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Mark My Soul(Avengers)Lady/Moon

Steve snorted. "i'd kidnap James if i didn't think he'd kill me before realizing it was a sex thing." he admitted with a smile. "Lab time makes you feel better and i like it because i can make fun of your nerdiness." he teased with a smile. "i have to admit, i do like playing fetch with Dum-E." he admitted with a smile. "and you do make some really cool toys." he admitted.

he smiled a little. "i wouldn't mind helping him work on a car. i've never been able to before. i hear it's something that everyone should experience." he admitted. "he broke your nose?" he asked, looking amused. "it looks fine to me, a very handsome nose." he admitted, flushing a little as he realized he was flirting. he couldn't help it! Clint was way more handsome than Garret was. "okay, i'll make sure to ask him before going with him." he promised, not really all that fussed about it. "i imagine you keep it hidden. a lot of people would target you or him to hurt the other." he agreed before blinking at Steve and Tony. "hey! how are you guys feeling?" Steve asked, fussing because he needed to distract himself. "i'm feeling fine." Grant stated. of course, he'd probably answer that way if he was bleeding to death.

"for not hating you?" he asked with a smile. "for not hitting you?" he asked, stroking her hair. "i can't say i'll never hit you, because sometimes i don't know who i am or where i'm at or who the people around me are. but i can promise you that i will never raise my hand to you in anger. i will never hurt you on purpose. i will never beat you." he promised. "we should take a nap." he decided. "all this emotion has left me exhausted." he admitted with a sigh.
“He would totally freak. Definitely not a game for you two.”Tony said smiling a little before making a face.”I am not a nerd. Stop it.”He grumbled before smirking.”I knew you liked my bots.”he snickered.

“He did. He was holding a wrench at the time. Totally freaked it him. It was quite amusing really.”clint snickered before raising a eyebrow, tilting his head as he realized the other was flirting, and not sure how he felt about it, but the fact he wasn’t freaking out was interesting,cause he rarely enjoyed people but phil flirting with him. “Exactly. No reason to make either of us more of a target.”he said before tilting his head a little. “Good. Grant was just filling me in on Phil’s condition.”Clint said looking a little strained. “...Well, if you two are both ‘fine’ I’d hate to see what you look like bleeding and broken. You two need help.”Tony snickered teasing a little because he was worried about them.

“...For not being like chris.”She muttered relaxing a little, before nodding. “I know. Steve said you sometimes didn’t know who or what’s going on...”She promised not wanting him to worry she was afraid of him, before relaxing completely at the promise. “Okay. That’s...okay.”She said her voice tight with tears, utterly undone at the promise of never having to fear them lashing out on purpose to hurt her. Nodding as she shifted, snuggling as she cuddled him. “A nap sounds good.”She muttered.
he nodded. "well, we could pretend to have kidnapped each other, you know, without actually kidnapping each other." he admitted with a smile. "he does like tying me up." he admitted.

"i bet. he seams the type to freak out about every little thing." he admitted, blush only getting darker as he realized Clint had realized he was flirting. "Yeah. maybe that's what he's doing now? protecting you." he mused before fidgeting as Steve focused intently on him. "so you really did see Phil?" he nodded. "do i? what do i need help with? i'm not injured." he assured Tony. "i am a bit tired though and i don't have any clothes to sleep in." he admitted. "you said i could borrow some clothes?"

James nodded. "i know how you feel. for the first ear or so, i was so amazed that Sarah wasn't like everyone else in my life. she didn't hit me when she was mad, she didn't refuse me food simply because i wasn't worth the space or hadn't pulled my own weight. it took me a while to realize that i really wasn't going to be hurt again." he admitted. "it's a flash back." he admitted. "Steve get's them too but he doesn't have a history of violence like i do. when he has a flashback he tends to hunker in, settle down into small corners and wait until he figures out what's happening. i just... strike out. hurt them before they can hurt me, you know?" he asked, smiling a little. "you'll be able to tell it's happening because i stop reacting at first. if i ever just stand there staring at nothing, get Steve." he suggested. "about the only thing you can do once i start throwing punches is pin me down or lock me in my fish room or a closet where i can't hurt anyone." he admitted. "a nap does sound good." he mumbled.
“He’s fairly adorable....not that you can tell him I called it that. He’s ego would never stop growing.”Clint snickered blushing a little himself before frowning, nodding slightly.”Maybe. I don’t know...I just know I miss him.”He sighed quietly before snickering. “You do. Mental help. None of us are really fine.”Tony huffed before sighing. “well, that’s true. Not injured is good....and yea. Come on. We’ll get you clothes, then I’m going to the lab.”Tony said walking out with the other and handing him some iron man pj’s and a captain t-shirt.”Here.”

“...Yes.Exactly. Like that.”Thorne muttered utterly relieved he understood, that they both understood why she was having problems. Before biting her lip thinking before nodding. “Okay. That’s good to know. And I definitely know about striking out before they can hurt me.Hurt them first.”She muttered “Okay. I can do that.”She muttered pleased at having a plan shifting to snuggle into him, groaning quietly as she started drifting off to sleep.
Grant chuckled a little. "i won't tell." he promised with a small mile, that was a little trained. not like he was forcing it, but rather that he didn't do it very often. "...i don't think you can staple a mind the way you can a cut." "Staple? uh... no. stitch." "no. staple. or glue. stitches take too long in open combat." Steve shook his head. "that's not true." "oh. well i've never had stitches, staples and glue as used but never stitches." Steve mumbled under his breath about how he'd like to turn Grant's abusers into a paste. "thank you." Grant stated, happy to get changed. he'd been wearing these clothes for a while. he had to walk to the tower and it had taken a few days. "thank you." Grant stated with a smile as he accepted the clothes before turning to Clint. "do you mind if i take a shower?"

he nodded. "you'll have an easier time adjusting. women are stronger than men in situations like this." he admitted with a smile. "yeah. i guess we should have told you when you first moved in, but it's been so long since i've had an episode that i honestly didn't think of it." he admitted. "that was kind of stupid of me, huh?" he asked her. "goodnight." he murmured, slipping off to sleep himself. he knew they would be safe in his fish room, no one else would come in. though they did run the risk of Steve taking blackmail pictures.
“no you can’t, but talking helps with mental wounds and problems.”Tony said looking rather confused at how this conversation had gone, not sure why they were talking about it actually. Hands twitching as he stopped himself from taking grant’s old clothes, even if he’d just met the other man, he was starting to care for him. That was always the problem for tony, he cared way to easily, about people, it usually led to him getting hurt badly. “You’re welcome.”He smiled. “Go ahead. Anything you want to do, you don’t have to ask permission. Just go ahead.”Clint smiled watching him go shower before looking at the other two avengers. “He knows where Phil is.And fury’s keeping him somewhere.”He said sounding anxious and upset. “...I’ll see what I can finfd out.”Tony said frowning a little, “Jarvis?” “Already on it sir. I’ll let you know what I find.”

“Not stupid, just not something you thought of. But we’ve all been shaken with this. So its good to know, just in case.”She muttered sleepily, content to just sleep with him and be held, feeling utterly safe.
he blinked a little. "do i have mental problems?" "of course. most people do." Steve admitted. "everyone in this room has them. i'm a bit worse than the average person myself though." Steve admitted. "but your getting better?" Grant asked curiously, Steve nodding. "of course. i have good friends." he admitted. "they help a lot, friends do." he admitted with a smile, Grant looking much less upset about being mentally hurt with that declaration. he had friends, he would be okay just like Steve. "...okay." Grant stated, giving Clint an odd look, as if he wasn't sure if the other was fucking with him or not. Garret had often gotten pissed if Grant used the shower, stove or anything else without asking permission first. because those where Garrets things and he didn't like people touching his stuff. "So Phil really is alive?" Steve asked, looking hurt. "he was stabbed through the heart, how is that even possible?" he asked, worried though it was hard to maintain that emotion when both James and Thorne where so content. "see what you can find on Grant as well would you Jarvis? i know we found what was available on shield, but Hydra aught to have the whole picture. something doesn't.. seam right." Steve admitted, staring at the bathroom door. "i'm not saying he's lying, i'm just saying that it seams rather impossible for Garret to have faked the Mating Mark. he would have had four of them wouldn't he have? even if he kept the two real ones covered, Grant lived with that man since he was fourteen right? he would certainly have seen something, so why didn't Garret have four bonding marks?" he asked, confused. "and if it was Grants who was faked, he'd still have four bonding marks too wouldn't he?"
"Everyone does. The people in this tower more then most."tony shrugged a little looking away not about to get into what caused his own problems. He liked grant, but not enough to discuss that.Clint raised a eyebrow at the odd look shrugging a little."if it makes you feel better though,you can ask if you want."Clint added after a moment watching him go before nodding. Wincing a little."he is...I'm sorry I didn't say anything...but I couldn't tell what was going on beyond he was alive...I don't know how he survived but grant said he wasn't looking great."Clint sighed a little before nodding."you're right. Somethings off."Clint agreed."not unless garret AND grant were both what thorne pretended to be. Unmarked and both faked. You can't tattoo over real marks,they just heal it. So somethings definitely weird."tony said smiling slightly as Jarvis agreed to search.
grant nodded. "i suppose. being superheros you guys see some pretty nasty stuff huh?" he asked, head tilted. he, like most of Hydra, knew what Tony Stark had gone through at the hands of the Ten Rings. what Tony and the others didn't know, was that the Ten Rings, and Obediah as well, had all been on Hydra's payroll. Grant highly doubted Tony would like to know that though, so he'd tell Clint once they where alone. "well if he'd alive and hasn't told us then it's for a very good reason. could be he's carrying an alien Pathogen. out of all of the world, you and Phil where the only people who got physically close to Loki, and i think only Phil ever came in contact with Loki with an open wound." Steve admitted. "could be that he's sick with some alien Virus that Loki infected with, or maybe Phil's been mind voodooed by the little bastard or something." he frowned. "want me to call Fury and find out what's happening? i can't be sure he'll actually tell me anything but i can try if you like?" he asked. "there's no one in history that has not been marked by birth. even Bruce was marked before his accident. and sometimes he even is able to get that mark back, for a little while at least." that was the only reason why he was trying to cure the Hulk, Bruce wanted his bonding Mark back, frantic that his one true love might be in pain thinking he was dead. missing the feelings he had gotten through the mark. "so maybe they used genetics to change the marks? or used that skin stuff and applied fake Tattoos over it? that could work right?" Steve asked before pausing as the shower turned off. "we'll have to talk about this later. i don't think Grant would like talking about this."
"Yea we do. Though really most of the shit happened before we became avengers."tony smiled a little shrugging. Clint sighed running his hands through his hair, looking tired and hurt."yes. I know he probably has a reason...but it's still hard to know he's not here..."Clint sighed quietly."...yes. if you would. I'd call but I'll get the same answer that I've gotten the last few times I called. And getting brushed off to talk to Maria isnt pleasant."he sighed quietly."I dunno....but ask thorne. She's hid hers for years. She might know how this was accomplished."tony said frowning before nodding a little."yes later....come on cap. Time to go spend time in the lab if you have nothing else to do."
Grant shrugged. "but all superheros have troubled pasts. that's why their superheros." he pointed out. "because they saw darkness and didn't want others to see it too. or something like that." he admitted before heading off for his shower. "i'll call." he promised. "and i'll keep calling until i get a straight answer. even if i have to go to Headquarters in person." he promised, shaking his head. "i'll talk to Thorne too." he agreed. "she and James are napping at the moment." he admitted before following Tony, glancing at him. "something about this whole thing is... off." he admitted. "first Thorne, who would rather pretend she has no mark at all. now Grant, who has been fooled into following someone because they had the same marks. none of this makes any sense at all." he admitted with a shake of his head and a sigh.

later that night, after a long nap Grant was staring at a bottle of liquor he'd found in a cabinet. Garret had never let him have more than a single glass so Grant had never been drunk. he imagined he'd lik it, why else would Garret drink all the time if not for the fact that it was fun? he was moderately afraid though, what if Clint got mad? what if there was a reason he wasn't allowed to drink? what if it wasn't pleasant at all?... worst of all, he was scared he wouldn't be allowed to stay. maybe they'd find out he was there when they wiped James memories? maybe they would find out he tortured various Shield members for information Garret wanted? what if they found out about the little girl that Grant had tried to save and failed? maybe they would think him too weak? too pathetic? he sighed, rubbing his shoulder which ached terribly. it had been shattered as a child by his older brother wielding a shovel. he'd never been to the doctor or had it set, so sometimes it hurt. he hadn't bothered putting a shirt on, so anyone could see the large Mark on his back that was supposed to be his own. he'd never seen it himself, he'd never bothered to look, what did he care? the important one was on his chest anyway, right at the end of his Sternum where that bone ended and the cavity began was what was supposed to be Garrets mark. what Grant didn't realize, was that true Marks never scarred. and there was a huge scar across his back from right shoulder, which was the one that ached, to left hip, slicing the bleeding rose mark on a diagonal. it was a thick scar that showed it hadn't been sewn, stabled or closed before it healed.of course, if it had been a real bonding Mark, well. the Scar wouldn't have been visible over the marking at all.
Clint nodded looking grateful at the captain."thanks." "We'll find out what's going on clint."tony said looking worried before looking at steve as they walked out nodding slightly."definitely something is off. But like I said to clint,we'll find out. I'm good at solving puzzles."

Clint stumbled into the living room looking like he'd barely alept. And it was true these days clint rarely slept. It was a good thing he could climb and function on little to no sleep otherwise he would have killed himself by now. Frowning as he watched the light moving across the mark he tried to figure out what was wrong with it before his eyes went wide as he realized what it was. Looking utterly confused and nothe quite sure how to ask about it or how to bring it up. Frowning a little when he saw the other studying the bottle he crossed the room sliding onto the stool next to him with a smile."you know if you want to get drunk,there's better alcohol here then what I have. If you really nt to get drunk we can go raid the stuff tony has."
Grant glanced at him before focusing on the bottle again. "i've never been allowed to have more than a single glass. and even then, only stuff like this. with a low alcohol content." he admitted. "i'm a bit afraid of what might happen if i get drunk. i've never been before." he admitted. "maybe i'll be like a werewolf and turn into a murdering rampaging beast if i drink too much? Garret certainly got mean when he was drunk." he admitted. "i guess i shouldn't. but i want to. people say that when your drunk, you don't think so much." he admitted. "and i want nothing else than to just shut the stupid thoughts in my head. they won't stop, keep working on the same problems over and over again even though i can't possibly think of any solutions. if there are even any solutions to come by." he admitted, shaking his head. "i think i'm being stupid. i'm not really smart enough to do any thinking anyway, probably why i'm not solving anything." he finally reached out. "well. if i'm not smart enough to think then i'm sure as hell not smart enough to make good decisions." he decided. showing that he did in fact, hate that Garret had always told him he was stupid. he poured himself a full glass, handed it to Clint and poured a new one. "i'm going to get smart. then no one can take me for a fool again." he decided, throwing the drink back in a manner he'd seen others do and promptly choked and sputtered. "that's... harder than it looks." he coughed.
"That's depressing. Everyone should get hammered once,and on the good stuff."Clint smiled a little grinding his teeth a little trying to not get angry over what grant was telling him. This was so hard to not want to lash out aT how badly grant had been're plenty smart grant. You knew to get away from hydra,and needed to see thorne to warn her. That's a smart decision."Clint said before smiling as he took his drink and downed it in one slug, before laughing at grant's reaction."yea yea it is. Take it slow. Get used to the burn before you try to shoot it back like that."Clint grinned amused.
he shrugged. "i dunno. most of us grunts weren't allowed to drink." he admitted. "i'm not all that smart. i only left because Garret died and i didn't feel anything." he admitted, rubbing the sunburst on his sternum. "even then it took me four days to get here because i was too scared to take a bus or a Taxi." he admitted. "...i hat to find Thorne though. she was the only person who had ever been nice to me. now that i know better." he admitted. "i couldn't let Chris hurt her more than he already had." he admitted. "i guess it was a smart decision to go to her though. if i hadn't gone to her, then i just would have stayed with Hydra if she hadn't been there." he admitted before coughing and shaking his head, setting the glass down and pouring a new one. he'd gotten most of it down, he'd try again. three glasses later and he was drunk. "you know... you know... they used to tell us stories 'bout you. Hawkeye an Black widow. how you guys where th' best. Garret W's always talkin 'bout how they where gonna make you the best Hydra ever... but he never did. noth'n ever worked. any blackmail he might have had on you al'w's 'dis'peared and h couldn't trick you into anything. you really are the best you know it? he us'd get so mad..." he admitted, nodding. "but i thought... i thought it was so cool, how you never fell for nothin, and alw's made it out no matter the mission." he admitted, nodding as he tilted his head at the other. "you're really cute." he admitted. "i al'w's thought so."
"Sometimes fear is thever smart thing to feel. It makes you be smart about things."Clint said smiling slightly as he watched the other."though I doubt she's happy with you,it was a good thing you told us about chris. Now we can turn his own plan against him."Clint smiled a little before smiling as he sipped his own drink,not wanting to get drunk when he was in charge of taking care of grant."I know. Everyone tells stories about widow. She's the best."Clint smiled a little before smiling."blackmail only works when we care what others find out. We're to good for that."he muttered looking amused ad he watched the other man."and you are really ddunk. You're going to regret saying this when you sober up you know."clint said smiling slightly.
he blinked a little. "i thought fear was just cowardice?" he asked, his head tilted. "i was always told that i was nothing but a coward when i was scared by my parents." he admitted. "it's funny. i can remember them hitting me for breaking my shoulder and i remember them telling me i would always be useless. i remember all kinds of things but i can't remember what they looked like." he admitted. "she wasn't mad at me, she was just upset because she wasn't ready for people to know." he admitted, nodding. "no no... she's a woman. they're always better than men." he scoffed. "your the best." he promised. "i have lots of stuff i'd care if people found out." he admitted. "like. uhm. like. i can't think of anything right now but i'm sure if i could they would be upsetting." he admitted. "i'm not drunk." he scoffed. "Garret drinks three bottles before he's drunk. i've only had a few glasses so i can't possibly be drunk." he admitted before rolling off his ack and onto his belly, pointing at Clint. "your... tring to dis'ract me." he accused. "because you don't want me to kiss you like i want me to."
"Nah. Fear is your head telling you this is dangerous. Bravery is doing it least that's what I believe. I could be wrong."Clint shrugged a little before frowning. That was just weird and made him wonder if the man had had something like james wiped memories happen to him to. Tilting his head a little he nodded."you're right."he muttered before laughing quietly."I'm sure there's things. And you are really drunk."he said before looking startled not sure what to say to that."really?"he said after a moment not looking sure or wondering what to do.
he blinked a little. "oh..." he pondered that for a moment and then smiled. "you might be right." he admitted with a nod. "i've done a lot of things even though i was afraid, so i must be very brave." he stated happily. "i'm not! totlly. i'm perfectly... you know. not drunk. i don't know the word. it starts with an f?" he asked, his head tilted. Sober, certainly did not start with an F, but he was too drunk to care anyway. "yes." he admitted, swinging up to his feet and staggering in a bout of slight drunkenness. "ooh... the world is spinning." he mumbled before staggering over to the other. "i've never kissed before, you know." he admitted. "Garret didn't like it." he admitted before messily pressing his lips to Clint's. it wasn't much of a kiss. he was basically just pressing his lips to Clint's. he pulled away, considered that and then. "i am a very bad kisser." he admitted before leaning down again and kissing Clint again, this time he wiggled his lips before pulling awa. "no... that's not right either." he admitted, frowning as he tried to remember how the kisses on TV had gone.
Clint bit his lip to keep from laughing at the other man knowing he wouldn't appreciate it. "You are definitely not fine or sober."he smirked a little teasing him,blushing ever so slightly as grant staggered to his feet reaching out to steady him."careful."he muttered."really?"clint looked startled wondering if the other was a virgin,then feeling sick as he thought about how grant's life had to have been."you are. It takes practice."Clint teased nudging him feeling badly for enjoying the bad kiss as much as he had."you better go get some sleep grant."he said not wanting to take advantage of the other's state.
"i am, not drunk!" he declared firmly. "maybe 's an allergic reaction?" he wondered. "yes. i'm sure that's it."he admitted. "i'm always careful." he promised, shaking his head a little. "yeah. really. Garret was... was mean." he admitted. "i mean, i've had sex, but it was always for him. i'm not sure i liked it really all that much." he admitted. not a virgin then at least, though th sex had apparently not been very good. "well i'll have to keep pr..prc'tasing." he decided, moving to kiss him again before getting derailed. "i'm not tired." he protested, even as he staggered back onto the couch, collapsed onto it and sighed, going to sleep just like that. too used to obeying orders to ignore Clint's. no matter that he was tired to begin with. at least he looked cute when he was sleeping off his first drunken endeavor.

upstairs Steve was beating on a punching bag that Tony had sent up while James played his Viola. both where trying to calm down before they set Thorne off. they weren't upset or anything, just anxious and twitchy from being in such a new location. James wasn't nearly as bad as Steve was, since he had spent most of the morning snuggling Thorne and taking a nap. Steve on the other hand was having trouble settling down and settling in. which James had already told Thorne to expect.
“Yes, maybe.”Clint snickered, knowing better then to try and reason with a drunk person. “Ah.”Clint swallowed thickly, twitching a little because that made him want to make something bleed, the knowledge that the other had been so badly hurt. “That’s horrible. Sex is fun.”Clint smiled a little before smiling, “Yes, you can keep practicing.”he muttered sighing softly as teh other got derailed.”Sleep.”He ordered again smiling a little as the other settled in to sleep. Shaking his head a little as he headed up to the nest to get some sleep himself.

Thorne paused as she walked into the room, tilting her head for a moment as she watched him. For once her shirt sleeves pushed up, for the first time allowing the boys to see her marks. Through it was still red and sore from being burned, it was obvious, at least in part, why she had hidden such the unique marks. While most people’s marks were fairly reasonably sized, Thorne’s covered her whole forearm from the back of her hand, the tail of james’ dragon brushing over her knuckles, to the head of steve’s griffon curling around her bicep. Her whole arm was beautifully done, even more so as it wasn’t the traditional simple black, but steve’s were done in subtle red blue and white, with james in the deep red of the star on his shoulder, while the majority was black for both of them, they both had subtle colors, identifying with the people they were now. Definitely something that stood out, even beyond the simply oddity of having two. “You two need anything?”she said smiling slightly, worriedly.
he nodded. "yes. i'm sure of it." at least he'd stopped drinking. his hangover would be minor. "Sex is boring." Grant scoffed. "it's mildly pleasurable ad more than a little messy. i enjoy running in the mornings more than i like sex." well at least Garret hadn't made the sex painful, it just wasn't very good. "good. i will. when the world isn't so dizzy." he agreed before settling in to sleep.

Steve paused when she walked in, though James offered her a smile and continued to play a soothing melody before he paused and stared at her too, both their eyes wide and pupils blown. "wow..." James breathed, staring at the markings. "that's... wow!" he breathed, Steve chuckling a little. "James. you promised." "but... but wow!" James complained, pointing at her. Steve just laughed. "i agree. she is pretty swell." he agreed with a grin, studying her from a distance. "i have to admit, i underestimated the force of emotions i'd feel when i finally saw you with your marks exposed." he admitted. "how on earth did you keep those hidden? your gorgeous, did you know?" he asked, smiling a little. "i need a hug." James ordered, smiling at her. "actually i was wondering..." Steve admitted suddenly, blushing bright. "i don't know if i'm being foreword, so you can tell me to fuck off if you want me too... but. uhm. i was wondering if you'd like to sleep with us tonight? we won't do anything naughty, it's just...." "we feel better when we snuggle you." James admitted. "and i personally don't want you to sleep alone when you could have two big teddy bears to sleep with. we won't molest you, scouts honor." James promised. "and you can tell us no of course. we just wanted to let you know, we'd be glad to have you with us if you want to. and we won't be upset if your not ready."
“...Someone was doing it wrong then.”Clint said making a face at the idea of bad sex being the only experience he had. Snickering as he went to sleep, oh he couldn’t wait to see what grant would do when he woke.

Thorne flushed a little as they stared, swallowing thickly, fingers twitching with the desire to tug her sleeves down, but forcing herself not to. Walking closer she settled onto the floor next to James, flushed and embarassed, but trying to relax. “I think I broke james.A hug huh?”She muttered looked up at steve and james, smiling slightly at james demand for a hug, squirming a little at the words, knowing the others were feeling alot considering she was getting a overwhelming sense of emotions. “Stark Industries makes a semi-permanent skin paint, lasts a few weeks and blends with natural skin tone, so unless you know it’s there, you can’t tell someone’s wearing it.”Thorne explained before flushing brightly, ducking her head a little at the praise, “N-no. I didn’t.”She stuttered a little, her shoulders curling in a little, for a moment looking broken at the idea of being gorgeous, before looking up at them, looking startled and not sure what to do, or say, before nodding a little. “...I’d like that.”She said softly, not sure, but feeling the need to be with them.
they both smiled, recognizing her discomfort and James, surprisingly, rolled up his sleeves as well. letting her see his. which where all black. Steve opted to just undue the top buttons of his shirt, letting his show through as well. "you know. this would have been awkward if our marks where on our asses." James admitted, making Steve laugh and shake his head even as he blushed. "He's not broken, he just always wants a hug when he's not feeling well." Steve admitted with a smile. "only from people he trusts the most of course. so that would be me, and now you." he admitted. "huh... could temporary Tattoos be applied over that paint?" he asked curiously. "we've been trying to figure out how Garret could have faked the bonding marks without having to worry about his own marks or something." he admitted. "either way, Grant never suspected, not once and he's not stupid no matter what he might think of himself." he admitted before smiling at her. "you are gorgeous you know. never let anyone tell you differently. okay?" he asked, smiling at her when James snuggled into her. he was a very affectionate sort of man once he trusted you enough to be close to you. "we'd like that too." Steve admitted, smiling at her. "just to warn you though." James commented. "Steve's a snuggly bear in bed. if you wake up wrapped up in a hug you can't break..." "it's James." Steve finished. "i get up about four in the morning. he's the one that's a hellion to wake up in the morning."
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