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The Last Ones At School (me and Ryu)

"Yeah, we'll just empty the dam doing it" she said with a chuckle. She smiled turned a corner. The nurses office wasn't too far from the gym on account of most injuries occurring in the gym. She opened the door and said "Here we go, and look beds, and there should be blankets around here" she said looking through the cupboards.
He chuckled a bit as he looked around a bit, trying to find some blankets, then he found the cupboard,"Here we go..." he said softly,"Well... I found them... but, we can't use them." he said, grabbing the lock and shaking it a bit,"Locked..." he said with a soft sigh,"Just my luck..." he said softly.
Leila smirked and said "Wait here" she said walking briskly out of the room to the janitors closet and returned with a large pair of shears. She then pit the blades around the padlock before she cut through it. "You were saying" she said with a grin on her face.
He laughed a bit,"You're just all about destruction... aren't you?" he asked as he moved, grabbing a pair of blankets before moving to her and handing her one,"I don't know if these'll be enough to keep us warm all night though..." he said softly to her.
She said "We can use out jackets as well and if thats not enough we can use body heat i suppose" she said with a shrug.
He blushed a bit and nodded,"Yeah... I suppose..." he said as he moved, putting a blanket or two down on a bit,"Hmmm... these things look uncomfy..." he said with a chuckle as he looked at her. He gave a soft shiver, already feeling the coolness of the night starting to enter the building.
"A bed is bed" she said shrugging and sitting up on one. She could feel the chill so she wrapped the blanket around her self.
He shivered a bit, moving and pulling a blanket around himself. It didn't matter too much though, it was still as cold with the blanket and he bit his lip,"Damn... this is no good..." he said as he looked to her, shivering more.
He bit his lip but nodded,"Okay..." he said, moving over to her, getting under the blankets and moving a bit cloe to her. He shivered still just a bit, but now it was a different reason,"How long do you think it'll take the snow to melt?" he asked softly.
"Dunno, maybe a couple of days" she said with a shrug. She smiled when he came closer, feeling a bit warmer herself now that he was closer to her.
'A couple of days...?' he thought to himself, feeling himself getting a bit warmer next to her. He closed his eyes softly, trying to figure out what they would do if they were stuck there for a few days. He moved a bit closer to her, trying to get warmer, but he still felt really cold.
He looked at her a bit, giving a soft nod,"Bad circulation..." he said, shivering still slightly as he looked at her,"D-don't worry too much about it... I just have trouble getting warm..." he said, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes.
"You seem really cold" she said touching his arm with her hand underneath the blankets. "Maybe you should come closer?" she said.
He bit his lip,"I... I mean, I don't want to trouble you..." he said, gulping softly as he felt her touch his arm, her skin was so smooth, he almost couldn't keep his thoughts clean.
He pushed himself against her, letting his arms wrap around her gently. He closed his eyes, trying to keep his body calm and warm. He hadn't been so close to a woman in a long time, so being so close to her so suddenly, he was having trouble keeping himself from just doing something stupid. He took a soft deep breath, taking in her scent as he shivered still.
"There, much better" she said smiling as she felt him warm up a little. "Feel better" she asked him.
He closed his eyes,"A-a bit..." he said as he kept his thoughts clean, biting his lower lip softly. He reall just wanted to reach out and touch her, to make sure this was all read. He continued to shiver just a bit,"I-it's still a bit cold though..." he said to her softly.
He nodded softly,"O-okay..." he said, biting his lip still before moving over and laying down on one of the bed, waiting for her. He could feel his body warming from the thoughts he was trying to push away.
Leila smiled and lay next to him, making sure she was pressed up against him so he could get the maximum amount of heat from her.
He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her as he pressed against her. He could feel her warmth, and was trying to relax, but there was one thing that would show her why he was so tense, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of the bulge that was pushing against her right then.
Leila blushed when she felt his bulge. She couldn't help but think about how big and hard it was, but she id not say anything so he would not be embarrassed.
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