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Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Adri found a few castles and they all looked nice enough but they weren't what she was looking for. I told she found the Biltmore Estate in North Carolina and she fell in love. It was beautiful. The only probably she had was the location. She wasn't sure what North a caroling weather would be in the early fall probably too hot. She favorited the page and continued her search.

She found the Oheka palace in New York and she really knew that that was her palace. "This is it Jake." She said softly and showed him all of the beautiful pictures. "This one the Biltmore are both onh east coast. We can hit a North Carolina first check it out and then go to New York. The Biltmore is the one though. I'm sure of it." She told him and filled out the forms to book a tour.

Once they picked the castle, they could officially pick a date and then send Out the save the dates and then the invites and all of that. When she was finished with that, she started looking for a wedding planner to help them with the small details. Since they both had crazy schedules, the planner would make sure the vendors were doing the right things and keeping track of rsvp's and all of that.
Jake put his head on her should as he looked at the pictures she was showing him. "You said Biltmore you think is it? That's my Queen's castle?" He looked at her and looked back at the pictures. "These are the two? Alright after my fight we will go check them out." He smiled at her and gave her neck a kiss but left his head on her shoulder. "I like Biltmore. Either will look nice behind you in a pretty dress."

"It would look sick with an antique car outside for pictures." Jake looked at the packages for the weddings on each website. "I like both but I like Biltmore more I think. I can't make a full decision until I see them in person though. Outdoor reception?" His fingers ran up an down her leg.

"You should call your photographer friend to do engagement photos that we can use for save the dates." He snuggled up to her as Owen got fussy and crawled over to them and whined cause he couldn't get on the couch. "Climb up monkey...." Max paced like he wanted to help but didn't know how. Jake sighed and leaned down and picked him up. "Hey big boy." He kissed his head. Jake touched his head. "Babe? He seems hot."
"I like that idea we should find like an old rolls Royce or something to rent out to take pictures with. It says online that we can't rent out the rooms. We could have our friends and family, or just the wedding party, stay at the castle with us and then after the wedding. We can have the Royce drive us to a different hotel or an airport." She smiled at him and kissed him softly.

"Married in the garden and then reception in the great big ballroom. Like a real king and queen." She smiled at him and flipped through the pictures again. "I really want Biltmore to be perfect." She said softly. They had the money so she wasn't too worried about the price of it. She did like the idea of having an antique car.

"Yeah I will. Maybe we can find some real crowns to rent out and take our pictures with. Give people a little hint about the theme." She leaned forward so Jake could pick up Owen.

She looked at Jake and felt Owen's cheeks. She got up and grabbed the thermometer to take his temp. He was a little warmer than usual. "It's probably nothing." She told him and leaned against Jake. She laid Owen on her stomach with his head against her breast. She rubbed his back and kissed his head. "I hope it's nothing."
Jake just watched her. "Rolls Royce? 1925 Rolls Royce?" He closed his eyes a second. "I think I just came..." He teased. "No wonder I'm marrying you. Hot damn." He thought about whether or not he wanted to leave the area. "I don't know if I would want them to take us to the airport. We are going to be exhausted. I don't want to fight an airport that night. And I'd feel bad giving another hotel our business after we got married there. Maybe they could just take us for a drive and then go back. Just an option."

"Alright. I can go for an outside wedding and indoor reception." He liked the idea a lot. "I do too."

"I don't know. We aren't wearing the crowns are we?"

Owen nuzzled into her chest but was still a little fussy. "What's wrong big guy? You not feeling well? Daddy isn't feeling too good either." Jake just figured Luke kicked his ass during training. He hoped that was it, but he was tired and just felt blah and exhausted. Jake laid his head back down on Adri's shoulder and watched Owen. Owen had sniffles, crocodile tears, and his lower lip quivered. "Oh my gosh.'d be dying right now.
"Ew. You gross." She teased. "You have a point. I don't know. I think it will be weirder if we just go for a drive and then come back. I do think it would look nice in the wedding pictures when we are all dressed up and dashing." She smiled at Jake. "We can rent it out to take us to the airport another day. Just so that we do get to be driven around in one. How about that?"

She shook her head, "No, but you know how they do the pictures with the rings, where the guys ring is next to the female's ring it would be like that but with crowns. Black and white completely tasteful. Absolutely not a costume party city cheap crown." She shrugged her shoulder, "Ots just an idea."

She rubbed Owen's back and sat up. She patted his back and had him sit on her thighs so she could see him. "Do you feel sick?" She asked Jake because if he and Owen were sick then she was done for. "I'm quarantining you with the baby if you are sick." It's not like she had to work for a little while but she didn't want to get sick on her downtime either.

She wiped Owen's cheek, "Stop that face. You stop it." She told Owen and tried to get him to smile but he obviously wasn't feeli well. She touched Jake's cheek and forehead, "You're hot too." She said softly. She felt fine. "Alright, no more kisses for you. Both of you." She declared.

"You go to bed and get some rest. Tomorrow I'll go to the store and get some airborne to help fight your cold and stop me from getting sick along with your two."
He chuckled a little. "You don't normally think it's gross." He gave her a look. "I understand what you are saying. We can just ask them what they have other people do there. For an idea. But why be driven in it? Why can't I drive it." He made a face like he got an idea. "What if I stole if I told the guy, that I was going to steal it but no one else knew that and we just take off with it for a little bit for a joy ride." He grinned loving that idea. "I will pay the dude extra for that."

"That's a cool idea. I was just making sure. Or it would be cool to see us in the background where it's focused on either us or the crowns and the other is blurry. There's options."

Jake shook his head. "I don't feel sick. I just feel run down. I think I'm trying to fight off whatever it is. I'm just dragging ass." He groaned. "Don't quarantine us." He pouted when she said no more kisses. "But...what about on the cheek or forehead. I was without kisses for a few days. It's not fair."

"We have a few different kinds of Pedialyte in the pantry if Owen needs any. But if we use it put it on the list cause I'll need it for my fight." He shook his head about going to bed. "Would you want to come up and we can turn a movie on? I just want to cuddle." Jake got super clingy and cuddly when he didn't feel good. Normally when he got sick he had to take care of himself so having someone to at least lay with him was nice.
"Because we only have about half of what a 1925 rolls Royce phantom and I would rather spend that on...I don't know the wedding, the honeymoon, some fun trips around the world. Not on paying back a damaged antique most likely one of a kind car." She bawled at the idea of him stealing or fake stealing a car. "Oh god Jake." She said softly.

"It is fair to keep me from getting sick. Quarantine. Especially if you get worst." She told him. "Your body is trying to tell you to slow down. I want you to go lay in bed and when I get him down, I will come into the room and get you to sleep as well. Okay? But I'm serious, go lay down. Let your body have a fighting chance to fight this cold or whatever is going on in your body."

She frowned a little bit, "Pedialyte is for toddlers. Owen's not old enough. I'll get some natural baby cold medicine." If she could find some. She couldn't cuddle both guys. She had to pick the bay first or he would cry. At least Jake wouldn't cry when she sent him to bed. She got up to make a bottle and tried to feed Owen.
All the car talk from her was beyond sexy. "I wouldn't wreck it. Just trust me. It would pretty awesome. You know you like the idea. I'll find one of our friends who owns one."

Jake had no energy to argue bed. "Fine..." Jake shrugged. "He's on regular food. We wouldn't give him a lot but just some to keep him hydrated. I don't want him being worse cause he gets dehydrated. I can even call a doctor to confirm it's okay."

He got up and grabbed water before going up to their room. He pulled his shirt off and climbed in bed. He turned the tv on while she was with Owen. He was more needy than Jake would be and Jake understood why. The longer he laid down the worst he felt. His head was full of pressure and he grew stuffy.
"That makes me even more nervous. If it's a friends Royce and we wreck it. Oh god." She sighed and shook her head. "Find the car, if the person is willing we take it for a drive in a racecar track for a little while to get a feel for the car. When you get comfortable with it you can steal it then." She smiled at him and shook her head. "Okay?"

She frowned a little, "I only give him bananas. Don't worry about calling a doctor. I'll call a doctor. You just go get some rest."

She tried feedi Owen but he pushed the bottle away everytime. He didn't like laying flat to eat. He was constantly squirming to get up. She tried rocking him while he was laying up right but he didn't like that either. Eventually she gave up, took the bottle and went to her room. She sat Owen in the middle of the bed and got dressed for bed.

She got in the bed and picked him up again, "I don't think this one is going down without a fight. How are you feeling?" She asked Jake and felt his forehead. She wasn't sure if he should be training with a cold.
"You act like I've never driven a car...I'm gonna drag race just take it around the block or something." He sighed and looked at her. "Okay."

"I'm not going to the doctor. I'm okay."

Jake half watched the tv and half closed his eyes to sleep. But he couldn't sleep. He looked at Adri when she came in. "Same." He looked at Owen. "Come here buddy. Wanna lay with daddy?" He held his hands out. Jake figured he's already not feeling well why not lay with Owen and not infect Adri too much. "Baby if you really want me to go lay in the guest room I will."
"An antique car, Boo. The mechanics are different. That's all." She rubbed his thigh and smiled at him.

"I'm not going to force you to go to a doctor but if he gets worst he is going to the doctor." She was sure it was just a cold probably from the travelling but he was born early and she wanted to make sure it wasn't anything too bad.

She rubed Jake's hair back, "You don't have too. The bed is already infected. I should be the one to sleep in the guest room." She kissed her fingers and then pressed them against his forehead. "But If I haven't gotten it yet, I don't think I will. I do have a pretty high immune system. One time my entire family got the flu but mom and I were fit as a fiddle. But having five sick men in the house was annoying. They were all whiny little babies. Not that you're like that though Boo." She smiled at Jake. "I'll be fine."
"I've driven older cars...have faith in your man." He smiled at her.

"That's fine. You can take munchkin. O is absolutely different." Jake would take him that second if it was necessary. He just didn't want to go himself.

Jake closed his eyes while she pushed his hair back. It felt nice. He looked at her. "I normally don't get sick. But when I do it kicks my ass. I'm down and out." He smiled at her story. "You and your mom are beasts." He gave her a look. "I'm not going to lie, I become a bigger cuddle bug than before. And the way your son is acting, he is going to be the same way. I'm super sorry. Depending on how sick I am, I'll fight him for you." He chuckled.

"I have to train tomorrow. No more excuses. I have to." He was more telling himself than Adri. He rubbed Owens back who was just laying on Jake's chest. He wasn't sleeping just laying on him. "My poor buddy... daddy doesn't like you don't feel good big guy." He felt his forehead and cheeks. "Baby I think his fever is getting worse."
She gave Jake a look and shook her head, "You are not fighting the baby for my attention. That is a fight you will not win. I mean, come on! Look at that face." She smiled at Owen and rubbed his cheek.

She nodded her head when he told himself he had to train, "Train but if you feel light headed, you stop. You stay hydrated. Be smart about it. Alright? I don't want you passing out because Luke pushed you harder and you kept fighting back. If you pass out, you are staying in bed until you are better. I don't care if I have to lock you in this room."

She felt Owen's back and legs and scooped him up. She took his pants off and then his shirt. Maybe that would cool him down. She handed him back to jake so they could cuddle and Jake could keep him warm. He started to cough but it was nothing to bad. "As long as he doesn't throw up." She said and then a few minutes later he threw up on Jake.

Adri gagged and tried not to throw up herself. "Okay...uh. I'll call mom and ask what to do." She said softly and gagged again. She grabbed her phone and called her mom while Jake got cleaned up.

"Owen has the flu or something. What do we do?"
It was pretty adorable how much Adri turned into mama bear with Owen and even Jake with her orders about what would happen if he passed out. "Yes baby. Whatever you say love." He smiled at her.

Jake made a face because being thrown up on was disgusting. Especially baby throw up cause the food is already blended together going into the kid. "Will you first grab a towel so I don't get it all over when I get up?" He waited for the towel then cleaned it off his chest and then off Owen. "Alright buddy we're just gonna get a quick shower."

Jake looked at Adri. "You don't have to call your mom..." He sighed. "I need a diaper babe please." He went into the bathroom and stripped both Owen and Jake. "My buddy." He just had a look on his face like he just wanted to cuddle and sleep. "We will get cleaned up so you can rest."

Her mom let out a little, "Awww. Fever? Vomiting? Tired?" Once the symptoms were confirmed she gave her advice. "Get a dosage for Motrin or tylenol to get the fever down and to help with any pain. Keep him hydrated. He may not want formula or a bottle. Maybe try broth or juice. Try to stay away from sugary drinks though. If you call the doctor for the fever medicine maybe ask about Pedialyte cause if he's throwing up he can get dehydrated quick. Or popcicles. Even if it's just a little it will help. Keep an eye on his fever don't let it get too high. A cool bath will help with the fever." She let out a sigh. "Are you or Jake sick too?"

Jake got the bath ready and climbed in with Owen. He cleaned him up first and let him just lay in the water against Jake's legs while Jake washed himself. "Let's not do this a lot tonight okay?" Jake figured the bath would help with the fever too, that's why he decided to do it.
"Remember you said that." She laughed.

She handed Jake a towel and called her mom. She got a diaper and put it in the bathroom for Jake. "Yeah Jake's sick with him." She went downstairs to get a bottle and filled it with water. She found another with broth and warmed it up a little and put that in a bottle. Since he didn't eat earlier, he might eat this now. If this didn't work she would take him to the ER.

She went back upstairs and went into the bathroom. "I'll take him after the bath. You should get some rest." She told Jake. She got so,e other last minute advice from her mother before thanking her and hanging up. She tried feeding Owen the broth and he dra k a little but he was t interested. She tried the water and the same thing happened. It would most likely be a night of small meals.

"I'm going to go get some baby Motrin. I will be right back. That will hopefully make him feel better and help him sleep." She left the bottles by the tub for Jake to try and feed him and she put on a dress and made a quick trip to the store. She bought baby Motrin and she bought airborne and adult Motrin for Jake. She brought it home and filled up the syringe.

She looked at Owen and then Jake, "How should we do this?" She asked.
Jake finished up the bath with Owen shortly after Adri went to the store. Of course once he got out of the tub it was his turn to get sick. He said a few curse words and groaned. It was hard trying to keep an eye on Owen while he was getting sick.

He cleaned up and rinsed his mouth out and brushed his teeth. He shot Adri a text to grab new toothbrushes, cause once he was better he wasn't using the same one. Jake put Owen in his diaper and he put on boxer briefs, that was it for both of them. They climbed in bed and Jake felt worse and Owen wasn't any better.

When she got back he looked at her then Owen. "I'll hold him down, you shove it in. Put it deep in his mouth so he doesn't try spitting it out. He's probably gonna cry and be angry at us." Jake moved Owen. "Alright buddy. Mommy needs to get some medicine in you okay?" Jake grabbed his arms. "Ready? Go..." He held him down with one hand on his arms the other tried to hold his head.
Adri sighed and pushed the syringe into Owen's mouth. Deep, like Jake said and she pushed the medicine in slowly so he didn't choke. When he it was over Owen was pissed. His face was red, he was screaming and crying. Adri scooped him up and walked him around the room. She handed Jake the bag with the medicine and shushed Owen.

Max laced with her and he seemed just as upset as Owen did.

"I'm sorry buddy. I'm so sorry but it will make you feel better." She said softly. "There has to be a better way to do that." She told Jake and kept rocking Owen. "I'm sorry." She got Owen to stop crying and she sat on the bed.

She leaned against her pillows and looked at Jake. "Should I get you a bucket?" She asked Jake because he was looking a little green.

Now that Owen was calm, Max laid on the foot of the bed and relaxed a little bit.
Jake sighed when she said there had to be a better. "Babe he wouldn't take his bottles. He would have fought us even more if we tried to do it nicer. If you just put it in his mouth he'd spit it out."

He closed his eyes and put his forearm on his head. He shook his head about the bucket. "If I need to, I can get up." He laid there a few minutes taking deep breaths out. Then he got up and took off for the bathroom, shutting the door behind him so Adri didn't have to hear him get sick.

When he was done he did the same routine of getting cleaned up and then going back out to the bed. He climbed in and laid on his side, feeling miserable. But he felt worse for Owen. Jake could deal with this, but he couldn't voice what hurt or he needed to feel better. "That was easier than the first's not easy holding onto him and doing that." Jake started cramping in his stomach and he groaned hiding his face in the pillow.
"Okay, you are not training tomorrow. You, Owen and I are going to stay in bed and do nothing but drink fluids and get healthy." He wouldn't be able to train if he had to throw up every so often. She felt bad she could t do anything to make them feel better.

"I'm going to make you chicken noodle soup tomorrow." She told him and rubbed his arm. "You're going to love that." She rubbed Owen's back with her other hand.

In a weird way this was nice. She got to take care of both of her boys. She finally got to make them her grandmothers famous soup and they needed her right now. She hated that it was before a big fight but she would make him feel better.
Jake didn't even fight her on the training part. That would be a huge key that he felt like shit. "I don't want anything right now." Both boys really didn't want anything at the moment.

He snuggled up to Adri's side. "Want me to take him? We need to keep an eye on his fever babe...babies have went into seizures if they get too high."

"Hopefully I feel like eating tomorrow. Did she make you that when you were sick?" He looked up at her and wrapped his arms around himself as he shivered a bit, he was cold, from chills from the fever. He pulled the blanket over him more. "It's cold in here."

His whole body ached like he just got done working out. "It's nice to know I'm not just a weak ass bitch from my work out. I legit was getting sick." He grunted again from the pain but tried to sleep.
"Did you take the favor medicine? I got night time and day time. The night time stuff is going to knock you on your ass. I am fine with him. You need to get some rest. I'll keep an eye on him." She said softly.

She turned up the heating feature on his side of the bed and rubbed his hip through the blanket. "It's not cold Boo. I'll turn up the heat of you want me too though." She wrapped a blanket around Owen and rubbed his back. She looked down and saw him starting to drift off.

She sent Luke a text letting him know the house was quarantined so training was cancelled until it was lifted. She also sent Amy a text to let her know that she wouldn't be able to take her out because someone she had to stay with Jake and the baby. Jake could take care of Owen but he didn't need too use what little energy he had to take care of Owen.
Jake shoot his head. "I should take the night time then?" He looked around for water to take it with.

"No it's okay. Don't worry about the heat. I don't want you too hot." He shook his head. "You're still going tomorrow with Amy."

Jake closed his eyes then it hit him and had to get sick again. He wasn't even keeping water down. He came back to bed after cleaning up, he crawled under the covers. "Well...that didn't do any good. Now what?" He snuggled closer to Adri cause he felt worse.
She nodded her head for him to take the night time medicine. "I am not. I have bigger things to worry about and Amy already said we can go when you get better." She pushed his hair back and watched him run off to the bathroom.

"Maybe it's still in your system." She said softly and watched him for a second. She felt him shift over and she rubbed his side.

"Well this guy is asleep. So maybe I can set him down and get you to sleep." She pulled the bassinet over to her side of the bed and set him down. She tried to get comfortable and cuddle with Jake but kept looking over at Owen to make sure he was alright. She rolled around and picked him up again. She rested him in the curve of her body and put her hand on Jake's hip. She rolled Owen on his side so if he did throw up, he wouldn't choke on it.

"I need my guys to get better." She said softly and looked at Jake. She rubbed his cheek and felt how hot he was. "Do you want the fan on?"
"I don't ruin your plans babe. I can take care of O." He really didn't want to ruin everything cause he was sick.

Jake kept room for Owen. He felt better with the little guy close. He was little and didn't want any seizures or to get dehydrated. He rubbed his back.

He looked at Adri. "I know baby. I'm sorry. We probably got it coming home from Colorado." He shook his head to the fan. "I'm cold." The fever was bringing chills. His eyes closed and he tried to sleep as he was comfortable finally for at least a minute.
"I'm not leaving you and Owen here alone when you're sick. It's fine. Amy understands and I will probably get whatever you two have. Amy said she wasn't feeling well anyways." It would be funny and suck if they all got hit with whatever virus they were fighting.

"Don't be sorry. You'll feel amazing when you get better. And his immune system will be able to fight off anything that comes his way." She kissed owned temple and sighed. She hoped so at least.

She waited until Jake was asleep and then she closed her eyes to get some rest. Owen woke up when the meds wore off and she tried to feed him a little bit. He didn't take too much though. She gave him more medicine and let that do its thing and they were both asleep.

The next time he woke up it was early in the morning and she took him out of the room she gave him some water and the day time medicine. His fever wasn't breaking. He didn't seem better. He wasn't throwing up which was good but not exactly better. She made sure the diaper bag was packed and if his fever didn't break by the time Jake woke up she was taking Owen to the hospital.
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