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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Oh no. They better not. Or I will stop dancing while I cook." She laughed and shook her head. It felt like they were turning into the cute couple that pulled pranks on each other. She supposed she started the war when she posted the picture of him 'watching' Real Housewives but if he wanted to start a war she could happily play along.

She rolled her eyes, "My feet are not in your back. They are normally curled under me because you take the blankets." She shot back. "I've started wearing socks to bed because of you."

She faked a frown and shook her head to his admission of love. "You have a weird way of showing it. You butt."
"What it would be adorable. Or at least kick-ass." Jake would be okay with them being the cute couple that played pranks. Amy could argue that he was not the man you want to start a prank war with and she did kind of start it with the pictures at least.

Jake shook his head. "Oh no no no. I'm always hot, how can you ever claim I still the blankets? And if you don't like sleeping with me we will need to get a nice comfy couch for you to sleep on for our new house." He smiled at her with a big grin.

"Not true... I made you breakfast. I take you out. I give you kisses." He grinned a little until his elbow started bothering him and he winced.
She rolled her eyes at Jake and shook her head, "I better look cute in this video or picture you are taking."

She laughed a bit, "You're always hot because you steal the blankets." She psh-ed him, "You sleep alone? Doubt it. I will happily sleep on a big comfy couch if it means having a blanket all to myself."

She smiled and nodded her head, "You do all of those things." She agreed. She rubbed his hair back, "Take a pain pill. I think you are coming around that time. And you do steal the blankets. So I am going to get us a bigger bed spread. One that you can share."
He rolled his eyes. "Baby you look good in every picture."

Jake laughed and shook his head. "Really? Really? Keep going. Your cute butt will be on couch this vacation." He looked at her confused. "Wait so basically you are saying the bed spread is not big enough, so it's not my fault and if you would let me spoon you, you'd have blanket cause it would be the same section that I have. And if you think I steal the blankets wait till there is a dog in bed with us too."

He looked around. "Where are my pills babe? And should it really be hurting like this still?"
She rolled her eyes to his threat, "I'd like to see you try." She nodded her head, "A bigger comforter will mean you won't be able to steal the whole thing." She checked to make sure she was on the right section of highway and went back to their conversation. "Oh but you're too hot remember? I'd hate to have you overheat?" She teased. Her smiled got bigger, "You're going to let the dog sleep in the bed? Is it because you kicked me out to sleep on the couch? Told you, you can't sleep alone. You big baby."

"I took them out this morning to give two to you before the car ride. Check my purse. If they aren't in there they are on the kitchen counter." She sighed and pointed to her purse in the back seat. She hoed he could grab it because she was a little busy driving. She also hoped she didn't forget them. She knew she had them in her hand but she didn't remember if she out them in her purse.

She would have to get off at the next exit to get him some pain pills at a drug store if she didn't have them. Then she might be able to call his doctor and get more sent to a place in Denver but they were pretty high grade and she doubted his doctor would be comfortable sending more with out checking out Jake. "Please tell me I packed those damn pain pills."
Jake smiled a bit. "I'm sorry, I like to cuddle with my girlfriend. She is a comfy cuddler. I just figured you'd snuggle the dog and not me."

He leaned to look for her ourse in the back he grabbed it with a grunt and sat it on his lap. "But babe this is uncharted territory. A dude does not go in a woman's purse." He was hesitant but she told him to. He searched for the medicine. "Baby I don't see it in here. We wouldn't have put them anywhere else?"

He looked at her. "It's fine. I'll be fine without them." He put her purse back in the back seat.
"I can snuggle the dog and then you can snuggle me. It's a win win."

She raised her eyebrow, "Are you in pain? Then look through the purse." She sighed and took the exit to the next gas station. She parked the car and looked through the purse herself. "Shit." She used the gps to get them to the closest drug store.

"No you won't. And I don't want to see you wincing. I'll get you something good and then call your doctor when we hit the road. Okay?" The closest thing to them was a Walmart and they were sure to have some good pain meds. Maybe not as good as he had but good enough. She drove them to Walmart and grabbed her purse.

"Come on. I'll make you feel better." She locked the car after he got out and walked with him into the store. She went straight to the painless and found the highest mIlligram drug she could buy. "Do you need anything else?" She asked. She felt bad she forgot his stuff. She was sleepy and more focused on driving than anything else.
Jake sighed, "Baby I'll be fine. It's not a big deal. It's okay." He knew there was no use arguing with her she was going to get him something anyway. "Okay..."

Once they got to the store he got out and held her hand as they walked through the store. "I'm hungry do we want to get food here or go through somewhere. And babe it's killing me to not even be able to run..."

As they walked through the store a guy came up, "You're Jake Daniels. The Drifter. You kicked ass your last fight. I thought you were done for and then you turned it around and won. Thats MMA man." Jake laughed a bit. "Thanks man."

"Can I get an autograph man?" He took his UFC hat off and held it out to Jake. "Sure." He signed it and then the guy wanted a picture and Jake held a fist up but didn't smile. "Thanks man. Keep kicking ass." Jake nodded. "I will thanks."
She frowned, "I know but it's only been a couple days. You're getting better everyday. Who knows, tomorrow you might not even feel pain and we can go for a walk. A nice long walk and you can show me your neighborhood. I don't want you to run until our haven't had any pain for three consecutive days." She kissed him to wipe that frown off of his face.

"I saw a chipotle down the road. If you are hungry we can get somethings eat and then hit the road again. Sound good?" She smiled at him and then the guy came up. She took the picture for hi and held her hand out for Jake when he walked away.

They walked to the register and she paid for the drugs. She opened her the box and the bottle and gave Jake two to take. If that didn't work she would give him another two but she did not want to overdose him. They walked to the car and she started it up and drove them to chipotle. "Do you want me to run in alone or can you go with?"
"We can go for a walk around town. I'm down with that." He kissed her cheek with a small smile. He appreciated she was trying to cheer him up.

"Chipotle sounds great! You know I love me some burritos." He made a face at her. His hand grabbed hers again as they walked to the register. His lips kissed her shoulder. "Baby why did you pay for it..." He took the pills and grabbed his drink from the car as he got back in.

He looked around. "No I can go in babe." Jake went in with her and as they stood in line he wrapped his arms around her from behind, more his good arm then his right. "What you getting?" A few people looked at them and Jake didn't care. He was out with his girl and he wasn't going to let fans or anyone bother him.
"Anything to make my baby happy."

She nodded to chipotle and smiled when she felt his lips on her shoulder. "Because I felt bad." She said softly.

She smiled happily when he told her he was coming in. She loved going places with him. And now he could take care of his own meal. "Umm...probably a burrito." She leaned back into his arms and kissed under his chin. "Can we eat here? I like being out of the car. It's not the stop I planned but it could be nice."
He smiled when she said anything to make him, her baby, happy. That alone made him happy.

"Adri...don't feel bad baby things happen. I know it was an accident. I'll just have to write you up though..." He grinned as he teased her and held her closer to him.

Jake laughed a bit. "Babe you should have totally said this was a planned stop, it would have earned you extra points." He kissed her cheek and when the got up to order he didn't let go of her but gave her, her own space. He ordered a burrito, thinking he would need to run it off but he didn't care, it was so damn good. He paid for their meals and got both of their drinks. They found a seat and he sat next to her instead of across from her. He couldn't be too close to her in the car so he wanted to be close to her.

"Wouldn't it suck if my family wasn't home when we got there?" He laughed a bit. "That would be my luck."
"Then I take that back. This was totally a planned stop." She smiled at him and bumped his hip playfully. She didn't order the burrito, like she planned. instead she got a burrito bowl with chips and made it all into nachos. She slid into the booth and sat in the middle but moved over when Jake sat next to her.

She laughed a little bit, "I told you to call them and let them know you were coming." She shrugged her shoulder, "I like surprises. I like giving surprises. You're kind of like a surprise. I think it's sweet." She kissed his cheek and ate a chip. She didn't want to show too much pda in much a family friendly environment.

"Hey, do you want to call the realtor about the house? Set up an appointment to do a walk through." She asked because she was kind of excited to look at their potential home. It meant they would truly be starting a life together. Her ex always promised her a big fancy house for the two of them but never followed through. Jake was a man of his word and it made her love him even more. Now if only she coudl figure out why she couldn't tell him that.
Jake laughed a bit. "Yeah planned after I said I was hungry. But you should know I can always eat." He smiled at her when she bumped him. He liked how playful they were with each other.

"I want them to be surprised. Mom will be eh about it. But Aim will be thrilled. I really kind of want to bring her out to a visit and maybe talk her into moving out to Vegas with us. She's not living her life...she's being held back there..." He shrugged a bit and was a little surprised he kept his sister and mom from Adri so long.

Jake took a big bite of his burrito and made a face like it was heaven. "Sure babe." He wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Maybe as soon as we get back on the road? When is a good time for us to do it?"
"That would be nice. She can have my condo if she wants a place to her own. It's close to you and downtown. She can find a job nearby and have a real young woman life." It is what every girl deserved. A chance to go out and have fun without fear.

Adri nodded her head, "When we get on the high way we will call her. Hopefully your bluetooth doesn't cut out on my phone." She checked the time and thought it over. "It should be a good time when we are back on the road. Hopefully, she is so ready to sell the house that she is eager to set an appointment. We should really look for a real estate agent to protect us though. Make sure everything is itis proper order before we move into the place."

"And hopefully it come full furnished so we, or I, don't have to furnish the whole house. However, I will happily take a trip with you to Williams-Sonoma so we can get all new pots and pans and what not. If I get the big kitchen of my dreams, I want it to be outfitted properly." She smiled at Jake and kissed his temple.
"Baby that's nice of you. But if we move it will be a bit farther away. It will take some convincing though I'm sure." He took a drink of his Powerade. "And I think it would be nice the two of you could hang out if she moves." As much as Jake loved spending time with Adri he felt both Adri and his sister could use some girl time.

"I'm sure the bluetooth will be fine babe. No baby I mean like when we get back, what does my schedule look like? What days are good for us to set something up. You know my schedule." Jake nodded to the real estate agent. He already planned on getting one, especially for a house the price their's would be. "Oh I will hire one. I'll call my lawyer to see who is good, who he recommends, see if he has any advice too. Babe, I don't mind picking out furniture and some of their furniture in the pics, not sure I cared for. Some I did. But I do love how you are willing to shop for the kitchen." He smiled and nudged her.

The over the counter meds weren't doing much for Jake but he tried to play it off like it didn't hurt him. "We should go out one night while we are back home too babe. Like on a date. I want to take my girl out." He did he wanted to show her where he would have taken her out if she grew up where he did. Oddly, he wanted to share everything with her. He was really excited about this trip. After eating he grabbed his phone and moved closer to Adri. "Come here beautiful."
"I told Luke to give you some time off on training so you are free but you are doing some endorsement deals." She pulled out her phone. "We get back Saturday and you are free then all day but Sunday you have an interview, Monday you have a photo shoot. Tuesday and Wednesday we are going to Affliction so you can see the new line and because they want to know more about your shirt idea and see how they can make it into a big production." She kept scrolling but that was all she had written down.

"Thursday if we really want the house we can go look around at some furniture and go to Williams-Sonoma." She offered. Anything to keep him busy and his mind off of not being able to work out.

"Oh, and next Sunday I am taking you home for dinner. So we have to find you a nice button up shirt. And black jeans or slacks or something."

She smiled at him when he moved closer. "What can I do for you handsome?"
Jake tried making a mental note of everything. "Maybe Monday before the photoshoot?" He looked at her when she mentioned dinner with her family. "Oh I am? Okay."

He gave her a look about finding him a shirt. "I have Affliction shirts...I have nice clothes. What about what I wore on our first date? baby just wants to go shopping don't you?" He smiled and kissed her softly.

"You can smile because I want a picture with my girlfriend." He leaned close to her and smiled as he stole a picture of them. "Thanks beautiful."
"You said you wanted to met them. I can always push the day back but that is family dinner night and it's the best time to get you introduced to everyone. Minus my big big brother. He's deployed." She rubbed his cheek. "If you win my mother over, just get her some flowers, you will win over every one else. Moms the deciding factor in relationships most of the time."

She grimaced when he mentioned his affliction shirts. He did have nice clothes but she wanted to get him something really nice to make a really good impression. He hit the nail onh the e head when he said she just wanted to shop. "A little bit." She admitted and kissed him back.

She stuck her tour out for the first picture and then smiled for the second. "You're welcome. Do you want me to sign a hat too?" She teased.
Jake shook his head. "No baby I do want to meet them. I just didn't know that was when we decided is all. My girlfriend and my assistant take care of my schedule. I just show up and look good and kick ass when I need to." He smiled and kissed her cheek. Jake whispered 'ass' due to kids around.

"Baby, I'll shop with you for my shirt. I want to help pick it out to meet your family. Is that okay? We can shop together. Just for that though." He laughed a bit.

His hand went onto her leg and he made a goofy face for the first pic then smiled with her for the second. As he posted them to instagram he let out a laugh. "Nah no signatures just a kiss. The caption for the pics simple saif, 'I love this woman.'
"You always kick ass." She whispered ass too and kissed his forehead.

"Of course you will go with me. But we aren't just getting the shirt." She smiled at him, "Nice try though." She kissed his cheek and laughed. "I want to look at shoes. It will be a quick stop and then we can leave the mall. It will be a no damage to either of our wallets trip. I promise."

She kissed him and took her own picture. "You're so sweet baby. Let's get back on the road. We have to leave soon to make a good time." She rubbed his back. "How are you feeling?"
Jake closed his eyes as she kissed his forehead. This woman is really changing him, for the better.

He raised his eye brows at her. "A quick trip? Right. No such thing with you and a mall involved is ever a quick trip babe." He smiled. "You could let me get the shirt and then you can go to the mall with Amy." His head nodded as he thought that was a good idea.

His lips pressed back against her to return the kiss. "Alright baby." He went out to get in the car with her. Jake couldn't lie to Adri and he didn't want to. His eyes glanced at her. "I'm a bit tired. I'll maybe shut my eyes a bit after I call the realtor."

He pulled the number up and called them. He set up an appointment for Monday morning. Jake thanked her before hanging up. "Alright babe it's set up for Monday morning."
"It will be a quick trip and Amy is welcome to join me if she comes back with us. We are going to our mall because it's my favorite mall. And you don't mind joining me because you love me. Remember?" She smiled at him. "You'll be fine, you big baby."

She nodded her head, "Alrigt. I packed a neck pillow and a blanket. You take a nap and don't worry about the driving. The gps will lead the way." She had him out the call on speaker so she could hear the conversation. She gave him her phone, "Will you put it in the calendar? Hopefully the walk through isn't too long. I need to get food in your stomach before I throw you in front of a camera."

Once he did that she let him sleep for the next few hours and then she made another planned stop. This one she thought was actually pretty damn cool. She let Jake sleep a little longer while she went to the bathroom and then she came back to the car. She wondered if she just let him sleep and keep driving or wake him up. She supposed they could hit it on their way back but if he had to pee she should wake him up to go now.

She sighed and got back in the car. She rubbed his chest, "hey, go to the bathroom for me so I don't have to stop later."
Jake put the time into the calendar. "Baby we can grab food on the way to the shoot if I have to. Sometimes they have food too there. Depending on who it is." He looked her over. "You legit thought of everything didn't you? A pillow and blanket? You are the best girlfriend ever." He grinned and grabbed the pillow and blanket, moving until he got comfortable.

He winced a bit but tried not to let her see as he moved a round but once he got comfortable, he drifted off to sleep pretty easily. He had his seat back enough but made sure she could see if she needed to get over in the right lane.

Jake squinted his eyes as he woke her up as the sun got in his face. "How far are we?" He looked around and stretched a bit. His arm was throbbing but he tried not letting on. "Okay." He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss with a smile. " you want me to drive a bit baby so you can rest? I'll be okay to." He opened the door but waited for an answer before getting up to use the bathroom.
She shook her head, "I got it. We are only a few hours out anyways. You get some sleep and I will wake you up when we get close. I did find a hotel nearby in case you didn't want to stay without ur mother and sister. I am sure I will be tired when we get there so u can always take the car to see them and leave me at the hotel. That way you have time with your family before you introduce me."

She sent him off to the use the bathroom and flipped through the radio until she found a station she enjoyed and kept her awake. She rolled her neck around while she waits and pulled some gummy bears out of a bag in the back. She got another monster and popped it open.

It would have been a lot nicer if they could split the driving but with his arm the way it was she didn't want him to drive to much. The more he rested the faster her got better. She would rather have him better fast, than hurt longer.
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