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Last TV show you watched

The Queen's Gambit - it took a while to get into, but has an amazing ending.

My Hero Academia - I'm all caught up with it now. Gotta say, the whole arc with Gentle Criminal was not vibing with me, which is why it took me a while to finish it. It's a real shame because I think GC is a great character.
Supernatural.....and it will be the same for a while. I have like....8 years to catch up on. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Don’t judge me! I also realize just how much I miss watching my boys and their misadventures. 🤗❤️
Criminal Minds and October Faction until I found out it was cancelled and then episode 3 was kind of blah.
Starting Barbarians. The languages are definitely part of the greatness. I hope it won't turn into a soap opera
Stargate Atlantis, in particular the one where Rodney blows up a third of a solar system.

Five/sixths it's not an exact science
Stargate Atlantis, in particular the one where Rodney blows up a third of a solar system.

Five/sixths it's not an exact science
Stargate Atlantis is a pretty awesome movie!
For me the most resent has been Goldfinger.
Just joining the chorus for Bridgerton - I'm on episode 6 and I'm in love with the show! Can't recommend it highly enough (though I know it's probably not for everyone)
Starting Barbarians. The languages are definitely part of the greatness. I hope it won't turn into a soap opera
How did you like Barbarians? I really enjoyed it and I agree the use of languages really added to it.

My latest is The Expanse, my favorite show so I am really happy it's back.
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