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  1. Jackass

    Mx Female A HUMAN DOG!!

    I want to play a human male who behaves as a dog and his genital also(only) turns like a dog wise ( red throb could come out of the fore skin all the way, knots appears and could pre-cum continuously!) But these changes happen gradually as he turns horny; step by step. So it starts with him...
  2. Jackass

    Fx Female Woof,woof, bestiality in demand!

    Any one interested in trying out a bestiality plot, specifically with a dog? ;) I have this random thought about two sexually depraved housewives or housewives with pervert imaginations, or two young girls or a young girl and married wife, one day out of blue start discuss about dogs mating...
  3. M

    Looking for extreme petplay roleplay

    Hey! I'm looking for a seriously devoted partner to play out an extreme petplay rp with me. I have lots of ideas we can do, but essentially the goal is to have your character (Females only aged 15-up) be trained and conditioned to believe they are my characters pet dog. I'd be looking for...
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