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Other Little Things That Bother You

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When my kitty throws up on top of my dresser so that her vomit falls out of her mouth, over the edge, to land on my work clothes. >8[

I saw her making the gagging motion and was up and telling her to get to down before she coughed something out but she didn't move until she upchucked. Then I'm shooing her to get her down and she hides from me and hisses because she thinks I'm just being a dick and yelling at her. >8[
Pointless threads. What's the point of a thread if everyone gives roughly the same response, and kisses each other's asses in the most desperate of manners?
When people tell you to hit them up when you want to hang out, but when you do they don't reply. Or they say they'll be free in a little bit, THEN you don't hear back from them.
Coming up with a plot only to throw it away. Granted writing the plots are perhaps my favorite aspect of writing, but it annoys me when my ideas don't exactly translate that well to my PC.
SithLordOfSnark said:
MellowYellow said:
Marvel's Movies.
And Agents of SHIELD by extension.

Woah, seriously? Blasphemy.

Yes, seriously. As soon as the movies by Marvel studios moved into 'phase 2' they showed a distinct lack of the kind of creativity found in the source material. The Thor movies are the only ones that come remotely close to being that diverse and free, but compared to the Lee/Kirby stuff or Walt Simonson's Thor, it's rather poor.

Agents of SHIELD is just the dullest shit ever, so fucking passionless and seems to actively resent the great amount of lore that could be gleamed from the source material.
MellowYellow said:
SithLordOfSnark said:
MellowYellow said:
Marvel's Movies.
And Agents of SHIELD by extension.

Woah, seriously? Blasphemy.

Yes, seriously. As soon as the movies by Marvel studios moved into 'phase 2' they showed a distinct lack of the kind of creativity found in the source material. The Thor movies are the only ones that come remotely close to being that diverse and free, but compared to the Lee/Kirby stuff or Walt Simonson's Thor, it's rather poor.

Agents of SHIELD is just the dullest shit ever, so fucking passionless and seems to actively resent the great amount of lore that could be gleamed from the source material.

We'll have to agree to disagree. AoS is my favorite show, and my favorite movie so far is X-Men: Days of Future Past.
//LOL If I vent that long vithout I'd go insane XD! Long before a year expired... but if true, you realy need 2 find someone!//

People vith bad breath vho think thats not noticable 2 others.
People who talk themselves
I'm still a virgin who didn't have had sex for 24 years... *forever alone*

Talking to myself is fun!

Bees bother me. I'm afraid of bees thanks to some bad encounters.
Revnarh said:
I'm still a virgin who didn't have had sex for 24 years... *forever alone*

Talking to myself is fun!

Bees bother me. I'm afraid of bees thanks to some bad encounters.

Agreed. I just hate when bees chase you around in circles.
I don't want to find out weither or not I'm allergic to them...I have enough troubles with my allergies allready...I have hay fever, light allergic asthma and get nearly every year a new allergy, but it goes away with some luck (I was allergic to chocolate for a while when I was five or six years old).
Rats/mouses. Cant stand those things. Not so much that they scare me, they'r just so repulzive! For that mater, any kind of rodent-type animal gives me the creeps. My cousin knovs this, and she loves geting undr my skin, so last year 4 my birth-day she sent me a pet hamster for a present! XD Oggghhhh... at first I vas very close 2 killing the thing, but fortunatly I vas able 2 get rid of it by giving it as present 2 my neighbor's kid, vho loved it. :)
Stormspell Records. I swear I'm going to end up with no money in my accounts, but have my house filled with CDs.
The fact there's more girls than boys in United States.
DelightfulRevenge said:
The fact there's more girls than boys in United States.
Which is a good thing if you're a hetrosexual male or homosexual female XD

I'm going to try to say this in the nicest way I possibly can. I think you guys are putting too much value on sex. Yeah its great and its even the bee's knees, but its not the end of the world if you're not constantly plowing through hoes or riding the cock carousel. I'm going to assume most of you are in college, so sorry if I'm wrong. College is supposed to be the golden years of your sex life, with girls wanting to experiment and have lots of sex. To summarize its stop overvaluing sex and put yourself out there, if you want it so bad.

Not having enough iced tea in the house.

Logic alert, mister Rattlehead XD: Just because I am "out there" as you put it, regarding sex, doesnt mean I dont also like 2 vrite about/imagine it too. Cerebral stimuli is a big thing 4 me, vhen it comes to eros (strangely enogh, not so vith visual stimuli AkA porn - does nothing 4 me - either I have 2 do it or imagine it, vatching it doesnt turn me on). And it gives me plenty of kinky/outlandish ideas for original BDSM setings in RL too. And in fact even helps stimulate the mind in-general. Scientificly proven. But yesssssss... I frely admit I am something of a nympho and sex-addict! :)

Oh thats right you'r vrong - never been 2 college - stoped after high-school and got my-self a job.


People big on vords and small on actions 2 back those vords up (most politicians being a pryme example).
I'm going to try to say this in the nicest way I possibly can. I think you guys are putting too much value on sex. Yeah its great and its even the bee's knees, but its not the end of the world if you're not constantly plowing through hoes or riding the cock carousel. I'm going to assume most of you are in college, so sorry if I'm wrong. College is supposed to be the golden years of your sex life, with girls wanting to experiment and have lots of sex. To summarize its stop overvaluing sex and put yourself out there, if you want it so bad.

Yeah, rub it in. I never had sex before in my whole life (I'm 24 years old) and I'm still living. I just enjoy playing with my toys and roleplay with people on this blue moon (try to imagine how excited and happy I was when I found this site). And don't tell me I should go out to meet people because I'm too shy when it comes to talking to others. Especially when I don't know what I should talk about with them.

What bothers me is that I have some stuff to do and might not have enough time to do everything today...
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