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The Last Ones At School (me and Ryu)


Jan 9, 2009
Leila smiled to herself and she said "Now remember guys, your projects are due on Monday, you've all had plenty of time to do them so no excuses!" she said over the chatter of the class as they all rushed out of the science lab at the bell. She sighed a little and she turned and began to dust the board.

Leila was a women of 26, a lot younger than the majority of the teachers here. That was only because once most teachers got a job at a school they never swapped jobs and just hung around in the same place till they retired. She had got the opening in the science department when one of the teachers quit and left. She'd been here for about a year now and she was enjoying her time here. It was a public school as Leila had vowed she would never take a job in a private school. She didn't see how it was fair that if you paid for your education you could get a better one.

The kids at the school were a good bunch. They all seemed to get along which made the teachers jobs a lot easier, but there were always trouble makers, every school had them

She turned and began to dust of the board behind her. She was dressed in a white lab coat and underneath she had a red tailored shirt and thick woolen pants. On top of her shirt she had a warm black sweater vest. On her desk was a thick jacket and scarf. It was getting into the colder months now she would probably need it.

Leila was a tall woman with a feminine body, but she didn't show it off as much as other. She was a little more conservative. She had long wavy blond hair and blue eyes. Right now it was up in a loose bun. She was eager to get home, but it wasn't like she had much to get home to, all she had was her kitten Pom Pom, who had a habit of clawing at her curtains when she wasn't around.
Leila 1 Leila 2
Ryu sighed as he looked at the empty classroom. His ice blue eyes scanning each of the empty desks, remember who sat there this year. He sighed again softly as he closed his eyes. He'd been at this for too long, and he was ready to leave this thing. He'd been a teacher for a good while, being about 37, he was already hating being here. The kids just never appreciated anything he did. He moved, grabbing some papers and starting to grade them. His raven black hair was messy, showing how much he'd been awake to finish his gradings,"Damn it... why can't they all just quit...?" he asked himself as he moved, standing up and moving to the window. He could see into most of the classes, giving a soft chuckle as he saw a few stragglers, knowing that some of them were from clubs, and some of them were detention... but not all of them. He gave a soft deep breath, moving to his desk and sitting down to keep grading. He didn't like staying late, but he had to, it was his 'Duty' as a teacher. He would've liked nothing better than to just head home, get on his computer, and chat up the first random girl he found. He was always looking to hook up with someone, but he never had much luck when it came to that. He sighed as he continued to grade his papers, glancing out the window every now and then before he couldn't stand it anymore. He slowly stood, putting all his papers into his case before heading out of the class, locking the door behind him. He sighed as he walked down the hall,"Hmmm... I gotta get food..." he said as he looked around, trying to figure out where he was,"Which way's the cafeteria...? They're bound to have some snacks..." he said, trying to find his way there.
Leila sighed to her self and got up and began to clean up her class room. She walked around picking up dropped papers and pushing in the chairs before she locked all the windows and turned to leave. He put on her coat before locking the classroom door and heading for the exit.

She was walking quite briskly so when the door refused to budge she fell back flat on her rear. "Ow" she mumbled and got up and tried to push opened the door again to no avail. She looked around and saw a window. Outside there blizzard was raging and there was at least 3 to 4 feet of snow built up.

She sighed and muttered "No way am I going home tonight". She sighed to her self and began to walk back, looking around the place, to see if anyone else was stuck here.
He sighed as he continued to walk, finding himself in an unfamiliar part of the school,"Damn..." he said as he moved walking silently through the hallways,"Hello?" he called out, wondering where everyone was. He knew people wouldn't be around, but he didn't think they'd have left so fast. He moved to a nearby door, trying to open it up,"Hmm...?" he said, seeing that it wouldn't budge,"Oh no..." he said rushing to a window and looking out,"SHIT!!" he yelled as he saw how much it was snowing,"No No... I can't stay here..." he called out. He wouldn't admit it to too many people, but he was claustrophobic, and being in a school with no way out, wasn't something he was looking forward to. He ran to the next door, trying them and finding each one was the same, a string of curses coming from his mouth as he felt himself growing more and more panicked.
Leila continued to walk around the school till she heard a voice. It was mostly cussing so she figured it was a student or something stuck at school with her. Leila walked around the corner, not to find a student but another teacher, one she wasn't too fond of.

She looked at him and sighed and looked out the window and said "Your stuck here to huh?". She walked over to the snow as the snow began to rapidly rise. She sighed, she wanted to go home, but it wasn't like she had any plans for the weekend anyway. She ran a hand through her hair before she said "Well, we'd better get comfortable"
He stopped as he heard a voice, looking over at the girl,"Hmmm... oh... uh... yeah..." he said, trying to compose himself. He didn't want to appear weak or anything. He moved over to her and looked around,"We should find... somewhere to find some food and a comfy place to sleep... I suppose..." he said as he looked her over. He didn't really recognize the girl, but figured she was a student. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. He looked around a bit, seeing the snow rising faster as he stayed a bit near her,"Where should we head?" he asked as he kept his eyes forward, looking down the halls as they walked. He wondered if there was anyone else there, or if it was just them in the school. He sighed softly, looking at her,"By the way... what are you doing here so late?" he asked,"I mean... what were you doing here before the snow?" he said as they walked down the empty hallways.
Leila sighed and said "Yeah, lets go" she said beginging to make her way towards the teachers lounge. There were some couches in there that they could sleep on. She looked at him and said "teachers lounge would be best, theres couches in there" she said. She looked at him when he asked what she had been doing. She looked at him and said "I was cleaning up my class room after my class bolted for the door when the bell rang" she said to him.
He nodded as they moved towards the teachers lounge, he had to admit that it was a good place to be, but he wouldn't say anything. He stretched a bit,"Well... that sucks..." he said as he let a hand move to rub his shoulder. He looked her over a bit, she did look like the type who'd be responsible, but he didn't say anything about that. He moved and opened the door to the teachers lounge. It was empty, but at least there was food, and couches for them to relax in. He moved and tried the tv, buut it didn't come on,"Damn... power might be out..." he said softly,"If so, we'll have to break into the vending machines..." he said with a soft chuckle, not really wanting to vandalize anything, but he was getting hungry.
Leila looked around and plonked her self down onto one of the other couches and put her bag down. She looked at him and said "We can probably find the key for the vending machine in the janitors closet or something" she said. "Other wise...we would always cut the padlock off..." she seemed to get a devious grin on her face. She taught science for a reason, she liked to mess with things like liquid nitrogen and acids. Not that they got to do any of the really cool stuff at school anyway.
He chuckled a bit, shaking his head,"Uh uh... no vandalism..." he said as he moved, sitting on a nearby chair,"We'll find the janitors closet after a bit..." he said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He didn't think he'd be here right now, he didn't want to be here right now. He wanted to be home, watching some tv, or on his comp. He opened his eyes softly and looked at her before he stopped. He couldn't remember if he took a shower today or not,"Hey... which way's the gym...?" he said with a slight bite on his lip. He didn't want to be here all night, stinking up the place, and the gym would be a good place to hit the showers.
Leila looked at him and said "Don't you know, the gym is back near the cafeteria" she said to him. "I'll show you if you want" she said standing up and heading for the door. She took off her her large coat, the heat was still going in the building. "Come on" she said opening the door and walking out.
He chuckled softly,"Sorry... I've been here for a long time, but I've never been out of my own hallway..." he said as he moved with her out of the lounge,"Hell... I barely know where the principles office is..." he said as he gave a soft nervous laugh,"I mean... I've been here for about three years now and I only know the hallways from the teachers parking lot to my classroom." he said with a soft bite at his lip. He looked around at the hallways, seeing what's what and what was where,"You know... this place is big..." he said with anotehr soft chuckle,"I'm surprised more people don't get lost in here..." he said as he hoped they'd be close to the gym.
Leila smiled and said "Thats alright, would have thought they would have put you on play ground duty or soemthing" she said with a shrug. She lead him down past the hallways, flicking her hair out of her face as she did. After about 3 minutes they arrived at the gym and she walked through the double doors and said "Here we are, why did you wanna come here anyway?" she asked him.
He chuckled a bit as she made fun of him. He shook his head a bit as they walked into the gym,"Well... mostly cause of a habit I have..." he said, moving and grabbing a pair of towels,"Usually I take a shower before and after classes... don't want to miss one just cause of where I am..." he said as he moved towards the locker room,"You don't have to wait for me... I'm sure I could find my way back to the lounge..." he said, not really sounding too sure.
"Ahh I see" she said. She watched as he grabbed some towles and said he could make it back on his own. She raised a brow and said "You sure?" she asked. He didn't sound to confident. "Well If you says so "she said turning to leave.
He looked her over a bit, trying to decide if he should tell her he didn't know which way to get back. After a bit, right as she was at the door he decided,"Wait... I... uh... I don't know the way back..." he said, giving a soft chuckle,"But... I don't want to keep you here... you know?" he said, trying to figure it all out. He didn't know what it was about her, but she was making him feel... different. He shook his head lightly,"Sorry to do this to you..." he said, giving a slight, half smile.
Leila looked at him and said "It;s alright, I'll wait for you" she said sitting on the bleachers for him. She smild and said "Go, have your shower" she said smiling and leaning on her hands.
He smiled softly as he moved to her,"Thanks for all this..." he said with a soft chuckle,"I think I owe you one..." he said as he moved to the locker room, slipping out of his clothes and into the shower. He turned on the water and took a deep breath as he stepped under it, enjoying the heat of the water as it rushed over him,"Mmmm..." he whispered softly.
Leila grinned and watched him walk in. She lay down on the bleachers, looking up at the ceiling, waiting to him to come out. She smiled to her self and began counting the tiles on the roof in boredom.
It would take him a while before he would be done, making sure to clean everywhere he could. After about thirty minutes he moved out of the shower, wrapping the towel around his waist and drying off. He yawned a bit, sitting on a bench as he began to dry himself off, slowly getting dressed and heading out. He saw her laying on the bench and he smiled, moving and looking down at her as he stood just above her, his eyes looking into hers,"You bored?" he asked with a soft chuckle.
Leila looked up at him and she seemed to chuckle and said "Yeah, the gym has 2789 tiles on the roof" she said with a grin at him. She sat up before standing and said "enjoy yourself?" she asked him with a smile on her face before begining to make her way out of the gym and back to the lounge.
He chuckled softly,"Only?" he said with a sot yawn,"And yeah, I did... these showers get really warm..." he said as he stretched a bit,"Hmmm... hey, don't be so quick... we can wait a bit before heading back." He said as he looked at her, trying his best to be friendly,"I mean... let's talk for a bit." he said with a soft yawn.
Leila looked back at him before she turned and said "Alright" and said back down on the bleachers. "You curious about something she asked him with a smile on her face.
He smiled softly as he sat down, taking a deep breath,"Well... uh... I dunno..." he said as he let his hands set on the bleachers,"Uh... what do you do here?" he asked, not able to think of anything else.
She smiled and said "I'm a teacher, I teach physics, chemistry and Bio...prefer physics or chemistry though" she said to him. Senka looked at him and said "What about you?"
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