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High School Bondage Club: OOC Chatter

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I always get the feeling my posts are substantially shorter and of less quality than everyone else's
The only real difference is time and description. For example, instead of "He grabbed and fondled her beasts," you have something more along the lines of. "The rough pads of his fingers caressed the soft skin of her pale breast as he cupped the heavy globe, her nipple a hard pebble against his palm."

They say the exact same thing, one is just more in-depth and detailed than the other.

It's the difference between painting a picture with broad strokes, and then painting one with a million tiny, interlinking dots. Time, care, patience seem to be key. Don't rush through a post, there is no hurry. Take your time, elaborate. The basics are in focusing on the senses, what does the character hear, see, feel, how does it feel, how does it taste? Everyone knows what honey tastes like, but you wouldn't say honey tastes like honey when trying to describe it to someone that had never had any. You'd likely say it was sweet, smooth, syrupy, etc, to help them understand.

It's the same with writing. If your character feels something, write about it in such a way as to let the reader feel it, too.

Another step goes a little deeper, into the mind and emotion of the character. It's a little more tricky because you really have to get inside the mind of the character and see the world through their eyes so that your emotions reflect what they would feel and your thoughts mirror the things they would think. It is not easy, a lot of writers struggle with it. The upside is that it really lets you right in a unique way for each character. The down side is that you can get stuck on one character and have a hard time writing others.

For example, I am currently so far into Nadia's frame of mind that I am having a really hard time writing for other characters at the moment. It can get really, really annoying. ^-^ But, it just comes with the territory sometimes.

The best advice I can give is to relax, take your time, and let yourself garner new ideas from other writers. If they use a phrasing you like, feel free to use it. If they describe something in a way you never thought of before and you liked it, then try it. Always experiment. :)

-- Oh, I almost forgot... *Note* Should I go ahead and post or wait for Jamie? ^-^
Leatrix - javorcek just posted so her brain function might be returning! Let's wait and she what she says but it would be best if she went next.

And terrific post on writing! You obviously know what you are talking about. I agree that adjectives and descriptive verbs are key... There is almost always a way to spice up an action or thought. And you don't have to use them for every action, just to emphasize the important stuff! I shamelessly steal my vocabulary from the people I write with (thanks all of you!). I'm still searching for euphemisms for vagina though.. I feel like I have a short list there!

And I would definitely say don't worry about length... filler is usually just that. I write as much as I'm inspired to and it can sometimes be just a paragraph or two depending on the scene. Just make whatever you write quality and I bet you'll quickly find you write more than you expect.
@Prince: xD There aren't many others to use for 'vagina' or many sensual anatomy parts I've noticed. Kinda funny in an ironic way -- we can find synonyms for almost any other word but when it comes down to sexual natures, we seem to be hesitant. I dunno, that might just be my view =P

@All: Need to sneak out for a bit but will be back. Hope Lily isn't coming off as too much of a 'rich bitch'. I did intend to make her fuckable[/i] likable despite her traits and flaws =P
Making outlines helps me get my post length a little longer and you could always try that too ^^. Long posts can be daunting, just like writing long papers. So do a rough sketch of how you want to get from point A to point B. It's just like English class! Only...yanno...more smutty and people actually sort of like what they're writing. XD

So for example: Paragraph 1 = Reaction to partner's post, Para 2-3 = All the stuff you want to do in order to get to the end game goal (Are you kissing? Licking? Fondling? Teasing? Or maybe it's just how your character is feeling that spurs on the sort of climactic ending.) Para 4 = Something kind of open ended or sort of awesome so your partner has something extra to respond to! Then fill it in, then go back and adjust so that you elaborate on all the bits and pieces like Leatrix said!

Stuff needs elaboration! Even if it's just a little something so that the reader can draw some conclusions. Like...say for a girl's hair: If someone describes a girl's hair to me as -silky-, I imagine it has been conditioned, therefore it would probably smell sweet. Maybe it would tickle if it brushed against you. Or maybe it has been straightened, which would also give it a silky texture, which means she cares enough about her superficial appearance to spend 10 minutes taking a 300 degree flat iron to her maybe she's vain! I dunno! But now I want to read more and find out just because someone told me that 'her hair is silky'!

I SLEPT! For like...5 hours...but whatever, much closer to 8 than 0 ^^. So my brain is a little more functioning today. I have class for the next hour and then a long break til my night one so if you want to wait, I'll have a post done in...2 hours? Or you can go ahead and post, I don't mind =D.
Hooray J! Glad to hear you are somewhat back in the saddle. We'll wait for you.

Another great tutorial and you are another person I learn from! You make me realize how little attention I pay to hair.. hmmm.
Awww thanks ^^. I like playing with you guys, it makes me think...and makes me want to slap Carl sometimes =P.

'Who does she think she is?!' You just wait til they get paired together, I'll show you exactly who she thinks she is Prince! I foresee...riding Carl around like a pony XD

Sooooo I forgot I had a test today! And sorta blasted through the post. Er...move her if you need to, I don't remember being any sort of specific in how she's laying. On her side with legs spread I guess?
@J - Haha, those two together might result in broken furniture and a WWE style cage match! Jamie's such a little thing, she'd have to club Carl or drug him to get the upper hand! I think the position worked out fine. It seems delicious enough in my mind at least!

@Karixia - I loved this order Kylie made in your post from yesterday, btw "Tongue… ass and pussy… now”
I knew that today would be an easier going day. So I am back, hopefully, and as more of my schedual clears I should be able to maintain more frequint posts.
it was great, with a wrinkle thrown in for jamie/carl to deal with!

well, carl will finally be thinking clearly again as he'd been worked up for so long. hopefully they can figure out a way to soothe nadia!
*pokes his head back in*

I'm plotting with javorcek right now on how to deal with the crying sub in need of a hug.

She didn't think a strap-on would help so we are back to the drawing board. Although perhaps if Carl gave nadia the strap-on and offered to tie Jamie down that might perk her up?
*Whack* No you cannot just wander around offering up my girls for strap on play!

T.T be happy you can't see our PMs...we're two bumbling idiots trying to figure this out.

*Is probably the only girl that doesn't know what the hell to do when girls cry except PANIC*
You can mumble... I was just curious... *pokes to see if Karixia is ticklish*

Haha XD... Javorcek is likely right, a strapon might not be the best idea right now. Not even for "vengeance."

I'm playing off a little of my own experience here. Poor dom went a little too far (not harming me or anything, just giving me more than I was ready for) and I completely panicked and freaked out. I forgot the safe word and just started screaming. It was not a pretty sight. As I understand it, a sub literally has to learn to be in that kind of 'head-space' a little at a time, thus the training. So, since were supposed to be playing with people relatively new to all this, it just seemed right that at least one of the submissives had a freak-out-moment. :p

I'm sure you two can handle it. XD

*smirk* aww, you two are so cute!!
Wait - i thought you knew what you were doing?! wasn't that implied when you mocked all my ideas?

shit, we -are- fucked...
*falls over laughing* Oh my god... I some how managed to completely throw two doms at once... I feel like this is a monumental moment.... this is awesome. XD

People are essentially just animals.. when an animal is scared, you lower your voice, speak slowly and calmly, move slowly. If you panic, they get worse. If you remain calm, you eventually calm them by extension. It's really not that hard. ^-^
Just because I have a vagina doesn't mean I know what I'm doing!

But your ideas were really bad...and I couldn't help but mock them. Get her some wine?! Come on man!

This is why I taught high schoolers and not small children! High schoolers don't cry! But I've got this...I think. ^^
Carl brought BDSM for Dummies in his magical duffel bag. He'll go quickly read it! ;)

Thanks leatrix (takes notes for my own personal future reference), but guys can be so unemotional and detached, Carl will be feeling awkward is all! That is what I was planning at least, but j agreed to take the lead as I'm on my phone for a bit.
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