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My naughty petshop (Edited)

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Teyha smiled slightly when Lucien released his little nanny, and chose to lounge on the carriage seat instead. He blocked the sun's rays with one arm while the other cradled his head. It might have been an innocent position, if not for the scandalous clothes the royal chose to wear. As it stood, far too much of his chest and long legs were exposed to her eyes, and she found herself growing red at the shameless display of his body. Only a number of pins and clasps held the robe together at his waist, hiding only his most indecent parts from view... But in a way that left even the young healer slightly curious about the contents hidden in the folds of the clothing. After all, as much as Teyha would like to deny her own sexuality, she was still a teenage girl, and was very vulnerable to the same temptations as any other young woman. But, it'd take far more than a shamelessly displayed body to make her lose her head to him.

She shook her head with a frown, 'No one is forcing you to look, you know.' She reminded herself dryly, and Teyha sank back against the seat cushion with a mental sigh. She pulled a small notebook from her pocket and began to write, losing herself in the story instead of watching the prince rest.
Dhiren emerged from his shadow hundreds of miles from his home, in his mother's castle to the north. He frowned to see it was exactly how he had left it fifty years prior, every detail exactly the same as when his father was murdered well over a thousand years ago. "Mother?" He called, already making his way to the spiralling staircase that led to her room.

He reached the top and quietly knocked on the heavy doors, pushing them open. "What have I told you about knocking before you enter?" His mother called, turning her head to watch him. She sat, as she always did when he visited, in the center of the bed, dressed in a thin nightgown that bore the obvious signs of wear. It was all the would wear when in this state, a nightgown exactly identical to the one she wore when her husband was murdered.

"I have taken another slave." Dhiren told her, ignoring her ramblings. He had learned centuries ago that neither arguing nor agreeing with her madness served to do him any good. "A young Succubus named Alses."

Mahdis smirked, her expression turning more lucid at the reminder of their bet. "It's almost been fifty years." She told him as she rose, pulling a robe on over the weathered nightgown. "Another few months and you would have forfeited." She smiled at her son, and moved in close. "Are you beginning to understand you wont win our wager?" She asked, moving past him with a soft laugh. "How many slaves have failed so far?"

"Two hundred and forty-seven." Dhiren replied without a pause.

"Two hundred and fifty-two left until my revenge, once this girl fails you." She laughed, and turned face him. "Well? Take me to see the girl!"
Sleep has always been considered a talent for the young prince for it is neither difficult to fall into the ideal state of unconsciousness or be awaken from it. Throughout the flight, despite the scratching of Teyha’s notebook and the occasional flaps made from the wind and the wings of his guards, Lucien was able to block out all unnecessary sound and cycle through the third stage of sleep with ease. Not even when the carriage made its descent did he found need to inspect the vertical drop until he felt the familiar workings of the carriage’s wheels.

With a sigh, he sat up and ruffled his hair with a yawn, not bothering to check his appearance since he’s already in the comforts of his home. Peering sleepily out of the window, he noted the setting day as the carriage was pulled to a gradual stop after entering the main gates of the castle. The doors of the sedan was opened by the general himself and Lucien leveled his crimson eyes to the proud man that had served as the Pyralis staff for the last few decade and was awarded with a suspicious glare. After all, the prince did not have a good track record of keeping his willful ideas on hold.

Without glancing at the witch he had so recently purchased, he grabbed hold of his nanny by the tail and pulled her out of the carriage with him. “Come Silvia, we have to introduce the woman to the premises and staff.” Tipping his head cheekily towards Teyha, he added, “Unless of course if you preferred a joy ride alone in there?”
When help did not come in the timely fashion as she expected, Alses simply disregarded the need of it. After all, the only instruction she got was to stay away from the library, it certainly did not bar her from exploring the rest of the premises. Taking note that left was the only direction she was told not to poke her small nose into, the succubus chose down. It looked like a big place after all; the ground floor should hold her attention plenty for the meantime.

She made sure to look about for signs of other life along the quiet corridor before allowing a mischievous grin to creep onto her face. Calculating the height and length of the stair grip, the young succubus fluttered above the beam and sat her bum before allowing herself to slide down the stairs; in a gothic dress no less. Finding great difficulty to curb her excited voice, by the time she reached the end, Alses was cupping her mouth with both palms and looking for signs of intruders.

When none was found, she flew about the area, changing the decors as she went. After all, it is reversible and it was the best way to amuse her idled state. She turned the living room purple with shocking cyan dots all over the furniture and walls as she made her way into the kitchen. Again, she found no one within that particular room so she examined the fridges and cabinets for tidbits, changing the wallpapers to her fancy. She had a picture of Dhiren chasing after a running roasted chicken in mind and to her disappointment; the house would not register the image of her master’s face properly though the prospect of a frantic, headless chicken was enough to send her to giggles. She has not gotten away with so much for a long, long time.
Teyha had no idea how Lucien was able to sleep in the tiny carriage, miles above the ground. She was barely able to concentrate on her writing, the normally all consuming process of writing doing almost nothing to soothe her nerves. She turned the page and sketched for a bit, drawing the only thing she could see to draw, the top half of the napping prince. She held it up when she was done, to compare it with the man before her, and frowned, tempted to rip out the page and throw it out the carriage window. The features of his face bordered on sloppy, and she couldn't decide of she made his chest too muscular, or far too scrawny. She shook her head, and with a small sigh turned her attention back to writing again.

Hours passed, and by the time the carriage started to finally pull down. Again Teyha gripped the seat, her little book tucked back securely in her jacket long before the carriage wheels hit the ground, and they came to a slow stop. The little witch turned to the door when the guard pulled it open, eager to get out. The prince beat her by mere seconds, pulling his nanny out with him.

Teyha grimaced slightly when he called her the woman, frowning at the insufferable prince when he tilted his head toward her. Her eyes rolled back at his joke. "A joyride would suggest there was joy involved." she told him dryly as she pulled herself from the carriage. For a moment her head spun as her feet dropped to the ground, and the corners of her vision faded to black until all she could see was the dark static that covered her field of vision. She swallowed slightly as her face turned white, and her grip tightened on the carriage door for a moment, waiting for the dizzy spell to pass, even if she still walked forward. She blinked, and as suddenly as it came on it had passed, and she found herself looking up at the Prince. "I'd love to meet your staff, and it'd give me a chance to get the blood flowing to my feet again."
Apologies, wrong picture ~.~'

(forgive my sloppy intrusion. I've been waiting for the most oppourtune moment to post an entry but I guess I'll have to make my own.)

(apologies wrong picture. Here's the one i wanted originally ~.~')

Zhas sat, silent for the longest time. The basement was very very lonely and it had been hours since he last stretched his legs or had any contact with any other slave other than himself and the two heavily-armed guards on duty outside his cage. Yes, they were slaves as far as Zhas was concerned. Slaves to the master bastard of this 'prison' as it were to him. Zhas was an anthro-wolf who had a huge animosity towards humans. They had killed his parents, hunted him, burned his home, and had done a number of other horrendus things to him in his past. He had an athletic build to him (larger than the picture indicates) that was formed over all the time from running all these years.
Now he sits. Confined to a box because of the black collar he wore around his neck.

With his eyes closed, he could strain to hear anything that came without his barely adequet cell. Once in a while he'd hear a yelp that made him drool, and scream that would make him smile, or a moan that would make him tremor with anger out of jealous envy. He knew nothing of the outside world other than the 'bathroom' they 'let' him use. He wanted to be out and free again. If they let him out of his sites he would run away, escape again, and go back to the life of the chaotic, raping and killing as many humans as he could. He was only caught because he was sloppy and accidentally fell in love with one of those hairless beings...

He has been brandished with the three charms of Bone, Sword, and a question mark as well as the black anklet. Often, partly out of boredom and partly out of disobidience, he would rip off his collar or anklet and ingest it. This didn't make the master very happy as Zhas just kept costing him money. Pretty soon the head bastard would kill him for sure. No one would claim him or even dare set him free. It would be a more liberating experience than... this.

(for an alt pic, probably more accurrate, refer to the character profiles thread)
Dhiren helped his mother to her feet, frowning at how frail she felt in his arms now. Obviously the last few decades have been particularly bad on her, and he felt his stomach knot in guilt from neglecting her for so long. "Come on mom, we're going to my home."

She gave a growl and pulled away, "I know where we are going!" Dhiren simply nodding, his face impassive. Half the time she didn't though, still thinking of him as the young demon of centuries ago, who lived in this castle. He wondered, briefly, if she ever moved to his old room in her half-mad state, to try to find her son. Her husband dead, her servants missing, her son gone, it must have troubled her deeply.

He just shook his head, expelling the thoughts. "Well let's go then." He said, and with as much care as he could muster he led her through the portal. Moments later they arrived in the living room, and Dhiren raised a brow. His simple design had been altered, splashed purple with bright cyan dots. He frowned deeply at the almost painful colors, and gave a wave to turn it back to deep shades of black, red, and royal purple. He continued to lead his mother forward, and she leaned on him heavily, her dark eyes barely focused again. “Miss Fallen?” Dhiren called as he pulled the woman along. “Come here immediately! There is someone you must meet!”
(*joins the RP like a Ninja*)

The basment's door slammed open In a quick push from the outside. The door hit the wall with a bang, a bang loud enough to wake the dead. Not a moment later, a man was pushed down the small set of stairs like he was nothing. "Watch It!", the man's yell echoed across the hallway and maked guards pointed a gun to the back of his head, and lead him slowly Into the room. His hands were tied In silver chains, a somewhat huge weight was attached to his feet. It dragged behind him like nails on a chalkboard, making Its ridicolously heavy weight obvious to everyone.

What was also obvious, was that this "man" Is not human. It was Impossible for a human to lift such weight, let alone drag It like It was nothing. Vice was a vampire, and he bared his fangs as he walked passed the cells. Even when chained and captured, his eyes darted towards every locked up figure they could find. He made his presence known, he made sure everyone knew he's a threat regardless of his handicaps. He stood at 6'1, with golden blonde hair that flowed past his shoulders. His eyes were sea blue, but when angry they would turn blood red. He wore a black, slightly ripped wifebeater, a pair of jeans and a belt. The guard walking him to his cell had a bloody knife, and a leather jacket, both presumably his aswell.

He blinked a moment as the guard stopped him, and opened and empty cell door for him to enter. "Pfft. what a piece of crap." He complained audably, before getting pushed In by the guard, and just like that the cell door was closed. Vice sighed abit loudly, and leaned against the wall, slowly slipping down to take a seat at the dark corner of the room. waiting, he only waited.
It was obvious after the first hour or two of speaking to the human that he was not what Kaura needed, and she feared her adventure would destroy him. She passed across enough gold foe him to buy hi own freedom, and moved on. From there she traveled downstairs, towards the dungeon. The sharp screech of metal against stone making her cringe every few steps to cover her ears in horror. "What is that?" She asked a guard, quivering slightly as he explained a slave was dragging a heavy iron weight behind them. "Release it." She responded hoarsely. "My hearing is quite sensitive, and this is horrid."

He quirked an eyebrow, as if the plight of the Elf was amusing, and bowed. He led her further down to the dungeon, where the vampire was now sitting in his cage, and stopped in front of the door. "Do not move!" The handler demanded as he opened the door once more, gently urging Kaura to step back. She dipped her head respectfully, and fonded her hands in front of her, watching the man in the cage with serene green eyes as the handler explained that a Master wished to speak with him more privately. It was not what she had in mind, honestly, but it was too late to protest now, so she kept her mouth closed, not even pressing her lips together in annoyance.
Vice's ears perked from the moment the dungeon door sprug open, his attention drifted to the voice of the woman, and her complains about the weight he dragged around. Wether he found her annoying or not did not matter. What did was that a chance presented Itself to him when the doors did open. And so he waited, waited untill the steps came closer and closer, and the handler began unlocking his cell door. His eyes were fixed on the woman, blood red pupils shined through the dark with a blinding aura as their eyes met for a brief moment. The door was fully open, and guard the stepped In.

His whole plan depended on this moment, he was to sneak past the guard and trip him with the weight, and hold this woman hostage untill he earned his freedom. He didnot think past his goal, and so that was his downfall. As soon as the handler finished explaining, he lunged forward. A second more and his plan would work..yet he had forgotten about his tied hands, and In a flash only found himself being punched harshly In the stomach by the handler. He bent down over the hand, his fangs piercing the corner of his lip as he bared through the pain for a moment..silver brass knunckles too? that had to be human could hurt him with his bare hands.

He slowly rose to his feet, and spat abit of blood Into the corner, his eyes returning to their sea-blue color. "Whatever then..If It means a few more minutes away from this shithole..get going."
Kaura's eyes widened slightly when the man lunged forward, eyes glowing such a fierce shade of red that they pierced through the shadow to bore right into her. She was sure he was going to attack, pulling the heavy metal ball behind him, but the handler was quicker. He drove a punch straight into the stomach of the vampire, doubling the blonde man over in pain. Kaura moved forward, almost a blur to the untrained eye. The handler blinked in confusion as the man he struck was pulling gently away, and led to the bed in a blink of the eye. "There is no need for such foolish aggression, from either of you." She told them calmly, shooting both disapproving glares.

She took hold of the thick chain attached to Vice's ankle, and yanked with all her strength, raising a brow when it didn't even budge from the ground. "You possess great strength to move such an object with ease." She commented softly.
Vice's eyes darted once again the strange woman as she did not falter or scream. Hell, she moved forward If anything. He felt himself being pulled away from the guard after standing up straight..somewhat, and soon was led to the bed. For now he didnt resist anymore, he only took his breath and watched what the woman did, analysin her ever breath. He leaned down and yanked harshly at his weight, without results. Vice had abit of a bad habit, he loved to show off for anyone and eveyone, so naturally he let a small smirk escape him after listening to her comment.

He leaned his back against the wall and shrugged a shoulder, his eyes' glare subsiding for the moment after she complimented him. "A human wouldnt be able to move this half an Inch let alone break It..but to me Its nothing..If these shitheads didnt make everything out of silver I wouldnt even be here right now." He grunted at the fact for a moment, shivering a little at the thaught of Interacting with silver. "Trust me..a simple human cant handle me as a pet..up till now..whats the record..67 have sent me back..Im too.." He looked up, searching for a right word. "Agressive..for the simple beings."
His spark did not escape Kaura, and she quirked a brow, leaning over to stare the vampire in the eyes as he spoke. Her sharp eyes took in every detail f him, eyeing his sharp fangs as the memory of his burning red eyes came to mind. She smiled some, "Vampires are known to be a good deal stronger than a human." She commented lightly as she unwound the band of white cloth that secured her hat, and pulled it all off. She raised her eyes to meet his, her Elven features not painfully obvious to him. With a sigh she tucked a stray lock of snowy hair behind the arched tips of her ear, and smiled almost shyly.

"My name is Kaura Vertae." She told him, adopting the quiet but firm tone of a mature Elven woman, her words light, almost dancing from her lips. "My race is weaker even than humans, in this aspect at the very least." The handler shifted behind them, clearing his throat as if to say he thought speaking of weakness was unwise, but she waved a dismissive hand. "And I am not looking for a pet, nor a companion. If you are willing, I would like to make an important proposal to you, Vampire."
Vice tilted his head abit as she leaned In close to his face, closer than he was used to. The only times he got close to someone was when he feed..or killed. Yet she took off her hat, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears elegantly. It was then that he noticed the tips of her ears. "Elf.." he managed to whisper before she continued on. She flashed him a smile, and In an instant Vice froze as he sat. His eyes only widned at the sight, she was beautiful. Her skin was white and gentle. You could tell it was soft without even having to touch It as much as he was tempted to. Her breath was warm as he felt It flow over him briefly when she spoke, his face growing a little bit red In a subconcious blush at her beauty.

He finally unfroze however, and cleared his throat while looking away for a moment and wiping abit of sweat from his forhead at his shoulder. He tried to hide his blush aswell, except that It was painfully visible regardless. "Vice.." He whispred his name, shooting a glance at the guard as he cleared his throat. "Just...Vice.." He tilted his head forward, his lips nearing her ears, away from the guard's range of hearing. "..Ill hear you out..but do me a small favour..get the human out of here lust for blood added to his attitude does not help me keep my sanity.."
Kaura smiled encouragingly when he named her species, nodding slightly as she pushed a lock of hair from his face, a gentle move to help him relax around her. He seemed flushed, and she took a moment to press the back of her hand to his cheek, checking his temperature. "Do you feel ill?" She asked, waving a hand to the handler to have him leave, and with a sigh and a bow the man did, closing the door behind him to leave the pair alone.

She sat back, and smiled ever so slightly, watching him with a careful gaze. "I am in desperate need of a warrior, Vice." She told him, her voice dropping gin case any tried to eaves drop. She stood, taking one of the ornate chairs from the corner, to sit on, taking a moment to adjust her dress so it flowed properly around her legs. Once satisfied she met his eyes. "I require someone I can trust to accompany me on a mission of grave importance. If you agree to come with me, and we survive this quest, I will grant you your freedom. You will be bound to no one."
He blinked a little In surprise as she extended her hand to brush a stray hair from his face. It didnt really help his blush, and It was even worse when she noticed It. His eyes widned abit more as she thaught he was Ill, and It finally struck him how deeply he was actually blushing. He shook his head at her question and tilted his head away from her hand a little embarrassed. But he smiled a little as she took a chair and adjusted herself Infront of him, just as an elf would. In response he himself raised his back from the wall, and leaned abit forward as she began to speak.

His eyes darted for a moment towards the handler, walking out. His ears perked up and he tilted his head abit, listening to every word with Intrest. "...Of all the beings you can pick the most dangerous one of them all..your a brave soul, y'know.." he made his comment lightly, before turning his head for a moment, staring at the walls of the room as he spoke. "But to ask me..means that Its going to be hellacious...Ill tell you what." He turned his head to look Into her eyes, locking his own with hers as his red heues gazed Into her own gentle ones. "Ill come with you..and help you through whatever your doing on a few conditions." He leaned even more towards her, his face Inches away from her own. " me from this silver..with my word not to harm you...two..I wont be able to walk outside without shade..and I just plainly want my knife Ill need those too..and lastley." He leaned In just the little neccessary inch left to press a gentle kiss agains the elf's lips, restraining himself from taking her blood, and swiftly pulling back. a golden lock of hair fell Infront of his face as he offred her a last smile "Try manage to keep me calm..oddly enough." he tilted his head, "Do that..and we have a deal..I'd extend my hand for a shake, but theyre kind of tied behind me."
Kaura watched every move Vice made, her trained eyes never leaving his for a moment as he leaned forward. She assumed he was teasing her, seeing if she would flinch even as he leaned forward, a glittering point of his fang visible just barely poking out from his lip. He spoke softly to her, and Kaura nodded. His requests were reasonable enough. With the exception of sunlight, and she frowned deeply at that. She opened her mouth to explain, only to find him leaning in closer, until their lips met in a light kiss. Her eyes grew wide immediately, and they pulled back together.

She offered only a slight smile, a bewildered look on her face at the straightforward actions of the vampire. It made her wonder if there were parts of his culture she did not understand, which was certainly possible. So she tried to brush it off, quickly standing and brushing her skirt one more time, feeling slightly flustered by it all. "I will contact a handler immediately." She murmured. "It will take only a minute to undo your silver bindings."
Vice gave her a gentle nod, and let a small laugh escape him at the sight of her blush. He rose to his feet as well, offering her a gentle smile as he stood behind the elf, almost having her shelter him from the handler. He leaned down abit, but only to whisper to her this time. “I think its best… you make it quick with the handler…I can only take shelter in your smile for so long…I’m afraid that mad angered me enough to drive my Instincts crazy..” He turned his head away abit, his meaning wide and clear. Yet he walked to her side, his tied hand slipping into her own as he stood there, waiting for the handler to come back with his Items after he was called. “And I really want to emphasize the importance of my jacket...I really don’t wish to walk out of here, only to burn In hellacious sunlight.” He sighed abit and smiled, shrugging a playfully shoulder at her.

Vice wasnt as vounrable(Sp?) to sunlight as most of his kind were, he had an odd resistance to it. But It only did so much, he was still a nightwalker.
Kaura simply nodded. "I will be sure to get it over with quickly." She assured him, shooting a quick smile as she opened the door, and stepped out. It only took a minute or two for her to find a different, calmer, handler that she escorted back to the dungeon cell. "I will need the weapons he came in with, and all his clothes. He mentioned a knife and a jacket, in particular." She explained as the door opened, and she flashed Vice a bright smile. The handler simply moved down, and waves a silver ring over the ankle restraint, which fell to the floor with a dull clank before proceeding to do the same with the ankle cuffs. "Thank you." Kaura told the man with a bow.

"My pleasure." The handler replied evenly. "I will fetch the slave's things, if you would wait here." Kaura ducked her head again and smiled, watching him turn to leave.
Vice's eyes shot the handler a hidden glare for a moment as he came by, but soon he turned to face the elf, and offred her abit of a shrug and somewhat of a smile. She somehow managed to get his weight untied from his feet, and the Instant she did he almost jumped high enough for his had to hit the cieilng. "Ahh..much better." Even his walk Increased in speed as he stepped abit towards the elf. Sitting down on a chair by the door, he looked up to her gently and tilted his head abit. "Im curious..Miss..Kaura, or oh, right right. "Mistress Kaura."

He paused for abit after he got his attention, his eyes following the guard as he left the cell, and went to bring Vice his items. "Why." His vision darted back to the beautiful elf. "Why...would you buy me...dont mistake the question, I will still hold true to my word to help you In this.."Quest."..But Is It really worth It, spending all this money on a vampire who your not even sure wont lie, and run as soon as you set his feet outside these walls?"
Kaura laughed softly when Vice seemed to want to want to jump through the roof, and she sat down in her chair again, chuckling softly as the door closed once again. "Just Kaura." She corrected, with a slight nod of her head. "I am not fond of titles and ranks. I am here out of necessity not desire, and I wont demean you by forcing you to call me by a title. She gave him another smile, and settled back listening to his question. Her smile faded, and she sighed softly. "Because I have little choice but to put my faith in you." She told him. "There are not many in this castle with the power to go where I must. Those that I saw who do... Would kill me if given the chance."

She leaned back. "If I do not reach the center of Abysses In Terra... Hell on Earth... and retrieve something there... I will die very young if I do not. My death would be the first of many, and it would destroy my people." She drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I must trust you."
He tilted his heda to the side abit with another shrug, followed by a nod as she requested he simply called her Kaura. "Alright then, If thats what your more comfortable with." A few golden locks of his hai fell over his face once more, but he did not bother to place them back in place. Within moments he would be outside these walls, outside these confining, sugar coated cages they kept them In.

Yet In an Instant..with but one word that she muttred, he wished to not take a single step out. He jolted up from his chair, his eyes directly staring Into her own, he even took a step closer towards her. "Dont be Insane!" he didnt mean to yell It, but his voice was abit loud. Only out of shock and fear did his arms rise, and hold her at her shoulders. "Not In your wildest dreams would you be able to Imagine the amount of Anarchy and terror the Abysses posses..let alone going to the most corrupt. Why In th--.." Before he could finish his scentance, she went ahead with her own. His handsome exprssion dampned as a deep frown over took It. Death...he knew why now before he even asked, he would risk his own life If it meant the possibility of saving It. He didnt lower his hads from her shoulders, but his grip definatly lightned, and his head looked to the side once again. "Im sorry.." He looked back at her again, his blood red eyes slowly changing infront of her to the calm blue. "I..should have listened to the end.."
Kaura tried not to let it phase her when the vampire lunged at her, grabbing her arms as she finished her sentence. She knew it was an insane move to travel to the Abyss. It was a cursed area where every living thing was full of a dark power, lashing out at any that stray close. The human myth was that it was a place where demons traveled between realms, and brought chaos and turmoil to the mortal realm. "The truth is, it is the fault of my people that the Abyss is in turmoil." She said softly. "Millions of years ago, a great gift of power was given to the ancestors of the Elves, and we were to guard it, protect it, and keep it pure. For generations upon generations, we did. The source granted Elves our magic abilities, our long lives, and in return we kept it cleansed. But humans learned about the source and sought to control it for themselves. They waged war thousands of years ago, and almost all of the source was lost to us."

She closed her eye and drew in a deep breath. "Without anything to keep it pure, the source was corrupted. Any creature that drew near added to the dark power, and fed it. Now, the source is black, and all around it is twisted." She leaned forward, and laced her fingers together, peering at Vice intently. "If I do not reach the source, my people will crumble, and hell on earth will only spread and consume more, and more."
Vice titled his head In sadness as he listened to her story, but his eyes remained set on her. He studied her expressions, her breaths, her frowns. Everything. His ears were set to her heartbeat, looking to see if she spoke the truth…but he wouldn’t believe his ears regardless, he felt she wasn’t lying…no, he just knew she wouldn’t. She was finally finished explaining, and she leaned forward, lacing her fingers together. Vice took just a small sigh, and looked out the bar’s of the cell door. “I know you know this already…but Inside these bars we are the safest we’re going to get for the next long while..” he looked back at her, and his hands pulled her even closer, pressing her softly against his chest, his golden blonde hair falling on her shoulders. “I’m not too big on sharing…but I of the few pure bloods of my race left…we’re probably a big cause of the Abyss’ corruption…And It sucks because its making me feel responsible.”

He held her abit tighter against him, leaning his head down abit to look at her. Just like that, his blue eyes had completely calmed, and being a vampire, his beauty Ignited with the faint touch of light coming from the windows as he looked down at her. He placed a hand on her cheek, and offered her a smile “If it really means that much to you…I do owe you for at least letting me out of here…but I will warn you for your own good, I may just make It worse…if we do not succeed In this…ridiculous attempt.”
Kaura finished her explanation, and watched Vice to see if he understood the importance of what she said. His eyes never left hers, and she felt as though he were examining her and her story, analyzing every aspect before reaching his decision. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat for a moment, before Vice reached out, and she found herself drawn into a hug. His hair brushed her shoulders as he held her, speaking softly. Kaura blinked, her face clouding in confusion as she tried to understand why he would feel the need to hug her. Awkwardly her arms encircled him, and she drew him in close, resting her chin in the crook of his neck lightly. The last thing she wanted was to offend the man, when he held her life in his hands.

"Your people are not responsible." She assured him. "Not as a whole. The source is neutral, but those without the ability to purify can add their own darkness. It is not the fault of those who venture to close..." Her body slackened for a moment, and she dropped her eyes in shame. "It was given to us to avoid this fate."

He tilted her face up, a hand on her cheek as he smiled, and she gave her own hesitant grin. "I will purify enough of the source to bring to my people." She told him. "I only need to get there... Will you protect me until we reach the center?"
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