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Who says a fae prince can't be a hunter? (Krystal x Katisakat)

Gabriel placed a reassuring hand on Castiel's shoulder. "I know Cassie. I didn't want this either. Lets go back to yhe Boys and JJ. Figure out what to do next." he muttered softly, squeezing his brothers shoulder softly.
JJ's eyes lit up in relief at seeing thevtwo angelsangels back. He let out a soft sound taking a sip of his tea and relaxing. They were both safe. He could calm down.

Gabriel walked over and sat in JJ's lap, kissing on him a bit. He was trying to ilicit some responce in Castiel, but was getting none. Leave it to his Bluejay to bond with the least love smart angel ever. Gabe may adore his little brother, but when it came to love, he was dumb as bricks.

Dean ans sam watched a little uncomfortably. "so, what next, Cas?"
Castiel looked at Gabriel and JJ for a moment, his face expressionless before he turned to Dean and Sam. "I suppose I return to heaven, imprison the few remaining apocalypse supporters, and bring order back."
Gabriel smiled. "Then i'll help. but only for you, little brother." he said, peppering kisses all over JJ's face, knowing the younger angel was watching. His plan seemed to be at least mildly working.

Dean sighed. "well, I could use a rest, then we can go out on a hunt. JJ you'll be able to tag along." he said, and K
JJ grinned. he liked the boys. he wanted to stay close.
Loud moans and screams of Gabriel's name can be heard, along with the sound of the bedsmashing into the wall as JJ and the archangel went at it just as they had long before then. Gabriel looked up, confusion jn his lust blown eyes. "Hey Cassie! What's up?" JJ had the decency to go red in the face, covering them up.
Castiel's eyes widened and he blushed madly. He turned away and stammered. "I-I needed to talk with you about something, return to heaven when you're done." He prepared to zap back.
Gabriel smirked, kissing JJ's lips again. "I think its working blue jay. We'll see what he has to talk to me about." He said, JJ nodding as the angel snapped their clothes back on and popped to heaven.

"So, Cassie, what do you need to talk to me about? Feeling something for Deano or something?" he joked, smirking.
Gabriel sighed. "Have you tried asking Naomi to reprogram them?" He asked, tilting his head. Naomi was the feircest diciplinarian angel they had, and she also hadn't supported the apocolypse. She was one scary ass bitch.

Gabriel gave Castiel a small smirk.. "Hey cassie., Do you like JJ?" He asked, looking curious and tilting his head.
Castiel hesitated. "I was going to leave... that method as a last resort." He said, shuddering as he remembered his time being disciplined under Naomi the first time he started helping the Whinchesters.

He then looked at Gabriel curiously and nodded. "He seems like a good hearted individual."
Gabriel nodded. "I see.. hmm.. then its tough to say what to try next. If they were loyal to raph, they'll probably stay that way until we reprogram them" he admitted, sighing softly.

Gabriel shook his head at Castiel. "no little bro, not what I meant. I meant do you like like JJ. cause I have it under a good authority that he may just like like you." He replied, smirking.
Castiel nodded and also sighed, "I suppose you're right..." He said about the reprogramming.

Castiel raised a confused eyebrow then thought. "I suppose he did express sexual interest when we first met in person."
Gabriel nodded. "exactly Cassie. If its truing for you, i'll aske her." he promised, giving him a smile.

Gabriel chuckled. "Oh yeah, that sounds like Bluejay. He's never been one to mince words. That being said.. you've changed him a bit, Cassie. I might be crazy.. but.. I think maybe... You might be his heart. Hell cassie, Jay and I dated for 3 centuries, and he never looked at me the way he does you." He was trying to push his little brother into realizing the bond.
Castiel nodded. "It would be appreciated."

Castiel blinked in surprise. "But I have felt nothing change in regards of a bond. I couldn't be his heart."
Gabriel nodded. "alright then. i'll ask her."

Now, the archangel laughed. "That, my dear little brother, is because you are you, not because it didn't happen. look deep down. what were you really feeling when you saw me with him?"
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