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The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Sasuke was looking around in a panic, strapped down to the table, unable to turn his head or move any part of him. "Let me go. Let me go! I don't want this!! Let me out!!"
The only response Sasuke was met with was a soft ruffling sound, then what sounded like talons on the floor. "No ones here, they've all gone into hiding... I don't know where Hanbei-sama is though..." The sound of clicking could be heard again, then the strap holding Sasuke's head in place loosened, then was released. The voice sounded rather young, frail and rather mousy, but it was definitely a child who was speaking.
Silence hung in the air for a moment before a small figure moved out from the shadows. It was indeed a small child, but they were no human. Their skin was sickly pale, nearly translucent, and the child was completely covered in an array of brown, tan, and black feathers. The poor child had more feathers than hair, only short whisps of reddish hair laid thin over a pale scalp; and they had so many feathers it seemed to weigh the poor kid down, but their feathers didn't look healthy at all. "No... I can't pick the other locks open... And plus, Hanbei-sama would be angry..."
The gangly child moved to the end of the table, crawling into the metal slab and crouching by Sasuke's feet, picking at a broken feather on his knee. "You look like me... Except you don't look sick. If you aren't sick, why are you here?" The child asked, eyes downcast, wiggling his toes and clicking his talons on the table.

((Nope~ A failed clone of him~))

"I-I don't want to be here. I want out. Let me out. Hanbei-sama can't do this anymore, it isn't right...!" He practically squawked.
"I can't, those locks are electronic." He said, chewing on his grey fingernails. "You can't leave, just like I can't leave." He said, scratching his head and pulling out a handful of feathers. "What's your name?"
The child shook his head, another feather falling from his head. "I was born sick. I've only been alive for six days though... Hanbei-sama says my body just isn't strong enough." He let the feathers on Sasuke's leg. "He thinks that it'll give out completely by the end of the current week." He said, then jumped off the table when the door entered, Hanbei himself entering.
Hanbei simply ignored Sasuke, stopping when he noticed the strap keeping his head in place was undone. Moving over, he started to strap his head down again, making a soft noise. "These flight feathers will get in the way during experimenting." He noted to himself, moving over to the far table and grabbing a large pair of shears and starting to clip the feathers short.
Hanbei scowled in annoyance at Sasuke's pleas for help, so he fastened a thick leather strap over Sasuke's mouth, muffling his cries before going back to work on cutting all of Sasuke's flight feathers.
The next time Sasuke woke, he had more than a dozen iv's in him, monitors beeping softly, and the world around him as slow as molasses, the effect of the drugs he was receiving.
Sasuke was alone again, or at least the room was void of doctors, the sickly child piping up, crawling up onto the table once more. "I do--- --- ----- --" His voice faded out completely, before coming back. "--probably trying to extend your life." He laid down beside Sasuke, petting his hair. "Your hair is like mine... But softer... And you have more."
The child shook his head. "It's because I'm sick." He said, gently touching Sasuke's face with his hands, pulling lightly at his cheeks, squishing his nose, and gently touching his eyes.
The faint sound of a door opening from somewhere behind Sasuke could barely be heard, soft footsteps entering the room. "Oh dear." It was Hanbei. "It seems that one of our experiments has expired, please come down and collect the corpse for disposal." He spoke into a radio before putting it back onto his belt clip, moving over to Sasuke. "He didn't know I could get out." The boy stated, now looking a bit odd, almost as if he was transparent. "How are you feeling, Sasuke-kun?" Hanbei asked, moving over to Sasuke and checking his iv bags, not seeming to notice the small child on the table beside Sasuke.
Hanbei stole a glance at Sasuke, but only replaced the empty iv bag with a fresh one. "After he found out I was dying, he started to ignore me, but that doesn't matter now." He sat up. "I have to go now, it's hard keeping myself here when I'm not contained in a body anymore.." He said, giving a groggy wave, before slowly starting to fade away. In the corner of he dark room lay a heap of unmoving feathers, the stench of death hanging in the air.
When Sasuke finally noticed, he stopped breathing. His eyes widened and he started screaming, thrashing hard, trying to break the straps with sheer force.
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