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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Mr Quixotic said:
The 'female as helpless victim' mentality that pervades these boards.

I've been saying this for years now. It's probably one of the biggest issues I have with this place, aside from the overwhelming preference for nothing but smut role-plays.

When I think I feel a bug on my leg, or something, but it's really just the hairs on my legs shifting.
When people don't season hamburgers. What kind of a heathen just slaps a patty together, and doesn't season it? Even if you have to watch your sodium intake there are so many other spices out there that can be used.
When you're talking to someone, and in the middle of something you're saying, they decide to cut in and start talking about something completely different. Like, seriously? I was talking. The fuck is wrong with you?
Mitsu said:
I've been saying this for years now. It's probably one of the biggest issues I have with this place, aside from the overwhelming preference for nothing but smut role-plays.

Have to agree there sadly, I've started just using this site every now and again when I need a smut fix and getting my story based RPs somewhere else.

Probably stems from the fact that most people use the word plot to just mean 'not sex'. The same way literate has been appropriated to mean well-written rather than just able to write.

e.g. Post 1: Hey, let's drive to the park and have public sex! Post 2: Sure! Post three: arrive at park and sex starts...

Well, that's 66% plot right? ... No.

FallenNinja said:
When you're talking to someone, and in the middle of something you're saying, they decide to cut in and start talking about something completely different. Like, seriously? I was talking. The fuck is wrong with you?

Kinda disagree...yeah the interrupting bit, but... my version of disliking it:

When people assume that what they have to say is more important that what you have to say or that you are interested in it just because they are... and you have to sit through a twenty minute rant on 'what that bitch Kelly' did at work today before being allowed to ask what the other wants for dinner which takes twenty seconds.

I'm gonna interrupt, ask what you want for dinner, then let you resume your rant while I'm cooking.
Basically what I meant. I'll elaborate, but first;

When people yell at cars in front of them when they're driving. They won't be able to hear you, and you just annoy/aggravate whoever's in the car with you.

I was in the middle of saying something when the person I was with decided that instead of listening, they were going to start shouting at someone, and then as soon as they were done, decided to start a completely new conversation, as if they hadn't just cut me off, and went on a rant for however long. There's no respect there, and respect is a precious thing to me.

My default reaction is that if that happens to me, I don't want to talk to them any more.
Mitsu said:
When people don't season hamburgers. What kind of a heathen just slaps a patty together, and doesn't season it? Even if you have to watch your sodium intake there are so many other spices out there that can be used.
Fight me IRL....XD Eh I just like my burgers plain like everything else.

Running out of egg whites.
Having a lighter two goddamn minutes ago and now being unable to find it.
Rea said:
Having a lighter two goddamn minutes ago and now being unable to find it.

O-M-F-G THIS... THIS... SHIT RIGHT HERE!! I don't know how many times I've lost a lighter and no one is there... its just ME thats the problem. Ohhh +1 to this good sir!
Yoshie said:
O-M-F-G THIS... THIS... SHIT RIGHT HERE!! I don't know how many times I've lost a lighter and no one is there... its just ME thats the problem. Ohhh +1 to this good sir!
I generally keep matches nearby in case, but this time those won't work. It's easier to light a smoke with a match than it is to try and burn a bowl with one.

I found the lighter though. And two more, haha.
The one kid in my Public Heritage class. I swear hes the white version of Urkel combined with fucking Minkus. As a perfect male specimen (yeah right), I feel bad for him. He must be around my age (Twenty one) and hes already balding. So hes balding and has annoying voice/personality, talk about a double whammy.
When your fav anime has filler episodes

There are anime shows that don't have filler episodes? Read the manga, it doesn't have any fillers.

Flies. They want to drive me more crazy than I am. One even tried to fly into my eye...
Revnarh said:
People who have to play broken characters in every single RP.

What do you mean with that?

Feeling sleepy but not wanting to go to bed yet.

Some people, names not being mentioned, insist on creating a character that is broken in every single RP. The character is either abused, or mentally unstable, or had their heart broken, or has a terrible past, or have powers they can't control, or are isolated and hate everyone. People who make characters that goad others into going "Awh that's so sad here let me give you some attention."

This mostly relates to Group RPs, but still.
Oooooh. I was thinking you meant broken in the overpowered sense. Which is also dreadful.

Hashtag campaigns on Twitter.
Some people, names not being mentioned, insist on creating a character that is broken in every single RP. The character is either abused, or mentally unstable, or had their heart broken, or has a terrible past, or have powers they can't control, or are isolated and hate everyone. People who make characters that goad others into going "Awh that's so sad here let me give you some attention."

That is understandable. I mean, nobody is perfect, but using the same personallity in every rp can be boring no matter how many different roleplays you're having.

Oooooh. I was thinking you meant broken in the overpowered sense. Which is also dreadful.

I hope nobody thinks that I'm too op. I allready try to limit myself so I won't bore people away.

Some people in the comment sections on some sites...and I'm not talking about Youtube...
Vic Rattlehead said:
MellowYellow said:
Hashtag campaigns on Twitter.
This and fucking Tumblr.

Mm. Few things are worse than people thinking they're changing the world or 'fixing the issue' one tweet at a time...

When someone spams your 1x1 thread. Seriously, I just some randomer decide to put five posts down in a row on a thread that he has NO part in.
When people don't season hamburgers. What kind of a heathen just slaps a patty together, and doesn't season it? Even if you have to watch your sodium intake there are so many other spices out there that can be used.

If you're already taking the time to shape a patty, why not use an extra ounce of effort and add seasonings? It's not hard. That confuses me to no end! If you can't grab a pepper shaker, well, I'm worried.

There are anime shows that don't hafe filler episodes? Read the manga, it doesn't have any fillers.

You know what I hate? When mangas aren't as far along as their anime counterparts. Sometimes the production team influences the author's story direction. Can anyone name an instance in which this became a good thing?

People who have to play broken characters in every single RP.

This is even worse if the person's characters have the same personality! Give me some variety. Maybe characters one and two have similar pasts, but that doesn't make them the same person. Honestly though, I think this can be said about any character archetype/trope.

-I'm new to the site, how do you make quote boxes that direct you to the original post?
Rave said:
People who have to play broken characters in every single RP.

OMG I hate being Captain-Save-A-Hoe like really... Now granted I have a storyline called "Come Save Me..." I get so many threads about this storyline and while I do not mind sometimes but at the same time they are 'broken' I mean totally broken! Fucked up, bloody, bruised, raped, scarred and belittled. This storyline bothers me a little because its too much of a hassle in real life.

Now what bothers me about threads is the fact that some people wish for me to do a family plot where the father is in love or rather lust with the daughter or something similar... I do not do these at all. Don't ask...
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