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The Fucking Pub (Panakananana and Boyo111)

Andros raised an arm, making a first in the glove feeling the plates on the back of the hand move with his fingers. The armor fit as if it was made for him, the solidity of the plates belied the fact that he could move in it as if he was in his normal clothes. Grinning at Noella he slid the sword over his shoulder, the chest plate had over its shoulder a space to hold the sword, another on the right shoulder but with only the one sword he thrust the dagger into his belt.

Turning to Noella touched her cheek gently with the armor, "I do have a fear of you and your kind, I just don't let it rule me. If I do that, then I'd be defeated before I ever fought another like you."

Turning to Porthos who was letting his hands roam over Chelsea's shapely body, their lips touched, a slight flash of pink and a bulge in their cheeks showed they were enjoying each other's kiss. Porthos broke it first and looked up at Andros, "nice armor, that must be from the first Demonic Wars considering the make." A gesture from him and Porthos held a hand up, "no, much as I know it might help I prefer to avoid being struck, rather than have the armor to help me in case I do. Only the young rush into a fight and take a blade lightly," a quick motion and the rapier came out, clapped Andros on the shoulder with a sharp retort and the blade was back at Porthos's side.

Watching down the stairs the woman rises up the stairs, at first he thought she was walking but as she came closer saw she was floating just above the floor. She looked upon them with glowing red eyes, a fair figure and a long dress that might have been stylish a century or more ago, her hands and arms were graceful, the hair as white as the skin. A long, narrowed face with eyes that slightly slanted towards them, almost cat-like, a hand and long, thin finger raised and gestured towards them.

"Greetings ugly giants bags of mostly blood," her voice was deep, hollow. Resounding in the room like a tomb, "I am one of the Masters Brides," her other hands raised, the finger gesturing. "Welcome," her voice was still slow, but penetrating, almost hypnotic, "to your doom!"
Soon after she spoke, Porthos rushes forth and pierces the heart, only to have his blade met by an empty dress that falls before him like no one was ever there. Noella embraces and clings to Andros after what he had said, and halfway knowing whats coming next "down this staircase, it will seem to go on forever, but it doesn't. Walk, don't run, it's a long way down". Noella had grabbed some fabric from among the furnishings of the castle and made herself a nice looking short skirt that stops at her waist, her only article of clothing. The four of them begin to walk at a steadfast pace, down the extra wide staircase.

Every half a minute or so, the group is confronted by a group of a mixture of two to four slow moving zombie and ghouls. Most are met by Andros's blade, with a swing so hard and fast Andros's sword seems to move almost instantly to the end of his swing, when needed, Andros would take a fraction of a second to recover and then move the blade again with the same speed and force. As the heads and body parts were strewn about, no one in the group bothers to make sure the creatures are all the way dead. With every onslaught, the attacking creatures become more numerous and more frequent, wolf sized bats begin to flutter up the center of the spiral staircase. When it becomes too crowded for just Andros, Porthos joins in with a speedy combination of pierces, slashes, and parries, as they are met by an occasional controller of those ghouls, well dressed like a duelist from a century earlier. Likewise, Noella hands the lantern to Chelsea and joins in as well, holding her daggers at her sides rushing in close to attack the heart or cut off the wings or head. Chelsea just points her fingers and fires small dark orbs into the creatures, the orb does it's work ending in explosion of the heart or brain. With no windows or any other way to tell how close they were, only more stairs as far as they could see, the fatigue that they were experiencing only ate at their morale.
Between attacks from bats and the undead Andros' eyes kept glancing over to Noella's ass, the skirt was short enough to cover her cheeks but not enough to stop his imagination from going. Reaching over a hand grabbed her ass, she shot him a surprised glance as he squeezed. Looking down at his hand, "the gloves are great but I can't feel much with them. Sadly," giving her a down turned smile and a pouty lip.

The stairs ended into a wide room, the feeling of a room was there at least but in the darkness neither the ceiling or walls were visible. Before them the ground was a churning earth amidst tombstones of various types all askance. Some fallen over, others tilted in every conceivable direction. The shapes were of crosses, chiseled rectangular slabs, small statues of limbless angels and short columns. A soft moan echoed before them, the sound bouncing off the unseen walls as they tensed with the scent of decay in the air.

Rising from the ground was a tall, thin shape sheathed in animal furs that made it hard to discern the body. Only the dog-like head with the glowing red eyes and mouth full of decayed teeth were noticeable other than the twisted, thin arm and hand that held a long whip in one hand and a misshapen club in the other. The figure growled, the sound answered by shambling figures in the darkness about them, the whip cracked on the ground before them and where the whip struck the ground cracked and hands reached up. The undead pulled themselves up from the ground, Chelsea tossed small fireballs into the cracks where the stench of burning filled their nostrils.

Leaping forward Andros sword the blade among the figures that rose from the ground, the whip cracking about him. As he neared the figure found the distance was an illusion and the figure rose above him another foot or two. It moved faster than he thought, smaller versions of it rose from the mists at his feet. Armed with clubs the smaller ones leaped to swarm them. Porthos was at his side and Noella behind as their blades struck the creatures, most shrieked and leaped back with each strike.

"The dog eaters of the dead!" Porthos grimaced, "our silver should keep them at bay, but take their heads to kill them." As if to prove his point Porthos took the head off one that swung two clubs, the head falling aside as the body fell, the clubs clattering off tombstones as the body lay on the ground.
Noella drops down from above behind the creatures, one by one, and decapitates them as Andros and Porthos fight on with the same ferocity as on the staircase. It becomes obvious to Noella that they must be tired, including herself and especially Andros, the fighting has been non stop since shortly before dusk. Noella rushes to Andros' side before she is finished, just barely avoiding one of Andros' great swing. "Are you alright Noella, understand that it was not my goal to strike you, but you are faster than you might think" Andros bows to her slightly in the midst of the unfinished battle with the large hell hound, a great sign of respect and honor from the knight to be.

Noella tosses Andros a crucifix that was turned upside down, it was found on hanging along one of the walls, serving only as a testament to Lucifer. Andros catches the black crucifix and stares at it with a perplexed look as he slices another head, slowly getting closer to the main dog. "The armor that you wear was worn by general Byson, he led an army into this castle on the first ever attempt to rid thee world of Dracula, Byson was defeated and Dracula kept the armor as a momento of the bloodshed. Byson's spirit still dwells within the armor, and with his help, you can transform that Luciferian symbol into something holy again, toss it into the enlarged hell hound to pin it to the wall and stop it's power" Noella yells to Andros and then moves over to a nearby door with Chelsea at her side.

The hell hound grows until the two outermost walls of the room could barely contain him. Chelsea helps Noella slide open a gigantic door to what used to be Dracula's private harem. Chelsea face lights up as realizes what the room is, thinking that Noella is with her on her plan. "Hurry up you guys, we can get some rest in here". With faith in the armor, Andros grips the crucifix and lets out a very loud war cry, the crucifix shines with a great light and instantly turns the hell hound into ashes upon contact, putting an end to the dogs. Portho's grabs the cross and throws it to Andros, they both run to the harem, as they do, three blackened portraits on the wall release to the room, three zombies with rapiers, their movements are much faster and more controlled than a typical zombie and they are quite skilled with the sword. Andros kneels down with the glowing crucifix "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever" and with that the room is sealed and protected, giving them breathing room though the zombies wait just outside.

"So what are we even doing here" asks Chelsea.
Porthos steps up behind Chelsea, taking advantage of the lull in the action to run a hand along her side and grope her breasts, "well, I know what I am doing here." With a mischievous grin on his face, the moustache adding to the effect of the smile. Porthos loops Chelsea's arms in his, then a sigh comes from Chelseas as somehow Porthos had opened his breeches and slipped himself inside her. Hips moving quickly back and forth Porthos holds Chelsea in front of him, "nothing like a little break in the action when you can take it, eh?"

Andros grins at Porthos who begins enjoying himself with Chelsea and casting a slightly lustful glance at Noella shrugs his shoulders and takes a long look at the room around them. Taking advantage of the lull to catch his breath unlike Porthos, Andros glances over the armor of Byson. Knowing of his part in the war through training, they did need to learn to read and write as well as remember some of the older legends, Andros felt glad for the moment that he had paid attention during those sessions. The fact that the old generals armor was around gave him some hope, it was unknown how Byson had died, Andros only hoped he would do better. Something had stirred in the armor when he held the crucifix, whether a remnant of the general or a fading spirit he did not know, it was quiet now.

"I have to admit I have the same question," Andros turned to Noella, listening to the pants and grunts of Chelsea and Porthos in the other side of the room he pulled Noella's hand into his. Feeling the heat of her body, but the draining touch of her did not penetrate the armor. "Are we going to blindly cut our way through the hordes, to what? Byson obviously did no better a few centuries ago, and they've had time to prepare."

Standing up looked about the richly appointed room, Chelsea and Porthos now sprawled on one of the large beds with Porthos behind her still, holding an arm while he ravaged her. Andros thought to what he knew about rooms like this, which was more on the feminine side, but if he was going to have a private harem that meant an entrance only he would use. Stepping up to the far wall began to run his hands over the decorations and under the wall hangings that covered the chiseled stone. Cold under his touch the stone was solid, but it was one of the carven demonic heads that slightly moved and the outline of the door appeared to a darkened hallway.

Smiling as he turned to Noella suddenly recalled the last room, "I am sorry about the blade, I wasn't watching for you among the dog-eaters." Brightening up as he heard Porthos and Chelsea finish saw that Chelsea seemed sated, almost drunk as she lay on the bed and Porthos pulled up his breeches.

"Always leave them sated and they'll be quiet and sleep for a bit," wiping his fingers along his mustache Porthos stepped up and recalling something with a finger raised pulled out the whip the dog-eater had been using. "Got it off the leader when I took his head, maybe you can make something of it."
Oddly enough, Chelsea gently coos at Porthos and moves her hands under his padded shirt in a way that would suggest that she wanted more. Under the enchantment of the succubus, Porthos had convinced himself that they would all, in fact, die in that castle, therefore, his mind is bent on putting everything that he has into this final sexual exploit. While Noella remains quiet about what Chelsea is doing, Andros is unaware of anything more than Porthos having a good time, Noella explains some info about the whip to Andros "that whip you found was also used by Byson, it was made by a former alchemist who now goes by the wizard of the west. The whip is light and pliable, yet it is stronger than steel, able to deflect most weapons with quick whisk of the whip" she doesn't seem to care about Porthos at all, knowing full well that Chelsea is draining his life force little by little.

Andros takes this opportunity to rest and eat some dried meat that he has in a small satchel, along with a flask full of water. Byson's armor flashes for a moment, allowing Andros to extract more from the food, he feels as if he had slept for 10 hours and enjoyed a full course meal. Andros' sudden surge of strength urges him to share with the others and try to snap Porthos from his blissful state. "I feel that something grants me the will to go on" Andros says to Noella as the powers of the crucifix fade and the three0evil specters of the portraits creep in "wake those two so we can go" Andros steps toward the specters with his whip.

The three spectors step around Andros, careful not to get too close. With his sword in one hand and his whip in another Andros waits for them to form an evenly spaced circle around him before lunging forth. A thundering crack of the whip causes the specter in front of him to fall to the side in a struggle to hold onto it's sabre and as the two behind him rush forth to skewer his back, Andros swings the whip back in a circle, beheading them both before they do, and with his sword hand decapitates the one in front before it can recover. Andros rejoins Noella in waking the two, they are non responsive as Chelsea continues to ride Porthos quickly, working for his third climax. A punch to the face does the trick. The three specters reconnect their heads and come back for more. Andros doesn't want to mention the entrance he noticed to the northernmost wall until these things are gone. Chelsea hisses at Andros as Porthos gets up, but knowing she would not win let's it go.
Andros turned to the spirits, the lead one rushing him with its saber. Meeting the blade with his own turned the point aside as he stepped to the left and bringing the blade down its length and through the shade of a body that faded and slipped aside. Porthos was stepping up and his own saber met the blade of one shade and turned that blade aside to slip within the body that caused it to shimmer and fall back to the shadows of the room. The two of them met the third that was struck with the whip, it also dissolving into the dark corners with its companions.

As Noella came forward she stopped as Andros raised a hand looking at the three sets of eyes watching from the corners of the room. A small dark mist beginning to flow from the edges of the room as a slow chant began to sound from the shadows, the dark eyes glowing in a sort of inverse darkness that was more noticeable within the shadows of the room. As the mist crept forward the half of the room where the shades were became less and less visible, Porthos grinned as he moved his saber before him, the gleaming metal of the blade giving off a dull sheen that divided the mist at their feet. The mist divided, continuing its creeping across the floor as if a living thing, an extension of the shadows at the edge of the room, their bodies stepping forth into the darkness of the mist.

"Well, that is disappointing," Porthos grunted.

Moving the whip out it separated the mist, which returned to its shape as the chanting continued. "Not as much as that," Andros grunted as he pulled the whip back, the sharp snap of the whip had crawled up his arm as if the mist was thick and grasping at the leather of the tip.

"Only one thing to do then," Porthos said resignedly as the glow intensified in the top of the sabre. The tip moved before them, the glow lasting in the air and in Andros's sight as if it was writing in the air. Instead Porthos gestured slightly, the tip coming to rest against the chest piece of the armor where the glow intensified. It crawled across the chest pieces, the to the pauldrons where the light traced elder runes he had seen but never understood. As his chest and shoulders grew brighter the mist retreated, the chanting came louder as Andros grinned and stepped forward. The rerebrace began a glow as if sensing the strength of the mist, the glow brightening the room more and more as the runes and tracing of light ran down the armor on his upper arms. Only the vambraces on his forearms and the gauntlets were not glowing, though Andros could see a faint trace begin as he leaped forwards swinging the sword before him.

Portos came behind as the shades moved aside from his sword, one falling under the light that emanated from the blade, the slight scream fading as the body dissolved before him. The other two fled the room, the mist falling aside and disappearing with them. Seeing they were alone again Andros turned towards the others, "quick, while they are gone, through the passage!"
The group of four rushed to the private opening in the harem, Andros and Porthos stay behind, allowing the females to go first. Andros sends a hard smack to Noella's ass that is barely covered by a short fabric she took from a piece of furniture. Andros flashes a smile at Noella, knowing that must have stung. Once inside, Andros and Porthos close the heavy bookshelf that covers the opening. Noella turns on her lantern to light the way down the dark, narrow, one way tunnel and Chelsea, feeling much stronger after her encounter with Porthos, leads the way. The tunnel has a slight downward slant but doesn't seem to change direction.

Partway down the tunnel, the voice of Dracula becomes very audible to all of them "Andros, Porthos, don't be idiots, I was barely starting to admire you". The same three beings drop from above in the form of that same dark mist and materialize into the creepy specters that they are. Chelsea injects her magic into the specters, with no effect as there is no heart or brain to demolish, she rushes beside one of their sabres before it could strike her and penetrates her arms into it's body and tears it to pieces, unable to find a weak spot. Another specter bows and slices Chelsea's ankles with it's rapier, almost immediately it's head is sliced off by Porthos, who kneels beside Chelsea to see if she is alright. Andros bumps his arm into Noella's breasts, a request to stand back. Andros moves the rapier aside before the third being could get close, he drives his sword through the heart then slices out of it's body and, in the same motion, spins twice to cut off the head and then cut it in two from it's abdomen, he finishes by driving the sword down through it's skull and mangled pile of a body. As the third falls, Dracula appears before them looking old and unfitting to legend, he is only seen for a moment as he back arms Porthos into a stone wall and vanishes, he looks old but stands 8 feet tall and is apparently very strong. As Dracula vanishes, the three reform and come at the group.
With no room to use the whip Andros coils it with a slight motion and tucks it into his belt, finding that something about the belt attachs to the whip keeping it there. "Useful," he mumbles to himself as he draws the sword back and slices through the first figure near him. Noella steps aside from his blade then as he strikes she touches her hand to the hilt and an aura of fire runs down the blade and into the shade. A loud scream runs the length of the corridor as cracks appear in the figure it explodes in a small fury of fire, its spirit reforms in a vague mist for a moment then shatters as the thin wisp of soul that did hold the shade together is forever destroyed.

Noella stands back panting, the effort taking much out of her, while the slight moans of Porthos and Chelsea came from his side. Using his blade as a shield before him Andros keeps the other two shades at bay for a moment, as they press harder towards them, angered at the destruction of the third. At his feet Porthos saber is lying at his feet, with a deft motion Andros hooks the edge of his boot under the hilt of the saber and tossing it up catches it in his off hand.

Holding both blades out creates a whirl of sword blades before him, pressing the two shades onward. Porthos coughs as he struggles to get up, Noella catching her breath moves over to Chelsea as the sound of whirring blades echoes in the passage. "Shiroi," Porthos coughs out as he pushes himself up against the wall, the thin saber glowing along its tip. The glow wraps the thin blade that becomes lighter as its length turns into light that casts struggling shadows against the wall giving the creatures no place to hide.

Striking the tip into one of the shades it screams and cries out then fades from view, the third seeing one of its companions dead and the other gone fades down the corridor as well. Andros waits a moment and as he turns to Porthos, who wipes a slight trickle of blood from his mouth holds up a hand as Andros turns to hand the saber back, "hold it for now."
Chelsea puts together what she had just seen and silently realizes the real reason why they are there, to end her lord Dracula. Originally she had entered the castle with them only so that she might extract the life force from Andros and Porthos, an unspoken arrangement that she thought she had with Noella. Chelsea decides to keep quiet about this new found information until the right moment.
Andros smacks Noella on the ass with the broad sword "Hyaa!" meaning for her to bend down and fly him through. Porthos does the same to Chelsea but with his bear hand, he refuses to let such a slight injury get to him.
Noella speaks to Andros as they zoom through the seemingly never ending tunnel with a barely enough room for Noella's wing extension "Dracula can only use illusions to trick humans into thinking what he wants them to, just take a moment to realize his trickery, just like when a succubus enchants you. We are probably much closer than you think, considering that he has finally decided to act on his own, he thinks that he's won, and he will if you don't do as I say".
Dracula appears again from nowhere, right in front of you, he thrusts his body into you, knocking both you and Noella back a good 10 feet, then vanishes.
As they were thrown back by the image Andros gets his body under Noella's to catch her, knowing that she could probably survive the landing into the wall better than he can. Though he has an odd feeling of gallantry towards Noella, whether through her actions in aiding her, or his growing affection for the succubus Andros was not sure. Though it also did not bother him when her body pressed against his as he got his feet under them and took the brunt of the force, the stones of the wall cracking beneath his feet. Sadly the armor eliminated most of the feeling of Noella's body against him, though Andros did enjoy watching Noella's breasts bounce and jiggle under her shirt as they struck the wall then fell to the floor.

"So that illusion was not really him, just some other spell to make it look like it was him doing that?" Andros asked Noella as he helped her up. The closeness of the corridor seemed to be building somehow, the feeling that the walls were closing in on them slowly increased.

"Use the sword," Porthos says from behind him, another saber in his hand, "it can negate darkness and illusions. Useful things when fighting demons." Andros looks from the one in his hand to the twin in Porthos' hand, a shrug from Porthos, "I got a deal. Two for one, though I can only use one at a time." Swinging the blade before him Porthos took a stance where he thrust the blade out. "Style you know, I can only really hold onto one at a time."

"Let's lead then," Andros says as he and Porthos move down the corridor the light from Noella's lantern making their shadows shimmer on the walls menacingly.

Slowly the shadows shrink and begin to follow them, Andros' shadow moves beside him. The swish of a blade in the air allows him to bring up the long sword, the clang of shadow on steel resounds in the air. The shadow shifts and moves around both blades coming down on Andros, as he blocks them the blade from Porthos slips through his defense and striking the shadow it disappears and again they see the shadows on the wall again. As the corridor dips down it levels off and comes to a flat wall, the stones oddly placed in the space before them.

"A hidden door," Andros breaths in mock surprise. As he runs his hands over the surface something in the gloves almost gives a slight pull on his hand and brings it to a wide, flat stone that when he presses opens a door that lets them into a long hall lit by sconces on thick, wide pillars that hold up a ceiling of dark marble.
Noella pulls off the shirt she had on, exposing her soft, C cups, to do some stretches and realign herself after the crash. She speaks out to you and Porthos as she stretches "you both are very fortunate to have such trinkets with you...but in the end, it matters not how strong your weapons are or what trinkets you have, understand that Dracula doesn't need to fight in order to kill need to have a good head and a righteous goal to even have a chance at ending Dracula...remember that your inner strength counts more than anything".

As the four step into this large room, webbed loosely with giant, lidless, staring eyes all having a red iris, Dracula himself sits there in his throne, with his elbows resting on the armrests of his throne "greetings Andros, Porthos, I am Dracula. It's an honor to meet the both of you, who have shown such resolve to find me" Dracula gets up from his throne and comes slowly toward the group, hovering inches above the floor. The eight foot tall figure with grey hair and wrinkly skin, turns to Andros, gazing into his eyes "you wish to discuss something with me, do you not? Before you do, I'll have you know this, yes I understand that the attacks on you humans has been more frequent lately, but I cannot control every single one of them. Your kingdom can't even keep all of your own kind in check. However, the only one keeping the creatures of the night from putting all of mankind to extinction is, and has been me. I know what you seek, Andros, all I can tell you is that the ones of my kind who attack humans are acting unlawfully, I'm afraid I cannot help you" Dracula moves to Noella, who kneels before him "Noella...I admire your courage for defying me and throwing away everything to help the humans, I offer to let Noella flee with you and Porthos, her knowledge would help you humans better defend yourselves" Dracula moves toward Chelsea, who is also kneeling, crying, and about to rat you out. Dracula invites her naked body into an embrace and his eyes gleam red " are sickening, even to one such as myself" he pierces her heart with his hands and tears her apart.
Porthos watches as Dracula rips Chelsea apart, a sour look on his face. "I wasn't done with her yet." A slight pout from his lips as he watched the body fade, crossing his arms over his chest.

Andros is more surprised than anything, feeling shocked at the suddenness of it all it takes him a moment to calm himself. "So, if I hear you right," he stares at his hands for a moment as he collects his thoughts. "You, Dracula, the Lord of the Night and so on, are basically a guardsman for the undead, but you don't have the capability to keep everyone under control because you can't be everywhere at once." Rubbing his hands together Andros thinks more about this, as he takes Noella's words to heart that attacking Dracula would gain them nothing. Considering how strong and powerful the elder vampire was, evil and strength emanated from him with a force that seemed to push them back.

Seeing the speed and violence through which Dracula just dispatched Chelsea, even if Noella could be trusted to fight against her former master, Andros knew any battle with Dracula know would be a losing one. If she truly was free of him, though it had been enjoyable with her until now Andros realized he did not know where her true allegiance lied. So even if the battle was fought, it might be two against two, and at the least they might kill Noella before Dracula killed them. Andros did not see that this was a battle worth fighting, he was not quite ready to die.

"You do have a point, even us knights can't keep everyone in check, so our problems are really your problems," it all seemed logical to him as he said it. Porthos looked at Andros with an arched eye brow wondering where he was going with this. "Yet, if we kill off those of your kind who attack us, you do not feel the need to retaliate since we are basically doing your job in keeping them under control."

Looking over at Noella, "you would really let her come with us? Let the three of us leave your castle unmolested, by yourself or anyone else here?" Andros looked at Dracula suspiciously, "if so, I'd take that offer."
"Yes, of course" Dracula says while mustering a smile, rarely is there a reason for him to smile and he is fairly new at it "as I understand it, you have knighthood to look forward to, upon a successful mission. I, Dracula, thank you for having the presence of mind to not be vexed by this dilemma. If the rest of Europe had more minds like yourself, then perhaps the creatures of the night, and humans, could live alongside one another" he bows to you and reveals a staircase leading to the southern exit at the base of the mountain. However traveling back through the stairs only leads to an abrupt dead end. Dracula hands you a vellum scroll, containing documented proof of Dracula's words with you, all written in Dracula's blood, the vellum states that the arrangement becomes void and Noella will instantly be killed, if another such raid is ever again made on any of his castles.

Noella walks out with Porthos and Andros making a small top from a piece of fabric from the castle "that was very bold of you, Porthos, to not rush in to avenge Chelsea, even after Dracula's death he can still exist within the spirit of vengeance and eventually enter this world again at the cost of the life of whomever bears that spirit" Noella finishes and slips on a small tube top like shirt to go with her barely there skirt. Being almost morning time, she activates her human disguise as her wings, tail, claws, and fangs vanish and the pigment of her skin morphs to a soft Irish, they head to the kingdom's castle, surely with his proof, Andros could make this work. "You, Andros, have made quite the mistake by not killing him then and there, now he will have time to prepare for when we go back".

"But, Noella, the scroll says that you will die instantly if we do that..." says Andros. Noella puts a hand on your shoulder "this is the consequence of your arrogance, just be sure to blame yourself and not Dracula, or this starts over again. Dracula is a deceiver, everything he said was a lie, he controlled my body so I couldn't speak against him and he will kill all of us regardless of his promises. It's time to remove Byson's gear before it grabs hold of your mind, I'm sure that, as a knight, they have something new for you.

"I propose that a competition be held in order to attract the very best, to go back with us" says Porthos.
"What most concerns me in any case," Andros begins as he removes the armor, "is if he is such a deceiver, how good is this agreement anyway?" Slipping off the arm pieces, then leg protections, "how can we be held liable for any incursions to any castles, when we have both freely admitted that neither of us has control over the actions of others. Though you just said he controlled you, so if he can't stop anyone why stop you while there? There is more going on here than I think we are aware of." Looking at Noella back in the original form that attracted him, "well than Porthos and I are aware of. While we may have survived for now it would not matter since he is still in charge and he has been preparing for centuries, we did little but cause minor damage." Removing the breastplate and picking up the whip and swords making a quick sheath for the saber so the swords can be strapped to his back.

Heading back towards the city Andros thinks it over more, they were face to face with him. "There was no way to win with what we have, didn't you feel the power there? That would have been a short battle, that we might not have won. At least we know who the enemy is and we can prepare."

"I might have something of use for you then," Porthos thinks along the way back as if trying to decide something. "I picked it up during my travels early on, but I don't use it any more, you might get more from it than me."

Leading the way back to the city into a large manor house, Porthos invites them to stay until he can arrange a contest. Bringing Andros to his study displays some of the weapons and trophies he has collected over the years, swords and axes hang on the walls of a study were a few older tomes, some well used and others not, sit on small shelves. The heads of exotic creatures look down on them, mounted on wood their glassy eyes look incriminatingly at them as they move towards a chest locked under one of the shelves. Porthos opens the chest and within is a set of blue plate mail, the pieces look new though from the layer of dust on the chest they have lain here undisturbed for a long time.

"Picked it up somewhere in the West," Porthos notes, taking a cup from a small table and pouring himself a cup of wine. "It's fairly indestructible, even against demons. For me its rather bulky, I don't like armor but I did wear it a bit and it is tough. You might as well get some use out of it." Porthos drains his cup and sets it down, "make yourselves comfortable and I will arrange the contest with the Council."
Andros sat back in his seat in the pub. "Always comes back to the Fucking Pub, doesn't it?" He says almost under his breath, but Noella turns to him and smiles catching what he says.

Around the table he looks at those who had done as well as he could imagine in the arena, a most interesting spectacle overall he thought. Between the sword skill of Lord Cadarn, to the unusual metamorph of Eren Jaeger, as well as the odd gentleman Saint Germain and Richard Sharpe with his odd, long stick that threw small arrows, it was an eclectic bunch. Porthos, busy with other matters for now, was absent but Andros did want to know these few slightly better.

Richard took a deep, thirsty pull from the mug and wiping foam on a sleeve took a deep breath as eyebrows raised, "whew, that is a strong brew!"

Eren sipped his suspiciously, the uniform looked different among them, as if it was some sort of fancy dress. Only the emblems and what looked to be metal boxes made it look to be something more. Lord Cadarn followed Eren's sipping from the tankard, a satisfied smile on his bearded lips as the man sat back with the practiced ease of a swordsman about to go into battle. That Andros knew they would do on the morrow, time was coming, and regardless of the warning he was about to take on Dracula again.

The undead were still unquiet, and while Andros had taken Dracula at his word before knew that they had to go back and face him. A hand fell to Noella's, even for her sake, for a demoness, he was willing to risk another chance to the castle and see if the Dark Lord could be defeated. "To us!" Andros raised his tankard and they drank deeply, the rich malts and bitter hops flowed down his throat cutting through the heat and dust of the afternoon while the table buzzed with the small talk of comrades about to go into battle. Hopefully, Andros thought, not their last.
The round meets Andros' mug with a cheer, full of morale, Noella finishes a mouthful of her ale, sets the mug on the table, and speaks to the other members "If we are all to work together..." her skin changes back to it's blueish color, her eyes grow bloodshot, her wings extend themselves and her tail creeps up "We should not have any secrets...". The group gasps except for Andros, the rest of the patrons also fear the monster, knowing that she is a succubus, but because of the enormous respect that everyone has for Andros and because everyone knows Andros' plan, the other patrons do well at keeping calm under the understanding that they could not be in a safer place. Noella almost cries after a few moments, she hasn't felt this respected in ages.

Noella wipes her tears with a cloth handed to her by a tall warrior in a hooded cloak, no one could be sure because the hood covered the face but this seemed to be a traveler not from here. "Thank you" says Noella and the warrior nods. Noella eyes everyone at the table to grab their attention "I am able to see into each of your souls...Eren Jaeger, don't get cocky, thinking that you could complete the mission on your own, that is what you were thinking. Dracula has eyes and ears all over, the fact that he has not had us all killed the night before the contest is proof that he is ready. He thinks he will overcome us easily, accepting the challenge of us standing a small chance at killing him, only because of sheer boredom, being a creature of the night gets lonely and boring faster than you might think".
"The most boring thing about immortality is never dying," Lord Cadarn mutters as if quoting by some old scripture. "By Merlin's beard, we are facing night magic?"

Andros nods as if hesitant at first, somewhat embarassed at only now letting the others know what their aim is. "Yes, we are to enter his domain. I've been there once and while you can trust your eyes to see, not everything you see will be real."

Richard looks at him, slanted eyes slightly bloodshot from the beer, "that makes almost no sense. What we see is not what we see."

Eren shrugs as he sips at the beer, "fine. So long as I can get back to my own war," the voice is impatient and within it Andros hears a bit of the youthful cockiness that Noella was mentioning.

Andros addresses them all, "we'll go after the dawn. Not that the daylight is protection but at least we'll be able to enter on our own terms." Then turning to the tall warrior, hidden in the shadowy recesses of the cloak. "Can I help you, friend?" A wariness to his voice, but trying to be polite all the same, the small kindness to Noella noticed and not forgotten tempering him.
"You speak as if you know what it's like Lord not allow yourself to find out" says Noella with respect "what Andros means to say is that Dracula will put some extreme trickery on all of us, it will take all that you have to remain strong".

Saint Germain would rather not partake of the ale but he stands and adjusts his top hat "I have seen the way that this ends, though I am forbidden to tell. I can only offer the same advice that Noella has given, well said" gesturing towards Noella.

As Eren gets looked at as the weak link in the group, the cloaked warrior removes her hood "I am Osmodeus" she bows "don't mind me, I'm just a traveler passing through...I do know of your quest, allow me to pay for your stay at the Inn".
"I've seen it before," Lord Cadarn admits, "though I have also seen madness, sometimes the both in one," he finishes with a shrug and drinks again from his tankard.

Eren looks across the table, a soured expression on his face, "Eren, from what I have seen you are more than strong enough. I don't know what magic allows you to change like that but it would definitely make most of those within the castle pause." Andros tries to cheer Eren up, knowing all too well what happens when one goes into battle distracted or upset. Seeing far too many fall in such a way.

Looking at Osmodeus, "why, thank you." He nods politely, making a space for her at the table, letting his arm rest around Noella's hips, liking the feel of her next to him. Though within he felt the slight fear of Dracula's agreement that he was about to break, and that nagged at him. In some ways it was dishonorable to break such an agreement, though he knew the Knight's Council would never see any agreement with the dark spawn as anything honorable in the first place. Andros' worry about Noella was more about the threat against her, and knowing the power they faced before wondered if they would fare better this time. Taking a long draught to drown the doubt he looked around the table believing that he had to have found those who could help.

Turning to Osmodeus, "what do you know of our quest?" He wondered if this was another trick of Dracula, were they found out already? His arm pulled Noella closer, the wing cupping behind him as he did so.
Osmodeus places her hand on Andros' free hand "I only know about as much as the entire town. I've dealt with dark forces before, plenty of times, and you would be wise to fear another scheme of Dracula...but fear not, I am not from here but I do support you, I'd like to offer assistance in any way that I could. I would swear upon a crucifix to prove that I am being truthful but I am a dark creature as well. I would offer to aid you but, from what I've seen in the tournament, I am a far better fighter than anyone here, not helpful since Dracula can control dark with this what you will, I have my own quest to finish". She gets up, puts a bag of gold coins on the table, puts her hood back on and leaves.

Andros gets the feeling that he will see Osmodeus again, at some point. The warmth of the hand lingers on his own. "Let us share what needs to be shared, we will eat and rest up for tomorrow". Noella lifts the double headed spear from Andros' back with her tail, she has no trouble changing the weapon at will. Osmodeus' words haunt Andros, if Dracula can control dark creatures, then what of Noella. Andros pretends not to have put that together and hopes no one else did.

Eren looks around and doesn't understand everyone's concern "Why not have me sneak to Dracula's castle, turn titan and smash it" completely ignoring Noella's words. Saint Germain speaks aloud "Don't be hasty, Eren, I, myself, am a master of illusion, and I could think of 100 ways to counter such an attempt".
Andros sighs as the tankards come around again, though he was slightly worried about Erin drinking, Richard was far more gone than anyone at the table. Singing what seemed like a drinking song at the top of his lungs, the basic chant taken up by other patrons in the Pub, though the words were lost on all. Andros joined in half-halfheartedly looking at Noella, wondering if she would be killed by Dracula as threatened. Not so much worried about her being controlled as a dark spawn, though he knew deep within himself it was a possibility, it did not happen previously so that was not a concern. He'd come to care for her since their initial meeting, he would miss her if something should happen.

"Perhaps we should retire for the evening," Andros stood as the suggestion was accepted with nods by the others who took his cue. Paying their bill they took Richard, Andros and Lord Cadarn holding Richard by the shoulders, the songs continuing as they walked through the town, at the inn they dropped him off in a bed where he sang for a few moments more before falling insensible. The others followed that example leaving Andros and Noella to one last evening in their own room, as the rest went to sleep.

"I think this is the room where I woke up with you," Andros noted as they closed the door, slipping an arm about her waist pulled her close kissing her deeply. Ale scented lips touched his, unworried about her in any form as if a last night of passion was to pass between them. Sitting on the bed he looked up at her as he held her hands in his. "However tomorrow turns out, at least I got to meet you."
In their room at the Inn, Noella gives Andros a look of concern "I am positive that a soul like yours can bring peace to this country...just don't expect me to make it back". After speaking, Noella slowly turns around, erotically removing your light armor and other clothing, then makes a show of taking all of her own clothes off extra slowly. She brushes her round, blue ass against you, now wearing only her brown tunic with a gaping cleavage area, the top is rolled up to just under her breasts to where the bottom parts of her breasts are visible. She continues to put on a sexy show for you, shaking her ass and even grinding on you a little, moaning softly and rubbing you all over. Soon all of her clothes are on the floor and she is rubbing her breasts and nipples all over you " what" as she continue to grind against you in her full demonic form.
"Let's enjoy the night together," Andros tells her as he pulls her close. Enjoying the demonic form, like a forbidden fruit that Andros could not help but want to taste again. His hand roaming down to the swell in her hip and reaching down to her ass, squeezing a cheek lightly. Kissing her as her body slides up against him, her nipples riding over and teasing his own, feeling himself become more erect he leans back pulling her down on the bed with him.

As her body presses down on him, his hand reaching down to stroke the space between her thighs cannot help but think that this may be their last night together. She is heavy on him, but with her body pressing against him Andros can't help but reach, enjoying the feeling of her breasts pressed between them he lets his hands run down and rest on her ass.

"It may be our last night together, tomorrow neither of us," the words come out as he considers what might happen. Not his own death, to give it up in the fight is what he has trained for, but for her to die needlessly upsets him. "I don't know how it will go, but I will protect you."
Noella gets off of you, relieving her breasts. "I don't like the way that you think about this, Andros. You seem too conditioned in your knighthood, giving up before you even start. Perhaps it would be best if we go to sleep while remaining focused on our task, and I don't need your protection, I could easily take you down if I had too. Just don't act so entitled, high and mighty, like the toughest man on the planet, be human and be glad that you have my help" and Noella punches your shoulder with twice the force of a large man, only to prove that she is not a frail little girl.

"With the use of this spear and our group fighting as a team, we will no doubt complete what we have set out to accomplish. Don't be so boldly willing to sacrifice yourself, trust us and you won't need to. I suddenly get the feeling that Eren's mental state is not the only weak link that we have to worry about".
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