:12) Ilovegoatse: AUGH
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:16) Ilovegoatse: SHUT THE FUCK UP
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:17) Kaios: Just curious.
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:18) Ilovegoatse: YOU STUPID PIECE OF SHIT
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:20) Ilovegoatse: I FUCKING HATE YOU
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:24) Kaios: o_O
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:24) Ilovegoatse CAME CHOCOLATE MILKSHAKE
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:32) Corporal_Bunny: Dont talk to Kaios like that
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:33) Ilovegoatse: >8uUuUuU
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:35) Corporal_Bunny: Its' mean.
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:40) Kaios: Awkward.....
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:40) Corporal_Bunny drinks chocolate milkshake
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:41) Ilovegoatse: >8u
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:44) Ilovegoatse: >8U
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:46) Ilovegoatse: >:U
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:46) Corporal_Bunny: This better have been shaken not stirred?
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:47) Ilovegoatse: >8U
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:51) Ilovegoatse: YES
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:52) Corporal_Bunny: DID YOU SHAKE IT GOATY!?
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:54) Corporal_Bunny: DID YOU!?
(2009.11.29 - 19:45:57) Corporal_Bunny: DO I HAVE TO BEAT YOU!?
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:01) Kaios: I think he did.
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:05) Kaios: I saw it.
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:10) Misha_Hiroki makes Bunny into poop
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:14) Ilovegoatse: YES I DID SHAKE IT
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:23) Ilovegoatse POOPS INTO THE MILKSHAKE TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:40) Corporal_Bunny: FUCK YOU GOATY
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:40) Kaios: ...>Wut?
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:41) Corporal_Bunny: We aren't friends anymore
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:47) Ilovegoatse: WE'RE BEST FRIENDS
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:48) Kaios: o_O;
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:49) Ilovegoatse FUCKS BUNNY
(2009.11.29 - 19:46:57) Kaios: *Blinks*
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:03) Corporal_Bunny: NO we aren't
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:07) Ilovegoatse: YES
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:07) Ilovegoatse: WE ARE
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:10) Ilovegoatse: YOU SLUT MOUTH
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:13) Ilovegoatse SLUT MOUTHS BUNNY
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:23) Kaios: Oh boy.
(2009.11.29 - 19:47:23) Corporal_Bunny: You're a Nazi Pig that drives an Italian Taxi and I want nothing to do with your West side story!
(20:01:14) Corporal_Bunny: Once upon a time there was a kitten named Charlie.... (Continue, Misha!)
(20:02:14) Misha_Hiroki: Who loved to feast on wheat, milk, and barley...
(20:02:40) Corporal_Bunny: But, one day, poor Charlie came across something horrible!
(20:03:06) Misha_Hiroki: That caused him to shout out something deplorable!
(20:03:51) Corporal_Bunny: "Meower-fucker!" he screetched as his fur spiked to the sky!
(20:04:28) Misha_Hiroki: Coupled with a feeble leap that made his grandfather look spry.
(20:04:59) Corporal_Bunny: He hit a wall with a resounding thud-- Poor Charlie could have died!
(20:05:32) Misha_Hiroki: But with an impact such as that, the narrator surely lied.
(20:06:24) Corporal_Bunny: For Charlie was fine, but he was shaken and scared and his legs wabbled when he tried!
(20:08:13) Misha_Hiroki: Though he must press on, lest he forget what it was he felt was defied.
(20:08:29) Misha_Hiroki is struggling to find rhymes now.
(20:08:52) Corporal_Bunny: He remembered what his mother told him, when he was little; when he cried.
(20:09:40) Misha_Hiroki: The great big monster under the bed is what prevented him from going back inside
(20:10:46) Corporal_Bunny: But Charlie also remembered that was when his mother was turned into a coat.
(20:11:24) Misha_Hiroki: And his father, his poor father, metamorphosed to a goat.
(20:11:51) Ilovegoatse: Bunny
(20:11:54) Corporal_Bunny: Charlie knew then, at that moment-- he had a quest! "TO THE BOAT!"
(20:12:48) Misha_Hiroki: A quest to give him, for once in his life, a reason to gloat.
(20:13:21) Corporal_Bunny: As he boarded the boat and paddled his way, he realized his mistake- the boat wasn't a boat, it was a sponge, and it certainly didn't float!
(20:15:25) Misha_Hiroki: As he wonder how he paddled his fake, the sponge began to sink, sealing his fate. (>8U)
(20:16:11) Corporal_Bunny: He was going to die a virgin, without ever the chance to mate!
(20:17:21) Misha_Hiroki: So his quest takes a different turn, a journey to get fuckin'
(20:17:42) Ilovegoatse: rhyming is something that makes goatse produce hate >8u
(20:17:47) Corporal_Bunny: Too bad he died, to a Edward Cullen 'asuckin.
(20:17:53) Ilovegoatse: so it's best if these two get truckin'
(20:17:55) Ilovegoatse: >8U
Neurok_Shinobi said:
(11:28:09) Nowfaleena: I am such a fail whale today
(11:28:18) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: FAIL WHALE
(11:28:20) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WHERE IS MM!?
0///0 I did not know that someone would post that. Good times, good times.
(06:16:28) PadanFain hits Zen with a shoe for no good reason at all
(06:17:44) LaudanumAddict: Eegads
(06:18:01) PadanFain: NO U! >8U
(06:18:06) Zennarion: Ow... ;-;
(06:18:18) PadanFain: oh..heh ^^
(06:18:54) Zennarion: T_T
(06:19:14) missedstations: I have awesome breakfast choices. Cake or muffins?
(06:19:30) PadanFain: MUFFINS! \o/
(06:20:01) Zennarion: MUFFINS!
(06:20:15) Zennarion: If you don't eat them... I will <<
(06:21:06) missedstations: You know where I live?! D:
(06:21:22) Zennarion: Mwhahahahahahaha!
(06:21:47) Zennarion: ...No >>
(06:22:08) PadanFain: heh
(06:22:20) missedstations: Phew.
(06:22:49) Zennarion: <<
But i will find out... Sooner or later <<
(06:23:04) PadanFain: for muffins...anything, yeah?
(06:24:04) missedstations: Not gonna tell him I'm nifty at baking them then!
(06:24:10) Zennarion: <<
(06:24:10) LaudanumAddict: If Eddie Izzard had offered "Cake or Muffins"... it wouldn't be as funny
(06:24:17) Zennarion: I will stalk you!
(06:24:36) PadanFain: dude! I'm watching Eddie Izzard right now! =O
(06:24:46) LaudanumAddict: Haha! Which one?!
(06:24:51) Zennarion: <<
(06:24:59) PadanFain: definite article
(06:25:05) LaudanumAddict: ... "the" XD
(06:25:44) LaudanumAddict: I've presently loaned my boyfriend "Unrepeatable", "Definite Article", & "Glorious"
(06:26:08) LaudanumAddict: but I still have "Dress to Kill", "Circle", & "Sexie"
(06:26:17) LaudanumAddict: I can't wait for his new DVD to come out
(06:26:22) PadanFain: I watched Dress to Kill yesterday
(06:26:37) PadanFain: I just started noticing him and he's really good
(06:27:45) LaudanumAddict: "Stripped" should be an amazing show... *looks up when it may come out*
(06:28:47) LaudanumAddict: Ah, the Dec 22 & 23 performances will be recorded for DVD
(06:29:16) PadanFain: sweet
(06:29:42) Zennarion: -.-
(06:30:08) PadanFain smacks Zen with a boot again, still without a very good reason
(06:30:37) Zennarion: It was a shoe >>
(06:30:54) PadanFain: well, I upgraded
(06:31:05) Zennarion: <<
(06:31:10) Zennarion: Ow.... ;-;
(06:31:15) PadanFain: :-D
(06:31:36) PadanFain offers insincere sympathy
(06:32:24) PadanFain: no really, I'm sorry...*snicker*
(06:32:35) Zennarion: >>
(06:32:39) Zennarion: Suuuurrrreeee
(06:34:42) Zennarion: Why should i trust you? D=
(06:35:05) PadanFain: because. I'm REALLY sorry... *snicker*
(06:35:18) Zennarion: <<
(06:36:16) PadanFain: bleeeeeeeehhhhhhhh
(06:36:46) Zennarion: You are not aorry D=
(06:36:49) Zennarion: *Sorry
(06:37:16) PadanFain: yes, I am! See I'm making my remorseful face= :-D
(06:37:25) PadanFain: oh, sorry, this one =(
(06:38:12) Zennarion: >>
(06:38:24) Zennarion: You are not! ;-;
(06:38:29) PadanFain: XD
(06:38:42) Zennarion: And i was about to trust you D=
(06:39:13) PadanFain hits Zen with the shoe again and demands to be trusted
(06:39:34) PadanFain: oh...wait... ^^;
(06:41:19) Zennarion: >>
(06:44:35) Zennarion: Wait... You downgraded now? D=
(06:44:48) PadanFain: yes
(06:48:52) Zennarion: <<
(06:49:00) Zennarion: I still don't trust you!
(06:49:20) PadanFain: or DO you?
(06:49:24) PadanFain: >_0
(06:49:41) Zennarion: No <<
(06:51:30) PadanFain: oh...well
(06:51:39) Zennarion: There is only one way to gain my trust! =D
(06:52:03) PadanFain: how? D=
(06:52:22) Zennarion: Why should i tell you?! D=
(06:53:18) PadanFain: Because your trust I NEED it to catch you by surprise when I hit you with another footwear
(06:53:40) Zennarion: >>
(06:53:51) Zennarion: Like what?
(06:54:27) PadanFain: possibly a sandal or a highheel that DOES NOT belong to me
(06:54:56) Zennarion: o_O
(06:55:00) Zennarion: Suuuurrrrreeeee
(06:55:30) Zennarion: You secretly have a pair hidden deep inside of your closet!
(06:55:54) PadanFain: they make my feet feel pretty...
(06:56:00) PadanFain: o-o
(06:56:05) Zennarion: And tall? x3
(06:56:22) PadanFain: yesh ^w^
(06:56:31) Zennarion: Im still taller <<
(06:56:47) PadanFain hits Zen upside the head with gorgeous 6 inch pumps
(06:57:15) Zennarion: ;-;
(06:58:13) PadanFain then dons them and struts around
(06:59:06) Zennarion: o_O
(06:59:22) PadanFain: ^-^
(06:59:31) Zennarion: o_O
(07:00:08) PadanFain offers no explanation
(07:00:59) Zennarion slowly steps back
(07:01:32) PadanFain doesn't understand where this distrust is coming from
(07:01:57) Zennarion have never trusted you >>
(07:02:01) Zennarion: Or have i? XD
(11:13:07) Kingschoolyou: Hallo chat.
(11:13:44) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Hey, King
(11:13:47) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I missed you.
(11:13:53) Kingschoolyou: You did?
(11:13:57) Kingschoolyou: =O
(11:14:00) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Yeah. c:
(11:14:06) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- kicks in the crotch.
(11:14:07) Kingschoolyou: Schweet
(11:14:09) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: WHERE THE HELL IS MY MONEY.
(11:14:14) Kingschoolyou: D'oh! ><
(11:14:20) Amaurofebris: Aww, you didn't miss me? D:
(11:14:29) Kingschoolyou falls over holding crotch tenderly.
(11:14:45) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I did miss you, Ama.
(11:14:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I just missed King's earnings.
(11:14:57) Kingschoolyou: lol
(11:15:01) Amaurofebris: Yay.
(11:15:06) Kingschoolyou throws the money in Hahvy's face.
(11:15:10) Kingschoolyou: Fine! T_T
(11:15:17) Kingschoolyou runs off craing.
(11:15:21) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pockets it.
(11:15:24) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Wait, baby!
(11:15:26) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I didn't mean it!
(11:15:49) Kingschoolyou: r-really?...*sniffle*
(11:16:35) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Really. I didn't mean it. >:
(11:16:48) Kingschoolyou: O-ok....
(11:17:05) Kingschoolyou walks back over, but cautiously guarding his crotch area.
(11:17:46) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- pets King.
(11:17:56) Kingschoolyou: =D
(11:18:12) Kingschoolyou leans into the pets, feeling like a good corner whore.
(15:26:18) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Ugh.
(15:26:20) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: FUCK BOOKS
(15:26:22) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- cries.
(15:26:23) AkumaTsuki: Wait...this is going in open and not closed group?
(15:26:33) AkumaTsuki rapes Hhavy better and burns the books
(15:26:34) Nihilistic_Impact: ...
(15:26:39) AkumaTsuki: BURN BITCH BURN
(15:26:42) AkumaTsuki: MWHAHAHA
(15:26:45) AkumaTsuki: RAPE RAPE RAPE
(15:26:47) Nihilistic_Impact tosses to kill a mockingbird in the pile
(15:26:48) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+-- cries and is consoled by the rape.
(15:26:56) AkumaTsuki: Hmm now to Pillage and I'll be good
(15:27:04) AkumaTsuki steals MM's horn
(15:27:07) AkumaTsuki: FOR THE HORDE!
(15:27:16) AkumaTsuki runs around doing her war cry
(15:27:34) AkumaTsuki offers Hilo as a sacrifice to Tyr
(15:27:38) Nihilistic_Impact paints Aku blue
(15:27:40) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: XD
(15:27:40) Mr_Master: D:-
(15:28:14) Nihilo: Drools...
(15:28:17) Erato: You can't sacrifice my meat shield! I need him
(15:28:34) Nihilistic_Impact: But now you'll have a flaming meat shield.
(15:28:38) Nihilo: I am all that is meat.
(15:28:48) AkumaTsuki makes Erato her slave
(15:29:09) Erato Dons the whole Princess Leia gear just for Aku
(15:29:15) AkumaTsuki fucking loves it
(15:29:20) AkumaTsuki rapes the hell out of her
(15:29:22) Nihilistic_Impact films
(15:29:35) Erato Shamefully cums for Akuma.
(15:29:41) AkumaTsuki: CALL ME JABBA THE SLUT
(15:29:50) AkumaTsuki rapes Erato with her huge booooooobies
(15:29:56) Erato: "OH! JABBA! UFF UFF!"
(15:30:01) Nihilistic_Impact: Feed her to the Rancor!
(15:30:12) nonpoint: And today is a kickass day for chat. Thank you, Akuma.
(15:30:12) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: XD
(15:30:14) AkumaTsuki kicks Nihlly all Sparta Style to the RANCOR
(15:30:27) Nihilistic_Impact rides the Rancor
(15:30:28) AkumaTsuki: THIS IS TRAPETORIUM
(15:30:28) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Wow, guys.
(15:30:30) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Just wow.
(15:30:34) Erato: "THIS. IS. AKUUUUUUUUU!"
(15:30:40) Nihilo: Off like a prom dress. Back in a while loves...
(15:31:01) Erato: See you later, Baileys.
(15:31:01) AkumaTsuki: Wait...are you off to abort your prom baby?
(15:31:05) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Hey, it takes me forever to get a prom dress off.
(15:31:06) nonpoint: Have I forgotten to mention it's a pleasure to see you, Akuma?
(15:31:08) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: D<
(15:31:15) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Bye, HELIO!
(15:31:16) nonpoint: A prom night dumpster baby?
(15:31:17) AkumaTsuki: You should remember to twist clockwise
(15:31:29) AkumaTsuki: Not counter or you end up with Smegma
(15:31:36) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: ...Ew.
(15:31:42) Nihilo: Bubye Miss Hahvy. =)
(15:31:42) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: I hate Cysma on my penis.
(15:31:50) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: Wait, you meant...Still applies.
(15:31:54) nonpoint: I'm just a prom night dumpster baaaaaaby...
(15:31:55) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: BYE!
(15:31:56) --+Hahvoc_Requiem+--: <3
(15:32:00) AkumaTsuki: It's always a pleasure to see me *preens*
(15:32:06) Nihilistic_Impact pets Aku
(15:32:16) AkumaTsuki bits Nihlly
(15:32:22) nonpoint: *strokes Akuma kindly for her return to chat*
(15:32:25) Nihilistic_Impact bites Aku
(15:32:26) AkumaTsuki rides him like a PONY
(15:32:31) AkumaTsuki moans
(17:07:15) AkumaTsuki: No raping the Aku unless you are on her breeding list
(17:07:39) AkumaTsuki: It'll contaminate the genepool
(17:07:44) AkumaTsuki: I MUST HAVE MY MASTER RACE
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