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  1. gay bottom femboy

    Mx Male Bottom femboy looking to play with beast, aliens, ferals, pokemon and others!some plots below

    Spanish/English All participants/characters must be 18+ Greetings! As the tittle says i'm looking for beasts, monsters, ferals or pokemon to rp with!i like almost all of them but here are some ideas for rp!let me know if you like any of the ideas and i'll send you the full plot Beauty and the...
  2. Lewd.Katie44

    Fx Male Dark Taboo Request

    Well this is my first RT so I hope not everyone runs away. But I’ll get this out of the way. I typically write up to a 100 or more words, in 2 to 3 paragraphs. I prefer to respond to a post with detail, emotions/feelings as oppose to pushing the story forward. I am not a spelling or grammar...
  3. Jackass

    Mx Female A HUMAN DOG!!

    I want to play a human male who behaves as a dog and his genital also(only) turns like a dog wise ( red throb could come out of the fore skin all the way, knots appears and could pre-cum continuously!) But these changes happen gradually as he turns horny; step by step. So it starts with him...
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