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Fates Altered-Avengers Moon/Lady

he nodded. "still sucks." Johnny mumbled unhappily. "i always thought he was a little prick. i just hope Sue can recover from this, mentally i mean. Loki assured us all that she'd be fine physically but there was nothing he could do for her emotionally and stuff." Johnny admitted. "i think i might be in shock." he admitted. "i'm okay. i just have to speak calmly or i have coughing fits that hurt." he admitted before his eyes gleamed. "James had a threesome? some captain America he is!" he laughed. not very loudly, or for very long, but it was an honest laugh. "i will try. you know. when i don't hurt so much." he decided.

Steve cringed away from Roland, was he going to be strangled!? dragged out!? no. he was being hugged. what kind of punishment was this?! he snuggled into the other and began openly sobbing. he didn't deserve cuddles, he should be beaten like the naughty he was. he should be whipped, or tortured like his old handlers used to do when he did something they didn't like. he cried himself right to sleep in Roland's arms, unaware if they had come to a decision regarding his punishment or not. didn't make Codi feel any better either.
“Hm, he was.”Tony agreed “but it sucks....and we’ll help her be okay. I mean, if we can help steve actually learn how to be a person again, I’m sure we can help sue.”he said trying to reassure him before relaxing, though he still looked worried, he didn’t look as worried. Snickering a little. “You can’t be in shock, I do insane stuff all the time. And he did.”he said before huffing, looking upset. “He’s a amazing cap!”He said sounding protective, before nodding. “Yes, when you’re not hurt.”he agreed.

Roland sighed quietly as the man cried, shifting to get comfortable, smiling as alais cuddled into them, simply holding them as steve cried. And when steve woke, they were all in bed. Even pasha, the small horses taking up as much space as possible in the middle of the bed, though she was snuggled against codi, the horse having obviously found a new friend. Alais and roland quietly talking, simply being there as they waited for steve to wake up.
he nodded. "how is Steve doing?" he asked hopefully. "i thought i heard him talking when i was being wheeled in." he admitted. "this is a little more insane than i usually deal with." Johnny admitted. "i've never seen someone... die before." he admitted softly. "he is an amazing Cap, he's just a very naughty one." he admitted with a grin before yawning. "sorry... i'm sleepy."

Steve blinked slowly, uncertain where he was and how he had gotten there before recalling that he was with Roland and Alais and not in Hydra anymore. he reached out and stroked Pasha, letting he soft horse calm his nerves before he struggled into a sitting up position, looking both Roland and Alais over, he didn't say a word, he was too scared. what would they do with him now that the knew he was a monster?
“He’s doing well. Settling. He’s got his own threesome going on, though now that he’s remembering more, he’s starting to remember things that are goign to be painful to remember.”Tony looked worried before wincing. “I know, but you’ve got good people here. We’ll help you get through it.”he smiled patting his arm, calming down. “Yes. He’s very naughty. I should punish him...”he muttered thinking about it, before smiling as he got up. “Rest. I’m gonna go see how the other’s are doing.”he promised, kissing the other’s forehead before going in search of the others.

Alais was curled up in Roland’s arms, the quiet woman hurting and grieving, her own walls around her emotions starting to break, even if she had a hand resting on steve’s hair as he laid next to her, absently petting him to calm herself, much like he was to pasha. Startling a little as he sat up, she blinked wide teary eyes at him. “Steve?You okay?”she sniffled a little.
"i knew it! James is a bad influence on Steve! this proves it." he teased with a grin. this had been a very old argument from when they where kids and Howard had told them stories about James ad Steve getting into constant trouble. Tony had been of the opinion it had all been Steve's fault and Johnny had figured it was all James fault. "you should punish him. do it here. so i can watch." he ordered playfully.

Steve looked over at her, looking worried and frightened. "Steve Bad. Steve Monster. Steve go 'way, not come back." he mumbled, terrified they would send him away. he didn't realize that just because he had only just realized what he had done, that Alaise and Roland hadn't been perfectly aware. "Steve Bad. bad boy Steve." he mumbled, rocking a little. "Steve make Pain. bad Steve..."
“No, no it doesn’t.”Tony sulked making a face. “and I might just do that.”He agreed snickering.

“What?Sweetheart, you want to leave?”Alais startled looking confused and hurt, staring down at him, before shaking her head. “No, sweetheart it’s not your fault.”Alais shifted wrapping her arms around steve, holding him close, having no idea how to make him feel better. “I’m going to go get James.”Roland muttered pressing a kiss to their heads, knowing that if anyone could help them calm steve, it would be his twin. “I’ll be right back, promise.”Roland said before heading out to find the captain, quickly explaining to the man what had happened when he found him, looking worried and upset herself
Steve shook his head. "no! Alais make Steve Bye Bye." Steve whimpered. "Steve monster. Steve bad!" he protested, trying to make her let go, even if he snuggled into her, desperate for the reassurances. Steve watched Roland leave, certain he was going to get the police. he was confused when he came back with James. was James going to punish him. "come here Steve." James ordered. he was holding a very old photo book in his hands. inside of it, was all the pictures of him and Steve. James spent three hours, telling Steve stories about himself. Steve was crying again when he realized this wasn't the first time Hydra had broken him and made him bad. he was happy to see that Steve had made Hydra pay. glad to know that even if he was a monster, he was a good person too. "Steve make better." Steve decided. "Steve make Hydra Go 'way! Steve... Steve make better!" "that's right. you can help make the world a better place. you can protect people now, instead of hurting them, because you know better now." "Steve better." Steve agreed.
“No, no alais wont make steve go bye bye.”Alais promised stroking his hair, refusing to let him go even if he struggled. Smiling as roland climbed into the bed with them along with james, settling in as they all looked at the pictures. “Yes, steve make mbetter. You can help protect people now. Roland. He needs a bodyguard.”Alais smiled gently running her fingers through his hair. “True, I can always use more people looking after me.”Roland smiled leaning in to press a kiss to steve’s forehead.
Steve sniffled, seaming to relax a little more with the promise. "Okay." Steve agreed, wiping his eyes. he didn't have to be bad, he could be good, like James and Tony and Alais and Bruce. he would be a good boy and he would make the world a good place! "Steve make Roland Good." Steve agreed, holding Alais' hand even as he snuggled into Roland. "Roland punish Steve?" he wondered, he would be a good boy now, but he had still been bad, would there be punishment? he didn't seam to need it as much as he had before, but he would still feel better if he got a lashing of some kind. he would be okay without it though, he'd just work harder on being a very good boy to make sure he was never bad again. he even leaned into the kiss and looked up at Roland. "Sex? Roland? please?" he wanted the comfort of something familiar. "Alais too?" "i'm out." James declared, quickly fleeing the scene.
“Yes, steve help roland.”Alais smiled at him, petting his hair. “Yes, I will. We promised spankings didn’t we?”Roland said studying the other man, wanting to make him feel better, and knowing from experience, even if it hadn’t been his fault, that punishment could make you feel better. “Okay, yes. Sex. Sounds amazing.”Roland smiled kissing him back. “You sure?”Alais teased snickering as she watched james flee before focusing on steve, gently stroking his hair, leaning in for a kiss. “You usre you w ant to?”
Steve looked confused. what was a spanking? was it like a lashing? he brightened at the promise of Sex and snuggled into Roland, kissing his neck, glancing at Alais, uncertain if he was supposed to do the same things to her before snuggling into her and kissing her neck as well. it was the only thing he could think of to do before he slid his shirt off and 'eh-ed' at them, wanting them to be naked too so he could have wonderful, wonderful sex.

"Stark!" Loki declared, shoving an envelope into Tony's chest and offering him a glare before stalking off again, Tom chuckling in the corner when Loki settled next to him. they where both learning how to embroider and cross stitch using various books and packages of projects. Tom was tired of having nothing to do so Bruce had suggested needlework or knitting or something. something Tom could do even when he was feeling poorly. "hat did he just give you?" James wondered, looking at the letter. and it was a letter, from some woman named 'Annabell Maury'. she wrote to Tony, thanking him for accepting Loki and there was a huge list of what was actually wrong with Loki. between having a mild version of PTSD, being abused as a child and having something she called Antisocial Personality Disorder, it explained a lot about his actions in new york. she outlined that he was on two different medications to help with his 'emotional and impulse control' and that if they wouldn't mind, make sure he was taking it while he was with them. she further explained that Loki knew the contents of the letter and had given his permission for her to explain the godlings mental problems which was a good sign of his improvement. "wow. i didn't realize Loki had actual. you know. problems." James admitted. "didn't realize he trusted us this much either, even if he did let us fuck him."
“Roland smiled, kissing his forehead. “Dont worry, we’ll show you.”he promised, smiling as they were ‘eh-eh’d at, grinning as they all settled in for having sex. This was going to be great. Smirking as he took care of the spanking, cause he wanted steve to not worry about anything, before showing him exactly how to take care of alais, utterly amused and happy at taking care of them both like this.

“Yes?”Tony said looking startled as he took the letter, frowning after the godling as he looked at him before looking down at the letter frowning as he started to read. “Huh.”Tony said sounding bemused at the idea, and having no idea why the godling was okay with them knowing this before snorting. “Me either. And you’re right, it does explain some things.”he said wrinkling his nose a little before moving over to look at the two asgardians. “So. Anything else we need to know, godling?’
he beamed, happy that he would learn. he was very surprised by the spanking. it hurt, but it didn't. it was like. like a good hurt? yeah, it was a good hurt. it was like every smack to his ass made tingles on his cock, he liked it. it was a good punishment. he easily followed orders, adapting those orders and gave Alais a toe curling orgasm before riding Roland, bouncing on the others cock with eager moans. he was very happy to say the least, especially since once he was done with Roland he could go back to making Alais feel good and switch again until he was a content ooze that lay on the bed, content to let them do whatever they wanted to him.

"maybe we should see about talking to this woman" he muttered wondering if they could get the Address out of Tony or if Jarvis was going to have to run a background scan on her. "no. shut up. go away i'm busy." Loki informed Tony, trying to read the instructions and examining a needle, his head tilted, Tom rolling his eyes. "Loki be nice!" "i refuse. i do not understand how royal blue and dark blue differ..." Loki said, examining the two bundles of thread that looked exactly the same. "i dunno." Tom admitted, examining them before looking at the packaging they had come from. "i guess one is supposed to be darker than the other?" he muttered, head tilted. "Stark! what is the difference between these two colors?!"
“We might. It’d probably be good to talk to someone.”Tony muttered before snorting at loki’s words, “it’s like how James is a pain in my ass, and your a royal pain in my ass. Differences in shades.”Tony said sassily, smirking a little before growing serious. “Royal blue is a deeper less bright blue, while the dark blue is more vibrant.”Tony said shrugging a little. “Now, are we going to talk about your doctor or not?”
Loki blinked at him a few times and then shook his head. "they look exactly the same." he huffed, scowling at the two bundles of thread. "well, give them to Steve." Tom decided. "he's really good with colors." "a good plan." he agreed with a smile before staring at Tony. "i hadn't planned on it." he admitted, trying to thread the needle with two strings from the bundle that he had just unraveled. "human games are so stupid!" Loki finally growled, tossing the mess away from him and turning his attention to the knitting needles instead, Tom rolling his eyes and picked up the needle and threat, had it threaded without issue and started to carefully practice on one of the available stitching scraps. "showoff." Loki grumbled. "Loki? you've taken your medicine right? when are you supposed to take it?" James wondered. "once at seven in the morning, once at one and one at Seven in the evening." Loki admitted, having much more success in the knitting. "and yes, i have taken them." he admitted, examining the tangle he had just caused before using magic to untangle it. cheater.
“He is good with colors.”Tony agreed looking amused tilting his head. Curious about the godlings doctor, but willing to let it go for now, until loki wanted to talk. Nodding a little he shrugged, “Okay then.”he said before rolling his eyes, though he was glad to know when he had to take his medicine. “You are such a cheater.” “Who’s a cheater?”Roland said walking in with steve, the two having left Alais to deal with a emotional breakdown after having sex.
"i am not a cheater." Loki stated simply. "this... activity is paltry and annoying." he grumbled, even if his nimble fingers made easy work of the yarn he couldn't seam to figure out how to actually knit. "Loki is. he's using Magic to avoid tangles." Tom admitted, smiling at Roland. "Alais, sad." Steve informed them all, looking very upset that she was upset. "why? what happened?" Tom asked, looking a bit worried himself now. he adored Alais. Steve ignored the question and started picking at the string that Loki had scattered all over the place. it was a vast improvement, considering the last time he'd been around he might very well have set the yarn and string on fire in his annoyance. "yes. humans really are dull if they find this entertaining." Loki scoffed, finally tossing down the knitting needles. compared to Tom who was already working on an easy cross stitch. "....this is fun!" Tom said happily. "....stupid little brothers." Loki grubled, making Tom beam at him.
“It is. Which is why it’s a activity most women, and old people like the best.”Tony said smirking a little, looking a little amused. “We...had sex. Sorta...upset her.”Roland said wincing a little as he watched steve, before looking at tom. “She’s starting to deal with actually missing’s hard on her.”He muttered before smiling amused as he watched loki, even if he was worried, it was still amusing. “Well, like tony said. Old people do it. They tend to be boring. You could take up horseback riding, if you want something interesting. Alais would probably enjoy having someone else who can talk to horses.”Roland said smiling slightly as codi and pasha joined them, codi almost like walking the small horse around and introducing her to everyone like she was a person.
"hey! i'm enjoying this!" Tom protested. "you are a woman, Tom."Loki scoffed. "i am not!" "you act like one." "you look like one!" great, now the two brothers where arguing. "we look exactly the same!" "we do not! i am way better looking than you are, grumpy face!" "grumpy face! we need to work on your insults!" Loki scoffed before blinking at Roland, his head tilted, Tom's face creasing with worry. "i am well aware of how to ride a horse. all of Asgards nobility know how." Loki stated simply. "even Tom, bedridden as he was, knows how to ride the smelly beasts." Tom chuckled at that and shook his head because he knew Loki adored horses and riding horseback. in fact, Loki had entered competitions when he was younger, while still hopeful he could gleam some sort of approval from someone. horse competitions where big in Asgard. mock battles, races, jumping competitions and trick shows, Loki had done them all. but even when he had been the best and everyone had known it, they had never given him the points to place. he hadn't touched a horse save his own son, Sleipnir, since. Loki stared at the tiny horse when it wobbled over. "...that, is a very tiny horse." he admitted. "is it ill?" he knew only of the breeds of Asgard and they where mighty and massive never small or slender. "what is this creature?" Loki demanded, poking at Codi. "it looks like a Dire wolf, but small and... strangely colored." while Loki had settled in very well on earth, he had not learned much about it yet. sure the tech was easy enough to manipulate but he had never bothered to learn about the strange animals aside from pigeons. Loki, like most city dwellers, hated pigeons.
“You’re also sick, you can be forgiven for liking it.”Tony teased looking amused as the men started to argue, nodding. “we are indeed going to have to teach him new insults.”He agreed before tilting his head a little. “Well, you could still go riding. Like roland said, Alais likes talking to them, so having you there she could have more then just a single conversation. She wouldn’t have to explain their side of the talk.”Tony pointed out studying loki, curiously. Sensing a story there but not asking before laughing. “Oh no. They’re bred to be that small. She wont get much bigger then that. “She’s a mini-horse, bred for those people who want a horse, but don’t have the room or time for a bigger one.”Roland said before smirking at Codi.”he’s a dog, indeed much like a wolf, but a centuries ago, we domesticated them and created modern dogs.”Roland said smiling before snorting slightly. “You really didn’t spend alot of time on earth did you.”
Tom chuckled a little and shook his head. "i am pretty sure that i could outdo you in insults." Tom stated. "or instance i could call you the worst of the donation of sperm our mama got in the back alley. or i could call you a remarkable likeness to anal seepage. maybe i should just be upfront and inform you that you look about as intelligent as a roadkill slug?" "...ouch." James agreed, looking very amused. even Loki was staring at his brother in stunned silence. "what? i'm sick, not a convert." "right." Loki agreed, still staring at Tom. "i'm having a long talk with Thor about who he's been letting you hang out with." Loki decided. "interesting." Loki muttered, stroking the horse with a nearly invisible hesitation. "perhaps. i'll think about it." that meant he'd probably do it. Loki missed horse riding, he missed having fun, he missed being liked by people. he had always had problems with people, he had never really understood emotions. his own or others. now that he understood why, and the serious therapy he was undergoing he was beginning to understand things. how being used could hurt, why being lied to made people frustrated. what trust was and how much it hurt to have it broken. "technically speaking, i wasn't on earth at all." Loki admitted, touching Codi's nose. "while my physical presence was amidst the mortals, my mentality was locked up for the most part." "....i'm sorry?" James demanded. "i believe you humans would call it 'possession'. only i willingly allowed it into my body to use as it saw fit. i didn't care." he admitted. "honestly, i still don't, not really, but i am beginning to see that mentality is part of my problem." he admitted. "i like this creature." he admitted. "what are the ones often seen in accompany with this? the smaller ones with the pointed ears and snake like tails? i greatly like those." "Kitty!" Steve chirped.
“.....I take it back. Tom totally wins at the insult war.”Tony said staring at tom a little wide eyed before laughing. “Might have to talk to James to. I mean, him and thor are totally bad influences.”he snickered a little. “Do. She’d enjoy it.”Tony smiled at loki, looking amused before his eyes widened, “Seriously?That’s...weird.”Tony said looking a little weirded out at the idea of posession, snickering a little as codi licked at loki’s fingers and pasha butted in, not about to be left out of the petting. “Cats. We have a few around, mostly in the barns.”
"yes. he does." Loki complained, Tom beaming at them. "i am not a bad influence!" James protested. "your the bad influence!" he accused Tony with a smile. "it's not so strange. there are often cases of shared body habitation amidst the realms." Loki admitted. "more often, it is so that someone who is dying can remain living until their body has been healed." he admitted. "however, there are cases where strong magical beings have placed their minds or even souls into objects that can force body habitation upon another. the being i came across had indeed done just that, though i allowed him willingly into my body in return for what i thought i had wanted at the time." "the tesseract..." "correct." Loki admitted. "Jeva'al Tesseract was a mage of intense skill and power. he was one of six who created the infinity gauntlet." Loki explained, making a face at the dog licking his fingers before stroking the pony. "Cats. hmmm. i shall amass an army of the largely superior race of cats." Loki decided. "Kitty!" Steve declared again, skipping out the door, skipping back in to minutes later with two of the more friendly stray cats in his arms. he dropped them near Codi and pointed. "zoo!" he informed them, making James laugh. it was a bit like a zoo. "Greetings to you Cat." Loki stated, picking up the bigger one. "you shall be my general. what say you." "mew." "....that is not the appropriate attitude for a General, nor do i know what Catnip is."
“You are to. And I’m never the bad influence!”Tony whined making a face before staring at the godling. “Still weird...that’s...humans haven’t gotten to that stage yet.”He said looking both intrigued and weirded out at the idea. “...That’s....So do we have to worry about the other five?”He said ebfore snickering, “You can’t have a army of cats, LoKitty.”Tony said shaking his head a little, snickering at steve’s words. “Indeed it is a zoo.”Roland smiled looking amused before smirking. “Catnip is like a...drug for cats. It makes tehm high.”
"humans have reached that stage." Loki admitted simply. "or at least the beginning stages of it. where else do you think stories of haunting have come from?" Loki mused. "spectral manifestations are often the direct result of someone being too emotionally attached to a singular item. a watch, a vase, a house, so on and so forth. they become so attached to the singular item, or person, or in some cases so obsessed, they attach their souls to said person o thing in death. some of the more violent spectral are attached to people they hated to the point of obsession." Loki admitted. "such stories are common in our world are they not?" Loki asked. "Humans are actually very open to possession because they are...." here he paused. "they are open, i suppose. they are always looking, always searching, curious about everything." Loki admitted with a shrug. "Lokitty?" he asked, his eyes narrowed a little. "what sort of title have you bestowed upon me?" he demanded before looking confused. "high?" "like when we have Vishuum." Tom guessed, Loki blinking. "ad when have YOU had Vishuum?!" "pain management." "....remind me to kill your healers." "okay."
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