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Fates Altered-Avengers Moon/Lady

he blinked at her, waiting and then frowned a little, confused. still, he understood some of what she'd said. they where fixing him so he'd probably get another mission soon. the rest though, he didn't quite understand. "Steve?" he asked, baffled. "Hydra?" he didn't know what those where. "Current mission objective, kill the X-men." he informed her. "mission failure. Mind Wipe recommended, reset mission." he informed her, sounding a little more stern this time. "Awaiting Handler assignment." he informed her. clearly he wasn't about to be distracted from his gals. which was get a mind wipe, get a new handler, and get a new mission. it was all he knew.
Alais nodded slightly, biting her lip. “That’s your name. Your real name. And Hydra is the people you worked for.”Alais said looking lost on how to explain before frowning. Not sure how to handle this, glancing at the door, knowing Tony or James were usually there watching, not sure how to handle this. “Okay...I’ll go see about getting things ready.”She promised, patting his leg before stepping into the other room, glancing at James and charles, biting her lip. “What should we do?”
Steve frowned. "Asset." he corrected. pointing at himself. "Asset, Winter Soldier." he stated simply before hesitating at the sight of her frown. he didn't want to make his handlers angry after all. he twitched at the pat to his leg, clearly expecting pain and when it didn't come he looked confused. nothing was the way he was so used to and it was throwing him completely off. still, she was leaving to get... things ready? "...i have an idea." James admitted. "Natasha mentioned it to me..." he mumbled. "come back in with me." he ordered, heading inside the room, Steve sitting up and tensing at the sight of James. "Secondary target James Barnes, A.K.A. Captain America." Steve intoned, eyes sharp while watching James who nodded. "Mission override." Steve paused, startled and then nodded. "Mission Reset, Guard Duty." Steve nodded again. "Handler Assignment. James Barnes and Alais Summers." Steve's eyes flicked between the both of them before nodding his agreement again. "Current Objective, regaining one hundred percent Status." Steve frowned, he hadn't heard that order before, clearly he was under the employ of other people now. his previous handlers had traded him perhaps? that had happened a time or two. "Mission Reset accepted. Handler reassignment accepted. awaiting further orders." James relaxed, looking surprised. "man. that actually worked. who'd a thunk it?"
“Well, Winter, I have to find something out first.”Alais said as she walked out, looking upset as she looked at James, before relaxing. “You do?”She said looking pleased that at least someone had a idea of what to do before nodding. “Good thing we have Natasha...might have to introduce them sometime.”she said before walking back inside with steve, tilting her head a little. Startled as she realized what he was doing, nodding slightly in agreement with what james was saying when steve looked at her. “Rest and Recover, Winter.”Alais said, remembering what he’d called himself, not wanting to upset him more by arguing over what to call him.
Winter nodded. rather curious to see what kind of people he was working for. Captain America apparently. Steve didn't care, Captain America had said the right words and that was all that mattered. "yeah, we might have to." James agreed. "she'd know more than anyone how best to help him." he mumbled with a smile. "your probably the only reason why he's so calm right now though." he admitted. "you know what he really reminds me of?" he asked her. "a skittish horse. like the one you just saved from being abused. she shied away and twitched and watched people the exact same way Stevie is doing now." he admitted. "Command unknown." Steve informed her, recognizing the order as an order but not sure what she wanted. "sleep and remain inactive." James explained, Steve nodding and settling back into the bed, glancing around him, a little more curious now that he realized he was being treated differently because he had different owners. "i had another idea." James admitted. "once he's feeling a little better, i want to see what he'll do with a pad of paper and a pencil." he admitted. "when was the last time you slept Alais?" he asked her.
“I’ll have tony call her. I know he was working on new weapons for her anyways. And Clint.”Alais said with a small smile, amused because while the man had redone the design for steve’s arm multiple times over, he’d gotten frustrated because his lab wasn’t here and he couldn’t make anything, so the man had settled in for remotely designs weapons on his phone for his team. “That’s good.”She said relaxing, realizing that she was helping him before frowning, tilting her head a little as she considered his words, “...oh. I hadn’t considered that....I’m good with horses.”She said relaxing a little, sighing quietly, realizing that she could indeed be okay, she just had to treat him like a skittish horse, she could do that. Tilting her head at james she sighed quietly as steve looked around them. “...I’ll have to get used to thinking things like that...”she said before looking at james, raising a eyebrow. “Paper and pencil?”she said before frowning, “This morning. I’m fine, James.”
James chuckled a little. "Tony is upset because the Lab here isn't what he wants and because Harvey is being possessive of the lab they do have." he admitted. "at least he and Tony are having some nice bonding time." he admitted. "we'll probably be taking Steve back to New York soon... will you be coming with us?" he asked her. hoping she would say yes. "Tony's going to start going mad soon so we'll leave once Steve is stable and healthy enough for it." he admitted. "you are good with horses. you're good with Steve too." he admitted. "i'm just glad he's talking again, even if it isn't much. seeing him like this is awful... he doesn't recognize me at all..." and indeed Steve didn't look at James with any kind of recognition at all. it was probably hell for James. "we'll have to start teaching him, that's all. once he starts getting his vocabulary back, i'm sure that he'll start remembering things. and then we won't have to talk like that to him anymore." he hoped. "yes, paper and pencil, he used to be an artist. he drew the original Captain America comics and a lot of war posters. he used to draw anything he could really." he admitted. "i'm hoping he'll at least remember how to do that." James admitted. "it was such a big part of his life. w where saving up so he could go to art programs at the school for one of those fancy degrees. we didn't finish high school you see so most people didn't want to hire Steve." he admitted "all he ever wanted was to be an artist."
“Ah, I see. I was wondering why he was muttering about possessive brats.”Alais said sighing a little, before nodding, having known that eventually they’d go back. Biting her lip a little as she considered that, before nodding. “Not just for steve...but as weird as I find it....I have a twin. I do want to be a part of his life.”She shrugged a little before smiling, glad to know at least his twin thought she was doing okay with steve. Before reaching out, squeezing his arm. “I’m sure he will. Time is what he needs.”She said worried about james before nodding. “we’ll teach him.”she agreed before tilting her head, thinking about that. “Huh. I didn’t know that.” “They’re pretty awesome really. I’ll show you some when we get back.”Tony grinned as he walked in, before smirking. “We’ll see that he gets to draw if he knows how. Whatever he wants, Jamie.”Tony said smilign as he looked at the brunette, before sighing. Tired and frustrated at not having his own lab, and trying really hard to be patient with things, knowing he had to be.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "yup. Harvey wouldn't let Tony take apart all of Harvey's stuff to make Steve a new arm. not that i can blame the kid." James admitted before he smiled at her a little. "i'm glad you and Tony are getting along." he admitted. "Tony doesn't have a lot going for him unfortunately." he admitted. "most people can't stand him, they don't realize that he's not being a dick. he's just too broken to realize how his actions are seen by others." he admitted with a smile. "i kind of love that about him though, he's so unrestrained, so open really. once he stops putting the mask on anyway." he admitted. "Time can heal all wounds is it?" he asked her with a smile. "we might have a long road ahead but we can teach him everything he needs to know." even if Steve ever regained his memories, he could at least have the semblance of a normal life. "i have all the originals. Steve used to send me the very first comic of each printing." James admitted. "they where sent special." he admitted. "thanks Tony." he said, smiling at the other, watching Stev examine Steve. "Winter, this is Tony Stark, you are not to attack or harm him." he ordered, Steve staring at him before nodding, focused rather intently on Tony's beard with a half of a flicker of recognition before he turned and looked at the sink, studying that instead.
“Ah, no I don’t blame him either, even if tony’s sulking about it.”Alais snickered a little amused before nodding. Biting her lip a little. “Me to. When he told me...I was afraid we wouldn’t. But...Scott liked him. I mean, I liked him before, knowing that he got along well enough that scott sought out his advice on things, is easier to figure out how to deal with him.”She shrugged a little before sighing quietly. “I...I’ll keep that in mind. I mean, he’s not really being weird, but I think he’s trying hard to be aware o fhow he’s acting...I’m sure once he settles, he’ll be back to normal.”Alais said a little worried though that tony was trying so hard to simply get along with her, when she knew just how broken the man was, afraid she was damaging him more because of it. “Yea, eventually.”Alais said shrugging a little before nodding. “a very long road, but we’re all here together....and that’s pretty awesome. Bet tony’s jealous.” “very.”Tony agreed snickering before looking at Steve, “Hello.”he said tilting his head a little as he watched steve. Alais tilted his head, frowning slightly as she watched him watch tony. Before glancing at James, “...Hey James.”She muttered inspiration striking like lightening. “Just how much does Tony look like howard?”She'd seen pictures, but she was still curious having seen the look steve gave tony.
he nodded. "Tony sulks about everything though." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "Tony's likable enough once you get used to him. he's very sweet too." he admitted. "one just has to realize that when he hands you a mangled pile of metal he made it himself to make you feel better because he's too frantic to actually make things." he admitted. Tony had done that to him a few times. when Tony hadn't slept in a week and was upset because James was in a cast he had presented James with a twisted piece of metal crammed with so much useless tech it hardly functioned as a stick, let alone as anything useful. James still had it though, on a special shelf above his bed with the other useless things Tony had given him. the actually useful things where used and varied in location depending on what they where used for. "he's on his best behavior right now because he doesn't want to upset Charles, you, Steve or myself. he'll settle down once we're back at the tower." he admitted before smiling at Tony. "hmm? enough that i fekt weird lusting after him at first. why?" he asked curiously before he realized. "oh! you think Steve might have... what Howard and not ME!? that's not fair!" James whined. "fucking Howard. i hate him." he grumbled, Steve turning to look at them. "Howard Stark, December seventeenth nineteen ninety one, Maria Stark December seventeenth Nineteen ninety one, contract through Obediah Stain. Mission complete, Mission successful." Steve stated, making James pale. "...oh. that's why he remembers Howard...."
“Ah, does he?”Alais snickered looking amused at the idea, before smiling a little. “Well, I’ll remember that. Twisted and mangled metal means he’s trying.”She said looking vaguely amused that tony would have even gtten that upset over something. “Good.”she said relaxing, realizing that tony would settle soon. “...Cause steve noticed him.”Alais said shrugging looking at james, before paling, startled as she realized it wasn’t because of the time before the ice that steve remmebered, but because howard and maria had been missions. Going utterly still as she thought of that. “....Well...”Tony swallowed thickly, struggling to think before jumping on the one fact that he could really focus on and still function. “Obediah stane?”He said studying steve.
he smiled. "he doesn't often get like that, but it doe happen. last time it was because i was unconscious for three days. he didn't sleep for any of it and two days after i woke up after finally being released from Bruce's torture he presented me with.... a thing." he decided after trying to figure out the word to use. "Steve did notice him." he agreed, watching the interaction before wincing when he realized that Steve had killed Tony's parents. under Obediah's orders. "Obediah Stane, General." Steve repeated. "Hydra insurgent. Stane's mission, gain control over Stark industries, provide weapons for Hydra soldiers. Mission Complete. Mission Status, Failure. Stane Status, Diseased." they must have woken Steve with the intent of killing wither Tony or Stane and he had memorized the mission specs and was remembering them because it was the most recent time he'd been awake. "fuck...." James whispered, gently wrapping an arm around Tony's shoulders, looking at Steve. "why kill Howard and Maria Stark?" "Command unknown." "Mission activation?" "Command unknown." "let's see... repeat all mission specifications?" what came out of Steve's mouth at that was a long list of code that James didn't understand. "okay, never mind." he ordered Steve who blinked at him. "Command unknown." James groaned and wondered if it would be okay to bash his head against the wall a few times?
“Ah. So high stress moments. Good to keep in mind then.’Tony said smiling slightly, before wincing as she considered exactly why steve knew tony. This was...bad. Even if she hadn’t known her parents, she felt the loss of them, as if simply to know that they’d been alive when she was older, old enough to want to meet them, hurt worse then if they’d died when she was young. “...I...I don’t know how to feel about this...”Tony said looking utterly lost and confused, because his father had been his biggest tormentor, but his mother...he’d loved her. With that deep fierceness that only a child could feel for their mother. Looking utterly lost, leaning into james with a quiet sigh, shuddering a little. Alais frowned thinking on that, glancing at james, feeling the same frustration but keeping her voice stop. “Command stop. You can stop telling us everything for now.”
he nodded. "/all of us have gotten... interesting things, i'm sure you'll be getting something if we stay here for too long." he admitted with a smile before swallowing thickly at the emotional trauma that was going on. he could understand Tony's uncertainty. the flux and rush of emotions that had always confused the man he was in love with. as soon as she explained the command Steve shut up and then he did something very surprising, and heart warming. it meant Steve was in there somewhere. "i am sorry." Steve informed them, aware enough to realize that he had hurt someone they had cared about. he paused, looking puzzled, as if wondering why he had done that before flinching when James gently patted Steve on the head, making bile rise in James throat. Steve had been expecting pain, Steve had been hurt. Steve had been turned into a monster. he staggered to the bathroom, fell to his knees and got sick into the nice clean toilet.
Tony swallowed hard as he looked up at james, struggling to figure out what to do. Trusting james to help him figure it out because james had always been able to explain emotions in a way tony could understand. Looking startled at the words Alais tilted her head, tears misting her eyes. “It’s...well. It’s not okay, but we understand.”Alais said shaken and hurting, pleased to see that indeed, steve was in there somewhere. Wincing as james staggered away. Tony swallowed hard as he followed james. This, this he could deal with. Moving over to james side he knelt down, rubbing his back, offering silent support because there was no words to make this better.
James shook his head. "you're just feeling too many things to be able to recognize them." he explained to Tony. "upset and angry and glad. all sorts of things. glad that Howard died, angry that Obediah had them killed, furious that he betrayed you again, upset because Maria wasn't supposed to die." he shook his head. "too many emotions." he mumbled before watching Steve who blinked at Alais, jut looking confused. people where not emotional around him, ever because emotional expression made him react. when the Soldier reacted his own emotions came out and they had to wipe him again. Steve didn't like the sensation of feeling things and now he was even more scared so he did the only thing he could think of. he slid out of the bed, and crawled underneath it. they would drag him out once the emotion was done and wipe him, until then he would hide because he was frightened and he couldn't think of anything else. James whined, deep in his throat once he was done and simply sat there for a moment, letting Tony rub his back before he staggered to the sink to wash his mouth out. "sorry. i'm okay now. i think. are you okay?" he asked Tony, worried about how the man was handling this.
“...Yes. That’s how I feel.”Tony said relaxing, calming slowly as he realized that indeed, that’s how he was feeling. Smiling slightly as Alais rubbed a hand over his back, helping him calm even more. “...”Looking startled as she watched steve, frowning ever so slightly before moving to sit on the floor, lookign down at him. “It’s okay, Winter. They’re just upset.”

“I’m okay. You’re okay. We’re all okay.”Tony said watching him before sighing softly, swallowing thickly looking shaken before shaking his head. “Okay...I’m not okay...I should go see Johnny....”he muttered, because Johnny Storm was one of his best friends, who he had no strings attatched sex, made it easier to deal with them considering having sex with james, who brought so many emotions up.
James nodded a little. "yeah. lots of emotions." he agreed with a smile, just as troubled as Tony was before needing to be ill. "no. i'm not okay either. but i think we will be." he admitted, shuddering a little at the mention of Johnny. he hated Johnny, hated the fucker. he looked way, way too much like Steve and worse, he touched Tony. a lot. "we'll be going back to the tower as soon as Steve's stable enough to travel. if you want to go now we'll be following soon enough." even if he hated Johnny, he knew Tony needed him still. he wouldn't take his jealousy out on people who didn't deserve it.

Steve just laid under the bed, blinking at her. he said nothing, did nothing until he was sure she wasn't emotional and removed himself from under the bed and settled on top once more, examining his stump in it's cast before looking at her. "Status?" he'd probobly never worn a cast before. Hank had done a full X-ray, nearly all of Steve's bones had been broken at one point or another, all healed natually meaning without being set. only one or two where crooked though and even then they didn't effect his abilities so Hydra had never bothered fixing internal injuries, or external if some of the scars where anything to go by.
“”We’ll try to be.”Tony said looking up,frowning a little. He knew james didn’t like johnny, but he’d always thought it was just cause johnny looked like steve, not because he was jealous.”...I don’t have to go see him you know.”he said willing to set aside his own needs to see to james’, if the man needed him to stay.

Alais smiled a little, pleased that he trusted her as he moved out from under the bed, offering a small smile as she settled onto the chair by the bed. Looking startled at his question before wincing a little at the memory of what hank had said. It was painful to consider that kind of neglect to steve. “You’re arm is broken, and healing well. Tony’s redesigning the metal arm since we had to take it off anyways.”
James smiled a little. "no Tony, i'm not going to tell you not to go hang out with Johnny just because i have issues. that's not fair to hi and it's sure as hell not fair to you." he admitted, kissing Tony's forehead. "go to Johnny. you being calm will help Alais stay calm which will help Steve stay calm which will make me feel better." he admitted with a smile. "i know your chomping at the bit to go make those things you want to make." he teased.

Steve examined her and then wiggled his stump at her a little. it would have been comical if he wasn't the way he was. "Prosthesis Status?" he asked, his head tilted. wondering why his arm had been removed. had it been more damaged than he'd thought? he had been sure Stark could fix it. then again, he had kidnapped Stark and people usually had to be tortured a bit before they did as they where told so maybe Stark wasn't working on it yet? "re-de-signing?" Steve stuttered over the unfamiliar word. Stark was doing something with the metal arm, which Steve basically understood was his prosthetic but he didn't understand what she was trying to tell him about it."
Tony looked up at him, frowning slightly, nodding slowly. “Okay....I’ll call him and see if he’s free.”Tony said sighing softly as the other kissed his forehead. “That makes sense. She’ll be calmer.”He said pleased that not only would it help him, but he’d be helping the others to. “...Those things are amazing. Really. I’ll have stuff done for you when he’s ready to be moved.”Tony grinned happily, knowing that he was definitely ready to go and build things.

“Being built.’She said smiling slightly as she watched him “Yes redesigning. You know, like making it better. Apparently Tony saw some problems with it, so he’s redoing the whole thing instead of just fixing the bit of damage that scott caused.”
he nodded. "good. and i'm sure he is. there's not been any real threat to humanity recently so i imagine the fantastic four are relaxing just like we are." and grieving as well. "yes, exactly." he agreed, ignoring the way his chest was tightening. he wanted to be the one to comfort Tony, to press him into the mattress and make him feel oh so good. he couldn't though, not now. Johnny would have to be that for Tony for just a little while longer. "just make sure to sleep too Tony." he ordered, smiling a little. "i'll call Johnny and ask him if you slept." he stated firmly, smile on his lips.

he blinked at her and then nodded, he didn't totally get it, but they could do what they wanted to it, they where his handlers now after all. he poked at his cast again instead, curios about it. picking at it because his stump itched and he wanted t scratch and couldn't because there was a hunk of something in the way. he did seam to notice the depressed sound when she said Scott's name so he repeated his earlier behavior. "i am sorry." it had seamed to help a little bit last time.
“Probably. Good point.”Tony said biting his lip, well he had no more excuses to not call johnny. Swallowing hard as he nodded, leaning into the other for a moment, closing his eyes, even if he wasn’t ready to admit that he wanted the other, or ready to try, the man enjoyed casual touching, really for the most part he had no concept for personal space. “You wouldn’t. Besides, I always sleep.”he said smiling a little even as he texted johnny.

“Don’t poke at it.”She ordered quietly, “I know it’s probably itchy, but it’s healing and you don’t want to mess with it.”She said before swallowing thickly at his words, staring down as grief threatened to knock her feet out from under her. While the loss of her parents was a distant wound, one that she wasn’t really aware of since she hadn’t known them, her losing scott was raw and painful. Swallowing thickly she looked up at him, nodding slightly. “I know. Don’t worry about it, Winter.”she muttered quietly.
"i always have good points, why don't you ever believe me when i tell you to do things?" he asked curiously, pretending to sulk even if he was grinning playfully, slinging an arm around Tony's shoulders, holding him close simply because he liked to hold Tony. "make sure to tell Natasha to be ready, i don't want to surprise here with this." he warned. "she'd be more likely to shoot him than to help him if we don't warn her first." he admitted. "you never sleep you liar." he teased, smiling as Johnny texted back that he was home, bored and horny and to just come over anytime. unlike the other fantastic four, Johnny had gotten sick of the lack of privacy and had moved into his own condo so Tony could come by anytime he wanted to. as well as Johnny's other, on the side lover, Bruce Banner. both where no strings attached.

he didn't say anything to her response but obeyed anyway, dropping his arm back to the bed and sighing a little before flinching when she got emotional as well. "Status?" he asked her, looking truly upset for the first time since they had seen him. "Handler Status?" he was trying to find out what was wrong with her, and he couldn't because he was too broken. he was starting to get frustrated with himself. something was wrong here, very wrong. what was it? he couldn't tell, he didn't know. he did know that his handler was upset, and that made him upset, but he didn't know why that was. finally, Steve slid out of bed and pointed at her. "Stay." common enough orders for a guard to have. with that he left, coming back a bare minute later with a handful of dandelions in his hand, some of them with the leaves and the roots still attached. h set them in her lap and waited to see if he had done a good job. he had watched people give Scott flowers, so he assumed it was important. even if he did trail a long line of dirt through the mansion that ended in her lap.
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