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The Last Ones At School (me and Ryu)

He chuckled a bit,"I'm a history teacher..." he said with a soft smile,"Not as... exciting as that..." he said as he looked her over a bit,"I'm thinking about retiring soon... I've... lost the spark..." he said, trying to make his thoughts clear. He didn't want to be around the school any more, it bored him and he was getting tired of trying to help kids who didn't appreciate what he did.
Leila looked at him and said "Really, wow, heaps of the kids recon your a really good teacher, all ways talking about you after a history period" she said smiling.
He shook his head a bit,"Right... but they all complain while they're in class..." he said with a soft sigh,"It's like they don't even care that I'm trying to help them out..." He said as he lowered his head a bit,"And everytime they walk passed my room they talk..." he said softly.
Leila looked at him and said "I;m sure they appreciate it, just, on a Friday afternoon, last period, every kid wants to go home" she said. "It's only natural" she said to him.
He shook his head a bit,"It's every day..." he said as he looked at her,"I always hear them complain about me... that I'm too tough, or I give too much homework, or this or that... it's getting annoying..." he said as he as sighed, laying back on the bleachers a bit,"I'm always tense and irritable..."
Leila looked at him and said "Well maybe you should think about why you irritable, carn't always be the kids fualt" she said to him. She smiled and said "Do you have any problems you have to deal with?"
He couldn't help but give a soft laugh,"You mean besides the fact that I'm alone, getting up there in age, and have only been with one woman in five years?" he said as he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath,"Hell... I haven't even been on a date in nearly 3 years..." he said as he put his hands behind his head.
"Well maybe you should get out more, put your self out there, make a spark" she said grinning. She nudged him in the side and said "I'm sure theres someone who would go for ya" she said grinning.
He sighed softly,"Yeah right... who'd want to be with a 37 year old history teacher who hasn't dated in years..." He said as he looked at her,"I mean... look at me... I'm an idiot..." he said as he closed hsi eyes again.
He shook his head,"Yeah right... I'm pathetic... I mean, I wouldn't have a chance with someone like you..." he said as he looked at her,"I bet you have a date every weekend and get at least three calls a week..." he said as he looked up at the ceiling, sighing again.
" haven't been in a relationship since college" she said to him. She smiled and said "Come on, cheer up, you'll find someone" she said.
He shook his head,"Right... I doubt it..." he said as he took a deep breath,"I went on one of those... match sites, you know, the ones that match you based on like... a thousand personality things... and they couldn't match me... imagine that... not one match..." He said, giving a pathetic laugh.
Leila sighed and said "Your really going to believe some computer telling you that there no one out there for you?" she asked him. "The hell a cpu know anything about love" she said to him.
"Aww come one, theres a person out there for everyone" she said smiling. She then moved a bit closer to him and said "You should fix the way you look a little, a bit of a hair cut, shave, new clothes, that will turn some heads" she said grinning.
Leila looked at him and said "So what, It dosen't have to be me, keep an open mind" she said smiling.
He laughed a bit,"Yeah... but I mean... what's the point of getting someone, if they're not good looking?" he said as he looked at her,"I mean... the chances of me getting even an average looking girl is slim to none..." he said as he took a deep breath.
Leila looked at him and sighed before she said "Looks aren't everything" she said. She smiled a little and said "You saying you don;t care about there personality?" she asked him.
He shook his head,"No... it's not that..." he said softly,"It doesn't hurt... but, someone who's smart... funny... sexy... these are things you just can't help but look for..." he said as he looked back at her,"I am a regular man after all..." he said softly.
She smiled and said "I guess so, well, I'm sure you'll find someone, don't get so down on your self"
He shrugged a bit,"Well... in the meantime... let's see if we can find some blankets or something..." he said with a soft yawn. He knew they'd be spending the night, but he also knew that at night at the school they shut off all the heaters and air conditioners to save money.
"Yeah, good idea" she said getting up and said "There might be some in the nurses office, heck, there might even be beds in there" she said getting up and begining to make her way out of the gym.
He followed,"Yeah... if worse comes to worse... we could always just leave the showers on in the locker room, sleep there..." he said with a soft shrug as they moved through the hallways.
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