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The Stray Werewolf (open for anyone :) )

joanna giggled while kissing him back deeply. wrapping her arms around him tightly she just made sure to flick her tail playfully at his hands.
carefully timing her tail while appearing rather distracted he caught it and gave it a squeeze and pulled on it lightly then bit her lip before kissing along her jaw line and nipping lightly where bottom jaw ends
Joanna was becoming weak from the way he was kissing on her. With his actions she just knew she made him a happy man. I am happy to know you really like the fit... Would you like to test out the leash? she wondered if he noticed the shiny of the leash chain too.
"Oh and how would we go about doing that? Asked Max as he took hold of the leash and slowly pulled in the slack. Squeezing her tail once more before letting it go he gently drew his claws up the right side of her body starting at her thigh and ending just below her ribs before starting back down
Joanna shivered and softly moaned oh I don't know.. maybe a little walk around the cave.. when spring comes you will really love the leash... You can use it when we travel. she giggled and moved her hands to his chest. She would nip on his shoulder when she had the change. don't rip the clothing... Unless you don't want to see me in it again...
"Will I now? and why would I use it when we travel? and I wasn't planning on ripping them" pulling the leash slighty and turning he maneuvered her infront of him and gave her butt a little slap "though the littlle cave walk isn't a bad Idea get to walking"
She shrugged Well so I dont get lost.. so we can take walks... I don't know.. just for the hell of it.. she would giggle when he slapped her ass and started to walk around the room of the spring.
Max let her walk around the spring a few times before stopping her short and pulling her back into him. He bit her gently on the neck and ran his claws across her abdomen. "having fun?" he asked as he drew his claws across her again and keeping her tight against his body.
Joanna moaned at his tight hold on her. Feeling his claws made her weaker in her knees. Mhmm I sure am.. are you enjoying the show?" she asked as she ran her own claws down his side.
"is there any reason I shouldn't be? though I do figure you'd want something a bit softer than stone to lay on this time." Picking her up he carried her out of the spring room and into the sleeping quarters nipping her neck before he set her down
Joanna giggled as he carried her to the room. Being set down she crawled to the fur and laid back looking up at him. She was excited he was happy.
max smiled and said "would you like something?" then walked up to her and grabbed her tail again letting it slide through his fingers and took her chin in his hand
Joanna looked at max and blinked. there was plenty of things she could name that she wanted... but she couldn't only pick one. She sighed and moved pulling him to lay with her. " anything you want.. i cant think of anything i want.. she gave a small yawn trying to hide it, she was worn out from all the running she had done to go back to the city alone.
"was that a yawn my dear?" running his hand through her hair he added "as for what I want I could think of a portion of my anatomy that could use your attention"
joanna shook her head no. "No.. no yawn here.." she giggled at how he replied and moved to rub his chest some. "oh and what part of the body would that be? she knew what he meant but was teasing him.
Max walked out of the cave and stretched, Spring had finally arrived the birds were chirping the trees were groing new shoots and everything breathed with new life. the winter with Joanna had been wonderful but it was good to be outside of the cave even with her there max had started getting cabin fever near the end. They would be travelling soon, deeper into the forest, farther than he had been in a very long time
with spring there Joanna couldn't have been excited. she loved the winter and the cave but being cooped up had gotten the best of her. she was ready to explore and learn more about the world. she rolled over to snuggle up to max but would find him not laying in his spot. normally she slept on his chest but sometimes she would roll off in the middle of the night and not move back.

giving a whimper she got up and grabbed the shredded button up shirt she wore around the cave and went to find him. "can you believe it? it's spring.. are you sure you don't want to stay here.. you seem to be getting tired of me.. I could always travel and come back.. " She knew he kept saying he wasn't tired of her around but she sometimes did feel like she was a pain in his ass.
"tired of you? never.... I always get cabin fever, or should I say cave fever, in the winter its usually much worse. we should start travelling soon" Wrapping his arms around her he squeezed her gently then turned to the cave and started packing their essentials such as clothes and the remaining food they had

when he had them packed he handed her the lighter of the two, the clothes, and started walking away from the city. after a while he stopped saying this is the farthest I've been, past this isn't my domain" then he took a breath and continued on
The wind blew gently through the foliage on the early spring morning, the branches of the nearby trees bobbing up and down on the invisible currents that snaked their way through the trees into the clearing. Her hair blew out from over her brow, simple brown bangs catching the glistening sun as they danced across her forehead, her hair framing her face, set with high cheek bones and hazel eyes. Again the wind came, with it the smells of the forest, the freshly green grass, the flowering plants, and all that came with it.

She stopped, inhaling deeply, before realizing the scent of two people nearby, upwind from her position by any guess. With a lithe hand, she pulled the hair back from her brow, trying to gaze up into the distance from her position, her eyes teary from the winds blowing against her.

She stood from the position she had taken, a simple stone around the edge of a dying fire pit, tinder turning to darken ash. Straightening herself she pulled at the hem of her dress, pulling it flat against her curved legs before patting it down. The reddish cloth clung to her hips as it should, and along the material the golden weave caught the sunlight.

Whoever the other two were, they were drawing closer, and it was best she moved. She moved between the trees, trying to near the people that approached her, wary of any action they might take.
Joanna gotten dressed and helped him pack up. following him out the cave with the pack on her back she sighed. she was going to miss the cave but knew they was going to have fun on their travels. hearing him she giggled. "well i been far past the other way so this cant be that big of a deal.." she would follow him while looking around at the amazing sights that spring brought them.
"this is wildlands we may run into other Were's here or other creatures beyond discription" continuing on his way he dropped back slightly to start walking beside her a feeling of unease creeping up his back as if they were being watched but he could not pinpoint from where
Ash kept to the tree-line, hanging low behind the greenery as she watched the two people walking. They seemed normal, but not, something about them making her feel off-set, almost as if they were familiar, yet different. The man seemed to have sensed her presence, dropping back to the woman behind him so that they walked in the same pace. She continued to follow behind them, moving from tree to tree as quietly as she could, her form hunched over to provide as little of herself as possible to observation. It was all going to plan, until she stepped on a branch hidden between the two roots, the large snap sounding through-out the immediate area.
Max could feel the hairs on the back of his as time wore on. He started looking around every so often, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever it was. Then he heard a twig snap behind them he wheeling around he said "reveal yourself or I will find you and you will die slowly"
She froze, weighing the option of running away, but there were two of them and no good would come from that line of reasoning. Weighing her other options further, she noticed the man looking in her direction, almost directly at her. Her heart thumped against the cage of her ribs, any movement would alert them further. Letting a sigh loose from her lips, she walked out from under the cover of the leaves, arms held out wide to her side in surrender as she walked further into the small clearing.
joanna just stayed on the path in her spot she stopped in when she heard the snap of the trees.... she just watched and observed..
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