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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri sighed when learned that John punched Eddy. That was just one more notch they could add to their trip. If Eddy wanted now he could skip the tabloids all together and just go straight to the cops for assault and accessory or who knows to retaliate. "Luke did you throw in a lunch or two as well? Just to get as many charges as possible?" Adri asked and went back to the magazine. That was news would have rather not heard as soon as they walked through the door.

She remembered that she didn't pick up groceries for her to start juicing so she stood up. "Now that you guys are back I'm going to go get some fruit and protein powder and all that jazz. Owen is sleeping but he needs to be woken up in like twenty minutes or he won't be sleeping tonight." She ran upstairs and grabbed her shoes and purse. She put on a little lip gloss and gave Owen a gentle kiss good night.

She went back down stairs, "I will be right back. If you need anything just text me." She grabbed the keys to the car that did have the car seat and gave Jake a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

She called her agent on the way to the store, "You might need to do more damage control." Adri told him when he picked up. "Jake's real father punched Eddy. I don't know what Eddy is going to do. If you can, will you please just try to catch the story before it breaks. I really don't want this out there."

Her agent started pulling up phone numbers, "I'm on it. But this isn't my job. Get a public relations representative. You really might it one day. Actually tell your fiancé to get a PR."

Adri frowned, "I'll let him know of your advice. I'll call you later."

"I'll send you a few friends. Really good at their job. Yeah I'll love them." He said before hanging up. She got out of the car and walked into a fresh market type of store and started grabbing all the fruit she needed to make some healthy smoothie meals.
Jake sighed when she asked Luke if he punched him too. "No but I wanted to. Sometimes you have to forget about the tabloids and stand up for your family. Give them a break..." He said softly. Jake waved his hand to Luke to let it go. She was already mad. He didn't need it to get worse.

He went up after twenty minutes and woke up Owen. He woke him by kisses. He picked him up and let him cuddle against his chest till he fully woke up. Jake then changed to work out and the two went outside where Owen was laid on a blanket. Jake went through at home work out and let Owen be a part of it and he loved it. His favorite was when Jake did push ups and attacked his face when he went down and then made faces when he pushed up.

When he was finished the two just went inside and played on the floor. And waited for Adri to make it back.

Eddy was angry but even if he tried to go to the tabloids they wouldn't believe him. And an assault charge he figured would be nothing. He decided to do nothing about it. He even refused to see Eileen that day.
"It's not about the tabloids. It's his career Luke. He had no reason to go to Eddy. Going to Eddy was for Eddy to clear his conscience. For Eddy to apologize but he didn't want to do that so Jake had no reason to go back there. He has nothing to prove to that man. Eddy would have figured it all out on his own and that would have been the last thought on his mind when he died. Against all odds Jake did it and he did it without my help." Adri explained and tried to keep her voice down.

When she got back from the store she pulled her bags in and set them on the counter. She washed everything and cute it up so all she had to dos was pick what she wanted and throw it in the blender when the time came. She put most of the fruit away except something she could eat now. She bonded herself a smoothie and went upstairs to put her purse and shoes away.

She smiled at Owen when he turned to look at her, Hi my Boo." She told Owen and crawled over to him she gave him a kiss and rubbed his back. She kissed Jake's forehead and got up so she could put her shoes by her suitcase.
Owen smiled at Adri and called for her. Nonstop it was "mum mum mum." Jake smiled and rubbed his back. "Why don't you crawl over to mom." Jake got up on all fours to show him. Owen followed suit and kept calling for Adri. He started rocking back and forth. "Baby...look at him."

Owen kept rocking and looked determined. "You can do it big guy." Owen nose dived but got back up. Instead of crawling he started scooting. He'd move his hands forward and scoot his butt and legs where he was. "We have a baby boy on the move. We're in trouble." Jake pulled his phone out to capture the moment. He kept scooting over to Adri.

"Good job buddy. Come back to Daddy?"
Adri looked back at Jake and then looked at Owen. She smiled when he started to rock and she bent over and clapped her hands so he would follow the sound. She held her hands out to him and he knew that would mean she would pick him up but he wasn't feeling it. She wanted him to at least try to come to her, at least until he got frustrated then she would go pick him up and soothe him.

She smiled when he sat down and started to scoot to her. "Good job, Owen." She met him about half way and rubbed his cheek. She kissed his cheeks and set him back on the ground. She turned him to face Jake and told him to scoot towards Jake.

It took him a little while to figure out how to do it again but he managed to figure it out and he moved towards Jake laughing all the way.
Jake smiled at him. "Come on buddy. Keep on coming. You got it. Just use your legs with your hands and then you will move faster." He was proud of Owen though for wanting to move and figure it out on his own. May not be the normal way, but he figured it out. Jake kept taping him until he got to Jake. "Good job big boy." He kissed him and shut the camera off. "You did. You have a little to figure out but you did it." His son was all smiles and so was Jake.

He picked him up and attacked his little face with kisses. "Max is going to love that he can follow him around now. And we will need to use more baby gates." He set him back down and let him move around the floor playing with his toys.

Jake looked up at Adri and held his hand out for her. "Help me up?" When she went to help him up he pulled her down to him and wrapped his legs around her, in a fighting move so she couldn't go anywhere. "I'm sorry about everything. I know I could have handled things a lot better than I did. But I refuse to let the rest of the trip suck. No fighting. And I'm not letting you go for awhile...have you practiced your jiu jitsu moves lately?" He grinned and kissed her softly. "I'm pretty proud of our son. Even though it's not quite a crawl but he's mobile."
Adri watched Owen scoot until she got to Jake. She walked over to her Sephora bag and started to pack it into a grocery bag so if anything broke it wouldn't get all over the place. She was going to get a small suitcase while she was away but she decided not too. She had enough luggage at home, she could put this in one of the suitcases she packed or put a little something in everyone's suitcase and take it back when the got home.

She agreed that they would need more baby gates or at least more long term sturdier ones. They bought and brought on the trip could be the travel gates. She wanted some baby gates that looked nice since they would be up for a couple years at least. "We will have to keep a closer eye on him." She said softly and set the grocery bag by her luggage.

She helped Jake up but she went down. She frowned at him and sighed in disapproval. She kissed him back and tried to get out of his grasp. "A lot of babies do that first. Some just go straight to walking. As long as he is mobile by or before ten months." She looked at Owen, "He is kind of a rockstar digit at six months. Everything is happening fast with him."

She tried to get out of his grasp again. "Will you let me go please?" She told him and looked into his eyes. "Please."
"We can install some nice ones. They have some that are good ones to leave up for awhile. I still like the ones you step on the lever but I get it's a bad idea with Max and knowing this kid he would figure it out." She did make a valid argument with that. It would be easier for them but not best in safety. They couldn't take a chance. "But When we get home I will get on that."

Jake looked at Owen. "He is our little rockstar for sure. He could do a lot of things. He's smart and strong. He's a Daniels. Aren't you big guy?" He smiled at Owen who looked at Jake and smiled back at his dad. "I have a feeling he will be head of his class. Academically and in sports."

He looked back into her eyes. "That's not fair..." He shook his head and closed his eyes so he didn't have to look into her eyes. She knew he loved her eyes. Damn she did play dirty. "Nope. Not yet. Is it killing you to be touching me?" He looked at her with a small smile. Owen started scooting over to them laughing. "Uh oh...he spotted us." Jake pulled Owen's blanket over them and kept peeking at him who just kept laughing. Jake chuckled too and still kept Adri in his grasp. This is what their vacation should be.
Nodded her head. When the hot home he would get on that. That was on top of the todo list now. Last thing she wanted was Owen scooting his little butt towards the stairs. "Pictures first. Nothing gets put up with oh my knowledge and or approval. Okay? I want it to look like it was built with the house. Like it is supposed to be there. And maybe we should baby proof the kitchen. At least put locks on the cabinets he can reach." There was so much to think about with him being mobile now.

"Yes, yes. I am sure he will be strong and smart and cute. We just had to get him through college without any distractions. I don't want him to have babies while he is in school. That's unnecessary stress and I would be too young to be a grandmother." She frowned at even calling herself grandmother.

"Yes. It absolutely burns." She laughed a little. "And I have to pee. I will pee on you." She warned.

"I think my little guy is jealous." Adri laughed.
Jake nodded to pics and kitchen. "It will keep Luke out of or stuff." He chuckled. "He probably couldn't figure out how to open anything." Maybe he could call a company to install gates or order them that make them look like part of the house. He'd figure it out. His dad could help him. The more he thought about it, he didn't need to call anyone. "Probably wouldn't hurt to baby proof the laundry room too and where our cleaning supplies are." He heard of kids drinking bleach or the laundry pods. Not Owen. He will have it impossible to get into. "Knowing O he would show Luke how to get in them."

That may be hard getting him through college without distractions. He was his son after all and if he finds a pretty girl...he's in trouble. He'd probably be smarter than Jake about it. "I'm sure he will be mature and be a gentleman. Just like his mama is teaching him to be. I'm sure he will make you proud baby." He kised her softly.

"It's burning? You don't have to pee." It just made him hug her in a huge bear hug. "I loooove yooou." He said playfully.

"He probably is. God forbid daddy get some time with 'mum.' " Jake said her name just like Owen. He started saying it and got to the blanket and started patting it and laughing. Then he grabbed it and started pulling it off. "Uh oh we've been made..." Jake whispered but as soon as the blanket was off them Jake got Owen's belly and made an 'Ahhhh' sound and Owen jumped a little but laughed and laughed. Then he scooted to Adri.
She nodded her head. Everything will need to be baby proofed." She said softly. "Everything." She laughed when he started making fun of Luke, "What you think you'd do better with the baby gates?" She asked. "You and Luke are one in the same. I'm sure you'd have trouble with it too. A lot of trouble." She teased.

"I feel like my skin is going to melt off." She complained jokingly. "I love you too." She said softly. "Now let me up. I really do have to pee."

Adri smiled at Owen and kissed his cheeks. "Hi boo. Your mean daddy was hiding me huh?" She smiled and kissed him again. She held his hands and got him to stand up. "Will you check his diaper for me?" She asked and helped Owen walk above Jake's face. She laughed evilly and Owen teetered above Jakes face. At the last minute she sat Owen on Jake's chest so she could kiss him easier.
"Oh yeah I'm so mean." Jake rolled his eyes. He grunted when she set Owen on his chest. He checked his butt. "His butt is fine. He just may be full." He let go of Adri. "Before you pee get me a new diaper?"

Jake leaned up and attacked Owen's neck with kisses. He pushed his shoulders up to block his neck ans squeeled. Jake laughed and blew raspberries on his necm and he made the same noise, kicked his legs and waves his arms.

"We should probably keep pants on him or he may getrug burn on his little knees scooting all over." He rubbed his back. "When should we let mom see him?" He asked softly.
She got up off the floor and tossed him a diaper. She slid some baby wipes towards him and went to the bathroom. She came out and scooped her baby boy up and kissed him. She hugged him put him back on the floor so he could walk while she held his hands. He seemed happy enough to do it and then she let him plop on to Jake's chest again.

"It will be easier for him to do his scoot thing downstairs with all that hardwood but we only have baby gates on the stairs so...he needs to be watched or barricaded in the living room." She groaned, "Getting all of our sharp corners covered is going to be a pain in the ass." She frowned and sighed.

She shrugged her shoulders when he mentioned his mother, "That's up to you. When do you want took see your mother?"
While Adri was in the bathroom Jake changed Owen. He eatched him and Adri. Then when she plopped him on him he grunted again. "I can not wait till he can wrestle with me. He will beat me up. With your help I'm sure."

Jake watched Adri. "Baby we can't put him in a bubble. He's going to fall and bump his head. He will learn. He will be okay as long as we watch him here." Jake sat up with Owen.

"When do you wanna see grandma? Never?" Jake glanced at Adri. "I need a day free of her and Eddy. Tomorrow let's just have a family day. We can go swimming with our baby boy. Maybe go for a hike. Something. I need a happy day. With my family." He knew his mom was family but who knew how she'd be acting. He needed a break from the insults.
She nodded her head, "Wth my help definitely and you won't be able to win then." She smiled triumphantly.

She raised an eyebrow, "I can put him in a bubble and I will especially in a house I don't know. He has a big bubble of the living too to check out and explore. That would be enough for him. And I am covering the sharp corners because is he does fall, at least the furniture won't beat him up."

She agreed to a day off from his family, "Fine. The day off but we are going to go see your mother. right?"
Jake rolled over to his side to listen to Adri. He only half kistened because he was checking her out. She was damn sexy. "Good lunch. He's gonna fall and he will be okay." He pulled his hair back by his forehead. "See that scar by my hairline. That was from when I was a kid. Was running and fell hit my head on the corner of the coffee table. Two stitches. My first stitches." Jake smiled from his battle scar and first trip to the ER. "And I turned out just fine." He smiled and got up.

"Wanna go see paw? Owen?" You waited till he saw Owen was looking at him. "Wanna go find paw?" He just smiled and Jake picked him up.

"Yeah we are going to see mom in two days. So get ready." He kissed her sheek. "I love you." He headed downstairs with Owen. "Do we want to get in the pool a bit after we eat? Or I can make a fire." They got to the living room and Jake put Owen on the floor. "Scoot to paw." John smiled and watched Owen.
"I don't want him to have scars. Or stitches!" She laughed and shook her head. "We are covering our corners. None of our kids are going to have stitches unless it's got get their appendix removed, tonsils pulled or teeth extracted." She told him.

She nodded her head to them going to see his mother. They wouldn't leave Owen alone with her. Probably wouldn't let her hold him but she could see him and try to talk to him. Maybe Owen would talk back." She wasn't sure what Owen would do. He was at the age where he could become clingy and he was a little wary of strangers. It was cute the little side eye he gave a few women at the mall.

"How about both? Make dinner, play in the pool and then sit, by the fire to dry off. If we get in the pool with Owen he is going to need a bath though." She packed the soap and lotion so they could give him a bath but they would be in the tub and Owen liked the sink more than the tub. The sink here wasn't big enough for their little guy.
"There's nothing wrong with battle wounds. Hell chicks normally dig them." He felt bad to bust her bubble but he needed to tell her. " know he's a boy. And a Daniels boy...he's going to get hurt. We're daredevils. You don't want to know half of the stuff I did as a kid." She'd probably have a heart attack and if Jake was part of it if Owen or their other children decided to do any of those things, he'd be in big trouble.

It was hard to say how Owen would be. He could not like her and just want one of them or be all about his grandma. "I still don't know how I feel about him seeing her. Now I feel it's not too big of a deal. He's too young. But when he's older." He kissed his son's head. "He won't get hurt like we did. I don't want her alone with him. Ever."

Jake sat down in a chair and pulled Adri into his lap. "We can do both. We can just come in when he's done and take a quick bath and then sit by the fire until he's tired. Then you and I can have some time." He gave her neck a few kisses. Owen was on the floor scooting to his Paw. John was loving what Owen was doing. Once he reached him, John picked him up and gave him some kisses telling him he did a good job. "Our son is a genius." He had a feeling that Adri and his actual children would be just as smart and beautiful. "What should we have for dinner?"
"Fine." She frowned and thought of a better way to put it, "Our babies will not have stitches. Our children, if they take after you, might but I would prefer if they didn't." She smiled at him and nodded her head. That was the best she would do. Her babies would live in a bubble and her child would live in a slightly bigger bubble.

"He won't get hurt like we did." She said firmly. And if he did she would not brush him aside like her brother did to her. She frowned as she thought about it. "Let's not talk about it." She said when he mentioned the both of them getting hurt. She wouldn't have told him if she thought he would bring it up again. She couldn't handle having to think about that, not right now at least. Probably never. "I don't want to talk about it."

She laughed a little, "A quick bath with Owen in the bathtub is not a quick bath. Remember last time?" She asked and thought back to the first time they put Owen in the tub. The water barely came up to his belly button when he was sitting down. At first everything was just fine and then they had to wash his hair and he screamed bloody murder. They already had the soap in so they had to get it out, Owen kept thrashing around unhappily and then Adri gave up and took him to the sink. He kept crying but he wasn't squirming to get away. He was fine in the pool but that was probably because they were with him in the water at all times.

"I don't know what you all are eating but I am thinking of a pineapple, spinach, and strawberry smoothie with a handful of supplements and multivitamins to keep me from falling over while I juice. Doesn't that sound delicous?"
That was a fair thought. "Alright. We will just wait and see how many scrapes and bruises O gets." He smiled at her. "The plus side though is that Owen will probably come to you to make it better and bandage it up for him."

Jake didn't mean to bring up the past with her. He honestly meant Amy and him not Adri and him. He had no idea what happened and he felt bad for her without even knowing. While he sat with her in the chair he kissed her neck right by her ear. "I didn't mean anything babe. I actually meant Amy and I..." He said in a whisper. "But if you ever want to talk..." He just wanted her to know that he was there for her. There were a lot of details she didn't know. Truth was despite who hurt her or how badly, Jake would possibly kill the guy. No one hurts his girl.

"I would take a bath with him to make it easier. The last bath we took together wasn't awful. I'm sure we will be fine. We can be fast and quick. I can bathe him, hand him off to you to dry and then I can bathe myself. Then hand me off to you to dry." Jake kissed her shoulder. "Which bikini did you bring?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her with a grin.

Jake shook his head, "Babe you need more than a smoothie. I can grill out. I know you love my grilling." He smiled at her and kissed her shoulder again before blowing a raspberry on it.
"Oh." She said dumbly and shook her head. "Right." She said softly. Of course it was his mother he was talking about, so he would be talking about Amy in this situation. "Sorry for getting defensive." She added and shook her head. Still she wished she kept those memories buried deep within her. "No." She looked at him and rubbed his cheek. "Just no."

"You two can be quick if you want. That is a waterfall shower and I am going to test out the water fall tonight." She smiled, "I have to wash my hair anyways. No doubt you'll throw me in the pool." She gave him a look and rolled her eyes. "I brought a few bikinis to choose from. You're just going to have to wait and find out which on I choose." She winked at him and kissed his cheek.

"I can do a smoothie. And it's not just a smoothie. It's supplements too. I will still love your grilling after my cleanse."
Jake wish she trusted him enough to tell him what happened. But then again if she wanted to keep things buried, he understood. He would never push. But wanted her to know he was there if she ever needed to talk or needed him. He just watched a moment. When she rubbed his cheek he kissed her hand.

"The shower is pretty nice..." He groaned and wished he could join her. "We could always shower together...after the fire. We will smell like smoke and fire." He smiled and shrugged. "I'm sure whatever you choose is going to be super sexy." It would be sexy but not too sexy as she knew his father and sister would be around.

He sat and watched his dad with Owen a few minutes. "Alright well if you don't want good food that's on you." He held her a bit tighter. He didn't want to get up yet to start cooking. He was fine sitting with his girl while his dad played with their son. Despite the crazy week, he felt blessed and happy.
She smiled at him, "We could shower together but that's all we would do." They were vacationing with his family. She would be mortified if they overheard anything. She didn't even want to risk it. Sometimes getting caught was fun but when it was getting caught by family, it made her uneasy. "Of course it is." She said confidently about the bikini.

"I'll keep that in mind Boo." She said softly and watched Owen and his grandfather play. "I want him to crawl. He's going to scoot a hole in the butt of his pants." She pouted. "Or worst he's going to get a static charge and shock one of us or poor Max."

She rubbed the back of one of Jake's hands, "I should make my smoothie and pick out his dinner before he starts getting hangry. You should make some food before you start getting hangry too."
He gave Adri a look. "If Owen's showering with us...I woukd imagine so. did make a comment before the trip that there were plenty of rooms we could find some place...just saying."

Jake looked at her. "Baby we can't help it. He will learn to crawl at some point. Then walk. We just have to be patient with our little guy. Patient and supportive. He will get it."

He gave her a dirty look about him and his son getting hangry. "Yes love." He waited until Adri got up and then got up as well to get everyone's dinner ready. "Pop you okay with him for a few?" John said they were fine. Jake got dinner started on the grill. After a few moments Amy and Luke came down asking if he needed help. He told them no but informed her when he was going to go see tbeir mother. In case she wanted to go along. She said she'd think about it.
"I thought you were talking about after the fire when Owen's in bed." She shrugged her shoulder. Either way they wouldn't be doing much. "And I know but now that we are here and can see how big the house is it feels weird."

She waited until the food was almost done being grilled to make her smoothie. She did want to eat with the family even though she wouldn't be eating. She plopped everything into the blender and gave it a nice mix before putting it in a glass and calling dinner. She took a small sip, she would have loved to put a little sugar in it but that defeated the purpose.

She warmed up some food for Owen and then took her smoothie outside to the table so they could eat together. Owen enjoyed making a mess of his face with the food she tried to feed him. She gave him some yogurt bits that melted in his mouth and he enjoyed feeding himself those. He'd get stubborn when Adri tried to feed him the real food and cover his mouth or push the food away.
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