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The furry roommate? (Charliesweb7 & Mercenary)

Well no duh his parents were older than him. That was a given. But she just let that slide for now. She nodded her head as he continued with the green beans, her pounding out two chicken breasts before starting to bread them. "Do you have both brothers and sisters?" She asked him. Perhaps he only had brothers or only sisters. She sometimes wished she had a sibling. Perhaps an older brother or maybe even a younger sister.
"I have six brother and one sister. And she's the youngest. She's the youngest, actually. The boys probably tease her a bit, but I doubt they'd do anything to bad to the poor girl. Especially not if mom were around." Brian said as he finally finished with the peas. He watched as Kimberly continued her magic on preparing the food, already wanting to eat it as it looked so tantalizing.
"Wow, that is a lot of siblings!" She told him. Jeez, 8 children? That was so many! How come his mother had so many. "I am sure she is doing alright. Do they come to visit?" She asked, placing the chicken patties into the skillet and hearing it sizzle. It sound like music to her ears as she then moved and placed the dishes into the sink.
"Yeah, I guess it is. I don't know why my mom wanted so many kids, but hey, the more children, the more farmhands, I guess." Brian said with a bit of a shrug, his gaze a bit distant, though he was still seemingly watching Kimberly cook. Though Brian's eyes seemed a bit vacant, as if he was thinking of something else than what they were doing. But Kimberly's question seemed to snap him back as he looked up at her. "Well, I hope so. No, they don't visit. We haven't seen each since I left. They haven't come here, and I haven't gone back to Iowa." he told Kimberly, hearing the sizzling of chicken now.
He made it sound like he he believed his mother had a lot of children just to have help. She wondered if that was true. Or if his other just wanted a big family. Who knew. She glanced back to him, going and washing her hands before drying them. "I bet you miss them. Why don't you go back to see them?" She asked. She knew she already missed her parents. She had never left home so this was a big deal for her as well. She then placed the green beans into a pan and then poured some olive oil before chopping up garlic. "Why don't they visit?" She asked him, using the knife to put the garlic in the pan with the green beans.
"It would be too expensive for me to go back to Iowa just to see them, and our family usually passes by with little money to spare, so I'm sure they have their own monetary problems. I've been thinking about giving them a call or maybe sending an e-mail, but honestly, I don't know my dads e-mail. Yeah, I know, what kid doesn't know their parents e-mail? But I never had one, and never needed one until I came here and made one, since now I actually have my own laptop. And I don't even think my mom has one. I do know my dads number, and I might call sometime, but I don't want to call at a bad time. What if he's in a big business meeting or something? I don't know." Brian told her, revealing his predicament to Kimberly. "But anyway, college is my biggest concern now. I'll get back to my family someday, when I can." The wolf anthro said as he watched her work.
The way he talked was rather depressing almost. It was like he wanted to them to be here but he couldn't. "Why don't you call them at night? Like dinner time?' She asked him. It seemed simple for her. She would Skype her parents once a week or so. Kimberly nodded her head, moving easily and preparing the pasta. She poured a bit of salt into the water before putting the pasta in. "I am sure you will see them soon enough." She explained to him, smiling before then turning back to him.
"Yeah, I'll try that. I just hope nothing goes wrong." Brian said, looking away a bit. He would call them later, probably when Kimberly was asleep. "That smells good already. I can't wait to eat it." Brian said with a smile, trying to change the subject off of his family, and how he missed them...
"Well I am hoping it tastes good." She replied. "Can you check the pasta? It should be done and then can you drain it?" She asked him, turning over the chicken and then hearing the sizzle once again. "It should be done rather soon." She told him.
Brian checked the pasta per her instruction, and sure enough, it was ready. He drained the water out, only leaving the now limp noodles that seemed appetizing. He smiled when Kimberly said she was almost done, and couldn't wait. Grabbing two plates an silverware for both of them, Brian set the table somewhat, ready for the food. "I'm guessing it's going to be amazing." Brian commented on her cooking with another smile.
Within another 5 minutes or so, it was ready. She finished off the chicken with mozzarella and parmesan cheese, then taking everything over to the table. She made them two portions, then sitting down and inhaling deeply. "I am really starving!" She explained, picking up her fork and knife. She started cutting the chicken into bite sized pieces.
"You can say that again!" Brian said before almost digging in, just restraining himself enough to pass off as 'civilized'. "Mmm, this is good. Really good!" He told Kimberly after swallowing a bite. He continued eating, loving the meal though he finished it quickly, not really stopping too much to savor it. "My compliments to the chef." Brian said after finishing the food on his plate happily.
Kimberly smiled and then started eating herself. "I am glad that you like it." She told him, starting to eat herself. It was good. Hit the spot just right. She was surprised that he was done within a few minutes. "Should I have made more?" She asked him, only having finishing around half of hers. This boy knew how to eat!
"No, I'm good. About full. It was just too good!" Brian said to her, smiling a bit. "And I tend to be a faster eater, especially when there's good food on my plate." he told Kimberly, still sitting there, not wanting to leave the table just yet and leave her to her food.
As long as he was full and happy, she was happy herself. She enjoyed making food that other people enjoyed. It was nice to see them enjoy a meal. "Yeah, i'll say. It was like you turned on a switch and all of the food was gone. Sort of like a vacuum." She teased, smiling at him. She continued to eat, finishing about 5 minutes after him before lightly getting up. "You want me to make some snacks for tomorrow?" She asked him.
"Geez, Kimberly, you sound like my mom." Brian said, a bit of of grin on his mouth as he began thinking about back home when he was younger. "She would always talk about how much I ate and how somehow I wasn't getting fat. But I worked hard, so I guess I just burned off the calories." He said with a shrug. When she asked if she should make him some snacks, Brian looked up Kimberly. "What for, when we go to the beach? I don't think it's really necessary..." He told Kimberly.
"Sorry, but at least I didn't say that if you eat that way you would be fat. I mean, men eat more right?" She told him. It is not like he ate 20 portions and complained he wasn't full. She grabbed the plates and took them into the kitchen to wash. "Well that or on the car ride but if you don't think we need any than that is completely fine with me." She told him. If she didn't have to make any than she wouldn't. But she would if he thought they needed them.
"I don't know, I guess men eat more. But anyway, no I don't think I'll need any snacks for the trip. Besides, I especially don't want to have you go through the trouble of making them just for me. If I think I'll get hungry, I'll just bring some snack bars or something." Brian told her. He smiled at Kimberly, looking at her, not able to stop it as he imagined her in a bikini tomorrow.
"Alright." She added, smiling before starting to fill up the sink with hot soapy water. "I am really excited for this." She mentioned, turning off the water and placing the dishes and pan in there. She then headed upstairs, going to the bathroom before then coming back down. "Did you want to watch a movie or something or just some TV?" She asked.
"Me too. Tomorrow seems to be coming slowly though..." Brian said, feeling like the day was dragging on for some reason. He watched as Kimberly went upstairs to the bathroom, waiting until she returned. "Hmm, I honestly don't care, but there hasn't been much interesting on TV recently. A movie, I guess. But I don't have much of an idea for one." He said to Kimberly, shrugging.
"Well why don't you choose one?" She asked him, starting to do the dishes. If she didn't do them now, she never would do them. She continued doing dishes, setting them on a towel to dry before she then headed into the living room. She wiped her hands on her shorts, looking over to him as she took a seat. "What about something funny?" She asked.
"Well, there's a Best Buy close by. I can try and find something there. How about The Other Guys? I heard it's a great comedy, and I haven't seen it yet." Brian said after thinking for a bit. Then he walked over to Kimberly as she worked on cleaning the dishes, only to see her walking back his way. "So, does that work for you?" He asked Kimberly, checking his pocket for car keys.
"Oh no, if you have to buy something then forget it. That is unfair to ask." She explained. They could rent a movie? Then again, where could you rent movies nowadays? It wasn't like back when you had VCR and such. "Do you have a board game?" She asked. They could do a bunch of different things. Hell, even like truth or dare at this rate.
"Well, I can just rent it from Best Buy. It wouldn't be too much, but then again I'm on a low budget as is." Brian said with a shrug. "Yeah, I have some board games. They're upstairs in my closet. I've got stuff like monopoly and life. And there's one I haven't looked at yet that one of my friends here gave to me for my birth day. He said it was a good game to play, especially with a girl." he told Kimberly.
"Well then lets just play a game." She replied. She didn't want him to pay money for a movie. Kimberly arched her brows when he spoke of the game. "Oh? What kind of game is it?" She asked him. Was it like strip poker or something. She figured it involved her getting naked or something like that. Why else would his friend put it like that?
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