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The Extinction {1x1 with DarkMudkip}


Motochika sat peacefully on his small fishing boat, waiting for the nets to tug and his line to snag on a fish. He had not expected the huge pirate ship that came up on him and knocked his boat over. He struggled and fought, knocking pirates over onto their asses before blades were placed at his throat and he was forced onto the deck of the ship.
Motochika was brought before a large man with a bushy black and grey beard, wrinkles deep set on his tanned and scared face. "What's this ya brought me?" He rumbled, looking at Motochika.

((Why did they take him?))
((Fishing in their territory~))

"Cap'n, we caught this sea snake tryin' to fish in our waters!" "What!? The ocean belongs to everyone, fuck off!" Motochika spat.
The captain scowled heavily, turning to pace freely along the deck, stroking his beard. "A thief huh? Throw him in the brig, we'll deal with him later."
After they tossed him in a cell below deck, the crew headed back upstairs to resume their usual activities, leaving Motochika alone in the dark.

((I honestly don't know what to do, so do you wanna be the captain??))
((Sure, hun...we can gloss over a bit to get to the good bits...))

Motochika stayed in the brig for some time before he was finally brought to the captain. "How do you plan to repay for such trespass?" The captain asked. Motochika scowled heavily, "I don't rightly agree to anything a pirate has to live by, but I like living and I have a woman back home." "A woman, eh?" The captain asked with a toothy grin. Motochika glared hatefully, "Keep away from her, scum."
Laughter rippled through the crew members, shit-eating grins and low whistles moving through the men aboard. "And just were is home?" One of the Pirates asked, getting a chuckle or two out of the others. "Why don't we go get his lady friend, no use on leavin' her all alone."
Motochika growled lowly and pulled at the leather binding his wrists until the straps snapped and broke, rushing forward and clocking the crewman so hard he flew overboard. "You salt-brained fuck sockets leave both my home and my lady alone." He hissed before they all jumped him and pinned him down. The captain looked amused, "Strength of an ox lookin' for a good sow to plough, eh?" "Shut your mouth!" Motochika snapped.
The image of Nana smiling flashed in Motochika's head, bringing a sense of warmth with it, before the image was quickly replaced with the scene of Nana, being ravaged by the Pirates, screaming and crying; that scene brought the feeling of grief. Beyond all of the burly brutes, a scrawny lad could be seen off on the far end of the ship, scrubbing the deck all by his lonesome, a soft frown on his face.

((He can project emotions and thoughts, but can't control his ability for shit~))
((Ah, Ren-chan, sa kyute~ =7= ))

The captain decided to make Motochika work with their cabin boy, Ren, cleaning the ship from top to very bottom; even scrape the barnacles off the bottom. Motochika growled lowly as he was shoved towards Ren, grumbling under his breath.
The youngster had soft pink hair and golden eyes. "I see they got another one already... Ha, sorry, I'm Ren, I do most... All of the cleaning here." He held out a heavily calloused hand and gave a lopsided grin. "Welcome to the crew... Sorta.."
"Somethin' like that, yeah. 'Was a stowaway and was caught." He said, getting back to work scrubbing the deck.
Both of them were worked to the bone, only being allowed to stop once everything was spotless, which was well into the darker hours. By this time, most of the pirate crew had congregated on the deck, getting drunk or being too rowdy, but by then Ren and Motochika were already headed bwck down stairs to their cell for the night. "'Ey Ren, gett'over here, we got somethin' ta show ya." "Motochika-san, I'll meet you below deck in a minute!" He called, without missing a beat and heading over to see what the Pirates wanted from him. Ren was gone for only a short time, the sound of loud chatter and the occasional holler carrying down below deck; loud laughter came in a large burst before the sound of someone at the top of the stairs could be heard, a shadow being cast on the floor for a moment as someone stumbled to the stairs and fell down them, tumbling hard to the floor. Ren landed on the floor with a hard thud, laying flat on his back, gripping at the front of his shirt with one hand to keep the cut clothing together, blood blooming from the long gash that traveled from his hip to the opposite shoulder. A look of pain twisted the youngsters face as he struggled to get back to his feet.
Ren staggered to his feet, forcing a weak grin. "A-Aye, just a scratch.. They get rowdy sometimes.." Blood ran down his leg and pooled around his foot. "I'll be okay." He said, but the wound seemed serious.
Ren hesitated for a moment, but nodded, moving to the piles of sacked flour and rice and gingerly sitting down, rolling his shirt up just above his stomach; a nice sized gash oozed blood, Ren looking a bit pale.
Motochika ripped his shirt enough to make a makeshift bandage, wrapping it around the stomach wound, "There wouldn't happen to be a doctor on board or someone in charge of the injured?"
The lad gave a weak smile. "Tha'd be me.." He reached into the pocket of his ragged trousers and brought out a dull needle and some thread wrapped around a cork. "We don't really have a doctor here.." He said.
Ren shook his head, holding out the needle and thread. "It's a pirate ship, not really all that fancy.." He pointed out. "Think you could patch me up?"
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