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plot or smut heavy

  1. terminalV

    Fx Female Vampire: The Masqeurade/World of Darkness - I need some vampire yuri in my life!

    Vampire yuri! I need it. As much of it as I can possibly get. Interested? Then keep reading! Note: VtM/WoD knowledge NOT required for this prompt. It may help, but beyond the things I've explained in my character sheet, we can very easily play a scene independant of any of the wider lore. After...
  2. CharlieAkins2000

    Fx Male Dom/Sub RP (Incest rp welcome) Also Fandom rp~

    Lately I've been really into grooming/incest rp's so~ Here are a few plots for that lol (feel free to offer up your own for brainstorming~) Harry Potter: Snape: OC is Harry's twin sister, who Snape has essentially been grooming her whole time at Hogwarts. Year 7 comes along and she graduates...
  3. Drunk poet

    Mx Female Crimes of passion

    Hi all, So I don't intend to make a massive post here. I already have a bigger more detailed search thread somewhere on this site in which I tell you I've been playing since the age of 15 in various forms, am a fairly regular poster and tend to be fairly flexible in terms of kinks, if you want...
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